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Vol. 48, No. 12, December 2003, pp 3382–3394

DOI 10.1002/art.11347
© 2003, American College of Rheumatology

Indentation Testing of Human Cartilage

Sensitivity to Articular Surface Degeneration

Won C. Bae,1 Michele M. Temple,1 David Amiel,1 Richard D. Coutts,1

Gabriele G. Niederauer,2 and Robert L. Sah1

Objective. To determine, for clinical indentation degeneration as indicated by macroscopic appearance,

testing of human articular cartilage, the effects of aging India ink staining, and histopathology score.
and degeneration on indentation stiffness and tradi- Conclusion. The indentation stiffness of the nor-
tional indices of cartilage degeneration; the relationship mal to mildly degenerate samples tested in this study
between indentation stiffness and indices of degenera- was sensitive to mild degeneration at the articular
tion; and the sensitivity and specificity of indentation surface and was insensitive to changes associated with
stiffness to cartilage degeneration. normal aging or to slight variations in cartilage thick-
Methods. Osteochondral cores from femoral con- ness. This suggests that indentation testing may be a
dyles of cadaveric human donors were harvested. Sam- useful clinical tool for the evaluation of early-stage
ples were distributed into experimental groups based on degenerative changes in articular cartilage.
donor age (young [20–39 years], middle [40–59 years],
and old [>60 years]), and a macroscopic articular Short-duration indentation testing is being con-
surface appearance that was either normal or mildly sidered as a diagnostic tool for assessing the biomechani-
degenerate, without deep erosion. Samples were ana- cal properties of human cartilage (1–6). In the labora-
lyzed for indentation stiffness, cartilage thickness, India tory setting, indentation tests of long duration have been
ink staining (quantitated as the reflected light score), performed routinely on human or animal tissue as an
and Mankin-Shapiro histopathology score. end point (post mortem) method of evaluation (7–13).
Results. Indentation stiffness, India ink staining, In the clinical setting, however, such traditional labora-
and the histopathology score each varied markedly tory tests are not practical because of the long duration
between normal-sample and degenerate-sample groups of the test and the large size of the test apparatus.
but varied relatively little between normal samples Short-duration indentation testing, performed using an
obtained from different age groups. A decrease in arthroscopic probe, may be useful and appropriate in the
indentation stiffness (softening) correlated with a de- clinical setting.
crease in the reflectance score and an increase in the A short-duration indentation test of articular
overall histopathology score, especially the surface ir- cartilage in adult humans may be affected by both
regularity component of the histopathology score. Re- degenerative changes and normal age-associated
ceiver operating characteristic analysis suggested that changes in the cartilage. Although several biomechanics
the indentation testing could accurately detect cartilage studies have analyzed human articular cartilage using a
rapid indentation test (2,4–6,12,14–17), and others have
Won C. Bae, MS, Michele M. Temple, MS, David Amiel, examined the relationships between short-duration in-
PhD, Richard D. Coutts, MD, Robert L. Sah, MD, ScD: University of dentation stiffness and traditional measures of cartilage
California–San Diego, La Jolla; 2Gabriele G. Niederauer, PhD: Os- degeneration (5,14,17,18), the effects of normal aging
teoBiologics, Inc., San Antonio, Texas.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Robert L. and mild cartilage degeneration remain to be estab-
Sah, MD, ScD, Department of Bioengineering, 9500 Gilman Drive, lished. The establishment of baseline indentation mea-
Mail Code 0412, University of California–San Diego, La Jolla, CA surements for articular cartilage in the setting of normal
92093-0412. E-mail:
Submitted for publication October 8, 2002; accepted in re- aging would be useful to help interpret an indentation
vised form August 8, 2003. test result in the clinical setting. Determination of the

sensitivity to features of mild degeneration would help thickness increases to a sufficient degree, the indenta-
define the efficacy of indentation testing as a method of tion stiffness is predicted to become essentially indepen-
cartilage evaluation and would also help determine the dent of thickness. However, the indentation stiffness of
basis for variations in indentation stiffness. human articular cartilage is likely to depend also on
The extent of articular cartilage degeneration has complex features, such as depth variation in tissue
traditionally been analyzed by macroscopic viewing and biomechanical material properties (32), especially the
histopathologic grading. Macroscopically, the grading tensile modulus of the superficial region (33), which
system described by Collins (19) distinguishes early decreases with advancing age (34). Such variations, as
degeneration by defining grade 0 as cartilage with a well as structural features (e.g., fissures) associated with
smooth surface and grade 1 as cartilage with fibrillation degeneration (27), are not easily incorporated into the-
limited to the superficial zone; grades 2–4 describe oretical models.
cartilage with increasing levels of erosive degeneration. Experimentally, short-duration indentation stiff-
The application of India ink highlights surface abnor- ness has been related to structural measures of cartilage
malities and characterizes the increase in cartilage de- degeneration. The indentation stiffness of human fem-
generation with increasing age (20). India ink contains oral head samples was found to be markedly decreased
carbon black particles and clusters with a diameter of in samples with a gross structural grade of osteoarthritis
⬃40–100 nm (21,22). Such India ink particles are pre- but variably decreased in samples with a gross grade of
vented from entering into normal articular cartilage, the mild degeneration (17,18). The relationship between
average pore size of which is ⬃6 nm (23), but are able to indentation stiffness and cartilage degeneration has
stain cartilage that has articular surface fibrillation (24). been clarified somewhat by more detailed histopatho-
India ink particles are entrapped in surface irregular- logic analysis. Indentation stiffness was decreased in
ities and also adhere to fibrillated cartilage (21). Be- human patellar samples with surface fibrillation (14) and
cause India ink particles absorb and scatter incident in relatively old (mean age 65 years) human femoral
light (25), the reflection of light from cartilage depends condyle samples with increasing Mankin scores (28).
on the degree of India ink staining. Application of More detailed studies would be useful to assess further
digital video imaging and analysis to the surface of whether indentation stiffness is affected by age or
ink-stained cartilage samples allow for quantitation and surface-specific structural measures of cartilage degen-
localization of degeneration over broad surface areas of eration, especially in early stages.
joints (26). The receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
Histopathologic analysis has provided more de- curve can be used to define the performance of a
tailed structural information about cartilage degenera- diagnostic test (35,36). A ROC plot illustrates the rela-
tion, from superficial fraying and splitting of the articu- tionship between the proportion of true-positive and
lar surface in mild cases, to deep fissures and extensive false-positive cases for a population of test samples and
erosion extending beyond the superficial layer of the either specific test results or result thresholds that
cartilage in advanced cases (27). Histopathologic fea- attempt to distinguish disease from nondisease cases. In
tures of articular cartilage structure, cartilage cellularity, addition, the shape of the ROC plot and the area under
and tidemark integrity, as well as histochemical staining the ROC plot are features that indicate the diagnostic
of glycosaminoglycan with Safranin O, are often tallied accuracy of a test (36,37). Such ROC analysis has not
using the Mankin scoring system (28), or the modified been applied previously to indentation stiffness to test
Mankin scoring system described by Shapiro and Glim- for various indicators of cartilage degeneration.
cher (29), to grade the severity of osteoarthritic cartilage The objectives of this study on human articular
degeneration. cartilage were to determine 1) how indentation cartilage
The relationships between the indentation stiff- stiffness, measured using a handheld arthroscopic probe
ness and the material and structural properties of carti- (3), varies within a sample as well as between samples, as
lage have been analyzed theoretically with simplifying a function of donor age and tissue degeneration, 2) how
model assumptions and have been examined experimen- these indentation stiffness values correlate with struc-
tally in a number of studies. Theoretically, the indenta- tural indices of cartilage degeneration, including India
tion stiffness of articular cartilage has been related to the ink staining, histopathology, and cartilage thickness, and
biomechanical material properties (i.e., Young’s modu- 3) the sensitivity and specificity of indentation stiffness
lus and Poisson’s ratio) of cartilage tissue as well as the measurements to the indices of degeneration by ROC
thickness of the cartilage layer (30,31). As cartilage analysis.
3384 BAE ET AL

