Herb Index

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An Index of Things Herbal

By Marge
Like you I had many years of herbal journals and magazines accumulated in a pile and I was continually
frustrated because as I prepared for teaching my herbal classes I could not locate that “perfect article” I knew was
there. So one day – there was nothing else to do but create this index.

The Index encompasses The Herb Companion from late 1991, all issues of Herbs for Health, the Herbalgram from
1997, a few years of the Herb Quarterly and some miscellaneous references. The Index is organized ad follows:
H e r b s (Information focusing on individual plants)
P l a n t C h e m i s t r y (Information focusing on plant constituents)
H i s t o r y o f H e r b a l i s m (Knowing what has gone before us and is impacting our future)
H e r b a l C o s m e t i c s (Information focusing on how we appear to others)
T h i n g s t o d o w i t h H e r b s (Fun stuff)
M e d i c i n a l H e r b a l i s m (Information focusing on a specific condition)
R e c i p e s (Many of the articles in the index include recipes these are listed by topic)
My vision is that you will be able to use this index to find information in your own “stack of publications” but also
at your local library. You can also contact the publishers for article reprints. I

I have all of these articles in my personal library plus a few hundred that are not included in this index because in
my early article clipping days I did not include the issue of the publication. I intend quarterly updates to the index.
Please use email to contact me if you find corrections to the index. Marge Powell September 2002
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Eight Great Alliums ............................................. Proctor, Rob......................................... HC 2/3 1995
Ornamental Onions.............................................. Proctor, Rob......................................... HC 2/3 1995
Aloe - Aloe vera
Easy to Grow, Easy to Use.................................. Foster, Steven ...................................... HH 1/2 1997

Smear Aloe vera on your body – Use our “Lovely” Lotion

Aloe Vera ........................................................... Foster, Steven ...................................... HC 2/3 1995

Aloe and Wound Healing...................................... HC ...................................................... 2/3
Aloe Wards off Xrays ........................................... HC ......................................................
Aloe ................................................................... Foster, Steven ...................................... HC 6/7 1999
Aloe and Diabetes ............................................... Foster, Steven ...................................... HC 8/9 1997
Angelica - Angelica archangelica
Herb to Know ...................................................... Hageman, Sharon L. ............................. HC 8/9 1993
Anise - Pimpinella anisum
An Herb to Know ................................................. HC ...................................................... 10/11 1994
Annatto - Bixa orellana
Antimicrobial activity in Annatto............................ Foster, Steven ...................................... HH 11/12 1996
Aristolochia - Aristolochia spp
Aristolochia Associated with Kidney Toxicity ......... Foster, Steven ...................................... HC 8/9 2001
Arnica - Arnica montana
Arnica The Homeopathic Herb ............................ ................................. HQ Spring 1999
Artemisia - spp
The Art of Artemesia ............................ Gardner, Jo Ann ................................. HC 4/5 2000
The Many Faces of Artemesia ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 10/11 1993
Artichoke - Cybara scalymus
Artichoke Leaf Extract Treats Irritable
Bowel Syndrome ............................ ................................. HG 55 2002
Benefits of Artichoke Leaf in
Hypercholesterolemia, Dyspepsia,
And Liver Function ............................ Research Review ................................. HG 44 1998
The Many Benefits of Artichoke ............................ Castleman, Michael .............................. HQ Spring 1999
Astragalus - Astragalus membranaceus
Astragalus - a Superior Herb ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 9/10 1998
Astragalus Review ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1998
Balloon Flower - Platycodon grandiflorus
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 10/11 1998
Balm-of-Gilead (various) ............................ .................................
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 12/1 1996/97
Barberry - Berberis spp.
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 10/11 1996
Basil - Ocimun spp.
A Basil Harvest ............................ DeBaggio, Thomas & Belsinger, Susan... HC 8/9 1996
Purple Basils ............................ DeBaggio, Thomas................................ HC 4/5 1994
Bay - Laurus nobilis
Sweet Bay ............................ ................................. HH 9/10 1996
Not for Swallowing ............................ Letter ................................. HC 6/7 1996
The Noble Bay ............................ Hill, Madalene & Barclay, Gwen ............. HC 4/5 1994
BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 2
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Belladonna - Atropa belladonna

Belladonna ............................ Bergman, Margaret ............................... HC 12/1 1991
Berries (spp)
The Medicinal Berry Patch ............................ MacPherson, Barbara............................ HQ Spring 1999
Berry Berry Good for You ............................ Castleman, Michael .............................. HQ Spring 1999
Eat Your Berries ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 2002
Blueberries as Herbs? ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 2000
Bilberry - Vaccinium myrtillus
Bilberry: Food and Medicine ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1996/1997
Bitter Melon - Momordica charantia
Bitter Melon ............................ Lenz, Erika ................................. HH 11/12 1998
Black Cohosh - Cimicifuga racemosa
Black Cohosh Extract Found
Ineffective in Treating Hot Flashes in Women
with History of Breast Cancer ............................ Brown, Donald J. ND ............................. HG 55 2002
Black Cohosh - A literature Review........................ Foster, Steven ................................. HG 45 1999
Concerns Dispelled about
Black Cohosh & Breast Cancer ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 8/9 1999
Black Cohosh - A Woman's Herb Comes of Age .... Hobbs, Christopher L. Ac....................... HH 3/4 1998
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 10/11 1995
Black Cohosh Concerns Answered ....................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1999
Black Cohosh Confirmation of Traditional Use ........ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 2001
Black Cohosh for Ease in Menopause................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1998
Bloodroot - Sanguinaria canadenisis
Bloodroot ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 3/4 1999
Borage - Borago officinalis
Borage for Courage ............................ Seigel-Maier, Karyn............................... HQ Winter 1998
An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 8/9 1990
Boxwood - Boxus sempervirens
Boxwood Battles HIV ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1998
Buckwheat - Fagopyrum esculentum
Buckwheat's Promise ............................ ................................. HH 9/10 1996
Bupleurum - Bupleurum falcatum
It's True What the Chinese Say About Bupleurum... ................................. HQ Fall 1999
Burdock - Arctium lappa
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 10/11 1999
Closer Looks at Burdock ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 11/12 1996
Bryony - Bryonia dioica
Women & Herbs ............................ Letter ................................. HC 6/7 1994
Caigua - Cyclanthera pedata
Caigua and Cholesterol ............................ Jones, Kenneth ................................. HH 11/12 1996
Calendula - Calendula officinalis
How Calendula Heals ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 11/12 1996

We KNOW how Calendula heals, that’s why it is used in our Marigold,

Calendula Curls, and Calendula Liquid soaps!

Cardamom - Elettaria cardamomun

Cardamom - The Queen of Spices......................... Carlson, Cornelia ................................. HC 12/1 1996/1997
Carrot - Daucus carota
Carrots and Cancer ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1999
Castor Beans - Ricinus communis
Castor Beans as Contraceptives ........................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1997/1998

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 3
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Catnip - Nepeta cataria

Catnip and Cousins ............................ Van Hevelingen, Andy ........................... HC 6/7 1995
Prliminary Research Suggests
Catnip Effective as Mosquito Repellent .................. West, Kim ................................. HG 54 2002
Cat's Claw - Uncaria tomentosa
Cat's Claw ............................ Jones, Kenneth ................................. HH 9/10 1996
Cat's Claw Update ............................ Jones, Kenneth ................................. HH 3/4 1997
Celery Seed - Apium graveolens
Celery Seed ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 1/2 1999
Chamomile - Matricaria recuitita
Chamomile - Capable of Anything ......................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1996

Soak in Chamomile Tea – Use our Herbal Bath Bags!

Chamomile ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1992/1993

Medicine Chest in the Herb Garden....................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 2001
Chickweed - Stellaria media
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 6/7 1998

Chicory - Cichorium intylnus

An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 6/7 1995
Chicory's Liver Protective Activity Confirmed........... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1999
Chives - Allium spp
Chives - The Blue Jean Herb ............................ Creasy, Rosalind ................................. HC 2/3 1997
Cilantro - Coriandrum sativum
Cilantro Impersonators ............................ Hill, Madalene & Barclay, Gwen ............. HC 12/1 2000/2001
The Cilantro Seduction ............................ Hutson, Lucinda ................................. HC 8/9 1998
Cilantro Around the World ............................ Tucker, Art & Debaggio, Tom ................. HC 4/5 1992
Clove - Syzygium aromaticum
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 12/1 1997/1998

You’ll find the scent of clove in our Oatmeal and Spice Everyday bar soaps as
well as our Christmas soap and our Soap Grit bars!

Coltsfoot - Tussilago farfara ............................ .................................

An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 4/5 1999
Comfrey - Symphytum officinalis
A Comfrey Response ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 2002
Comfrey - A Fading Romance ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1992
Identifying Comfreys ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1992
Costmary - Tanacetum balsamita
An Herb to Know ............................ repeat of 10/11 1992.............................. HC 6/7 2002
Cowslip - Primula veris
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 2/3 2000
Cranberry - Vaccinium marcrocarpon
The Cranberry Cure ............................ Barney, D. Paul M.D. ............................ HH 11/12 1996
Mode of Action of Cranberry in UTI ........................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 45 1999
Cranberry: An ounce of Prevention ........................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1997/1998
Cranberry Mouthwash ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 2000
Creeping Charlie - Glechoma hederacea
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 4/5 2000
Dames Rocket - Hesperis matronalis

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 4
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 6/5 1996

Dandelion - Taraxacum officinalis
Dandelion: More than a Weed ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1998
Dandelion and Diabetes ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1997
Dead Nettle - Lamiam album
An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 12/1 1991
Devil's Claw - Harpagophytum procumbens
Devil's Claw from African traditional Remedy
to Modern Analgesis and Antiinflammatory ............ Wegener, Tankred................................. HG 50 2000
Devil's Claw for Osteoarthritis ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 2001
Dianthus - Dianthus spp.
The Delightful Dianthus ............................ Lee, Rand B. ................................. HC 12/1 1994/1995
Dill - Anethum graveolens
Casual, Carefree Dill ............................ Carlson, Cornelia ................................. HC 6/7 1998
Dill ............................ ................................. HH 9/10 1996
A Cook's Notes on Dill ............................ Dille, Carolyn ................................. HC 8/9 1993
Dong Quai - Angelica sinensis
Clinical Study Concludes Dong Quai
Not Effective for Menopause ............................ Levy, Betsy ................................. HG 43 1998
The Dispute over Dong Quai ............................ ................................. HQ Summer 1998
Understanding Dong Quai ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1999
Echinaea - spp
From Rubedeckia to Echinacea ............................ Flannery, Michael A. ............................. HG 51 2001
The Latest on Echinacea ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 1/2 2000
Both Echinacea Herb and Root
Ease Cold Symptoms, Study Shows..................... Foster, Steven ................................. HH 9/10 1999
First Study on Safety of Echinacea
During Pregnancy ............................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 51 2001
Echinacea for Athletes ............................ McCaleb, Rob ................................. HG 47 1999
Purple Coneflower ............................ ................................. HG 41 1997
Echinacea: Mixed Results from Recent Trials ........ McCaleb, Rob ................................. HG 45 1999
Echinacea pallida Shortens the Duration
of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection...................... Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 43 1998
Echinacea: A User's Guide ............................ ................................. HH 9/10 1997
Review of Echinacea Studies ............................ ................................. HC 6/7 1996
Swedes Test Echinacea ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1998
Echinacea Tea for Colds and Flu........................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 2001
Echinacea, Skin Deep ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1996
Echinacea ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 2001
Does Echinacea Cause Side Effects? ................... ................................. HQ Summer 1998
Echinacea: Its Popularity Blooms ......................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1998
Echinacea's Safety Receives High Marks .............. Foster, Steven ................................. HH 11/12 1996
Echinacea for Chemotherapy ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1997
Echinacea Under Scrutiny ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1999
Eclipta - Eclipta prostrata
More than Just a Weed ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1997
Elder - Sambucus nigra
Health Benefits Boost Elderberry .......................... Kilham, Chris ................................. HG 50 2000
Summer Gems ............................ Lust, Teresa ................................. HC 8/9 2000
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 12/1 1998/1999
Lessons in Elder Flowers ............................ Ingram, Gay ................................. HC 8/9 1994
Epazote - Chenopodium ambrosioides
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 8/9 1998
Ephedera Ephedera sinica
Ephedera: Insider's Perspective ............................ ................................. HH 7/8 1997
Cardiovascular Effects of Ephedera

