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Group members: ___________________________________________________________

Step 1. You will receive an envelope containing a board and 25 pieces. First, organize the pieces
and categorize them into the following categories:

1. Action potential phases (3 pieces)

2. Electrical charges (4 pieces)
3. Channel names (3 pieces)
4. Sodium channels in different conditions (4 pieces)
5. Potassium channels in different conditions (4 pieces)
6. Graphical depiction of action potential with phases circled (4 pieces)

Step 2. Look at the board, and fill in each column as follows:

1. What are the three phases of the action potential? Put these pieces in order in their
appropriate locations on the board.
2. We know that different phases of the action potential are dependent on the membrane
permeability to different ions. Complete the second column indicating which
channels/ions are primarily responsible for each phase in the action potential.
3. The state of the voltage-gated sodium channels changes during the phases of the action
potential. In the third column indicate the state of the sodium channels in each phase by
putting the appropriate illustration in each row.
4. The state of the voltage-gated potassium channels changes during the phases of the
action potential. In the third column indicate the state of the sodium channels in each
phase by putting the appropriate illustration in each row.
5. The membrane potential of the neuron changes across the course of the action
potential. What is the internal electric condition of the cell membrane (the membrane
potential) in each phase of the action potential? Fill in the fourth column accordingly.
6. Each of the remaining pieces illustrates a graphical representation of the action
potential, which each phase highlighted. Fill in the last board of the column.

Step 3. Once your board is completed, answer the following questions:

1. During the repolarization phase, is it possible to generate a new action potential? Why
or why not?

2. During the hyperpolarization phase, is it possible to generate a new action potential?

Why or why not?

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