MATERIALS AND METHODS this method of cartilage thickness determination provided

values similar to those measured on histologic sections ob-
Sample preparation. Using a surgical coring device tained from near the center of the core (Pearson’s correlation,
(Osteochondral Autograft Transfer System; Arthrex, Naples, slope ⫽ 0.99, R2 ⫽ 0.42).
FL), 10-mm–diameter osteochondral cores were harvested Histopathologic analysis. An osteochondral fragment
from the anterior region of the lateral and medial femoral containing the indentation site was obtained for histopatho-
condyles of fresh (not previously frozen) cadaveric human logic analysis. The fragment was isolated using a 3.5-mm–
knee joints, obtained from tissue banks. Each core was notched diameter biopsy punch (part no. 33-33; Miltex Instrument
at the posterior edge to maintain orientation throughout Company, Bethpage, NY), fixed by immersion in 10% neutral-
testing, immersed in a solution of Dulbecco’s phosphate buffered formalin with 1% cetylpyridinium chloride, decalci-
buffered saline (PBS; 2.667 mM KCl, 1.471 mM KH2PO4, 138 fied, embedded in paraffin, sectioned to 6 ␮m, and stained with
mM NaCl, 8.1 mM Na2HPO4–7H2O [pH 7.2]), and proteinase Safranin O–fast green (43). Images of the full-thickness carti-
inhibitor (PI; 1 mM phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride, 2 mM lage were obtained on an inverted microscope (Nikon Eclipse
disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate, 5 mM benzamidine– TE300; Nikon, Melville, NY) using transmitted light micros-
HCl, and 10 mM N-ethylmaleimide) (38) at 4°C for 1 hour, and copy at magnifications of 4⫻ and 10⫻ (field of view [FOV]
then stored at ⫺70°C until the time of testing. Previous studies 2.5 ⫻ 3.9 mm2 and 1.0 ⫻ 1.5 mm2, respectively) and a digital
demonstrated that indentation stiffness measurements are not camera (Kodak Microscopy Documentation System 290; East-
affected by a single freeze–thaw cycle (18,39–41). man Kodak, New Haven, CT). The 4⫻ images were used to
Indentation testing. Each sample was thawed by im- observe overall structural characteristics of the section, while
mersion in PBS plus PI at ⬃22°C and clamped at the bony the 10⫻ images were used in the analysis of cellularity.
region into a custom jig to stabilize the sample. Then, inden- These images were then analyzed for degeneration by
tation testing was performed at a site near the center, 3.5 mm determining a histopathology score (29). This histopathology
away from the edge opposite the notch, using a handheld score combined the gross characteristics of articular cartilage
ACTAEON Probe (OsteoBiologics, San Antonio, TX). With with the histologic appearances of surface irregularity, vertical
each manual trigger, the ACTAEON Probe advanced its clefts into the transitional zone, vertical clefts into the radial
nonporous, hemispheric 1-mm–diameter tip to a depth of up zone, transverse clefts, cloning, hypocellularity, and Safranin O
to 100 ␮m for a duration of up to 0.25 second, and provided a staining. Each characteristic was given a score of 0–2 or 0–3,
stiffness measurement on a scale of 0–99. The probe was with 0 representing normal and 2 or 3 representing severe
calibrated to American Society for Testing and Material type degeneration. The sum of these scores provided the overall
A durometer standards (ASTM D2240). On this scale, a histopathology score (scale 0–15), with a relatively high score
relatively low value indicates a relatively soft sample. For each corresponding to a relatively degenerate cartilage sample. In
cartilage specimen, a total of 9 stiffness measurements were addition, the surface irregularity component of the histopa-
obtained at the indentation site. To achieve this, the probe tip thology score was added separately to assess surface-specific
was applied 3 times to the test site location, triggered consec- structural degeneration in each sample.
utively 3 times during each application, and removed from the Experiment 1: sources of variation in indentation
test site. The stiffness of the sample was calculated as the stiffness. The sources of variability in indentation stiffness
average of these 9 measurements. This measurement proce- measurements were assessed in twenty 10-mm–diameter hu-
dure typically required ⬍15 seconds for an individual sample. man osteochondral cores. These samples were chosen at
India ink staining and image analysis. Samples were random and thus included a wide range of donor ages and
analyzed by India ink staining and video image analysis to stages of cartilage degeneration. Three observers indepen-
obtain a light reflectance score, as described previously (42). dently tested the same cores, and both intraobserver and
Briefly, the articular surface was swabbed with a solution of interobserver sources of variability were assessed. Because
India ink in PBS plus PI (1:5), wiped to remove excess ink, and variability was likely to depend on the extent of degeneration,
imaged (8-bit, gray scale, 640 ⫻ 480 pixels, 0.1 mm ⫻ 0.1 mm the samples were categorized into 4 experimental groups,
per pixel) using a video acquisition card (LG3; Scion, Freder- based on their average indentation stiffness score (⬍30, 30–50,
ick, MD) and NIH Image 1.59 software (National Institutes of 50–70, and ⬎70).
Health, Bethesda, MD) on a Power Macintosh 7100/80 (Apple The data were analyzed to determine the extent of
Computer, Cupertino, CA). Light reflectance scores from the intraobserver variability, particularly that attributable to “trig-
cartilage surface in the images were normalized to gray-scale gering” of the probe (3 consecutive triggers without moving the
calibration targets (Q13; Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY) that probe) and “manual repositioning” of the probe (removal of
were chosen to approximate the reflectance of light from the probe tip from the cartilage surface, reapplication of the
normal, nonstaining cartilage (gray no. 3 normalized value ⫽ probe tip, and measurement). The measures of variability were
1) and fibrillated, maximally ink-stained cartilage (gray no. 19 the standard deviation (SD), the root mean squared coefficient
normalized value ⫽ 0). A relatively low reflectance score of variation (CV) of repeated measurements (44), and the
corresponds to relatively high India ink staining and cartilage standardized CV (sCV; CV normalized to population variabil-
degeneration. ity) (45,46). Interobserver variability was calculated as the SD,
Cartilage thickness measurement. The thickness of the CV, and the sCV of the sample indentation stiffness (i.e.,
articular cartilage of each core was measured by obtaining and the average of all 9 measurements on a sample as determined
analyzing cartilage images. Each core was positioned to enable by an individual observer) between the 3 observers. In addi-
imaging at 6 equally spaced circumferential locations. The tion, to check for any systematic changes in indentation
thickness of cartilage was calculated as the average of the 6 stiffness (e.g., those attributable to cumulative creep) during
measurements for each sample. Control studies confirmed that triggering, each of the 3 consecutive measurements (3 trigger-