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 5
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

in Normal Volunteers ............................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 43 1998

FDA Proposes Warnings and Dose
Limits on Ephedera ............................ Blumenthal, Mark ................................. HG 40 1997
Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus spp
An Herb to Know ............................ repeat of 12/1 1994/1995 ....................... HC 4/5 2002
Repellent from Eucalyptus ............................ Jones, Kenneth ................................. HH 1/2 1997
Evening Primose - Oenothera biennis
Therapy From A Garden Beauty............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 3/4 1997
False Unicorn - Chamaelirium
False Unicorn ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 1/2 1999
Fennell - Foeniculum spp.
Fennel ............................ ................................. HC 4/5 1995
The Password is Fennel ............................ ................................. IHA 2 1995
Fenugreek - Trigonella foenum-graecum
Clinical Trial of Fenugreek for chloresterol and
blood sugar level of non insulin
dependent diabetics ............................ Webb, Ginger ................................. HG 41 1997
Fenugreek and Blood Sugar ............................ ................................. HC 2/3 1996
Fenugreek and Cholesterol ............................ Jones, Kenneth ................................. HH 1/2 1997
Feverfew - Tanacetum parthenium
Researches find Feverfew does help Migraines ....... Foster, Steven ................................. HH 3/4 1998
Feverfew Effective in Migraine Prevention ............... Awang, Dennis V. C. PhD...................... HG 42 1998
Feverfew Trials - The of - and the problem of –
standardized botanical extracts ............................ Awang, Dennis V. C. PhD...................... HG 41 1997
Flax - Linum usitatissimum
Flax: Ancient Herb and Modern Medicine............... Haggerty, William J. PhD....................... HG 45 1999
Growing and Processing Flax ............................ Buchanan, Rita ................................. HC 6/7 1995
The Benfits of Flax ............................ Carlson, Cornelia ................................. HH 9/10 1998
Flower Essences
Healing Essences ............................ Hildebrandt, Ziporah .............................. HQ Spring 1998
Foxglove - Digitalis purpurea
Foxglove - Herbal Medicine's Femme Nikita........... Foster, Steven ................................. HH 7/8 1998
Garcinia - Garcinia cambogia
New Garcinia Research Contradicts
Earlier Studies ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 5/6 1999
Garlic - Allium sativum
Garlic May Help Reverse Arteriosclerosis .............. Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HH 11/12 2000
Effect of Garlic on Serum Lipids ............................ Letter ................................. HG 45 1999
Standardized Garlic powder
Reduces Heart Attack Risk ............................ Morien, Krista ................................. HG 47 1999
Study Questions Garlic Effectiveness.................... McCaleb, Rob ................................. HG 45 1999
Garlic Goodness and How to Get it ....................... ................................. HH 11/12 1998
JAMA Garlic Oil Study Jumps to
Conclusions Herb Experts Say ............................ ................................. HH 9/10 1998
Curbinh Cholesterol with Garlic ............................. Foster, Steven ................................. HH 1/2 1997
Modest Cholesterol Effect with Garlic .................... Morien, Krista ................................. HG 44 1998
Garlic for Health ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1996
How much Raw Garlic Each Day?......................... Green, Mindy ................................. HH 9/10 1996
The Garlic Debate ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1997/1998
Latest Garlic Study Seriously Flawed.................... Castleman, Michael .............................. HQ Winter 1998
Powdered vs. Fresh Garlic ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1999
Garlic Revisited ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1999
Ginger - Zingiber officinalis ............................ .................................
An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 12/1 2001/2002
Systematic Review of Ginger
Trials Yields "Promising" Outcome........................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 50 2000

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 6
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Ginger ............................ ................................. HH 9/10 1999

The News About Ginger ............................ Schulick. Paul ................................. HH 11/12 1996
Ginger: A Splendid Medicine ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1997
Ginger Battles Cholesterol ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1997
Ginkgo - Gingko biloba ............................ .................................
Gingko and Colchine ............................ Bone, Kerry ................................. HG 55 2002
Ginkgo Meta-analysis Confirms
Efficacy in Peripheral Arterial Disease................... Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 48 2000
Review Confirms Gingko's Benefits........................ Morien, Krista ................................. HG 48 2000
Gingko May Help Prevent Altitude Sickness .......... Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HH 1/2 2000
Gingko Protects Against Altitude Sickness............ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 46 1999
Gingko Effective in Intermittent Claudification ......... Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 46 1999
JAMA Study Reports on Positive Results
with Gingko in Alzheimer's ............................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 42 1998
Effectiveness of Gingko biloba extract in
Alzheimer's and Multi-infract Dementia .................. Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 41 1997
Gingko: Circulatory Therapy ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1995
Review Compares Gingko Extract
to Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors......................... Webb, Denise PhD ............................... HG 54 2002
Gingko ............................ ................................. HH 7/8 2000
Remember Gingko ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1998
Unsafe Gingko Compounds ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 2000
Remember Gingko ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1998
Ginseng - Panax spp.
Ginseng Evaluation Program ............................ Hall, Lu, Yat, Fitzloff, Arnason,
............................ Awang, Fong, Blumenthal..................... HG 52 2001
Researchers Claim Ginseng
Lacks "Compelling Evidence" ............................ Hoegler, Nancy ................................. HG 52 2001
Review Questions Ginseng's Role in Exercise........ Hoegler, Nancy ................................. HG 52 2001
Red Ginseng Shows Mild Blood
Pressure-Lowering Effect ............................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 51 2001
Will the Real Ginseng Please Stand Up?............... ................................. HC 6/7 2001
Ginseng - Facts and Folklore ............................ Hobbs, Christopher L. Ac....................... HH 3/4 1997
Three Ginsengs: Asian, American, and Siberian..... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1995
The Nature of Ginseng ............................ Dharmananda, Subhuti PhD................... HG 54 2002
Asian Ginseng May Help Speed
Healing Time in Patients with Chronic Bronchitis
Taking Antibiotic Drugs ............................ Webb, Denise PhD ............................... HG 54 2002
Siberian Ginseng ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 2000/2001
Roots of Steel ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 7/8 1997
American Ginseng and Breast Cancer................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 2000
Siberian Ginseng and Oxygen ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 2000
The Best Ginseng ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1997/1998
Eleuthero or Imposter ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1997
Goat's Rue - Galega officinalis
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 4/5 2001
Goldenrod - Solidago canadensis
Goldenrod: A Paradoxical Native Weed
With a Colorful Story ............................ Jepson, Jill ................................. HC 8/9 1993
Goldenseal - Hydrastis canadensis
Gilded History ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 9/10 1997
Goldenseal: Popular Cure for Everything ................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1995/1996
Goldenseal Synergy ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 5/6 1997
Goldenseal: No Panacea for Infections .................. Castleman, Michael .............................. HQ Spring 1998
Goldenseal and the Prostate ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1999

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 7
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Good King Henry - Chenopodium bonus-henricus

An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 2/3 1994
Gotu kola - Centella asiatica
Gotu Kola Shows Anxiety-Reducing Activity
in Clinical Trial ............................ Schulman, Risa N. PhD......................... HG 55 2002
Goutweed - Aegopodium podagraria
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 6/7 2000
Grapes - Vitis vinifera
New Activity for Grapes ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1999
Grape Compounds and Allergies ........................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1999
Spring Tonics ............................ Meares, Portia ................................. HC 4/5 1993
............................ ................................. HC 4/5 2000
............................ ................................. HC 4/6 2001
Guarana - Paullinia cupana
Alkaloids in Guarana ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1998/1999
Hawthorn - Crataegus spp.
Hawthorn Benefits Chronic Heart Failure................ Morien, Krista ................................. HG 43 1998
Hawthorn: Plants of Strength ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1997
Hemp - Cannabis sativa ............................ .................................
Fabulous Hemp ............................ Hobbs, Christopher L. Ac....................... HH 3/4 2000
Henna - Lawsonia inermis
Henna - An Ancient Herb to Dye
the Hair and Adorn the Body ............................ Minton, Melinda ................................. HH 3/4 2000
Herb Robert - Geranium robertianum
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 4/5 1997
Hibiscus - Hibiscus sabdariffa
Hibiscus and Blood Pressure ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 2000
Hops - Humulus lupulus
Hops ............................ McRae, Bobbi A ................................. HC 4/5 1992

Did you know hops are used for a restful sleep? That’s why they are in our herbal bath bags!

