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In Walt Whitmans Poem I Hear America Singing he talks about how unified the American

workforce is, as well as a purpose they serve. Where Langston Hughes poem I, Too he talks
about how he doesnt feel represented in the workforce or respected. In I hear America
Singing Whitman uses words like blithe, strong, delicious, and most importantly singing. This
demonstrates the tone of the writing, the American workforce is prosperous and seems to
lack any flaws among it. Thats where in I, Too Hughes says “They send me to the kitchen
When company comes,” (3-4) This contradicts the seeming proud and prideful singing
workforce. It contradicts it by demonstrating that those of color are being hidden away and
arent singing with the rest of the white American Workforce. Although they do both still hold
the similarities of still taking pride in themselves, Whitmans adaptation of the working class
was ultimately lacking the representation and inclusion of those of color.

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