Figure 1. Representative photographs (A and B) and corresponding histologic micrographs

(C and D; Safranin O–fast green stained) of young-age normal and old-age degenerate human
cartilage specimens, respectively. The articular surface is intact in the young-age normal sample
and is roughened in the old-age degenerate sample.

ings) were linearly regressed to values of 1, 2, and 3, respec- young-age normal (YN), middle-age normal (MN), middle-age
tively, and the resulting slopes were averaged. A slope of 0 degenerate (MD), old-age normal (ON), and old-age degen-
indicated zero variability during triggering. Similarly, system- erate (OD). Insufficient numbers of samples were obtained for
atic changes during repositioning were assessed for 3 reposi- a young-age degenerate group. Together, these samples were
tionings in each sample. No cumulative creep was observed obtained from 38 human donors (17 women and 21 men), with
during either triggering or repositioning, because the slopes 36 from the lateral femoral condyle (LFC) and 34 from the
(mean ⫾ SD) of linear fits were 0.3 ⫾ 2.5 and ⫺0.6 ⫾ 3.5, medial femoral condyle (MFC). Samples were tested by inden-
respectively. tation testing, India ink staining and image analysis, cartilage
Experiment 2: indentation stiffness and indices of thickness measurements, and histopathologic analysis, as de-
cartilage degeneration. The relationship between indentation scribed above. The resultant data were analyzed statistically (as
stiffness and indices of cartilage degeneration was analyzed follows), using SYSTAT 9 software (Systat, Richmond, CA).
using seventy 10-mm–diameter osteochondral cores. These Effects of location, aging, and degeneration. Several
samples were selected based on a macroscopic articular surface statistical methods were used to determine the effects of
appearance that was either smooth (normal, n ⫽ 58) (Figure anatomic location (LFC and MFC) and experimental group
1A) or roughened (degenerate, n ⫽ 12) (Figure 1B). In (YN, MN, MD, ON, and OD) on indentation stiffness, the
addition, samples were categorized into 3 adult age groups: reflectance score, cartilage thickness, and histopathology
young (20–39 years, n ⫽ 18), middle (40–59 years, n ⫽ 24), and scores (overall score as well as scores for individual character-
old (ⱖ60 years, n ⫽ 28). This provided sample groups of istics). First, to investigate the effect of LFC and MFC
3386 BAE ET AL