Horehound - Marrubium vulgare

An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 2/3 1993
Horehound Revisited ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1997
Horehound Revisited ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1998
Horse Chestnut - Aesculus hippocastanum
Horse Chestnut ............................ Lenz, Erika ................................. HH 9/10 1998
Horse Chestnut - Europe's Best Kept Secret.......... Foster, Steven ................................. HH 7/8 2000
Horse Chestnut as Skin Ally ............................ Jones, Kenneth ................................. HH 1/2 1997
Horseradish - Armoracia rusticana
Head Popping Horseradish ............................ Zentner, Joe ................................. HQ Summer 1998
Houttuynia - Houttuynia cordata
Ant-inflammatory Action in an Odorous Herb.......... ................................. HH 9/10 1996
Iceland Moss - Cetraria islandica
A New Herb for Immunity? ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 9/10 1999
Indigo - Indigofera tinctoria
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 2/3 1998
Japanese Honeysuckle - Lonicera japonica
Japanese Honeysuckle –
Traditional Uses Confirmed ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1999
Jewelweed - Impatiens pallida
Jewelweed - A Gem in the Woods......................... Gail, Peter A. ................................. HC 6/7 1993

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 8
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Joe Pye Weed - Eupatorium dubium

An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 8/9 1996
Juniper - Juniperus communis
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 2/3 1996
Kava - Piper methysticum
Kava Safety Questioned ............................ Blumenthal, Mark ................................. HG 55 2002
Kava Extract Relieves Anxiety: Meta Analysis ....... McCaleb, Rob ................................. HG 50 2000
LAPD issues Kava Retraction ............................ ................................. HG 40 1997
Kava Culture, Then and Now ............................ Singh, Yadhu N & Blumenthal, Mark....... HH 1/2 1998
HRF Produces Safety Review
on Kava for AHPA ............................ Dentali, Steven PhD .............................. HG 40 1997
Kava - Kava A Calming Herb from the
South Pacific ............................ ................................. HH 1/2 1997
Kava ............................ ................................. HH 7/8 2000
Anxiety over Kava ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 2002
Soothing Kava ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1997
Kava Peaceful Plant from the South Pacific............ Morien, Krista ................................. HRF Summer 1998
Kava: The Anxiety Herb ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1999/2000
Kudzu - Pueraria lobata
Kudzu ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1999/2000
An Indian Kudzu Protects the Liver........................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1997
Lady's Bedstraw - Galium verum
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 6/7 1999
Lady's Mantle - Alchemilla vulgaris
Lady's-Mantle A Gracious Guest in Any Garden..... Halloran, Kathleen................................. HC 12/1 1996/1997
An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 4/5 1992
Lavendar - Lavendula spp.
Lavenders for All Seasons ............................ Van Hevelingen, Andy ........................... HC 4/5 1999
Lovely Lavender Holds Compelling
Anticancer Potential ............................ Jones, Cindy L. A. PhD ......................... HH 1/2 1998
Best of the Lavenders ............................ ................................. HC 4/5 1998
Tender Lavenders ............................ DeBaggio, Thomas................................ HC 2/3 1991
Lavender ............................ ................................. HC 3/4 1994

Lavender the Queen of Herbs! We love it and it is used in our Lavender and
Calendula Liquid soaps, our “Lovely” Lotion, our Herbal Bath Bags, and our
Lavender Cream, Lavender Lace, and Lavender Cherubs bar soaps.

Lavender Oil Studied ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 2000

Lavender Sweetens Swine ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1999
Lavender as Anesthetic ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 2000
Lemon Balm - Melissa officinalis
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 8/9 1995
Lemon Balm for Cold Sores ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 2000
The Secret Life of Lemon Balm ............................. Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 2000
Lemon Grass - Cymbopogon citratus
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 2/3 1997
Lemon grass ............................ ................................. HH 9/10 1996
Sedative Effects ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1996

Relax with Lemongrass! We use essential oil of Lemongrass in our Calendula

Liquid Soap and our Everyday Oatmeal, and Herb Swirl bar soaps.

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
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Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Lemon Verbena - Aloysia triphylla

Lemon Verbena ............................ Merrill, David ................................. HC 6/7 1993
Licorice - Glycyrrhiza glabra
Licorice and Corticosteroids:
Double edged Swords ............................ Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 3/4 2000
Use Licorice to Treat Vasovagal Syncope .............. Blythe, Steven ................................. HG 46 1999
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 8/9 1997
Licorice: Sweet Medicine ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1996
Linden - Tilia americana
An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 6/7 1992
Lotus - Nelumbo nucifera
Ant- inflammatory Value of Sacred Lotus ............... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1998
Lovage - Smyrnium olusatrum
Lovage ............................ Underhill, Linda L. &Nakjavani, Jeanne.... HC 10/11 1992
Madagascar Periwinkle - Catharanthus roseus
Madagascar Periwinkle ............................ ................................. HC 8/9 1995
Magnolia (Southern) - Magnolia grandiflora
Flora of Louisiana ............................ Stones, Margaret ................................. HG 41 1997
Magnolia for Convulsions? ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1998/1999

Those of us here at Magnolia Hill Soap would LOVE to find an essential oil of Magnolia but
for now we have to settle for walking outside and breathing deeply!

Maidenhair Fern - Adiantum pedatum

An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 12/1 2000/2001
Mallows - Hibiscus spp./Malva spp
Beautiful Mallows Flowering Herbs of Innocence..... Gardner, Jo Ann ................................. HC 4/5 1996
Marsh Mallow: A simple Herb ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1999
Marijuana - Cannabis sativa
Medical Marijuana ............................ Pollan, Michael ................................. HH 3/4 1998
US and UN Studies Support
Medicinal Marijuana Research ............................ Levy, Betsy ................................. HG 46 1999
Cannibis for Migraine ............................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 46 1999
Marjoram - Origanum majorana .......................
Marjoram ............................ ................................. HC 10/11 1996
Sweet Marjoram ............................ ................................. HH 9/10 1996
Mayapple - Podophyllum peltatum
Cancer and the Plant World ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1995
Mexican Mint Marigold - Tagetes lucida
An Herb to Know ............................ Sitton, Diane Morey .............................. HC 4/5 1993
Milk Thistle - Sylybum marianum
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 8/9 2000
Milk Thistle Therapy ............................ Hobbs, Christopher L. Ac....................... HH 8/9 1997
Milk Thistle for Liver Disease ............................ ................................. HC 8/9 1995
Milkweed - Asclepias spp
The Beautiful Milkweeds ............................ Becker, Jim ................................. HC 8/9 1998
Mint - Menta spp.
Mad about Mint ............................ Regal. Patricia ................................. HQ Spring 1999
The Many Faces of Mint ............................ Buchanan, Rita ................................. HC 8/9 1992
The Truth About Mints ............................ Tucker, Arthur O. ................................. HC 8/9 1992
Medicinal Mints ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1997
Peppermint ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 2001

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 10
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Our Herb Cream Bar soap is flecked with dried mint! And for an extra treat
try our Chocolate Mint Squares – real soap, real chocolate.

Mistletoe - Phoradendron leucarpum

Mistletoe ............................ ................................. HC 12/1 1995/1996
Mistletoe Extract Shows Promise
for Hepatitis C Treatment in Small Study .............. Orlando, Carolyn Williams ..................... HG 54 2002
Monarda - Monarda spp
My Favorite Herb ............................ Long, Jim ................................. HC 8/9 1996
Monarda Fact Sheet ............................ ................................. IHA 1996
Monkshood - Aconitum napellus
Monkshood ............................ ................................. HC 1991
Mullein - Verbascum thapsus
An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 8/9 1994
Herbal Ear Drops Effectively
Treat Ear Pain Associated with
Acute Otitis Media ............................ Brown, Donald J. ND ............................. HG 54 2002
New Anti Viral Compounds from Mushrooms.......... Stamets, Paul ................................. HG 51 2001
Calm Your Spirit with the Revered
Reishi Mushroom ............................ Hobbs, Christopher L. Ac....................... HH 9/10 1999
Shiitake - Medicine in a Mushroom ....................... Jones, Kenneth ................................. HH 1/2 1997
Novel Antimicrobials from Mushrooms ................... Stamets, Paul ................................. HG 54 2002
Mustard - Brassica nigra
The Amazing Mustard Seed ............................ Bassett, Barbara ................................. HC 8/9 1993
Nettles - Urtica dioica
Nutritious Nettles ............................ Gail, Peter A. ................................. HH 7/8 1998
Stinging Nettle ............................ Duke, James ................................. HG 40 1997
Stinging Nettle ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1996
Noni - Morinda citrifolia
Noni's Futire ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 2000
Onions - Allium spp.
Ode to the Onion ............................ Albert-Matesz, Rachel........................... HC 12/1 2001/2002
Onion ............................
Hue and Cry - The Onion Family ........................... Belsinger, Susan and Carolyn Dille......... HC 2/3 1995
Eat Your Onions ............................ Belsinger, Susan and Carolyn Dille......... HC 2/3 1995
Oregano - Origanum spp.
Oregano - Contributing to Health and Longevity ...... Tucker, Arthur O. ................................. HH 3/4 1999
Will the Real Oregano Please Stand Up ................ Tucker, Arthur O. ................................. HC 2/3 1992
Oregon Grape - Mahonia aquifolium
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 2/3 1999
Mahonia Ointment in the Treatment of Psoriasis..... Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 42 1998
Parsley - Petroselinum crispum
Parsley a Laxative? ............................ ................................. HC 4/5 2002
More Than a Frill ............................ Carlson, Cornelia ................................. HC 6/7 1996
Partridge Berry - Mitchella repens
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 8/9 2001
Pasqueflower - Pulsatilla vulgaris..................... .................................
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 4/5 1998
Passionflower - Passiflora incarnata
Passionflower ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1991
Passionflower: For Food, Health, and Beauty......... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1997

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 11
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Patchouli - Pogostemon spp.

An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 2/3 2002
New Research Supports Traditional
Use of Patchouli for Nausea ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 11/12 1999

Patchouli – you either love it or hate it! For patchouli lovers we our Herb Cream Bar Soap.

Pau D'Arco - Tabebuia impetiginosa

Pau D'Arco ............................ Jones, Kenneth ................................. HH 11/12 1996
Paw Paw - Asimina triloba
In the Paw Paw Patch ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1996
Pelargonium (Scented Geraniums) Pelargonium spp.
A Rose by any Other Name ............................ Becker, Jim ................................. HC 2/3 1998
Fragrant Pots ............................ Becker, Jim & Brawner, Faye................. HC 2/3 1996
Growing Scented Geraniums Indoors..................... Lewis, Judy ................................. HC 12/1 1992/1993
Pelargonium Oil Effects ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1998

Rose Geranium Essential Oil is a great scent! Find it in our Cinnamon

Rose, Marigold, and Blue Rose bar soaps.

Peppers - Capsicum spp./ Piper spp

Some Like it Hot ............................ Erickson, Kim ................................. HC 8/9 2001
Chilis in the Kitchen ............................ Letter ................................. HC 1994
Peppers Pungent Medicine ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1996
The Pick of the Peppers ............................ Belsinger, Susan and Carolyn Dille......... HC 6/7 1994
Cayenne: A Hot Topic ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1999
The Promise of Peppers ............................ ................................. HH 9/10 1996
A Pepper Inhibits Platelet Aggregation................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1998
Perilla - Perilla frutescens
An Herb to Know ............................ Potts, Leanna K. ................................. HC 8/9 1992
Pineapple Sage - Salvia elegans
An Herb to Know ............................ Pelczar, Rita ................................. HC 6/7 1993
Plantain - Plantago spp
FDA Proposes Health Claim for Psyllium............... Johnston, Barbara A.............................. HG 41 1997
Traditional Uses of Plantain
Confirmed in Earlier Studies ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 11/12 1998
Plantain - the Next Immunstimulant?..................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 2001
Speaking of Psyllium ............................ ................................. HQ Summer 1998
Poinsettia - Euphorbia pulcherrima
Poinsettia ............................ ................................. HC 12/1 1996
Poppies - Papaver spp.
Poppy Fields Forever ............................ Proctor, Rob ................................. HC 2/3 1998
The Opium Poppy Story ............................ Morgenstern, Ka y ............................... HQ Spring 1999
Red Clover - Trifolium pratense
Red Clover Improves Heart Health
After Menopause ............................ Morien, Krista ................................. HG 47 1999
Red Clover ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 2001
Red Clover After Menopause? ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1999/2000
Resins ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 11/12 2000

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 12
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Rhodiola - Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola Boosts Performance Under Stress........... Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HH 5/6 2002
Finding a New Friend in an
Old Herb: Rhodiola rosea ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 2002
Rock Roses - Cistus spp.
Rock Roses Rediscover a Fragrant Friend ............. Van Hevelingen, Andy ........................... HC 2/3 2002
Rose - Rosa spp
The Apothecary Rose (R. gallica).......................... Shimizu, Holly ................................. HC 6/7 1996
Rosemary - Rosemarinus officinalis
For Remembrance ............................ Van Hevelingen, Andy ........................... HC 2/3 2000
Rosemary - Don’t Forget its Antioxidant Power ...... Schwartz, Jerry ................................. HH 1/2 1999

Our Soap Stones are for cleaning really grimy skin but crushed Rosemary is used for
grit and Essential Oil of Rosemary is an antiseptic to the opened pores.

