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TIMEWINDOW SERIES TW listening oom placement fexibi ‘The TimeWindow 3 isa handeraftd, high-end loedspesker apabie of ‘stonishing sonic pevformance. Ie! Ide, focused wundtage snd ty are withoutrival in the lndsstey, nefairennar| sumo “ane e8%0 soe am Ra toro athe ath we am a se me share ere eo ab oo sae ase wa aetveronehcor ‘e ws no, no m9 r0 Paso ome | ‘oxo ana shee woos hae ape evaoscme rye | sere vena pee Rend te Tain OURGE Anica aaa Epa UO Decsesioh sea rans ‘str 2 Socios piped UDO INGKICITS {OSSD GAZTIVIDE SIME SIOWINCO NOUVEL AIOLDI sins aaCOS siiouaannu. £ MOCNIMAINLL AHL SCISNI oa aes) WC) 1m the elertiment wil, theres eheyeonept called “suspension of iil” trees creating ard, a seting, or an er 0 authentically, he ‘tukence belies the performances rol ‘The supers of ibe whey Histon o econo masks akanys teceour guar Cm. To deg loudopeaters tha repoustheeuiy eto power an ther-demensioralauraof vem: so fat youelyou'einthe "With he tmtatim of ur orginal Time Window ™ abst 20yerseg, eedemonsraelthesuces ofthis approach. Sin then, wwe expended ur rol! ne, 0 'hat eres now a DCMloudspenkermadeifereory hone au) id system and Budget. All DCM laudspealer motels stare thse performance sahuntege * The billy to play welt Iowand high loudness evel + Exceptional musa definition and sterevimagiog ‘Wide acturtedstritton othe att seal spect + Long erm tering goymest witout fatigue * Rennes cuenta ature digital rcnding ecology Matas acoatcaly ends toy her tong ‘enionmet « Premiu-cultyconsruction and components ong tems dura tty To aclewe thse performance adoantages, DCM hs pioneered new tecknoogs,nluding rarsmisson ie oclesurs tie equalization frees, sruaction cous ls, an oe propttary aac, 53 stn tothe muse youlikeroughDCM Toupee. Plait soy and loully. Si, Stand. And walkround theron, Close your egesand pout tcl nde performer, Beans hes you ste Brough DCA loulspeaors, the diffrence ie eear. tens Rherbach Chief Beelgn Engineer ©: Coinmon TimeWindow Three Owner's Instructions ‘Thank you for choosing the TimeWindow Three. We are confident that you will appreciate your recordings more and moreas time passes, and discover the many benefits of the advanced technologyincorporated into the TimeWindow Three. Tocnsure the best possible satisfaction, you should read these instructions before setting up your new speakers. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TheTimeWindow Threecomesin"miror-imaged” Sym- metrical pairs. There are “left” and “right” cabinets, istin- guished by arrows on the plates atthe top of the back of each. Unit. These arrows indicate the direction ofthe ‘direst sound 1d", and should peint at each other, into the room and away from the side walls. Make sure that you have one of each, and not two “left cor “right” speakers, After unpacking your speakers, you should save the cartons and packing materials, in case you need to return the speakers for service or updates, or incase youmove. The boxes flatten easily if you slit the tape. Sometimes its ensiar to unpack the speakers by open- ing the bottoms of the cartons, then righting them and lifting the cartons off the speakers There isa warranty cand packed with each speaker, but you need only to return one card for both speakers. Put the serial numbers of both units on each card, keeping one card for your records. CONNECTION TO YOUR SYSTEM Set up the speakers so that the "direct sound field" arrowson the piatesat the topof the back of each speaker point toward each other. (See section on "Speaker Placement") Connect the TimeWindow Three to your receiver or powver amplifier with the banana connectors at the speaker Speaker wire: For best results, use 16 gauge, or any. heavy speaker connecting wire recommended! for austiophile Ifthe amplifier or eceiver is located within 10 fect of the speakers, ordinary 18 gauge speaker wire will work satisfacto- rily, For runs of mare than 10 feet, use 16 gauge, or heavier. OF course, when setting the speakers up for the first lume, you will want to leave enough extra wire to make it ‘convenient for you to experiment with speaker placement. Biamplification is not feasible with the TimeWindow Taree, The TimeWindow Three units contain their own pas- sive filters which match the drive unite to each other and provice the usual cressover functions. The filtersuse linear air core coils and mylar capacitors, and contribute insignificant distortion at any sigral levels. Besides frequency dividing and amplitude equelizaton, the retworks provide damping and phase linearization of the drivers. Hence, its not feasible to bypass the ilters withoutlosing thetechnicaladvantages ofthe ‘TimeWindow Three system. Fusing: The TimeWindow Three contains automatic rnon-snechanical thormal protection devices whick protect the bass driver, the midrange driver, and the tweeters separately. They will ellow clean power of up to 500 watts peak io past, assuming that you don’t let the amplifier clip, and that you are Hstening to musical material (wtose average power is less than peak power), Fusingis no! necessary unless you wantad- ditional