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Baliwag Polytechnic College

Dalubhasaan Kong Mahal

2nd Semester
A.Y. 2022-2023


Your success to finish this module lies on your hands. This module is prepared for you to
learn new concepts and invaluable skills diligently, intelligently, and independently. As a future
young professional, doing these will greatly help and prepare you to become a responsible
student. Set your goals and invest for your future. The following guides and house rules will help
you further to be on track and to stay at the end of the module.


1. Schedule and manage your time wisely for you to accomplish the given tasks in this module.
2. If there are things that you do not understand, go over, and focus on the lesson. If this will not
work, seek the help of your family members or leave me a message so I can give assistance.
3. Before you start doing anything else, read, and understand the learning tasks carefully. Always
aim for the best and do not settle with low grades.
4. Think before you write. In answering all the assessment activities, write legibly, and follow
the instructions as needed.
5. Do not hesitate to keep open communication with me through any available platforms. I am
more than willing to help you to accomplish your goals.
6. Once you are done in the module, you can proceed with doing other tasks in the succeeding
units that are scheduled for the finals.
7. You are expected to answer all the activities, assignments, and reflection guides for you to
pass in this course. Put them in a portfolio.
8. Remember you are the student; hence, you are expected to accomplish and study the module
on your own. You can seek help and support from your family members and friends, but the
actual activities must be done by you.
9. You can use the internet for help and additional information if necessary.
10. Put your activities in your portfolio according to your module arrangement.


Quiz - 20% Project 30% Examination -50%


Dates Module/Topics

Week 1-3 Module 1 Communication Principles, Processes, and Ethics

Lesson 1 Elements of Communication

Lesson 2 Models of Communication
Lesson 3 Ethics in Communication

Module 2 Communication in Multicultural Contexts

Lesson 1 Communication and Globalization

Weeks 4-5 Lesson 2 World Englishes
Lesson 3 Culturally Sensitive and Bias-free Language

Module 3 Texts and Images in Multicultural Contexts

Week 6-7 Lesson 1 Evaluation of Texts and Images in

Multicultural Contexts (Midterms)
Lesson 2 Communication Aids and Strategies
Using Tools of Technology

Module 4 Communication for General Purposes

Week 8-10 Lesson 1 Principles and Types of Speech

Lesson 2 Connecting with the Audience

Module 5 Communication for Work Purposes

Week 11-16 Lesson 1 Professional Writing

Lesson 2 Business Letters, Memos, and E-mails
Lesson 3 Job Interview
Course Description:
Purposive communication is a three-unit course that develops students’ communicative
competence and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks
that provide them opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a
multicultural audience in a local or global context. It equips students with tools for critical
evaluation of a variety of texts and focuses on the power of language and the impact of images to
emphasize the importance of conveying messages. The knowledge, skills, and insights that
students gain from this course may be used in their other academic endeavors, chosen
disciplines, and future careers as they compose and produce relevant oral, written, audio-visual,
and/or web-based output for various purposes.

Module 1
Communication Principles, Processes, and Ethics

What Will You Learn from This Module?

In this module, you will learn what communication means and how important it is in
your personal and professional success.

This module is composed of 3 lessons

Lesson 1 Principles of Communication

Lesson 2 Models of Communication
Lesson 3 Ethics in Communication

After studying this module, you should be able to:

 describe the nature of communication;

 explain the communication process and its
elements through various models;
 discuss the principles of communication and their ethical implication; and
 examine how communication works as applied to various texts or situations.

Lesson 1
Principles and Processes of Communication
An essential tool for human survival is communication. We communicate to get what we
need and to accomplish what we want. For instance, babies normally cry when they are hungry;
consequently, they are given milk by their mothers. An adult may pick up his/her own phone an
hour before lunch and ask someone to deliver his/her food. In both scenarios, the babies and the
adult rely on communication as a vital means to accomplish their ends.
Communication in relation to human survival does not confine itself to just addressing
the biological needs of people, while the food that we take satisfies our hunger, and the water
that we drink quenches our thirst, the daily interaction through the various communication feeds
our mind, nourishes our heart and enriches our soul. However, the benefits of communication
can only be fully enjoyed if carefully understood, effectively done, and purposely carried out.

For two minutes, write as many words or phrases as you can. Afterwards, construct
your one-sentence definition of communication by putting together the words you used in the
semantic web.

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Let’s Read

What is Communication?

Communication has been defined in several ways by various authors. Now that you have come
up with your own definition of communication, find out if you share the same views with other
authors, experts, and scholars who have also defined communication in various ways and
contexts. Analyze the following definitions and establish their commonalities.