Rue - Ruta graveolens

An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 6/7 1991
Safflower - Carthamus tinctorius
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 10/11 1997

Safflower oil is used in our Herb Cream and Lavender Cream bar soaps.

Saffron - Crocus sativus

The Saffron Mystique ............................ Szita, Ellen ................................. HC 2/3 2001
I'm Mad About Saffron ............................ Storrne, Nigel ................................. HQ Fall 1998
Sage - Salvia officinalis
Sage Through the Ages ............................ Hill, Madalene & Barclay, Gwen ............. HC 4/5 2001
St. John's Wort - Hpericum perforatum
St. Johns Wort: Future Treatment for
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? ......................... ................................. HG 51 2001
St. Johns wort Relieves Menopause Symptoms ..... Hoegler, Nancy ................................. HG 50 2000
It's Safe for Most People but Beware of
Drug-Combination Risks ............................ Baugh-Meyer, Amy & Rosen, Kelli ......... HH 5/6 2000
St. Johns Wort May Bring Fatigue Relief ............... Foster, Steven ................................. HH 7/8 1999
Safety of St. Johns Wort vs.
Antidepressant Drugs ............................ Morien, Krista ................................. HG 49 2000
Three Concentrations of St. Johns Wort
Effective Against Depression ............................ Morien, Krista ................................. HG 49 2000
St. Johns Wort Equivalent to World's
Best Selling Antidepressant ............................ McCaleb, Rob ................................. HG 49 2000
St. Johns Wort for Unexplained Fatigue................. Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 47 1999
Efficacy of St. Johns Wort Extract ........................
Standardized to Hyperforin ............................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 46 1999
Depression Conference Report.............................. Mulry, Mary C. PhD .............................. HG 45 1999
St Johns Wort May Reduce
Alcohol Cravings, Preliminary Study Shows ........... Sundermann, Ann ................................. HH 11/12 1998
St. Johns Wort for Slimming Down?
Probably Not say Some Experts.......................... ................................. HH 1/2 1998
More Evidence in Favor of St. Johns Wort .............. Morien, Krista ................................. HG 44 1998
St. John's Wort ............................ Monograph ................................. HG 40 1997
St. Johns Wort Offers Natural Therapy................... ................................. HH 11/12 1997
An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 4/5 1994
St. John's Wort ............................ ................................. HH 7/8 2000
Starring St. John's Wort ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1997

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 13
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

St. John's Wort: Past and Present ........................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1997
St. John's Wort: A Vexing Mystery
Finally Explained ............................ ................................. HQ Winter 1998
St. John's Wort Bashed by AMA........................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 2001
Salad Burnet - Poterium sanguisorba
An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 2/3 1992
Sassafras - Sassafras albidum
Flora of Louisiana ............................ Stones, Margaret ................................. HG 41 1997
Savory - Satureja hortensis
Savoring Savories ............................ Saville, Carole ................................. HC 10/11 1997
Savory ............................ Dille, Carolyn ................................. HC 2/3 1991
Saw Palmetto - Serenoa repens
Saw Palmetto Gets Strong Public Boost ............... Blumenthal, Mark ................................. HG 50 2000
Saw Palmetto Good News for Men
with Prostate Problems ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 1/2 1999
Not Just for Men Anymore? ............................ ................................. HH 1/2 1999
Saw Palmetto Shrinks Prostate Tissue.................. McCaleb, Rob ................................. HG 47 1999
JAMA Reviews 18 Controlled Studies on
Saw Palmetto ............................ Morien, Krista ................................. HG 45 1999
Saw Palmetto ............................ ................................. HH 7/8 2000
Understanding Saw Palmetto ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1997
First US Study on Saw Palmetto .......................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1999/2000
Saw Palmetto's Promise ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1997
Saw Palmetto: Help for the Prostate...................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1998
Schisandra - Schisandra spp
Schisandra: A Rising Star ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 2000
Schisandra for the Liver ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1997
Skullcap - Scutellaria laterifolia
Sedative Compounds Found in
American Skullcap ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 200/2001
The Ocean's Wealth of Flavor ............................ Henderson, Robert K............................. HC 6/7 1997
Seaweed ............................ Erickson, Kim ................................. HH 9/10 2001

Kelp is one of the Exfoliators in our Soap Grit bar soap!

Self Heal - Prunella vulgaris

An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 10/11 1993
Self-heal compounds help
Allergies, inflammation ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 2000/2001
Slippery Elm - Ulmus fulva
Slippery Elm: An American Original ...................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1999
Soapwort - Saponaria officinalis
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 6/7 1997
Soy - Glycine max
The Joy of Soy ............................ Castleman, Michael .............................. HH 7/8 2002
Soy Helps with Hot Flashes ............................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 44 1998
Soy Meets the World ............................ Knight, Jan ................................. HH 11/12 2000
Spanish Moss - Tillandsia usneoides
Spanish Moss and Diabetes ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1996
Spring Adonis - Adonis vernalis
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 2/3 2001
Stachys spp.
Stahys ............................ Tatroe, Marcia ................................. HC 10/11 1995

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
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Stevia - Stevia rebaudiana

Stevia The Sweetest of Herbs Richard, David........ ................................. HC 12/1 1997/1998
Preparation ............................ Letter ................................. HC 12/1 1991/1992
Sunflower - Helianthus annus
Sunflower Gold ............................ Halloran, Kathleen................................. HH 7/8 1999
Sweet Annie - Artemesia annua
Annie, Sweet Annie ............................ Challand, Sharon ................................. HC 10/11 1993

Sweet Woodruff - Galium odoratum

An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 4/5 1996
Tansy - Tanacetum vulgare
An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 10/11 1991
Tea - Camellia ssp.
Lower Risk of Colorectal and
Pancreatic Cancers Seen in
Green Tea Drinkers ............................ Webb, Denise PhD ............................... HG 44 1998
Green Tea for Better Health ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 2001
Real Tea ............................ Buchanan, Rita ................................. HC 12/1 1991/1992
Tea Tree - Melaleuca alternifolio
Tea Tree Oil May Kill Superbugs, Studies Show..... Jones, Cindy L. A. PhD ......................... HH 1/2 1999
Tea Tree Relatives ............................ ................................. HC 1996
Tea Tree and its Relatives ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1994
Thyme - Thymus vulgaris
Uncommon Thyme ............................ Talbert. Rexford ................................. HC 4/5 1997
Cooking with Thyme ............................ Belsinger, Susan ................................. HC 4/5 1997
Thyme for Your Medicine ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1991
Various ............................ Herb of the Year ................................. IHA 1997
Thyme ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 2001
Thyme and Again ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 2000

Thyme is said to restore energy! Get energized with our Herb Cream Bar Soap.

Tomato -
Tomatoes for the Prostate ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1998
Tulip Tree - Liriodendron tulipfera
Flora of Louisiana ............................ Stones, Margaret ................................. HG 41 1997
Turmeric - Curcuma longa
Turmeric The Favorite of Ancients
wins Scientific Acclaim ............................ Broadhurst, C. Leigh ............................. HH 11/12 1996
Turmeric the Gold ............................ Carlson, Cornelia ................................. HH 7/8 2000
Turmeric ............................ ................................. HC 10/11 1994
Time to Tout Turmeric ............................ ................................. HQ Winter 1998
Turmeric for Drinkers ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1998
Turmeric: An All-Purpose Antioxidant .................... Foster, Steven ................................. HQ Fall 1998
Turmeric for Ulcers? ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1998

Turmeric is an old Ayurvedic remedy for joint pain! You will find Turmeric
in our Marigold and Herb Swirls bar soaps

Valerian - Valeriana officinalis

An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 2/3 1995
Vanilla - Vanilla planifolia

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 15
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Vanilla ............................ Hill, Madalene & Barclay, Gwen ............. HC 12/1 1995/1996
Vervain - Verbena officinalis
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 8/9 1999
Violets - Viola spp
The Benefit of Violets ............................ Keegan, Linda ................................. HC 4/5 1997
Sweet Violets ............................ Van Horn, Kathleen S............................ HC 4/5 1993
Virgin's Bower - Clematis virginiana
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 6/7 2001
Vitex (Chaste Tree) - Vitex agnus-castus
Vitex Surpasses Vitamin B6 for PMS.................... Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HH 5/6 1998
Vitex Improves Symptoms of PMS........................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 50 2000
Vitex More Effective Than Pyridoxine in PMS......... Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 42 1998
Vitex Proves Effective for PMS.............................. Jones, Cindy L. A. PhD ......................... HH 7/8 2001
Chasteberry Extract Successfully Treats
PMS in Placebo Controlled Trial............................ Brown, Donald J. ND ............................. HG 52 2001
Vitex: A Vital Herb for Women ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1998/1999
Walnut - Juglans regia
The Sleepy Walnut Tree ............................ ................................. HC 4/5 1999
Wild Ginger - Asarum canadense
An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 12/1 1995/1996
Wild Yam - Dioscorea villosa
Wild Yam Scam ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1999
Willow Bark - Salix alba
Willow Bark Reduces Low Back Pain.................... Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 50 2000
Willows ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 2001/2002
Winterberry - Ilex verticillata
An Herb to Know ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 12/1 1999/2000
Wintergreen - Gaultheria procumbens
An Herb to Know ............................ ................................. HC 12/1 1993/1994
Witch Hazel - Hamamelis virginiana .................
Witch Hazel's Secrets ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1998
Witch Hazel's Healing Powers ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1996/1997
Woolflower - Celosia spp
Liver Protection from Woolflower ........................... Foster, Steven ................................. HH 1/2 1997
Yarrow - Achillea spp. ............................
A Yen for Yarrow ............................ Palmer, Sharon ................................. HH 3/4 2002
Fair Yarrows ............................ Van Hevelingen, Andy ........................... HC 8/9 1996
Yarrow ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 2001
Yohimbe - Pausinystalia yohimbe
Yohimbe an African Aphrodisiac to
Treat with Caution ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 3/4 1999
Za'tar Whatever The Stuff is, It's Delicious .............. Gardner, Jo Ann ................................. HC 10/11 1992

Plant Chemistry
Topic Article ................. Author Source ..................... Issue Year
Rosemary Compounds Help
the Brain Manage Memory ............................ Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd......................... HH 7/8 1999
Berries for Better Eyesight,
Anti aging Benefits and More ............................ Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 16
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

............................ & Duke, James A. Phd......................... HH 9/10 1999

