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To what extent does poverty contributes to crime and violence

Name: Shikaila Lindsay

Candidate number: _________
Center number: 100076
Teacher: Mrs. Morgan-Green
Date: June 10, 2022
Table of Content

Title Page NO.

Plan of Investigation………………………………………………………………………..….1
Reflection 1………………………………………………………………………………….....2
Reflection 2………………………………………………………………………………..…...3
Written Report…………………..………………….…………………………………………..4
Reflection 3.…………….……………………………………………………………………...5
Plan of Investigation

My chosen theme is poverty. My sub-topic focuses on "To what extent does poverty
contribute to crime and violence". I chose this topic because it is an under-rated issue that needs
to be addressed and also to educate others on how many problems such as crime, poverty can
lead to. For my topic, my first source is a video, my second source is a news blog and for my
third source I have chosen a book intended to collect information from watching videos on
YouTube, browsing the internet along with exploring books and articles about poverty. This
SBA will help to expand my vocabulary and also improve my summary writing
and comprehension skills.
Reflection 1

Source 1 is a video entitled "Creating More Opportunities for Young People in the
Caribbean" published in 2018 by the IMF (The International Monetary Fund). This video
demonstrates that due to low economic growth, Caribbean countries struggle to create economic
opportunities for their young people, as a result more social and economic challenges including:
poverty, inequality, unemployment and crime arise. Before watching this video, I was not aware
that one of the reasons there is such high levels of crime is because we have a very large number
of disaffected youth so if we can control the crime it will allow economic growth.
Source 2 is a news blog titled "Crime and Violence linked to Poverty in Caribbean" by The
Borgen Project published on march 22, 2014. This article implies that beyond the protected walls
of the all-inclusive hotels, crime, violence and poverty torments the populations of these
Caribbean nations. Moreover, Poverty affects societies on a social, cultural, psychological and
political level, resulting in increased crime and violence, which then further inhibits a country’s
growth and development, thus leading to more poverty and inequality. Reading this article has
made me aware of things that I had not known of until now such as crime and violence and
poverty plague the people of the Caribbean countries whether top-class areas, ordinary middle-
class, or the even poor hence poverty and crime and violence is all around.
Source 3 is a book entitled "Urban Poverty and Violence in Jamaica" by Caroline Moser and
Jeremy Holland published in 1997. This book showcases that violence is a contributory factor to
urban poverty in Jamaica. It outlines the results of a study undertaken by the World Bank and the
government of Jamaica to focus on the issue of poverty and crime and violence. Before exploring
this book I did not know that violence can take many forms such as political violence, drug
violence, domestic violence and others. I am now aware of this and am truly inspired to educate
others with such matters.
Reflection 2

Source 1 is a video entitled "Creating More Opportunities for Young People in the
Caribbean." This video may be considered a consultative piece as it predominantly gives
professional advice and recommendations for creating more opportunities for the youths, in order
to lessen poverty and crime. For instance " Two policies that would be recommended to change
for the sake of reducing crime, is that we invest more money in social services rather than in
crime control ,the other thing is investing young in our youth and identifying early, the people
most at risk and building their resiliency factors." The tone of this video is formal as focuses on
being thorough and direct, yet respectful. It uses full words, rather than contractions, and
emphasizes facts and grammatical correctness.
Source 2 is a news blog entitled "Crime and Violence linked to Poverty in the Caribbean."
This piece may be classified as formal peace as the information is strictly written in Standard
English. Take for example "A report from the United Nations economic commission for Latin
America and the Caribbean discusses the complexity of poverty and it's multi-level impact on
Caribbean countries. “Alliteration is presented in this source to be specific poverty place the
population of these Caribbean Nations this implies that even beyond upgrading of all-inclusive
hotel the majority of population in the Caribbean continues to battle with Rising rape murder and
poverty levels.
Source 3 is a book entitled "Urban Poverty and Violence in Jamaica." This video may be
considered as formal as it is thoroughly written in Standard English and is presented in a
professional manner for example, “Stories graphically describes how violence not only kills but
also threatens personal safety, limited access to a job and undercut community-based
organization. All forms of visual imagery was described in this book, take for example "They
argued that everyone in the community was poor but drew a distinction between the poor and the
very poor. The poor lacked employment, food or a certain standard of Housing and they had a lot
of children. The "very poor" were extreme examples of this and included a local beggar, a blind
lady and an old man living alone in that tiny shack with no money. This emphasizes that there
are people without a family support network and without the necessary human capital to raise
income, notably the elders.
Written Report

For this SBA, we selected our theme using a strategy by making each member of our group
put in a vote towards the themes our English teacher presented. The most votes went to the
theme of poverty. With the help of our English teacher, we came up with five sub-topics which
are “To what extent does crime and violence contribute to poverty?”, “What are the measures
that the government puts in place to lower poverty rate”, “How does poverty affect students
mentally?”, “How does poverty affect students academically?” and “How does poverty affect
individuals in their daily life?”
Furthermore, the artifacts that were chosen were a video, an article and a blog. These
artifacts were chosen because they were the most detailed out of all the artifacts, they were also
the best that came as close to their topics, they were easy to follow and understand as they were
straight to the point. This took a considerably long time as everyone thought that their artifacts
were better fit and it started multiple debates and arguments throughout the group. Thankfully,
all members within our group were in agreement regarding the three sources chosen.
Our first source selected was a video entitled “Creating more opportunities for young
people in the Caribbean” published in 2018 by the IMF (International Monetary Fund). This
video demonstrates conditions due to low economic growth in the Caribbean along with
providing recommendations in creating more opportunities for their young people in order to
avoid the furthering of social and economic challenges such as poverty, inequality,
unemployment and crime. Our second source is an article entitled “Poverty is the enemy of
education” published in 2010 by the Jamaica Gleaner. This article speaks to the linkage poverty
has to one’s education. Such factors included low self-esteem, surroundings of a bad
environment (not beneficial to learning) and limited resources. Our third source is a blog news
entitled “Reducing the Poverty Rate in Jamaica: Obstacles and Success” published in 2017 by
Jeanine Thomas. This article reveals the obstacles in attaining and reducing poverty (improve the
quality of life), however, it also acknowledges successes that signal the vision is possible.
Several facts are given about efforts to further reduce the poverty rate in Jamaica.
Moreover, the group faced many different kinds of challenges like working cooperatively
because everyone had their own opinion of how something should be done. When we schedule a
time to meet there is always someone to be absent from the meet due to having their time
occupied by simply having internet issues. We resolved everything and met when everyone was
available. Despite the hardship we managed to come together as a group and complete the SBA.
The group met on Google meet to discuss the details and plans on how to go about doing this
SBA. The register was taken by Shikaila Lindsay to ensure all members were in attendance.
Everyone chose their respective paragraph and with no objections, we were all satisfied with our
Reflection 3

The completion of the SBA has positively impacted me as to becoming a better person. As it
relates to my researching skills before doing this SBA to this present moment, I am certain that
my researching skills have improved. Since it was required to do a lot of research as part of this
SBA, the continuous research has helped me to identify authentic sources of information. In
addition to this, I have learnt to avoid plagiarism when researching and as a substitute, to
paraphrase it, as this shows my understanding the source provides well enough to write it in my
own words.

Source 1 -
Source 2 -
Source 3 -

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