 Communication is the process of using messages to generate meaning. (Pearson et

 Communication is a systematic process in which people interact with and through
symbols to create and interpret meanings. (Wood,2012)
 In its simplest form, communication is the transmission of a message from a source to a
receiver. (Baron, 2011)
 Communication is the process of sending information to oneself or another entity, usually
via a language. (Palta,2017)
 Broadly speaking, communication is a process of sharing opinions and information,
ideas, and feelings (Jimenez & Alparo, 2000).
 Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages sometimes through
spoken or written words, and sometimes nonverbally through facial expressions, gestures,
and voice. (Ober & Newman, 2013)

1. What concepts or ideas about communication are common among the definitions?
Write them down.


1. Communication is transactional. It is a two-way process that involves an exchange.

When a message is sent, a reply is expected.
2. Communication is inevitable. It is impossible not to communicate. The moment you
wake up, you already start communicating by merely thinking of how your day will look
like. In other words, communication is an indispensable part of daily life.
3. Communication is goal-oriented- When you communicate, you have a goal in mind. You
communicate to express feelings, ideas, and emotions; to inform; persuade; entertain; ask
questions; to build and maintain a relationship and to influence others are some of the
purposes of communication.
4. Communication is complex. It entails a lot of processes, which can occur
simultaneously or successively. It requires you to know your audience, determine your
purpose, identify your topic, expect objections, establish credibility, present information
clearly and objectively, and develop a practical, useful way to seek feedback.
5. Communication can be learned. Despite its complexity, it is a skill that can be learned.
6. Communication is relational. The process of how meaning is created also echoes two
vital aspects or the relationship of the communicators. Immediacy and control.
Immediacy is the degree of liking or attractiveness in a relationship while control is the
degree to which a participant shows dominance or power.
7. Communication is guided by culture. It may be defined as a system of knowledge
shared by a relatively large group of people. The system includes shared beliefs, values,
symbols, and behaviors.
8. Communication has various levels. Various levels of communication: intrapersonal
(self-talk), interpersonal (interaction between two persons), small group (involves 3-20
people), and public or mass (more than twenty people), extended, organizational (formal-
upward, downward, horizontal, and crosswise)
9. Communication can be in the form of written, verbal, non-verbal, and visuals.

a. Written Communication- Texts or words encoded and transmitted through

memos, letters, reports, online chat, SMS, emails, journals, and other written

b. Verbal Communication- It involves an exchange of information through face-to-

face, audio and/or video call or conferencing, lectures, meetings, radio, and

c. Non-Verbal Communication -Sending and receiving messages without the use

of words.
Examples of non-verbal
Kinesics- Movements
Haptics- Touch
Proxemics- Distance
Chronemics- Time
Oculesics- eye movements

d. Visuals- A visual is something such as a picture, diagram, or piece of film that is

used to show or explain something. It involves the use of :

Guidelines for Effective Communication

 Be clear with your purpose.
 Support your message with facts.
 Be concise.
 Provide specific information in your feedback
 Adjust to the needs, interests, values, and beliefs of your audience.
 Observe communication Ethics
 Be your natural self and appear very confident.

The Communication Process

Communication process refers to the transmission or passage of information or message
from the sender through a selected channel to the receiver overcoming barriers that affect its
The process of communication is a cyclic one as it begins with the sender and ends with
the sender in the form of feedback. It takes place upward, downward and laterally throughout
the organization. The process must be a continuous and dynamic interaction, both affecting and
being affected by many variables.
Communication process consists of certain steps where each step constitutes the essential of an
effective communication. The following is a brief analysis of the important steps of the process
of communication.
It involves elements such as source, message, encoding, channel, decoding, receiver,
feedback, context, and barrier.

Source- the speaker or sender of the message

Message- information or ideas from the speaker
Encoding- transferring the message
Channel- the means to deliver the message (face-to-face, telephone, and emails etc.
Decoding - interpreting an encoded message.
Receiver- recipient of the message.
Feedback- The action or the responses of the receiver to the message from the sender.
Context- the situation or the environment in which communication takes place.
Barriers- the factors which may affect the communication process.

Examples of barriers to communication:

 Culture Noise
 Individual difference Past experiences
 Language use Status

Lesson 2
Communication Models
The definition of communication and its element can also be further understood in the
light of a framework or model to see their interrelatedness. The common models of
communication that have been utilized over the years are as follows.

Aristotle's Linear Model

The earliest model comes

from Aristotle at around 500
B.C. This model well
explains that the speakers
should adjust their messages
according to their audience
and the occasion to achieve a particular effect. The Aristotle’s communication model revolves
around the speaker. The main concept of this theory is that a speaker plays the most important
role in communication and he/she is the only one who holds the responsibility to influence
his/her audience through public speaking. It is the speaker’s role to deliver a speech to the

The audience is passive, influenced by the speech.