Antioxidants in Herbs ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1999
Sunflowers' Arginine May Help Impotence............. Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd.......................... HH 9/10 1998
Aristolochic Acid
Nephropathy Associated with the use of
Aristolochia ............................ Chen, John K, PhD ............................... HG 48 2000
Boswellic Acid
An Extract From the Frankincense
Tree Helps Ease Arthritis Pain ............................ Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd.......................... HH 1/2 1998
Tomato Products May Lower the Risk of
Prostate Cancer ............................ Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd.......................... HH 5/6 1998
Cichoric Acid
Inside Plants Herbal Chemistry ............................. Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd......................... HH 9/10 1997
Cyanogenic glycosides
Can Cyanide Help Heal? Yes, But Take Care......... Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd......................... HH 3/4 1999
I Associate the Scent of Eucalyptus
with Newborns ............................ Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd......................... HH 7/8 1998
Inside Plants Herbal Chemistry ............................. Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd......................... HH 5/6 1997
Mushroom's Structure Helps Prevent Tumors ......... Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd......................... HH 1/2 1999
Inside Plants Herbal Chemistry ............................. Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd......................... HH 11/12 1997
Soothe Dermatitis with Evening Primrose............... Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd.......................... HH 11/12 1999
Melatonin in Medicinal Plants ............................ McCaleb, Ron ................................. HG 46 1999
Pepper May make Meals More Nutritious .............. Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd......................... HH 1/2 2000
Phytoestrogens and Isoflavones Translated............ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 2001
Inside Plants Herbal Chemistry ............................. Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd......................... HH 3/4 1997
Inside Plants Herbal Chemistry ............................. Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd.......................... HH 7/8 1997
Herbs Can Mimic Human Hormones...................... Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD
............................ & Duke, James A. Phd......................... HH 11/12 1998

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 17
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

History of Herbalism ....................... Article Author ...................... Source Issue Year

Herbalist's Charter ............................ ................................. HG 43 1998
Chronology of Herbals ............................ ................................. HC 12/1 1992/1993
Medicinal Plants Supported by
Clinical Data in WHO Monographs ........................ ................................. HG 47 1999
Herbal Morning After Pills –
Contraception in the Ancient World ....................... Tschanz, David W................................. HH 5/6 2000
At Risk North American
Indigenous Medicinal Plants ............................ ................................. HQ Fall 1998
Ayurveda: Ancient Traditions of India ..................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 2000

Herbal Cosmetics
Essential Oils Topic Article ................. Author Source ..................... Issue Year
Essential Oils in the Kitchen ............................ Green, Mindy ................................. HH 9/10 1999
Ritual Oils ............................ Green, Mindy ................................. HC 2/3 2000
Fragrant Massage Oils ............................ Keville, Kathi ................................. HC 10/11 1996
The Essence of Herbs ............................ Phillips, Harriet Flannery........................ HC 12/1 1992/1993
Aromatherapy: An Alternative
Medicine Approach ............................ Van Buren, Elizabeth ............................ IHA 9 1996

Our pledge is NEVER anything but pure, essential oil in our products!

............................ Loe, Theresa ................................. HC 6/7 2001
Misty for Me ............................ Green, Mindy ................................. HC 6/7 1999
A Five-step Skin Care
Program for Perfect Skin ............................ Gladstar, Rosemary .............................. HH 3/4 2002
Saving Face: Herbal Facials
for Winter Weary Skin ............................ Quatrochi, Kathlyn................................ HC 2/3 1996
Pamper Your Feet ............................ Cox, Janice ................................. HC 8/9 2001
Getting Rid of Foot
and Nail Fungus ............................ Minton, Melinda ................................. HH 9/10 2001
Bunion Relief ............................ Jones, Kenneth ................................. HH 11/12 1996
A Walk on the Wild Side (Henna).......................... Gladstar, Rosemary .............................. HC 4/5 2002
Henna: A Natural Attraction ............................ ................................. HC 8/9 1993
Natural Help for Thinning Hair ............................ Halloran, Kathleen................................. HH 5/6 2000
Herbal Shampoos ............................ Bird, Stephanie Rose ............................ HC 4/5 2001
Restoring Rapunzel ............................ Kallenbach, Laurel ................................ HC 8/9 1999
Herbal Hair Care ............................ Halloran, Kathleen................................. HC 8/9 1993
An Herbal Guide to Beautiful Hair.......................... Minton, Melinda ................................. HH 7/8 1999
Help For Hair Loss ............................ Stansbury Jill & Willard, Terry ................ HH 7/8 2001

Our herbal shampoos are made from scratch, by us, nothing synthetic, no
chemicals just good natural stuff!

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 18
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Healthy Hands ............................ Cox, Janice ................................. HQ Spring 1999
Some Nail Markings Indicate
Deeper Problems ............................ ................................. HH 11/12 2000
Skin Care
Plant Your Own Beauty Garden ............................ Cox, Janice ................................. HC 4/5 2002
............................ ................................. HH 11/12 2001
............................ Green, Mindy ................................. HH 7/8 2001
The Romans Did ............................ ................................. HH 1/2 1999
Herbal Skin Care for All Ages ............................ White, Lind B. MD & Mavor, Sunny ........ HH 3/4 1999
A Guide to Herbal Defense ............................ Bucco, Gloria ................................. HH 7/8 1998
Easy Herbal Treatments to Protect, Preserve ......... Quatrochi, Kathlyn................................ HH 3/4 1997
Recipes from the Garden ............................ Cox, Janice ................................. HQ Winter 1998
Herbal Body Scrubs ............................ Buchele, Sheron ................................. HH 10/11 2001
Herbal Baths ............................ Nottingham, Nancy ............................... HC 2/3 2001
Skin Soothers ............................ Green, Mindy ................................. HC 12/1 2000/2001
............................ ................................. HC 12/1 2000/2001
Herbal Skin Care ............................ Wallis, Gail ................................. HC 4/5 1992
Motherly Inventions ............................ Cox, Kathryn ................................. HC 8/9 2000
Salvation - Herbal Balms
Soothe Aches and Pains ............................ Khalsa, K. P. ................................. HH 11/12 1998
Hemp Hype ............................ Rosen, Kelli ................................. HC 6/7 2000
Body Wraps ............................ Minton, Melinda ................................. HC 2/3 1999

Our “Lovely” Lotion is like nutrition for your skin!

Sun Care
............................ ................................. HC 6/7 1991
Summer Beauty ............................ Cox, Janice ................................. HC 6/7 1997
Herbal Sun Care ............................ Lenz, Erica ................................. HH 5/6 1998
Herbal Sun Care ............................ Lenz, Erica ................................. HC 6/7 2002
Keville, Kathi ............................ ................................. HH 7/8 2002
Cooling Herbal Scented Waters ............................ ................................. HC 6/7 1998
Protect Yourself When You're out in the Garden..... ................................. HC 8/9 1996

Thing to Do With Herbsc ............. Article Author ...................... Source Issue Year
Paper Sack Basketry ............................ Cox, Janice ................................. HC 8/9 1997
Rough, Tough Planters ............................ Halloran, Kathleen................................. HC 4/5 1994
Lavender Hearts ............................ Frederick, Kate Carter ........................... HC 2/3 1994
An Herbal Candle ............................ ................................. HC 10/11 1994
Preserve the Pleasure ............................ Van Hevelingen, Andy ........................... HC 6/7 2000
Dry Your Herbs in the Fridge ............................ Hill, Madalene & Barclay, Gwen ............. HC 8/9 1993
Everlasting Herbs ............................ Becker, Jim ................................. HC 6/7 1994
Simmering Potpourris ............................ Gruenberg, Louise................................. HC 12/1 1995/1996
Resplendent Potpourri ............................ Gruenberg, Louise................................. HC 12/1 1997/1998

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 19
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Food Projects
Humble Herbs ............................ Knab, Sophie Hodorowicz...................... HC 2/3 1997
Herbal Beer ............................ Buhner, Stephen Harrod ........................ HQ Spring 1999
Garden Projects
What's the Matter ............................ Strauch, Betsy ................................. HC 6/7 1998
Liquid Herbs ............................ Herzberger, Heidi ................................. HC 4/5 1998
Captured Garden Scents ............................ Lee, Rand B. ................................. HC 8/9 2001
A Dream Garden ............................ Hutson, Lucinda ................................. HC 4/5 2000
Gardening by the Moon ............................ ................................. HC 12/1 1999/2000
A Fluttering Garden ............................ Arrigoni, Karin ................................. HC 4/5 1997
Garden Q & A ............................ Hunter, Camille J ............................... JTU 25-Mar 1995
Battle of the Bug ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1997
Herbs vs, Bugs ............................ Tucker, Arther O ................................. HC 6/7 1994
Deck the Halls (Xmas) ............................ Oberle, Sue Sanders &
............................ Rowland, Sherron Buchele..................... HC 12/1 2001/2002
Season-Scented Friends (Xmas)........................... ................................. HC 12/1 2001/2002
A Kissing Ball (Xmas) ............................ Gruenberg, Louise................................. HC 12/1 1996/1997
Rewards of the Season (Xmas)............................. ................................. HC 10/11 2001
A Gingerbread House ............................ Wasinger, Susan ................................. HC 12/1 1998/1999
A Valentine that Blooms ............................ Kulpa, Ann ................................. HC 2/3 1998
"Be Mine" with an Herbal Valentine ....................... ................................. HC 2/3 2002
Easter Eggs the Herbal Way ............................ ................................. HC 2/3 1999
Home Care
............................ ................................. HH 3/4 2002
Creating Herbal Incense ............................ Jacobsen, Pamela D............................. HQ Winter 1998
Spring Cleaning ............................ Gruenberg, Louise................................. HC 2/3 1997
Clean Up Your Act ............................ Blanchard, Nanette ............................... HQ Spring 1999
Lavender at Home ............................ ................................. HC 6/7 2002
Herbal House Cleaning ............................ Frederick, Kate Carter ........................... HC 4/5 1991
Herbs in the Closet ............................ Buchanan, Rita ................................. HC 8/9 1990
Natural Moth balls ............................ Letter ................................. HQ Spring 1999
For the Home ............................ ................................. HH 11/12 2001
Plant Projects
Making the Topiary ............................ Haynie, Don ................................. HC 6/7 1999
Intentional Bouquets ............................ Trommer, Rosemerry Wahtola................ HC 2/3 2002
Tussie Mussies ............................ Laufer, Geraldine Adamich..................... HC 4/5 1996
A Culinary Wreath Becomes a Work of Art ............ Loe, Theresa ................................. HC 10/11 1997
Vinegars, Oils & Honey
Herbal Vinegars ............................ Hill, Madalene & Barclay, Gwen ............. HC 6/7 1991
Herbal Oils and Botulism - The Need for Caution .... Reppert, Patricia K................................ IHA 2 1995
Preserving the Memories ............................ Williams, Betsy ................................. HC 2/3 2001

Herbal Medicine
Topic Article ................. Author Source ..................... Issue Year
Go with The Urge to Quit ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 8/9 1999
Herbs and Alcohol ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1999/2000
Survival Slills - Gingko and
Conditions Associated with Aging ......................... Khalsa, Karta Purk Singh ...................... HH 5/6 1997
Q&A ............................ Green, Mindy ................................. HH 9/10 1996