protection against amplifier malfuncion. For this, we recommend a 3.amp fastblow fuse in series with the “hol” speake: wire at the amplifier end. ADJUSTMENT Distribution controls: The TimeWindow Three con- talns two virtual point source radiating systems. One points inward toward the listening area and creates the “direct sound field’. The other points outward and creates the “ambient sound field’. Tis ambient sound field is adjustable to suit different room environments and listening preferences. The controls to adjust ambient sound are at the top of the back of each speaker. The topmost control adjusts the tweeter level and is labeled "High Frequercy Distribution”. The middle ‘control adjusts the midrange level and is labeled "Mid Fre quency Distribution". When the speakers are set up with the arrows on back pointing toward each other, the “direct sound fel drivers will be pointing into the listening area. The circ inside the speakers ensurethe proper combination of all acous- ticradiation from all ofthe drivers to form anaccurate eeplica- tion of the input signal regardless ofthe settings ofthe distribu- tion controls. This isin contrast to more conventional adjust- able distribution devices which do not take thie eritorion into. consideration, as is done in the TimeWindow Three Setting the controlsto "narrow sends moreacousticen- ergy toward the listening area and results in a more forward and focused image Setting the controls to "wide" widens the sound stage and renders a more natural balance between the direct and ambient sound, People often ask, what setting will result in the most natural balance of sound and the most accurate soundstage perspective? Dependingon what material your room is made ‘and how you place the speakers, the estsettings will vary. your roam orspeaker placementis not symmetrical, youwill discover that different settings arerequiredon each speaker to balance the stero image. This feature is unique with the Time ‘Window Threeand allows accurate stereo imagereproctuction in many listening situations where conventional speakers just won't work properly Usually, it is best to slart with doth control settings at “normal” and vary them one at atime slightly in either direc- tion, each time carefully listening for improvementin natural- ness and accuracy in pinpointing sonic events on the sound- stage. ‘Tweeter level control: The tweeter level control in the ‘TimeWindow Threecontrols hehigh frequency outpatmostly. inthe8 - 15kFlzoctave. l'stangeis + 2dband servesto correct the character of the high frequency balance when the acoustic qualities of thelistening room make the soun: dull ‘The “normal” seting is calibrated atthe factory to give flat response at close range (1 meter) from the speaker. Gener- ally, ‘normat oF lower settings give the most pleasing sound balance, as well as the most accurate impulse response. tcoharshor too, PLACEMENT ‘The TimeWindow Threes are best positioned symmet- rically 6 to 8 feet apart, facing the longest dimension of the listening room, They should be kept outof corners, butmay be placed against the wall orout in the open, Deep bass response fonds to increase when speakers ate nest a wall ‘Thespeakersshould bepositioned sothat one face ofthe V-shaped cabinet front points inward toward thelistering area and the otter face polnts away. Best sonic performance is obtained with the speakers aimed straight ehead rather than toed inward. An exception to this is when the speakers are placed on ‘opposite walls facing each other. The normally right and left speakers are reversed, while the arrows indicating "direct sound field will still point toward the listening area. ‘oct | We wh Because it i€ 4 point source, the TimeWindow Three produces very accurate tonal balance throughout thelIstening. room. However, beesice ofits wide sound cistribution, U is less tendency for the speaker to projector "beam the sound a largedistance. For this reason, theunusual accuracy inherent inthe TimeWindow Threeis best enjoyed within 12 fet of he speakers. The sound field is very coherent and accurate even less than three feet away. Most other speakers do not sound best at closerange because they are not real point sources and you would hear the separate drivers (woofer, midrange and tweeter) working separately if you listened up close. If the listening room has poor acoustics, you can over= come its imitations by placing the speakers ciose together (say 4 to 6 feet apart) and listening near them, Since the Time Window Trees have. well-controlled directivity characteris tig the sound will be accurate and relatively unaffected by room acousiies. Close-up listening, which is uniquely benefi- cal with the TimeWindow Three, is a particularly effective technique when critically aucitioring equipment or record: ings. Thisis possiblebecause the near-field pressure output of the TimeWindow Thrcein its "direct sound field" fsa very close replica of the original acoustic pressure at the microphone, when fine equipment is used throughout therecording-repro- duced chain Another less obvious, beneit is that satis/ying subjec- tivesound level and