locations, t-tests were performed to compare LFC and MFC positives for macroscopic degeneration). Thus, the sensitivity
samples for each of the 5 experimental groups, with ␣ ⬍ 0.01 at the indentation stiffness cutoff value of 50 was 0.92 (11 of
(Bonferroni adjustment) used as the significance level to 12). For specificity, at the indentation stiffness cutoff value of
reflect multiple planned comparisons. 50, there were 58 data points from macroscopically normal
The effect of each experimental group (YN, MN, MD, samples (total negative), of which 55 had indentation stiffness
ON, and OD) within each of the LFC and MFC locations was values of ⬎50 (true negative). Thus, the specificity was 0.95 (55
analyzed separately by one-way analysis of variance of 58). Using these methods, sensitivity and specificity values
(ANOVA). Using Tukey’s test, the effect of aging was deter- were calculated for a range of indentation stiffness cutoff
mined by comparing the normal-sample groups (YN, MN, and values.
ON), while the effect of degeneration was assessed by com- For the calculation of the sensitivity and specificity of
paring the YN (young adult control tissue) against all indentation stiffness to other indices of degeneration (i.e., the
degenerate-sample groups (MD and OD) as well as by com- reflectance score and the overall histopathology score), thresh-
paring normal and degenerate samples in age-matched groups old values for each index were needed in order to classify the
(i.e., MN versus MD, and ON versus OD). (Because many of sample as apparently normal or degenerate, based on the value
the LFC and MFC samples were obtained from different of the index. This allowed segregating the scatter plot of data
donors, the alternative statistical approach of repeated- (the indentation stiffness score versus the index of degenera-
measures ANOVA and nonparametric Wilcoxon’s tests was tion) into 4 quadrants of true positive, true negative, false
not used, because such an approach would have disregarded a positive, and false negative. The status of being true or false
large portion of the data.) Analogously, for the nonparametric would be determined by the value of the index, and the status
measures (i.e., the histopathology score), the effects of LFC of being positive or negative would be determined by the value
and MFC locations were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U of the indentation stiffness score. Examples chosen to illustrate
test (with adjusted significance level), and the effect of the the effects of varying threshold values were determined as a)
experimental group within each of the LFC and MFC locations the average value for all macroscopically normal samples, b)
was analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn’s test. the average for all macroscopically degenerate samples, and c)
Data are presented as the mean ⫾ SEM, unless indicated the midpoint value between the two, to segregate samples that
otherwise. are roughly normal from those that are roughly degenerate.
Relationships between indentation stiffness and indices of For reflectance scores, values below the threshold value indi-
degeneration. To determine which of the many parameters cated degenerate samples. For histopathology scores, values
were closely related to each other, a factor analysis using the above the threshold value indicated degenerate samples. Once
method of principal components was performed. Indentation the data were segregated in this way, sensitivity and specificity
stiffness, reflectance score, cartilage thickness, overall histopa- were computed for a range of indentation stiffness cutoff
thology score, and donor age were the parameters included for values.
this analysis. The principal components matrix was computed, To describe the tradeoff between sensitivity to and
and the loading coefficients (describing how each parameter specificity for each of the above indices of degeneration, ROC
contributed to each factor) were obtained. For each factor, the plots were generated. For an ideal test, all of the normal and
dominant contributors were identified as those whose coeffi- diseased samples would be segregated perfectly (e.g., by using
cients (ranging from ⫺1 to ⫹1) had an absolute value of ⬎0.5. a single cutoff value). In such a case, the ROC plot would rise
As many factors as were necessary were calculated, in order to vertically and reach a plateau after achieving maximum sensi-
account for each parameter as a dominant contributor. tivity, with a resulting area under the curve of 1. Conversely,
In addition, analyses were conducted to determine for the worst possible test, the ROC plot would be a straight
whether indentation stiffness was related to cartilage thickness line with a slope of 1, resulting in an area under the curve of
or surface damage. Indentation stiffness was correlated to the 0.5. Thus, the ability of indentation testing to distinguish
reflectance score and cartilage thickness by parametric univar- between normal and degenerate samples, as indicated by
iate linear regression analysis (47). Indentation stiffness was various indices of degeneration, was determined as the area
correlated to the histopathology scores by the nonparametric under the ROC curve.
Spearman’s rank method (47) (because the subjective histopa-
thology score was an ordinal variable rather than a continuous
variable). RESULTS
Sensitivity and specificity of indentation stiffness to indi-
ces of degeneration. To determine the accuracy of the indenta- Experiment 1: sources of variation in indentation
tion stiffness measurements in distinguishing various tradi- stiffness. The variation in measurements of indentation
tional indices of cartilage degeneration, sensitivity and stiffness was attributable to both intrasample and inter-
specificity values were determined. The sensitivity of indenta-
tion stiffness to macroscopic degeneration was determined as sample factors. For an individual sample, the variation
the proportion of the number of data points from macroscop- due to triggering was generally less than that due to re-
ically degenerate samples (by indentation stiffness), of the total positioning, in all groups (Table 1). The variation in the
number of data points from macroscopically degenerate sam- indentation stiffness score due to triggering (SDtrigger)
ples (true positives/total positives), at a particular indentation ranged from 2.4 to 3.4 for the different experimental
stiffness cutoff value. For example, at an indentation stiffness
cutoff value of 50, there were 12 data points from macroscop- groups, with the corresponding CVtrigger ranging from
ically degenerate samples (total positive), of which 11 had 3.5% to 13.1%. The variation due to repositioning
indentation stiffness values of ⬍50 (and therefore were true (SDreposition) ranged from 2.9 to 5.6 (CVreposition 6.7–

Table 1. Intersample and intrasample indentation stiffness variability in experiment 1*

Intrasample variability

Intersample variability
Group, Interobserver Repositioning Triggering
indentation No. of
score† Avg SD SD/Avg samples SD CV sCV SD CV sCV SD CV sCV
⬍30 24 2.2 9.4 4 4.4 21.4 13.7 3.3 16.4 10.4 2.6 13.1 8.4
30–50 37 4.5 12.0 4 8.3 24.3 15.5 5.6 18.2 11.6 3.4 10.8 6.9
50–70 63 4.1 6.6 9 5.3 9.6 6.1 3.4 7.6 4.9 2.9 5.6 3.6
⬎70 77 5.5 7.2 3 8.1 12.5 8.0 2.9 6.7 4.3 2.4 3.5 2.3
All 52 19.4 37.4 20 6.2 16.6 10.6 3.7 11.9 7.6 2.0 9.0 5.7

* Values for SD/Avg (standard deviation/average), CV (coefficient of variation), and sCV (standardized CV) are expressed as percentages. For each
group, there were 3 observers, 3 repositionings, and 3 triggerings.
† Samples were analyzed as 4 experimental groups, based on their average indentation stiffness score.