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 20
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Herbal Immune Modulators as
Potential Therapty for HIV Patients........................ Webb, Denise PhD ............................... HG 55 2002
Hypericin and Aids ............................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 47 1999
Breathe Easy: Herbs Ease Respiratory Allergies .... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1996
Breathe Easy This Spring ............................ Azmeh-Scanlan, Kathy RPH.................. HH 3/4 2002
Dark Eye Circles ............................ Gladstar, Rosemary & Stansbury, Jill ..... HH 11/12 1999
Allergic? Treat Your Allergies at the Source........... Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 3/4 2000
............................ White, Linda B. MD............................... HH 3/4 2001
Breathe Easy - Herbs That Soothe
Allergy Symptoms ............................ Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD ...................... HH 5/6 1997
Allergies ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar Rosemary ............................ HH 7/8 1998
Allergies ............................ ................................. HH 5/6 1998
Got Allergies? Get Turmeric ............................ ................................. HQ Winter 1998

The ingredients in our soaps and lotion are chosen considering those who struggle with allergies!
We use no fragrance oils, no synthetic colors or preservatives and the feedback from our
customers, especially those with skin sensitivities, is very positive

Sage, Rosemary, Balm and More ......................... ................................. HH 1/2 1998
Gingko and Alzheimer's ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 1/2 1997
Gingko to the Rescue ............................ ................................. HQ Spring 1999
Herbs for Help with Alzheimer's............................. Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 2002
Gingko for Dementia: The Story Behind the Story ... ................................. HQ Spring 1998
Q&A ............................ Green, Mindy ................................. HH 9/10 1996
Male Tonic Elixir ............................ ................................. HH 11/12 2001
Herbs for Testosterone Production ........................ Stansbury, Jill & Willard, Terry ............... HH 5/6 2000
Herbal Aphrodisiacs ............................ Castleman, Michael .............................. HH 3/4 1999
Herbal for Impotence ............................ ................................. HQ Winter 1998
American Ginseng and Sex ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 2000

Our “Lovely” Lotion is great for massage. Surprise your partner!

Are Ginger and Willow bark Extracts Viable
Alternatives to Treat Osteoarthritis?....................... Brown, Donald J ND .............................. HG 55 2002
Pain-free Joints, Naturally ............................ White, Linda B. MD............................... HH 7/8 2001
Q&A ............................ Barney, D. Paul ................................. HH 5/6 1997
Nettle Takes the Sting out of Arthritis .................... Castleman, Michael .............................. HQ Fall 1998
Q&A ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar Rosemary ........................... HH 3/4 1998
Pain Relief from the Lily Family............................. ................................. HH 9/10 1996
Joint Relief ............................ Bucco, Gloria ................................. HH 11/12 1998
Herbal Relief for Arthritis ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1997
Natural Approaches to Arthritis ............................. Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 2000
Children and Asthma ............................ Willard, Terry & Barney, D. Paul............. HH 5/6 1999
Asthma, the "New" Disease ............................ Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD ...................... HH 5/6 1998

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 21
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Attentional Deficit Disorder

Alternatives for ADD? ............................ Johnson, Lois MD & Willard, Terry.......... HH 9/10 1999
Q&A ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gagnon, Daniel................................. HH11/12 1997
Q&A ............................ ................................. HH 11/12 1996
Flavonoids Associated with
Lowered Risk of Lung Cancer ............................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 44 1998
How DO Plants Help Prevent Cancer? ................... Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD ...................... HH 1/2 2000
Don't Dismiss Herbs as
Complementary Cancer Treatment ........................ Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 5/6 2000
No Pituitary ............................ Rountree Robert MD
............................ & Gagnon, Daniel ................................. HH 7/8 1999
Q&A ............................ Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 3/4 1997
Garlic and Cancer ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 2001/2002
Cancer Support ............................ Cabrera, Chancal
............................ & Barney, D. Paul MD........................... HH 1/2 1998
New Ovarian Cancer Drug Provides Hope, Risk ...... ................................. HH 9/10 1996
Anticancer Fruits ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1996/1997
Cancer Deterrents in Cumin,
Poppy, and Sacred Basil Oils ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 3/4 1997
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.......................... Khalsa, Karta Purk Singh ...................... HH 9/10 2001
Herbalist to Herbalist ............................ ................................. HC 6/7 1992
The Scary Herbs - Are They Really So Scary?....... ................................. HH 7/8 2000
Q&A ............................ ................................. HH 11/12 1996
Pennyroyal Dangers ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 1/2 1997
Q&A ............................ Rountree Robert MD
............................ & Gagnon, Daniel................................. HH 11/12 1997
Overstimulated ............................ Cabrera, Chancal
............................ & Barney, D. Paul MD.......................... HH 1/2 1198
Bringing Baby Home ............................ Kemper, Kathi MD ................................ HH 3/4 1997
Herbal Healthcare for your Child............................ Romm, Aviva Jill ................................. HQ Fall 1998
Ginger for Motion Sickness in Children .................. Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 2001
Garlic for Children? ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1999
Herbs for Children ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1998
Three Herbs that Reduce Serum Cholesterol.......... ................................. HC 4/5 1995
Lower Your Cholesterol - the Herbal Way............... Castleman, Michael .............................. HH 9/10 2001
Lowering Cholesterol ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Willard, Terry ............... HH 3/4 2001
Horse Chestnut Effective
in Chronic Venous Insufficiency ............................ Morien, Krista ................................. HG 45 1999
Circulation Problems? ............................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HH 3/4 2000
Improve Memory and Circulation
with Chinese Herbs and Diet ............................ Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 1/2 2000
Treat Varicose Veins Naturally ............................ Merriken, Terri ................................. HH 1/2 2000
Buckwheat for Swollen Legs ............................ Jones, Kenneth ................................. HH 5/6 1997
Q&A ............................ Rountree Robert MD
............................ & Gagnon, Daniel ................................. HH 9/10 1997
A Herbal Solution to Varicose Veins...................... Green, Mindy ................................. HQ Fall 1998
Leading Herbs for the Mind ............................ McCaleb, Rob ................................. HG 44 1998
Enhance Your Memory, Naturally.......................... Ridout, Christine ................................. HH 1/2 2002
BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 22
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Q&A ............................ Rountree Robert MD & Green, Mindy ...... HH 3/4 1997
Colds & Flu
Cold and Flu Prevention ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1996
Herbs for the Common Cold ............................ ................................. HC 12/1 1993/1994
Colds and Flu ............................ Mars, Brigette AHG............................... HH 11/12 2001
Fending Off Colds and Flu ............................ White, Linda B. MD............................... HH 9/10 1999
Sore Throat Care for Kids ............................ White, Linda B. MD
............................ & Mavor, Sunny AHG ............................ HH 9/10 2000
Herbal Care for Colds and Flu ............................ Gagnon, Daniel ................................. HH 9/10 1996
Fending off the Flu ............................ Knight, Jan ................................. HH 9/10 1997
Cold Busters - Herbs to the Rescue ...................... White, Linda B. MD............................... HH 9/10 1998
Andrographis: A Promising New Herbal
Treatment for Colds ............................ ................................. HQ Spring 1998
Sinus Infection: An Herbal Formula Helps .............. Castleman, Michael .............................. HQ Spring 1998
Potential Virus Busters? ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1997
Herbal Cough Drops ............................ Letter ................................. HC 4/5 1997
Sore Throat Relief ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1998
Herbs for Colds and Coughs ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 2000
Q&A ............................ Rountree Robert MD
............................ & Gagnon, Daniel................................. HH 9/10 1997
Fighting Depression the Herbal Way ..................... Foster, Steven ................................. HH 11/12 1996
Depression ............................ Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 9/10 1997
Fading the Winter Blues ............................ ................................. HH 1/2 1998
Giddiness from St. John's Wort............................. Barney, D. Paul MD
............................ & Gagnon, Daniel ................................ HH 9/10 1998
Healing Hearts and Minds in the Age of Prozac ...... Zelko, Eric ................................. HQ Summer 1998
Plants with Antidiabetic Activity ............................ Webb, Ginger ................................. HG 40 1997
Balance Blood Sugar by Strengthening Kidneys..... Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 9/10 1999
Keeping Diabetes in Check ............................ Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD ...................... HH 1/2 1997
Diabetes and Kidneys ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar Rosemary ............................ HH 3/4 1998
Cacti and Diabetes ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 1/2 1997
Ringing Ears ............................ Rountree Robert MD
............................ & Gagnon, Daniel ................................. HH 9/10 1998
Tinnitus Treatments ............................ Keville, Kathi & Rountree, Robert MD...... HH 9/10 2001
Slowing Macular Degeneration.............................. Stansbury, Jill & Galdstar, Rosemary ..... HH 11/12 1999
Q&A ............................ Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD ...................... HH 9/10 1996
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and TCM ..................... Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 5/6 2002
Increasing Energy ............................ Keville, Kathi & Rountree, Robert MD...... HH 9/10 2001
Ginseng and Fatigue ............................ ................................. HH 9/10 1996
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ............................ Johnson, Lois MD................................. HH 7/8 1999
Energy ............................ Broadhurst, C. Leigh PhD ...................... HH 7/8 1997
High Energy Herbs ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1196/1997
Optimizing Fertility Naturally ............................ Romm, Aviva Jill ................................. HH 5/6 2002
Possible Shortcomings of Fertility
Study on Herbs ............................ McCaleb, Rob ................................. HG 46 1999
Using Oral Contraceptives Safely .......................... Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 1/2 2002
Contraceptive Herbs Known to the Ancients........... ................................. HH 5/6 2000
Natural Perspectives on Infertility .......................... Lenz, Erika ................................. HH 5/6 2000
Chinese Herbs and Infertility ............................ Jones, Kenneth ................................. HH 5/6 1997

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 23
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Drink Tea and Get Pregnant ............................ ................................. HQ Fall 1998

