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Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte - UERN

Núcleo de Estudo e Ensino de Línguas – NEEL

Professor: Lucas Tadeu Martins Félix
Nível: 1
Data: / /
Aluno:Igor Gledson Ferreira Filgueira

1 - Write the name of your favorite actor below. And describe this person.
Whentwoth Miller- Michael Scofield, Prison Break.

2 - Describe your teacher in one word. After that answer the questions below.
Good, He is funny.

A) Is your family really close?

(X) Yes, they are.

( ) Yes, I am.
( ) No, you are not.
( ) No, I am not.

B) Is your boss a nice man?

( ) No, I am not.
( ) Yes, I am.
(X ) Yes, He is.
( ) No, They are not.

C) Is your English class difficult?

( ) Yes, they are.

(X) No, It's not.
( ) Yes, you are.
( ) No, I am not

3 - Unscramble the questions.

1. your / are / parents / how / ?
How are your parents ?
2. parents' / what / names / your / are / ?
What are your parent's name ?
3. your / is / old / how / father / ?
How old is your father ?
4. like / what's / mother / your / ?
What's like your mother ?
5. today / your / where's / mother / ?
Where's your mother today ?
6. are / from / grandparents / your / where / ?
Where are your grandparents from ?
7. your / aunt / who's / favorite / ?
Who's your favorite aunt ?

4 - Describe your typical week. What do you do?

In the morning i'm study in university, in evening i'm pratice programing codes and after i'm
training jiu-jitsu and gym.

5 - Faça uma árvore genealógica da sua família utilizando o modelo abaixo. Escreva pelo
menos uma característica de cada membro em inglês. Você irá apresentar para a turma sua
árvore na próxima aula.

My grandparent's : grandpa is Benedito and my grand mother is Lourdes.

My parent's: my father is José and my mother is Julia.
My brother is Itallo and my Sister's Carol.
My aunt is Socorro and my uncle is Raimundo.

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