18.2%). In comparison, the variation between observers vidual sample, relative to the variation between samples
was slightly greater, with the SDobserver ranging from 4.4 of the same experimental group.
to 8.3 (CVobserver 9.6–24.3%). However, the interob- Indentation stiffness was slightly different be-
server variation in stiffness measurement for a particular tween the MFC and LFC locations for certain experi-
sample was smaller than the overall variation between mental groups, and was markedly different among the
cartilage samples (SD 19, CV 37.4%) (Table 1). experimental groups within the LFC and MFC locations
Experiment 2: indentation stiffness and indices (Figures 2A and B). YN samples were stiffer at the LFC
of cartilage degeneration. Effects of aging and degenera- location (P ⬍ 0.05) than at the MFC location (difference
tion. Indentation stiffness. The major source of variation in indentation stiffness score ⫽ 9). Other experimental
in experiment 2, like that in experiment 1, was between groups (MN, MD, ON, and OD) did not show statisti-
samples. The intrasample variations for repositioning cally significant differences between the LFC and MFC
(SDreposition 2.5–4.1, CVreposition 5.8–16.0%) (Table 2) locations. In contrast, at both the LFC and MFC loca-
and triggering (SDtrigger 2.4–3.2, CVtrigger 4.9–12.0%) tions, indentation stiffness varied markedly (P ⬍ 0.001)
(Table 2) in experiment 2 were generally similar to those among the sample groups, particularly between the
in experiment 1 (Table 1), especially considering groups normal-sample and degenerate-sample groups. For both
with similar (average) stiffness values. The interobserver the LFC and MFC locations, the normal-sample age
variations in experiment 1 (Table 1) were also generally groups (YN, MN, and ON) had stiffness values that were
smaller than the intersample variations within the indistinguishable (P ⬎ 0.8). In contrast, the degenerate-
groups of experiment 2 (SD 4.2–13.9, CV 4.2–37%) sample groups (OD and MD) had stiffness values that
(Table 2). Thus, the indentation test protocol provided were significantly lower than those of the YN group
measurements that were reasonably precise for an indi- (P ⬍ 0.001 in each case) as well as the age-matched

Table 2. Indentation stiffness variability in experiment 2*

Intrasample variability
Intersample variability
Repositioning Triggering
No. of
Group Avg SD SD/Avg samples SD CV sCV SD CV sCV
YN 68 7.1 10.4 18 3.2 5.8 5.6 2.6 4.9 4.7
MN 65 10.2 15.7 20 2.5 6.3 6.0 2.8 5.6 5.4
MD 30 4.2 14.0 4 2.9 9.9 9.5 2.4 10.5 10.1
ON 65 10.0 15.5 20 4.1 9.6 9.2 2.8 5.7 5.5
OD 37 13.9 37.3 8 4.0 16.0 15.4 3.2 12.0 11.5
All 60 15.2 25.2 70 3.4 9.0 8.6 2.6 5.5 5.2

* Values for SD/Avg (standard deviation/average), CV (coefficient of variation), and sCV (standardized CV) are expressed as percentages. For each
group, there were 3 repositionings and 3 triggerings. YN ⫽ young-age normal; MN ⫽ middle-age normal; MD ⫽ middle-age degenerate; ON ⫽
old-age normal; OD ⫽ old-age degenerate.
3388 BAE ET AL

mental groups within the LFC and MFC locations

(Figures 2C and D). Both the MN and ON groups had
significantly (P ⬍ 0.05) greater reflectance scores (by
⬃0.2) at the LFC location than at the MFC location,
while the other groups (YN, MD, and OD) had similar
(P ⫽ 1.0) reflectance scores at both locations. Similar to
the pattern for indentation stiffness, normal and degen-
erate samples showed large differences in the reflec-
tance score at the LFC location. Although normal-
sample groups (YN, ON, and MN) had reflectance
scores that were not statistically different (P ⬎ 0.08 in
each case), degenerate-sample groups (MD and OD)
had reflectance scores that were generally lower than
those of the YN group (by ⬃0.3–0.5) as well as the
corresponding age-matched normal-sample groups (MN
and ON, respectively, by ⬃0.3). At the MFC, the reflec-
tance score was also higher in the YN group than in all
other groups. However, there was no difference (P ⬎
0.90 in each case) between normal-sample and
degenerate-sample groups of either middle or old age
(i.e., MN versus MD, and ON versus OD). These results
indicate that after India ink staining, the reflectance
score varied with normal aging and degeneration in a
location-dependent manner.
Cartilage thickness. Cartilage thickness was sim-
ilar for the LFC and MFC locations and between all
experimental groups. Planned comparisons between the
MFC and LFC for each experimental group did not
reveal any effect of anatomic location (P ⫽ 1.0 for each
group). In addition, the experimental groups showed
negligible effects of normal aging and degeneration at
the LFC (P ⫽ 0.6) (Figure 2E) and MFC (P ⫽ 1.0)
(Figure 2F) locations. Cartilage thickness averaged
Figure 2. Indentation stiffness score (A and B), reflectance score 2.19 ⫾ 0.07 mm for LFC samples and 2.13 ⫾ 0.07 mm
(C and D), cartilage thickness (E and F), and histopathology scores of for MFC samples.
overall (G and H) and surface irregularity characteristics (I and J),
Histopathology score. The overall histopathology
grouped according to adult age and macroscopic grade, as well as
anatomic location. Surf. irreg. ⫽ surface irregularity; YN ⫽ young-age scores were similar between LFC and MFC locations but
normal, MN ⫽ middle-age normal, MD ⫽ middle-age degenerate, varied markedly among experimental groups within the
ON ⫽ old-age normal, OD ⫽ old-age degenerate; LFC ⫽ lateral LFC and MFC locations (Figures 2G and H). The
femoral condyle; MFC ⫽ medial femoral condyle. Values are the histopathology scores were similar for LFC and MFC
mean and SEM. ⴱ ⫽ P ⬍ 0.05; ⴱⴱ ⫽ P ⬍ 0.01; ⴱⴱⴱ ⫽ P ⬍ 0.001.
locations in each experimental group (P ⬎ 0.4). For the
LFC location (Figure 2G), the normal-sample groups
(YN, MN, ON) had histopathology scores (average
normal-sample groups (ON and MN, respectively; P ⬍ 2.1 ⫾ 1.3) that were indistinguishable (P ⫽ 1.0). Here,
0.05 in each case). The difference in indentation stiffness the degenerate-sample groups had histopathology scores
between the normal-sample and degenerate-sample that either were significantly higher than those of the
groups was ⬃30, which was much greater than the YN group as well as the age-matched normal-sample
difference between the LFC and MFC locations for each groups or that exhibited strong trends for such differ-
experimental group. ences. For the MFC location (Figure 2H), the normal-
Reflectance score. The reflectance score was sample groups showed an age-related change, with a
markedly different between the MFC and LFC locations significant (P ⬍ 0.01) increase in histopathology score
for certain experimental groups, and among the experi- from YN (mean ⫾ SD 1.6 ⫾ 0.2) to ON (3.9 ⫾ 0.3). In

