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It all began with that call.

It was a Tuesday morning, just like any other day when I had to go to
the office. However, this particular day turned out to be different. It was the first time in 25
years that I was late for work. As I hurriedly got ready, my mobile phone incessantly rang. I was
afraid it was my boss calling, which only added to my stress levels.

Finally, I decided to answer the call and inform my boss about my delay. But to my surprise, it
wasn't my boss. Instead, a strange, deep voice mentioned my name. Confused, I responded,
asking who they were and why they had called me multiple times.

The voice revealed that I had been selected as a participant in a secret experiment, conducted
by a renowned research organization. They told me in 5 minutes a bus was about to pick me,
and my mission would start. However, they warned me that the consequences could be both
thrilling and dangerous.

By the time I was getting up on the bus, doors and windows closed. I was alone in a dark and
frighten bus with no idea where I was going to. Suddenly, the deep voice spoke me again: they
same me to open the suitcase I had near me.

Then I saw some kind of black ball with a countdown. I opened the zipper to make sure. It was
indeed a bomb. Fear gripped me. Questions flooded my mind: Why did I pick up the phone?
But there was no time to think and worry. I had 1 hour to deactivate the bomb or else it will

As the time passed, was thinking ways to deactivate the bomb. The stress increased, knowing
that my life was in danger. And in that last moment, as the final second on the timer
disappeared, I let out a sigh of relief. The bomb was deactivated. However, the experiment had
a lasting impact on me.

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