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Lecture 1.

Some Applications of Mechanics

 Applied physics is the application of physical theories to problem-solving. It is the
use of theoretical knowledge of the properties of physical bodies with the intention of
achieving a particular technological or practical goal. It is also usually considered to be
a bridge or a connection between physics and engineering.
1. classical mechanics, concerning the motion of objects that are large
relative to atoms and move at speeds much slower than the speed of
2. relativity, a theory describing objects moving at any speed, even
speeds approaching the speed of light;
3. thermodynamics, dealing with heat, work, temperature, and the
statistical behavior of systems with large numbers of particles;
4. electromagnetism, concerned with electricity, magnetism, and
electromagnetic fields;
5. optics, the study of the behavior of light and its interaction with
6. quantum mechanics, a collection of theories connecting the behavior
of matter at the submicroscopic level to macroscopic observations.
 Projectile motion is the motion of an object in
the air near the Earth’s surface under the effect of
gravity alone.
 It can be analyzed as two separate motions if air
resistance can be ignored.
 The horizontal component of motion is at
constant velocity.
 The vertical component is at constant
acceleration g, due to gravity.
 Although air resistance is often important, in
many cases its effect can be ignored.
 It could be understood by analyzing the horizontal
and vertical components of the motion
 We described the motion of an object in terms of its position, velocity,
and acceleration without considering what might influence that motion.
This is kinematics!

 Two main factors need to be addressed to answer questions about why

the motion of an object will change.
- Forces acting on the object
- The mass of the object
This is dynamics!

 Dynamics studies the causes of motion.

 We will discuss three basic laws of motion.
Newton’s third law

The force exerted by the hammer on the nail is equal in magnitude and opposite the
force exerted by the nail on the hammer.
 Rocket propulsion is explained using
Newton’s third law.
 Rocket exerts a strong force on the gases,
expelling them; and the gases exert an
equal and opposite force on the rocket. It
is this latter force that propels the rocket
forward—the force exerted on the rocket
by the gases.
 Thus, a space vehicle is maneuvered in
empty space by firing its rockets in the
direction opposite to that in which it needs
to accelerate. When the rocket pushes on
the gases in one direction, the gases push
back on the rocket in the opposite
 There are many artificial satellites circling
the Earth
 A satellite is put into orbit by accelerating it
to a sufficiently high tangential speed with
the use of rockets.
 If the speed is too high, the spacecraft will
not be confined by the Earth’s gravity and
will escape, never to return.
 If the speed is too low, it will return to Earth.
 Satellites are typically put into circular (or
nearly circular) orbits, because such orbits
require the least takeoff speed.
 Because it has high speed
 If a satellite in orbit stopped
moving, it would fall directly to
 In fact, a satellite in orbit is
falling (accelerating) toward
Earth, but its high tangential
speed keeps it from hitting
 A geosynchronous satellite is one that
stays above the same point on the
Earth, which is possible only if it is
above a point on the equator.
 Why? Because the center of a satellite
orbit is always at the center of the
Earth; so it is not possible to have a
satellite orbiting above a fixed point on
the Earth at any latitude other than 0°.
 Geosynchronous satellites are
commonly used for TV and radio
transmission, for weather forecasting,
and as communication relays.
 Orbital period is 24 hours.
 Planets revolving around distant stars
were inferred from the regular
“wobble” in position of each star due
to the gravitational attraction of the
revolving planet(s). Many such
“extrasolar” planets are now known.
 Thank you for attention…

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