Table 3. Principal components analysis* (␳2 ⫽ 0.44) (Figure 3C). A decrease in indentation
Parameter Factor 1 Factor 2 stiffness was also related to an increase in the surface
irregularity characteristic of the histopathology score
Reflectance score ⴚ0.858 ⫺0.048
Histopathology overall score 0.843 0.012 (␳2 ⫽ 0.34) (Figure 3D). However, indentation stiffness
Indentation stiffness score ⴚ0.804 0.079 showed no correlation with cartilage thickness (R2 ⫽
Age 0.726 0.292 0.01) (Figure 3B).
Cartilage thickness 0.090 0.985
Sensitivity and specificity of indentation stiffness to
% of total variance explained by the factor 53.3 20.0 the indices of degeneration. As expected, the sensitivity of
* Dominant parameters are shown in boldface. Except where indicated indentation stiffness to macroscopic degeneration in-
otherwise, values are the loading coefficient of variation. creased with an increasing cutoff value for the indenta-
tion stiffness score, while specificity exhibited the oppo-
addition, at the MFC location, the degenerate samples site trend. Sensitivity to macroscopic degeneration
had histopathology scores that were significantly higher (Figure 4A) increased with indentation stiffness cut-
than those of the YN group (P ⬍ 0.05 in each case) and off values ranging from 15 to 50, reaching 90% at the
showed trends toward being higher than those of their indentation stiffness cutoff value of 48. The specificity
respective age-matched normal-sample groups. for macroscopic degeneration (Figure 4A) was maxi-
Among histopathologic features, the surface ir- mum at relatively low indentation stiffness cutoff
regularity characteristic was the one that varied signifi- values, and decreased to 90% specificity at the in-
cantly between groups and contributed to the variation dentation stiffness cutoff of 52. Thus, the indentation
in the overall score (Figures 2I and J). The representa- stiffness cutoff range of 48–52 provided an area of
tive micrographs of YN (Figure 1C) and OD (Figure
1D) illustrate the typical surface irregularity and vertical
and horizontal clefts into the transitional zone in the
degenerate-sample groups. Both the overall histopathol-
ogy score and the surface irregularity characteristic of
the histopathology score showed a pattern (Figures
2G–J) that was fairly similar (inversely related) to that of
the indentation stiffness values (Figures 2A and B).
Relationship between indentation stiffness and in-
dices of degeneration. Principal components analysis. A
total of 2 principal components was needed to account
for the major variations in sample parameters (Table 3).
Factor 1, which accounted for 53% of the total variance,
was determined by 4 dominant (loading coefficient of
⬎0.5) parameters: indentation stiffness, the reflectance
score, the histopathology score, and donor age. Factor 2,
which accounted for 20% of the total variance, com-
prised only one dominant parameter, cartilage thickness.
The association of the dominant parameters (all para-
meters listed in Table 3 except cartilage thickness)
contributing to factor 1 indicates generally strong corre-
lations between any 2 individual dominant parameters.
In contrast, cartilage thickness was the only nondomi-
nant parameter contributing to factor 1 while being the
Figure 3. Relationship between indentation stiffness and the indices
only dominant parameter contributing to factor 2. This of degeneration. A, Reflectance score. B, Cartilage thickness.
indicates that cartilage thickness is weakly correlated C, Overall histopathology score. D, Surface irregularity histopathology
with or unrelated to any of the other parameters. score. Experimental groups include young-age normal (䊐), middle-age
Linear regression. The indentation stiffness val- normal (‚), middle-age degenerate (Œ), old-age normal (E), and
old-age degenerate (F). Lines represent the linear regression fits of
ues correlated with certain indices of degeneration. A
the data and are shown only to indicate trends. For A and B,
decrease in indentation stiffness was related to a de- parametric linear regression analysis was performed to determine
crease in the reflectance score (R2 ⫽ 0.35) (Figure 3A), P and R2 values. For C and D, Spearman’s rank correlation was used
as well as an increase in the overall histopathology score to determine P and ␳2 values.
3390 BAE ET AL

score threshold values of 0.59 (average of normal sam-

ples), 0.35 (average of degenerate samples), and 0.47
(midpoint), the area under the ROC curve was 0.82,
0.78, and 0.76, respectively. For the overall histopathol-
ogy score, the threshold values were 2.3 (average of
normal samples), 7.3 (average of degenerate samples),
and 4.8 (midpoint). The sensitivity and specificity curves
also right-shifted as the histopathology score threshold
value decreased (i.e., became increasingly normal)
(Figure 4E). However, the amount of shift was greater
for sensitivity than for specificity. Consequently, ROC
plots (Figure 4F) were distinct for the 3 threshold values.
For the histopathology threshold values of 2.3, 7.3, and
4.8, the area under the ROC plots was 0.79, 0.95, and
0.91, respectively. These results indicate that indentation
stiffness can distinguish between samples of distinct
histopathologic grades.