The Shannon and Weaver Model of communication is a mathematical theory of
communication that argues that human communication can be broken down into six key
concepts: sender, encoder, channel, noise, decoder, and receiver. It is known as the “Mother of
all models” because of its wide popularity. The model is also called the “Telephone Model,”
since it was developed because of the technology of the telephone and the experience of “noise”
coming from

In this model, the sender encodes the message and sends it to the receiver through a
technological channel like telephone. The sender converts the message into codes
understandable to the machine. The message is sent in codes through a medium.

The receiver has to decode the message before understanding it and interpreting it. The
receptor machine can also act as a decoder in some cases. The channel can have noise and the
receiver might not have the capacity to decode which might cause problems in the
communication process.
The Osgood-Schramm
(Interactive Model) of
communication is defined as
a circular model that shows
that messages go in two
directions. The model has
four key principles: (1)
Communication is circular
not linear; (2)
Communication is usually
equal and reciprocal; (3)
Messages require
interpretation; (4) there are three steps for communicating: encoding, decoding and interpreting.

Transactional Model

This model was adapted from

Wood (1997) in response to
the failure of interactive
models to portray dynamism
of human communication. The
key features of the
transactional model are as
follows: it has a time element
which influences how people
communicate. For instance,
freshman college students are
more reserved at the start of
the semester since they are still getting to know their classmates. This will change overtime as
they become more comfortable with their classmates due to their frequent interaction. It depicts
communication is varying, not constant and dynamic, not other lines in the model indicate that
communication occurs within systems that influence what and how people communicate. This
system may include culture context and family background.

Finally, the model does not label one as the sender and the other as the receiver. Instead,
our communicators who actively, equally, and simultaneously participate in the communication

In sum, the transactional model is a model in which people interact with and through
symbols over time to share and create meaning.

Let’s Try

What are the similarities among the four models of communication? What are their
differences? Among the four models, which model accurately reflects the
communication process in the real world? Can you cite a specific situation or personal
experience? (write your answers in not more than two paragraphs.)


Lesson 3

Ethics in Communication

integral aspect which you need to learn about communication is ethics. Ethical considerations in
communication shape how you communicate. The more it will be effective if you will observe
ethics. This means that you deal with values, righteousness, and behavior appropriate for human
communication particularly in a multicultural situation.

Can you think of some ethical communicators?

unethical communicators?

Let’s Read

Here are some characteristics of an ethical communicator that is best


 Ethical communicators are honest. Be truthful with your opinion and be accurate with
your judgment. Good communicators never lie and deceive other people.

 Ethical communicators value diversity and respect others’ opinions and privacy.
Respect means showing regard or consideration for others and their ideas even if you do
not agree with them. Show compassion and consideration with the beliefs, status,
affiliations, and privacy of others. Accept that others have different views or opinions,
which may conflict with yours. So, listen and process the views of other people, and learn
how to reconcile their opinions with your own.

 Ethical communicators observe freedom of expression effectively. Be careful of what

and how you say words depending on the type of people you are communicating with.

 Ethical communicators are well aware of the consequences of their thoughts and
actions. The way you communicate can build or ruin your reputation. Thus, you need to
take accountability for what you are doing and what you are saying. Acknowledge your
responsibility for all your actions, good or bad.

 Ethical communicators are just and fair. Be impartial and objective. You do not
hastily make decisions or judgments based on hearsays, gossips, prejudices, and personal
biases. Exert every effort to father relevant facts or pertinent information related to a
situation before making a decision.

Let’s Try
Answer the essay in 3-5 sentences. (5 points each)

1.Why is it important to be ethical in communicating today and what consequences can you think
if people communicate in an unethical manner?
2. When you think of politicians today, would you say that they have been communicating in an
ethical manner?

So far, the foundation for the better understanding of communication has been laid by
defining it, identifying its elements, discussing its process through various communication
models and citing some principles and characteristics of ethical communicators. To better
appreciate and apply the concepts, you may accomplish the succeeding activities.

Let’ See What You’ve Learned.

Choose and watch any Filipino commercial which deals with relationships (partner,
family, friends, etc.) Analyze the commercial using the elements of communication. Identify the
elements as portrayed in the commercial and explain how they relate to one another and how
they fit in the communication process. Write your answer in one to two paragraphs in the space

Commercial: ______________________________________________________________


 Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages sometimes

through spoken or written words, and sometimes nonverbally through facial
expressions, gestures, and voice. (Ober & Newman, 2013)
 Guidelines for Effective Communication. Be clear with your purpose, support your
message with facts, be concise, provide specific information in your feedback, adjust to
the needs, interests, values, and beliefs of your audience, observe communication ethics,
and be your natural self and appear very confident.
 The Process of Communication is the steps we take in order to successfully
communicate. Components of the communication process include Source, Message,
Encoding, Channel, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback, Context, Barriers.
Ethical Communication is dealing with values, righteousness, and behavior appropriate for
human communication particularly in a multicultural situation, it is fundamental to responsible
thinking, decision making, and the development of relationships and communities within and
across, contexts, cultures, channels, and media.

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