Castor Beans for Contraception?........................... Foster, Steven ................................. HH 7/8 1998
First Aid
Cuts and Scrapes ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1996
Herbal First Aid ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1992
Case Study - A Fall ............................ Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 7/8 1998
Herbal Poultices and Compresses ........................ ................................. HC 2/3 1999
Lemongrass Oil may Heal Ringworm..................... Foster, Steven ................................. HH 3/4 1997
Natural Help for Athlete's Foot Jones, Cindy L. A. PhD ................................. HH 7/8 2002
An Herb for the Tummy and Toes .......................... ................................. HH 5/6 1998
Footwork - Giving Athlete's Foot the Boot .............. Khalsa, Karta Purk Singh ...................... HH 7/8 1997
Treat Athlete's Foot Before It Spreads ................... Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 3/4 1999
Improve Intestinal Health
with Herbs and Nutrients ............................ Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 3/4 2000
Achieving Bowel Health ............................ Khalsa, Karta Purk Singh ...................... HH 5/6 2002
Ulcerative Colitus ............................ Keville, Kathi & Rountree, Robert MD...... HH 5/6 2002
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Effective in Irritable Bowel Syndrome ..................... Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 45 1999
Q&A ............................ Green, Mindy ................................. HH 1/2 1997
Natural Ulcer Help ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary .......................... HH 11/12 2000
Q&A ............................ Rountree, Robert MD & Green, Mindy ..... HH 1/2 1997
Q&A ............................ Cabrera, Chancal
............................ & Barney, D. Paul MD........................... HH 5/6 1997
Easy on the Stomach ............................ Gagnon, Daniel ................................. HH 11/12 1997
Digestion Pains ............................ Cabrera, Chancal
............................ & Barney, D. Paul MD........................... HH 1/2 1998
Heartburn ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary .......................... HH 5/6 1998
Cancer Help ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary .......................... HH 11/12 1998
Herbs Can Help Soothe Digestive Problems........... Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 11/12 1998
Stomach Ulcers ............................ Rountree Robert MD & Gagnon, Daniel ... HH 7/8 1999
Peppermint and Caraway Oil
for Irritable Bowel Syndrome ............................ ................................. HQ Fall 1998
Bitters ............................ ................................. HC 12/1 1996/1997
Relief for Indigestion ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1997
Indigestion? Spell Relief the Herbal Way................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1996
An Appetite for Herbs ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1997
Q&A ............................ Green, Mindy ................................. HH 3/4 1997
Endometriosis ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Willard, Terry ............... HH 7/8 2002
Fibroid Help ............................ Keville, Kathi & Rountree, Robert MD...... HH 5/6 2002
Hormone Replacement Therapy ............................ Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 11/12 2001
Vaginal Infection ............................ Keville, Kath
............................ & Khalsa, Karta Purk Singh .................. HH 1/2 2002
Abnormal Pap Results ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Galdstar, Rosemary ..... HH 11/12 1999
Natural Strategies for Fighting Yeast ..................... Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 11/12 1999
Q&A ............................ Cabrera, Chanca
............................ l & Barney, D. Paul MD......................... HH 7/8 1997
Restoring Breast Health ............................ Alschuler, Lise ND ................................ HH 11/12 1999
Another Herb for Healthy Breasts.......................... Khalsa, Karta Purk Singh ...................... HH 11/12 1999
Soothing Treatments for Vaginitis.......................... Stansbury, Jill & Willard, Terry ............... HH 9/10 2000

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 24
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Help for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome................... Johnson, Lois MD................................. HH 3/4 2001
From Hot Flashes to Herbal Therapy ..................... Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 11/12 1997
Estrogen Replacement ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary .......................... HH 3/4 1998
Allies in the Breast Cancer Battle ......................... Jones, Cindy L. A. PhD ......................... HH 1/2 1998
Scared by Your Pap Test? ............................ Keville, Kathi Hobbs
............................ & Christopher LAc, AHG ....................... HH 9/10 1998
Build Blood with Herbs to Calm Painful Periods ...... Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 5/6 1999
Chaste Tree Relieves PMS ............................ Castleman, Michael .............................. HQ Summer 1998
Chaste Tree and PMS ............................ ................................. HC 4/5 1998
Q&A ............................ Green, Mindy & Broadhurst, C. Leigh...... HH 9/10 1996
The Menstrual Cycle ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1997
Migraine Headaches and Feverfew ........................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 10/11 1995
Maddening Migraines ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary .......................... HH 11/12 1998
For Migraine Headaches
Feverfew May be of Help ............................ ................................. BN 11 1995
Treating Migraines ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Willard, Terry ............... HH 3/4 2001
A Closer Look at Tiger Balm ............................ ................................. HC 4/5 1998
Indian Herb for Chronic Congestive
Heart Failure ............................ Webb, Ginger ................................. HG 41 1997
Hawthorne: New Proof of
Effectiveness in Heart Failure ............................ ................................. HQ Winter 1998
Heart Arrhythmia ............................ Keville, Kathi
............................ & Khalsa, Karta Purk Singh .................. HH 1/2 2002
The Heart of the Matter ............................ Khalsa, Karta Purk Singh ...................... HH 3/4 2001
Protecting Your Heart ............................ Brown, Donald J ND .............................. HH 7/8 1998
Heart Health ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1998
Herbal Alternatives for Chronic Active Hepatitis....... Morien, Krista ................................. HG 43 1998
Licorice for Hepatitis C ............................ ................................. HQ Fall 1998
Hepatitis C The Quiet Epidemic ............................ Johnson, Lois MD................................. HH 3/4 2000
Hepatitis C The Quiet Epidemic ............................ Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 7/8 1997
Schizandra Treat Liver Disease............................. ................................. HQ Spring 1999
Herb/Drug Interaction
Safe Combinations ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary ........................... HH 5/6 1998
Interactions Between Herbs
and Conventional Drugs:
Introductory Considerations ............................ Blumenthal, Mark ................................. HG 49 2000
Herbs, Drugs, and Surgery ............................ Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 9/10 2001
Lessons from the Grapefruit ............................ Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 11/12 2001
Grapefruit Juice Squeezes
More out of Medications ............................ Johnston, Barbara A.............................. HG 43 1998
Herb-Drug Interactions ............................ Hardy, Mary MD ................................. HH 11/12 1998
The Herb-Drug Mix ............................ Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 7/8 1999
Herbs and Anti-depressant drugs
Can Cross Paths with Careful Use ........................ Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 9/10 1999
Herbs and Drugs for Your Heart:
Sorting out What is Safe ............................ Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 11/12 1999
A Trip to the Hospital ............................ ................................. HH 1/2 2000
Phytoestrogens May Help Mitigate HRT Risks ....... Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 7/8 2000
Immune Suppressants and Herbal Medicine........... Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 11/12 2000
The Absorption Mystery ............................ Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 3/4 2001

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 25
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Combining Antibiotics and Herbs

-an Integrated Approach ............................ Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 7/8 2001
Herb and Drug Interactions: An Emerging Issue...... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 2001
Q&A ............................ Rountree, Robert MD & Green. Mindy ..... HH 1/2 1997
Q&A ............................ Rountree Robert MD
............................ & Gagnon, Daniel................................. HH 9/10 1997
High Blood Pressure ............................ Barney, D. Paul MD & Gagnon, Daniel.... HH 9/10 1998
Smart Foods for Hypothyroidism........................... Whitaker,Debbie ................................. HH 9/10 2001
Hypothyroidism, Herbs and Drugs ......................... Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 3/4 2002
Hypothyroidism and Low Blood Pressure............... Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary .......................... HH 7/8 2000
Immune System
Garlic, Ginger, and Onions ............................ McCullough, Lynda ............................... HH 5/6 2002
Treating Alopecia Areata ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Willard, Terry ............... HH 5/6 2000
Immune and Menopausal Herbs ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary .......................... HH 11/12 2000
Herbal Immune Stimulants ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 2/3 1999
Herbal Aspirin ............................ Dominick, Anne Westbrook ................... HC 8/9 1992
Inflammation, Herbs, and Drugs ............................ Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 7/8 2002
Q&A ............................ Rountree, Robert MD............................. HH 11/12 1997
Herbs for Snoozing ............................ Halloran, Kathleen................................. HC 12/1 1993/1994
Valerian/Lemon Balm Combination
Well Tolerated in Clinical Study ............................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HG 49 2000
A Good Night's Sleep ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1995
Natural Solutions for Insomnia ............................ Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 9/10 2001
Q&A ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 11/12 1996
A Good Nights Rest ............................ Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 5/6 1997
Valerian Hops Combination Improves Sleep ........... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 2001/2002
Laxatives ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1996
Living with Lupus ............................ Willard, Terry & Barney, D. Paul............. HH 5/6 1999
Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Willard, Terry ............... HH 3 /4 2002
Lymph edema
Help for Lymph Edema ............................ Keville, Kathi & Rountree, Robert MD...... HH 9/10 2001
Six Paths to Menopausal Wellness....................... Hudson, Tori ND ................................. HH 1/2 2000
Hysterectomy and Hormones ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Galdstar, Rosemary ..... HH 3/4 2000
Chinese Formula for Hot Flashes Tested in US ...... ................................. HH 11/12 1996
Chamomile Therapy for Menopausal Stress ........... Jones, Kenneth ................................. HH 3/4 1997
Perimenopause ............................ Halloran, Kathleen................................. HH 5/6 1999
Black Cohosh a Change for the
Better in Menopause ............................ Leigh, Evelyn ................................. HRF Fall 1998
Menopause - Herbs that Can Ease the Transition ... ................................. HH 9/10 1996
What is Herb Standardization ............................ Hall, Tara and Blumenthal Mark.............. HG 52 2001
Variations in Effective Botanical Products .............. Brinker, Francis ND............................... HG 46 1999
Medicinal Herbs of Eastern
Nicaragua and their Uses ............................ ................................. HG 41 1997
Cycling Herb Doses ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Galdstar, Rosemary ..... HH 3/4 2000
Choosing a Healthcare Provider ............................ Castleman, Michael .............................. HH 9/10 1996

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 26
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Choosing and Using Medicinal Herbs .................... identical to 9/10 1996 ............................ HH 11/12 1996
Turn to Your Kitchen for Health Care ..................... Castleman, Michael .............................. HH 11/12 1996
An Herbalist's Approach ............................ Mars, Brigette AHG............................... HH 11/12 1996
A Guide to Herbal Alternatives ............................ Duke, James A. PhD............................. HH 11/12 1997
Choosing and Using Medicinal Herbs .................... identical to 11/12 1996 .......................... HH 9/10 1996
Chinese Herbs: A Westerner's Perspective ............ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 2000
Germany and Modern Phytomedicines .................. Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 2000
Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary .......................... HH 7/8 1998
Calcium Synergy ............................ Whittaker, Debbie ................................. HH 7/8 2002
Children's Nutrition ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Willard, Terry ............... HH 11/12 2001
Twenty Ways to get Your Greens ......................... ................................. HH 3/4 2002
Spring Tonics ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1999
Oral Health
Gums ............................ Khalsa, Karta Purk Singh ...................... HH 7/8 2001
Kiss Canker Sores Goodbye ............................ Khalsa, Karta Purk Singh ...................... HH 7/8 2001
Clove Compounds that Combat
Tooth and Gum Disease ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 3/4 1997
Make Your Own Mouthwash from
Common Kitchen Herbs ............................ ................................. HH 5/6 1998
Smile - Herbs for a Healthy Mouth......................... Khalsa, Karta Purk Singh ...................... HH 9/10 1998
Bleeding Gums ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary .......................... HH 11/12 1998
Herbal Care of Teeth and Gums ............................ Khalsa, Karta Purk Singh ...................... HQ Summer 1998
Herbs for Healthy Teeth and Gums........................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1999
Pain Relief
Ginger Works Wonders for Lower Back Strain........ Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 9/10 1998
Low Back Pain? Try Devil's Claw........................... ................................. HQ Summer 1998
Easing Muscle Aches ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 4/5 1998
Plants for Pain Relief ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 8/9 1997
Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson's Disease ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary .......................... HH 3/4 1999
Holistic Pet Care for Dogs and Cats ...................... Wittmann, Chris ................................. HQ Winter 1998
Ten Common Problems and How to Solve Them..... ................................. HH 5/6 1997
Holistic Help for Animals ............................ Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 1/2 1998
Herbs Can Safely Help Your Pet 'Mellow Out" ........ Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 7/8 1998
Herbs Can Prevent and Treat Urinary Problems ...... Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 11/12 1998
Worried About Toxic Herbs? Stick with Tonics ....... Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 5/6 1999
Use Herbs to Prevent Not Cure Parasites .............. Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 7/8 1999
Keep Neutered Pets Balanced with Herbs.............. Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 9/10 1999
Harvest Better Health for Your Pet......................... Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 3/4 2000
Herbal Help for Ear Infections ............................ Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 5/6 2000
Natural Remedies for Arthritis ............................ Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 7/8 2000
Soothe Rescued Pets with Natural Remedies ........ Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 9/10 2000
Herbs for the Gastrointestinal System ................... Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 11/12 2000
Soothe Pet's Skin with Herbs ............................ Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 3/4 2001
Herbal Help for Vaccinations ............................ Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 7/8 2001
Controlling Fleas and Ticks ............................ Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 9/10 2001
Herbal First Aid for Pets ............................ Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 11/12 2001
Seven Step Herbal Health Program for Pets ........... Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 1/2 2002
Herbs for Horses ............................ Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 3/4 2002
Helping Pets Through Surgery ............................ Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 5/6 2002

