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Names: Carlos Johnny González Chancay.

Josue Abel Bajaña Salazar.

Iesus Rene Davila Aguilar.

Name of the teacher:

Bryan Joao Puruncajas Maza.

Project - Primary and secondary research

Title of the project: Optimization and Simulation of

the Water Bottle Packaging Process.

PAO I 2023 – 2024

Optimization and Simulation of the Water Bottle Packaging Process.

Primary research.
In Ecuador, one of the most profitable markets is the sale and
manufacture of bottled water. Various data affirm that people are
beginning to consume more bottled water and less carbonated
beverages as the years go by, so that in a few years we will be able to
observe brands with greater infrastructure to cover as much of the
national market as possible, trying to displace the carbonated
beverage market.
Water is vital for all living beings, with and its consumption is not
questioned as it could be in the case of soft drinks such as Coca-Cola,
Sprite, Fanta, etc, where its consumption is not necessary for the
existence of the people and in many cases, it is recommended not to
drink this type of soft drink.
Soft drinks have a greater coverage in festive times such as
Christmas, New Year or Carnival where these companies take
advantage of the emotion of people to make them buy their products,
these companies achieve this objective by changing their labels,
packaging, promotions or simply take out a certain special product for
a limited time, but in the case of bottles with water, this type of
incentive is not seen at festive times, with which the margin of
customer coverage in the Ecuadorian market decreases drastically. In
addition, the water bottle market is not a market linked to a universal
image because throughout the year they do not release a special bottle,
a different label or something that relates to the customer over the
years as if It happens in soft drinks because it is known that always at
Christmas time Coca Cola at least brings out a new label with Santa
Clos with a loving face or a family sharing dinner.
The primary investigation was based on knowing the problem in more
depth to improve the typical production line of the bottling and water
fillers so that they can change the type of product at certain times to
the same production line. Market to find a relationship with the client
over the years and with it the annual production increases
Optimization and Simulation of the Water Bottle Packaging Process.

considerably, for obvious reasons by increasing production directly it

is expected that the company's profits will increase.
Secondary research
From a global point of view, water becomes a fundamental element in
emergency situations, natural disasters or where the supply of
drinking water has been cut off or is contaminated.
Times of the manufacturing process.
For the filling, purifying and sealing process, industrial machine times
were taken into consideration in this application of an automated


1Sealing machines Data sheet

Optimization and Simulation of the Water Bottle Packaging Process.

For this flexible manufacturing system we have 4 stages of washing

both inside and outside as their times recommended by the
manufacturer, this changes according to the limitations of the industry
(and its

quality projections) but the margin of change must be very small, so

we will assume it in an average and general form.

Illustration 2Stages of washing the bottle

Next, the times will be detailed considering the data limitations and
the confidentiality of industrial processes, for the following process
we will have filling and sealing times.
Optimization and Simulation of the Water Bottle Packaging Process.

Illustration 3Filling by means of valves automated by PLC

The washing control diagram is observed, which fulfills the same
function, but in the filling process in the three valves that will
dispense the adequate amount of purified water to comply with the
requested parameters. The opening time of the solenoid valve is
T=80.42 seconds, a time that was found in a punctual and theoretical
way for this process.
This is the theoretical time that the solenoid valve must open to fill a
20-liter bottle, but since there are three solenoid valves, this time
varies depending on the drop and if the three work together or
The volume per drum is 20 liters, and the filling time is 15 seconds,
that is, a filling flow of 80lt/min, the flow velocity at the valve
recommended by the manufacturer is 5 to 10 m/s (Automatic Systems
Applied LTDA, 2016)
Sealing system:
Optimization and Simulation of the Water Bottle Packaging Process.

Tire Diagram Illustration4

The capping control diagram is observed, where the input data are the
times set by the operator, the project plant is carried out through the
output and input of the cylinder rod, finally the output of the system is
the amount of time spent in the bottle cap.

Illustration 5General block diagram of a bottle sealing system

The process of activating and deactivating the output of the Q8.2
Timer connected to the solenoid valve in the form of pulses for 10
seconds, performing four actions of the cylinder rod continuously,
ensuring the sealing of the cover.
Important Considerations:
Time by Season . - Optimization for the indicated pressures occurs in
time ranges from 15 to 45 seconds (Anderson/ Rich Consulting ,
2013), the machine will consider 30 seconds for each station.
Regarding the filling:
The default time is established in case one, two or three bottles are
Optimization and Simulation of the Water Bottle Packaging Process.

selected to work, calibrated in time to fill them uniformly. Leaving a

time of 27 seconds for a bottle, 44 seconds for two and 64 seconds for
the three bottles. This is due to the drop in flow when filling with two
or three taps at the same time.

Existing solutions
One of the methods that can be used for a bottle filling machine using
a programmable logic controller (PLC), controller based on the
automation industry. Where the conveyor belt is used to move the
bottle, a dc pump is set to tank to control the flow of water while the
position of the bottle is detected by the infrared sensor so that the
pump can work at the right time. When the bottle is below the tank,
the pump starts and the bottle is filled with water. (Md. Liton Ahmed,

Illustration 6 Flowchart for Assembly of filling machine

Studies and statistics related to the problem

In general, one water filling machine can covers 200-2500ml bottles,
3-10L bottles and 3-5 gallon barrels, PET Bottle, glass bottle, can
filling are all managable. Adopts different filling methods, and
comprehensively considers the sanitation of the operation space and
the layout of the equipment.
Optimization and Simulation of the Water Bottle Packaging Process.

The bottled water sector is growing very quickly around the world,
being one of the safest businesses today. The water business figures
speak for themselves. In the 1970s, the annual volume of bottled
water sold worldwide was around 1 billion litres. In the following
decade consumption doubled, however it is from the 1990s when
growth is already exponential. (Rojas, 2013)
In 2001, Americans spent 6.880 million dollars and in 2006 it was
10.980 million dollars, with a consumption of 25.800 million liters.
This represents an annual growth of more than 9%, according to data
provided by Bevarage Marketing Corporation and the International
BottledWater Association. The Dassain brand, a company belonging
to the Coca Cola group, registered profits of 1,840 million dollars in
the second quarter of 2006, 6.6% more than in the same period of the
previous year. (ECOagricultor, 2013)


Barreiro Bravo, X. L. (2015). Plan de negocio para la creación de una

empresa. Quevedo: Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo.
ECOagricultor. (2013, Julio 22). El gran negocio del agua
embotellada. Retrieved from
El Universo. (2019, diciembre 8). El Universo. Retrieved from
El Universo. (2019, agosto 5). El Universo. Retrieved from
Espinosa, M. V. (2015, septiembre 6). Revista Lideres. Retrieved
Optimization and Simulation of the Water Bottle Packaging Process.

Md. Liton Ahmed, M. &. (2019). Automatic Bottle Filling System
Using PLC Based Controller. Retrieved from
Reilly, K. (2020, diciembre 19). Business Insider. Retrieved from
Rojas, M. M. (2013, Junio 28). El Diario . Retrieved from La moda
del agua embotellada:

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