Figure 4. Sensitivity analysis. Left column, Sensitivity (– –, —, – – –)
and specificity (‚, }, and E) of indentation stiffness to macroscopic This study provides a detailed examination of the
degeneration (A), the reflectance score (C), and the overall histopa-
short-duration indentation stiffness of human articular
thology score (E). Right column, Receiver operating characteristic
plots (‚, }, and E) of indentation cutoff sensitivity and specificity to cartilage, gross morphologic and structural indices of
macroscopic degeneration (B), the reflectance score (D), and the early cartilage degeneration in the same samples, and
overall histopathology score (F). Different symbols and lines (C–F) relationships between indentation stiffness and indices
represent the threshold values for the index of degeneration, which of degeneration. The results indicate that indentation
were calculated as the average of all macroscopically normal samples
stiffness generally decreases as articular cartilage degen-
(E and – –), the average of all macroscopically degenerate samples
(‚ and – – –), and the average of the 2 values (} and —). DGN ⫽ eration progresses to a mild stage, as assessed by gross
degenerate; NL ⫽ normal. morphology (Figures 2A and B), India ink staining
(Figures 2C and D), and histopathology (Figures 2G–J).
The variation in indentation stiffness correlated well
high sensitivity and specificity, with each parameter with parameters that are indicative of early changes in
being ⬎90%. The corresponding ROC curve (Figure the articular surface, including India ink staining (Figure
4B) rose rapidly and reached maximum sensitivity at a 3A) and the surface irregularity characteristic (Figure
low 1 ⫺ sensitivity value. When sensitivity increased to 3D) of the histopathology score (Figure 3C). For these
0.9, 1 ⫺ specificity had already decreased to 0.04. The samples that ranged from normal to an early stage of
area under the ROC curve was 0.96, which was close to degeneration (without demonstrating cartilage thin-
the ideal test value of 1.0. This ROC curve analysis ning), indentation stiffness did not depend detectably on
indicates that indentation testing is highly accurate in cartilage thickness (Figure 3B). For macroscopically
discriminating between macroscopically normal and de- normal samples, the indentation stiffness score did not
generate samples. depend on age groups (Figures 2A and B). The inden-
Indentation stiffness was also sensitive to degen- tation stiffness values were diagnostically sensitive to
eration, as judged by the reflectance and histopathology (and specific for) macroscopic degeneration (Figures 4A
scores. For the reflectance score, the threshold values, and B), as well as for degeneration as described by
calculated as a) the average of macroscopically normal reflectance scores after India ink staining (Figures 4C
samples, b) the average of macroscopically degenerate and D) and histopathology scores (Figures 4E and F).
samples, and c) the midpoint between a and b, were Because variations in indentation stiffness will
0.59, 0.35, and 0.47, respectively. The sensitivity and depend markedly on the types of samples studied, the
specificity curves right-shifted as the reflectance score samples were chosen in accordance with the specific
threshold value increased (i.e., became increasingly objective of determining whether early stages of degen-
normal) (Figure 4C), without marked differences be- eration could be discerned by indentation stiffness mea-
tween the ROC plots (Figure 4D). For the reflectance surement. Samples from donors ages 28–91 years were

chosen to represent a wide range of adult (skeletally with the findings of previous studies, whereas the weak
mature) samples. In addition, only macroscopically nor- variation among the different age groups indicates that
mal and mildly degenerate samples were selected for all age is not a strong confounding variable. Previous
age groups, because more severe erosion can be readily studies showed that cartilage indentation stiffness de-
identified by macroscopic inspection. It should be noted creased with osteoarthritic degeneration (17,18). Negli-
that such samples are not representative of randomly gible effects of normal aging on indentation stiffness
selected samples from the particular age group, because have also been reported previously, although in those
the frequency and severity of degeneration increase with studies only gross morphology was used to distinguish
age (48). between normal and degenerate specimens (18,39).
Both the LFC and the MFC were of interest to The variation in India ink staining among normal
examine, because both sites are prone to age-associated samples at the MFC location (Figure 2D) is consistent
degeneration, with the MFC showing such degeneration with the general increase in ink staining with increasing
at an earlier age (48). Other studies of indentation of age in randomly selected samples, at various cartilage
human articular cartilage samples have tested these surfaces in the human knee joint (20), as well as in
same sites (2,4,5,39) as well as sites on the patellofemo- osteoarthritis (28). The slight increase in histopathology
ral groove (2,4,5,39), patellae (2,4), tibial plateau score, and in particular surface irregularity, also con-
(2,4,39), and femoral head (7,17). However, those sam- firms the selection of relatively normal samples but also
ples were not chosen according to both age and degen- of slight age- and site-related variations in the normal-
eration grade criteria. sample groups. In addition, the lack of significant vari-
The repeatability of measurements from any ation in thickness of the samples in the 5 experimental
instrument, when used by one or many individuals, is groups used in this study also indicates that the samples
important to characterize. This is especially true for a used in this study were appropriately chosen to be in
handheld mechanical test instrument. The variability in early stages of degeneration without deep erosion, be-
indentation stiffness measurements, expressed as the cause cartilage is known to become thinner with the
standard deviation of intraobserver and interobserver more extensive degenerative changes of aging (49,50)
measurements (SD 2.4–5.6 and 4.4–8.3, respectively) and osteoarthritis (49,51).
(Table 1), was small relative to the differences between The difference in indentation stiffness scores,
the normal-sample and degenerate-sample groups (dif- determined by ACTAEON probe, between young-
ference in indentation stiffness scores of ⬃30) (Table 2 normal LFC and young-normal MFC samples (mean ⫾
and Figures 2A and B). Therefore, the probe was able to SD of 73 ⫾ 6 and 64 ⫾ 7, respectively) (Figures 2A and
distinguish differences associated with degeneration. B) is generally consistent with biomechanical measures
The variability in repeated measurements has not been in similar human cartilage samples. Another short-
reported often but would likely be affected by the exact duration indentation study using a handheld instrument
setting in which measurements are made and by the type showed mean ⫾ SD indenter forces of 5.6 ⫾ 1.2
of samples that are analyzed. Newtons and 4.9 ⫾ 1.2 Newtons (4) for the LFC and
Additional studies in clinical situations, or in MFC sites, respectively. A long-duration indentation
arthroscopic simulations on cadaveric knee joints, may study showed similar results, with a mean ⫾ SD aggre-
be useful to characterize the probe further. The intraob- gate modulus of 0.70 ⫾ 0.23 MPa for the LFC and
server variation of stiffness measurements obtained by 0.59 ⫾ 0.11 MPa for the MFC (13).
successively placing the probe tip at the “same” site was The tensile strength of the superficial layer of
generally the highest for moderately soft samples. This cartilage is another measure that may be closely related
suggests that spatial gradients in indentation stiffness to indentation stiffness (33). In a recent study, the
exist, and that the indentation stiffness measurement is mean ⫾ SD tensile strength for LFC and MFC cartilage
also sensitive to very local variations in cartilage struc- was found to be 19.6 ⫾ 4.8 MPa and 7.8 ⫾ 7.4 MPa,
ture. Nevertheless, the standard protocol used here, 9 respectively (52), which also is in agreement with the
measurements from 3 tip applications, yielded a precise site-associated difference seen in the present study.
measure. It is possible, however, that fewer measure- However, it is not necessarily straightforward to com-
ments (i.e., only 1 triggering) can be made with more tip pare a rapid, clinically applicable indentation test result,
applications (i.e., ⬎3 repositionings) to increase the as determined here, with biomechanical measures that
speed of measurement at a particular site. are commonly derived from laboratory techniques. Fac-
The strong dependence of indentation stiffness tors such as inhomogeneity (32) and anisotropy (53) of
on certain indices of degeneration is generally consistent articular cartilage affect the manner in which a cartilage
3392 BAE ET AL