visceral perception achieved atamatural Toudness level, wile more conventional speakers, with their ‘greater phase shift in the bass region, often require up to 6 db “louder than life’ levels to achieve the same "mind and body’ satisfaction Off-Center listening: The TimeWindow Three isunique inthatit has been designed to project a clear, listenable sound- stage illusion far outside the normal listening space betwoen the speakers. For example, consider the setup illustrated below: In the illustration on the previous page, the interior decorator has placed the speakers on either sideof the fireplace, and arranged the conversation area with the fireplace as the focus. Conventional stereospeakers would sound good only to the listeners on the couch directly between the speakers, and the listeners on the side couches would hear only the nearest speaker. Byadjusting tho diepersion controlson thebaskofthe TimeWindow Threes, it is actually possible o create the illu- sion of centered sterco sound for people sitting on all three couches simultaneously. {tworks because the point source driver modules facing. ‘outward can be reciced in level to the correct proportion causing thenearer speaker to sound further away, while athe same time maintaining the correct tonal balance enabling lis- teners off center to hear the music with clarity and accuracy. When first setting up your speakers, you should experi- ment with the distribution controls and aiso try turning the speakers very slightly inward. Check out the sound at all listening positions. Generally, you will find that the controls only subtly effect the sound on center, waile varying thesound tothe cutside quitea it. Sometimes it iseasier tostartwithall of the dispersion controls set to’ narrow’ and increase the level ‘in small steps until the nearer speaker sounds clear but stil somewhat distant. The center listening position will, of course, always provide the best stereo image, because the on-center listener hears both level and timesdlifference cues stored in the record- ing, Listeners off-center lose the time cues, butcanstill hear ihe level differences between the two channels when the disper- sion coatrolsareset properly. The soniceffecis that the stereo soundstage remains between the speakers, but is playing to- ward alistener seated on center between thespeakers. CALIBRATION Each TimeWindow Threeistestedandcalibrated against areferencestandard at the factory. On the plateat the bottom. of the back of the speaker, above the input jacks is a series of ‘immer potentiometers "trimpots") which are adjusied ai the factory for a performance match tothe reference standard. Itis possible toalter the frequency balance by adjusting these pots, That we don’t recommend that you experiment with them without noting thelr exact positions first, so you can set them back to their originalsettings later. Proper adjustment requires the aid of a high-resolution spectrum analyzer and is best left tothe factory personnel whoare familiar with the calibration procedure, Function of the Calibration Controls: The range of adjustment on the tripots is approximately + 2 db. Together they are suificient tocompensate for tolerance variationsin the various components. These controls acjust ilters with unique phase characteristics, which means that their offect ie different from whatcould beachieved by any "normal" active equalizer, When controls are properly adjusted, the impulse response of the speaker is aneat, clean, avershoot-iree replica ofthe input signal ‘CAL. I" adjusts tweeter level and time-domain ‘compensation of 4 kHz relative to 125 kHe, CAL.2 adjusts tweeter level at4 kHz off-axis, CALS adjusts midrange time-domain compen- sation. _ ._- ee CARE OF YOUR TIME WINDOW THREES ‘The lacquered woed firish may de cleaned with com- ‘mercial furniture polishessuch as Guardsman or Pledge. Use no solvents, If watering plants on top of the speakers, take particular care not tolet water drip onto the wood or the grille. Direct sunlight ay discolor the wood and fade thegrille. Keep the speakers away fram radiators, forced air heating registers, orother hea! sources. Dust may be wiped from the grill cloth with a plece of felt, or carefully vacuumed ifnecessary. CONCLUSION Ifyou have any questions concerning these speskers or theseinsiruetions, please feel free to contactthefactory by leter ‘orphone, It you write, please include your phone number. We hope that your TimeWindow Three loudspeakers: will provideyouwith countless hours of listening pleasure or many years to come, TimeWindow Three Technical Specifications Sensitivity 8943 seble Power Range 5 watts min 400 wetts max. Impedance Bokms Frequency Range 24-20,000 Hz Enclosure Type Folded transimission line sysiem Driver Complement 2-374 soft dome tweeters 1-61/2 inch driver 1-8inch woofer Dimensions 39178 K161/2 128" HxWxD Weight 45 Ibe exch ‘te aagam sb sows ne miror-ragee Pi fascanemanoaer (513 (:9cm seh pasiecoro:ves0) {ilps ures {sttued so, (GU Aion Bled.» Ann Arbo Ml 48108 Gis raw + Fae ISIE DCM tinwwintonsie The difference is clear

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