12 Markers

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12 markers

"The Lord's Prayer is the only prayer Christians need to use."

Many Christians believe that the Lord’s prayer has everything that is needed for
them to follow God. It shows Christians how to pray and shows how to praise God
while also asking for things that they need. They also believe that the prayer covers
all the crucial beliefs and quality’s that God shows Christians to show. The prayer
says, “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us”, this shows us that
your sins will be forgiven if you forgive others who have wronged you. On the other
hand, other Christians believe that using the Lord's Prayer as the only prayer is that
there are many other just as important prayers. Also, all Christians are different, and
they are praying for God for many different things like forgiveness of sins or askin|~g
for good health of their families. Only having one prayer is not enough to praise and
asking things from God. Using other prayers can be used for different things and all
services may require a different prayer for attempting to teach different parts of
Christianity. After both these arguments I believe that the Lord’s Prayer is not the
only prayer that Christians need to use has the strongest argument so far.

Another reason that the Lord’s prayer is the only prayer that Christians need to use is
that this prayer is an all-round encompassing prayer. It can be used for many
different spiritual concerns or teachings. The Lord’s Prayer contains all essential and
core beliefs of the Christian faith and you do not need anything else other than the
belief in, Forgiveness of sins, asking for help, no temptation from evil and that God is
the Father of the whole Christian community. Furthermore, Christians believe they
do not need any other prayer as this is the prayer that Jesus taught to his disciples on
how to live their life, meaning you do not need any other prayers. On the other hand,
other prayers give Christians an extremely more personal and intimate relationship
with God as they can tailor their prayers to their needs and what they want to speak
to God about. Having only one prayer limits Christian to only talk about the core
aspects of Christianity and having no focus on the equal other parts. In these two
arguments I believe that the Lord’s Prayer is not the only prayer that Christians need
to use has the strongest argument.

In conclusion, I believe that even though the Lord’s prayer is extremely important to
Christians, just having the Lord’s prayer is not enough for Christians to live by. Many
other important prayers are needed to fully communicate with God.

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