sample behaves under different loading configurations. comparison provide useful information on the relation-
In a confined compression test, for example, induced ships among the different tissue properties.
strains are mostly in the axial (loading) direction (32). In The relationship between indentation stiffness
comparison, short-term indentation loading induces and cartilage thickness is an important factor to consider
complex intra-tissue strain that consists of axial com- for clinical application of indentation stiffness. In theory
pression, transverse tension, and shear (30). In addition, (30,31,55,56), as the cartilage becomes thin, the appar-
comparisons among various indentation methods may ent stiffness measured by the indentation device will
even be difficult, because slight differences in indenter increase as the device starts to be influenced by the
geometry and indentation loading protocol significantly bone. If cartilage is modeled as a homogeneous, isotro-
affect the extent and magnitude of strains in the human pic, and incompressible layer bonded to a rigid base
cartilage samples (30). (30), for a sphere-ended indentation depth of 100 ␮m,
Results of this study are consistent with and there is an increase of ⬃20% in the apparent stiffness
extend results of a past study that examined how inden- (defined as load/displacement) as the thickness de-
tation stiffness varies with cartilage degeneration (5), by creases from 3.5 to 1.5 mm, which encompasses the
defining in more detail the relationship between stiffness thickness of cartilage sample in this study. This phenom-
and specific features of cartilage degeneration. The enon becomes prominent when the cartilage thickness is
significant negative correlation between indentation less than or similar to the indenter characteristic size
stiffness and histopathology score (Figure 3C) confirms (i.e., radius). Because it is not always possible in vivo to
the findings of a recent study that used a different determine the thickness of the cartilage sample being
indentation probe and the Mankin histopathology scor- indented, it is preferred to have an indentation probe
ing system (5,28). Because histopathologic grading that outputs similar stiffness measurements irrespective
schemes involve many components of structural and of the cartilage thickness. In this regard, the lack of
cellular organization of articular cartilage (28,29), it was correlation between indentation stiffness and cartilage
not clear whether specific components of the degenera- thickness (Figure 3B) indicates that for the normal and
tion process were responsible for the correlation with mildly degenerate sample populations used in this study,
indentation stiffness. The detailed histopathologic ana- the variation in thickness has no marked effects on
lyses in this study indicated a particularly strong corre- indentation stiffness measured by the probe. As cartilage
lation of indentation stiffness with surface disruption, as becomes thinner, as it will in more advanced stages of
indicated by the reflectance score (Figure 3A) and the degeneration, the sample thickness may begin to influ-
surface irregularity characteristic of the histopathology ence the indentation stiffness measurements consider-
score (Figure 3D). This result seems quite reasonable, ably. However, at these later stages of degeneration, it is
because indentation causes extension and shear of car- likely that the diagnosis of severe degeneration can be
tilage near and underneath the indenter and would be made without the aid of an indentation instrument.
predicted to be sensitive to alteration of the properties The indentation stiffness scores can help a user
of the cartilage tissue near and at the articular surface. interpret the results of the indentation testing in a
One of the factors that affected the strength of number of ways. The values for YN cartilage samples
correlation may be the proximity of the portions of the (73 ⫾ 6 and 64 ⫾ 7 for the LFC and MFC, respectively)
individual cartilage samples that were used for the (Figures 2A and B) may be used as reference (normal)
various analyses. Indentation testing would be expected values against which other values measured by the probe
to be affected the most by the properties of tissue near on a patient can be compared. In addition, it may be
the indenter (54). The reflectance score was measured possible to monitor progression of cartilage disease or
for the whole articular surface of the sample, although repair by indentation testing. Based on the values of
additional analyses of more localized regions near the standard deviation of repeated measurements for inden-
indentation site did not markedly alter the extent of tation stiffness scores (⬃3.5 for repositioning over all of
correlation between indentation stiffness and the reflec- the test populations) (Tables 1 and 2), and based on
tance score (data not shown). In addition, the histopa- performing 3 successive measurements as was done
thology grading examines cartilage that is only a thin here, the 95% confidence interval for a site measure-
vertical tissue section, which represents only a small ment is ⫾5 (47). This is much less than the difference
fraction of the volume of cartilage that is likely to affect (⬃30) in indentation stiffness scores between normal-
the indentation measurements. Nevertheless, the corre- sample and degenerate-sample groups. In contrast, vari-
lations observed suggest that such sample analysis and ability of measurements between sites and between

operators is a factor that would complicate use of therapeutic intervention. The ROC analyses gave a
indentation stiffness probes, in general. guideline for diagnosis and a quantitative measure of
ROC analyses defined the sensitivity and speci- comparing the accuracy of this device with other means
ficity of the indentation stiffness measurement, as well of diagnosing the health of articular cartilage. In princi-
as the accuracy of indentation stiffness as a diagnostic ple, indentation stiffness could be used to identify local
test. The observed area under the ROC plots of 0.76– areas of cartilage degeneration and to instigate appro-
0.95 (Figures 4D and F) compares favorably with many priate interventions designed to prevent more severe
of the typical values (of the area under the ROC curve) deterioration. Although it is ultimately the responsibility
found for medical diagnostic tests, in particular imaging of the user to interpret and apply the indentation
methods. In a study examining the relationship between stiffness results, these guidelines provide detailed and
radiographic osteoarthritis and patient-reported knee objective bases for clinical applications.
pain, the area under the ROC plots was at best 0.79 (57).
In another study comparing the ability of various mag-
netic resonance imaging field strengths and pulse se-
quences to detect relatively large (diameter of 4–12 mm) We thank Karen Bowden for preparation of the histo-
experimental cartilage lesions, the area under the ROC logic slides, and Arthrex Inc. for providing the Osteochondral
Autograft Transfer System.
plots ranged from 0.59 to 0.96 for 10 different protocols,
with a mean ⫾ SD of 0.76 ⫾ 0.13 (58). The sensitivity
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