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 27
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Natural Antibiotics for Pets ............................ Kidd, Randy DVM ................................. HH 7/8 2002
From the Physick Garden ............................ Bergman, Margaret ............................... HC 12/1 1991
Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy.......................... ................................. HH 9/10
Gentle Expectations ............................ Romm, Aviva Jill ................................. HH 3/4 1997
Preparing for Pregnancy ............................ Morgenstern, Kay ................................. HQ Spring 1998
Herbal Combination Improves
Quality of Life for Prostate Cancer Patients............ ................................. HG 50 2000
More Research Support for Herbs
for Prostate Health ............................ McCaleb, Rob ................................. HG 49 2000
Phytomedicines Outperform Synthetics in
Treating Enlarged Prostate ............................ McCaleb, Rob ................................. HG 40 1997
Lycopene in Tomatoes May Help
Prevent Prostate Cancer ............................ Webb, Ginger ................................. HG 40 1997
Citrus Pectin May Inhibit Metastasis
of Prostate Cancer ............................ Webb, Ginger ................................. HG 40 1997
Synergistic Action of Pygeum and
Nettle Root Extracts in Prostate Disease............... McCaleb, Rob ................................. HG 40 1997
Saw Palmetto and PSA Tests ............................ Johnson, Lois MD & Willard, Terry.......... HH 9/10 1999
Restless Leg Syndrome
Restless Leg Syndrome ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Willard, Terry ............... HH 3/4 2002
Skin Conditions
Eczema Help ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Willard, Terry ............... HH 7/8 2002
Rosacea Relief ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Willard, Terry ............... HH 11/12 2001
Wondering About Warts ............................ Willard, Terry & Barney, D. Paul............. HH 1/2 1999
Natural Help fro Adult Acne ............................ Minton, Melinda ................................. HH 7/8 2001
Dermatitis ............................ Willard, Terry & Barney, D. Paul............. HH 1/2 1999
Natural Solutions for Rosacea ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary .......................... HH 7/8 2000
Help for Skin Boils ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary .......................... HH 7/8 2000
Adult Acne ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Willard, Terry ............... HH 7/8 2001
Q&A ............................ Cabrera, Chancal
............................ & Barney, D. Paul MD.......................... HH 5/6 1997
Sunscreen from Lichens ............................ Jones, Kenneth ................................. HH 5/6 1997
Psoriasis Soother ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 5/6 1997
Adult Acne Suffers Can Benefit
from Liver Therapy ............................ Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 1/2 1998
Keloids ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary .......................... HH 3/4 1999
Vitiligo ............................ Rountree, Robert MD
............................ & Gladstar, Rosemary .......................... HH 3/4 1999
Herbal Remedies for Warts ............................ Tucker, Art O. PhD ............................... HH 5/6 1999
Aloe for Psoriasis ............................ ................................. HQ Fall 1998
Herbs for Healthy Skin ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1998/1999

An often mis-diagnosed skin condition is allergic reaction to synthetic additives in soaps

and lotions! Find out what pure and natural does for your skin, we have soaps and lotions
waiting to provide you with the experience.

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 28
Topic Author Publication Issue Year

Relaxants and Sedatives ............................ Meares, Portia ................................. HC 4/5 1994
A Nerve Soothing Breakfast ............................ Whittaker, Debbie ................................. HH 9/10 1999
Adaptogens ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HH 5/6 1999
Feeling Anxious? Forget Valium, try Kava.............. Castleman, Michael .............................. HQ Fall 1998
Combating Stress: Herbs Can Help....................... Foster, Steven ................................. HC 12/1 1998
Travel ............................
Herbal Melatonin ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1998
Herbs for Travel ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1999
Herbal Teas for Urinary Reflux ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Willard, Terry ............... HH 9/10 2000
"Weakness" or "Excess" can Cause
Bladder Infections ............................ Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 1/2 1999
Best Choices for Herbal and Medical Information .... ................................. HC 8/9 2001
Weight Loss
Chitosan for Weight Loss ............................ Stansbury, Jill & Willard, Terry ............... HH 5/6 2000
For Weight Control Stoke Your Digestive Fires ....... Hobbs, Christopher LAc, AHG................ HH 5/6 1998
Weight Loss ............................ Barney, D. Paul MD
............................ & Gagnon, Daniel ................................. HH 9/10 1998
Cellulite ............................ Barney, D. Paul MD
............................ & Gagnon, Daniel................................. HH 7/8 1999
Be Careful with "Herbal Fen-Phen" ........................ ................................. HQ Spring 1998
Weight Control ............................ Foster, Steven ................................. HC 6/7 1998

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 29
Topic Recipe Publication Issue Year

The Following Recipes are to be found in the preceding index of articles:

Anise - Pimpinella anisum................... Anise Hard Candy .................................................. HC 10/11 1994

Aphrodisiacs...................................... Male Tonic Elixir .................................................... HH 11/12 2001
Barberry - Berberis spp. ...................... Barberry Jelly ........................................................ HC 10/11 1996
Black Cohosh - Cimicifuga racemosa... Menopause Tincture............................................... HH 3/4 1998
Borage - Borago officinalis................... Candied Borage Flowers ......................................... HC 8/9 1990
Circulation ......................................... Essential Oil Blend ................................................ HQ Fall 1998
Colds & Flu........................................ Cold Busting Tea ................................................... HH 9/10 1998
Colds & Flu........................................ Garlic Soup ........................................................... HH 9/10 1996
Colds & Flu........................................ Herbal Cough Drops ............................................... HC 4/5 1997
Colds & Flu........................................ Herbal Steams....................................................... HH 9/10 1998
Colds & Flu........................................ Opening the Airways Inhaler.................................... HH 9/10 1998
Colds & Flu........................................ Runny Nose Tea .................................................... HH 9/10 1998
Colds & Flu........................................ Tea Recipes .......................................................... HH 11/12 2001
Cosmetics ......................................... Body Spritz ........................................................... HC 6/7 2001
Cosmetics ......................................... Garden Delight Perfume Oil..................................... HC 6/7 2001
Cosmetics ......................................... Rose Geranium Dusting Powder.............................. HC 6/7 2001
Cosmetics ......................................... Spring Rain Solid Perfume ...................................... HC 6/7 2001
Cosmetics ......................................... Spritzer Blends ...................................................... HC 6/7 1999
Cosmetics ......................................... Spritzers ............................................................... HC 6/7 1999
Elder - Sambucus nigra....................... Elderberry Syrup.................................................... HC 8/9 2000
Elder - Sambucus nigra....................... Elderflower Vinegar ................................................ HC 8/9 2000
Essential Oils .................................... Aromatic Honey ..................................................... HH 9/10 1999
Essential Oils .................................... Calming Massage Oil ............................................. HC 10/11 1996
Essential Oils .................................... Happy Feet Massage Oil ........................................ HC 10/11 1996
Essential Oils .................................... Herbal Linament..................................................... HC 10/11 1996
Essential Oils .................................... Mint Julep Pick Me Up ........................................... HH 9/10 1999
Essential Oils .................................... Mother & Child Reunion.......................................... HC 2/3 2000
Essential Oils .................................... Orange Peach Mood Booster .................................. HH 9/10 1999
Essential Oils .................................... Rainbow's End....................................................... HC 2/3 2000
Essential Oils .................................... Relaxing Bath........................................................ HC 2/3 2000
Essential Oils .................................... Separation Ceremony ............................................. HC 2/3 2000
Essential Oils .................................... Smooth Away Headache Massage Oil ..................... HC 10/11 1996
Essential Oils .................................... Uplifting Bath......................................................... HC 2/3 2000
Essential Oils .................................... Uplifting Strawberry Rose Ice Cream........................ HH 9/10 1999
Essential Oils .................................... Warriors Spirit ....................................................... HC 2/3 2000
Essential Oils .................................... Wedding Night Oil.................................................. HC 2/3 2000
Everlastings ....................................... 1997's Splendid Blend ............................................ HC 12/1 1997/1998
Everlastings ....................................... Dried Herb Candles ................................................ HC 8/9 2000
Everlastings ....................................... Flower Mint Sleep Mix............................................ HC 8/9 2000
Everlastings ....................................... Linda's Sleep Pillow ............................................... HC 8/9 2000
Everlastings ....................................... Refreshing Sleep Mix ............................................. HC 8/9 2000
Everlastings ....................................... Sweet Hop Mix ...................................................... HC 8/9 2000
Facials .............................................. Balancing Toner..................................................... HC 2/3 1996
Facials .............................................. Calming, Moisturizing Mask.................................... HC 2/3 1996
Facials .............................................. Cleansing Mask..................................................... HC 2/3 1996
Facials .............................................. Herbal Facial Steams............................................. HH 3/4 2002
Facials .............................................. Miracle Grains ....................................................... HH 3/4 2002
Facials .............................................. Rose Water........................................................... HH 3/4 2002
Facials .............................................. Smoothing and Refining Mask................................. HC 2/3 1996
Facials .............................................. Stimulating Toner................................................... HC 2/3 1996
Facials .............................................. The Queen of Hungary's Water................................ HH 3/4 2002
Feet .................................................. Alfalfa Mint Footbath .............................................. HC 8/9 2001
Feet .................................................. Calendula Foot Powder........................................... HC 8/9 2001
Feet .................................................. Pumice Foot Scrub ................................................ HC 8/9 2001

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 30
Topic Recipe Publication Issue Year

Feet .................................................. Summer Foot Cream.............................................. HC 8/9 2001

Fennell - Foeniculum spp. ................... Fennel Sauce........................................................ IHA 2 1995
First Aid ............................................ Calendula Oil......................................................... HH 7/8 1998
First Aid ............................................ Calendula Salve ..................................................... HC 6/7 1996
Food Projects .................................... Polish Sorrel Spring Soup....................................... HC 2/3 1997
Fungus .............................................. Fungus Fighting Lotion ........................................... HH 3/4 1999
Fungus .............................................. Heat Clearing Formula............................................ HH 3/4 1999
Fungus .............................................. Sage and Clove Foot Powder .................................. HH 3/4 1999
Garden Projects ................................. Cologne Potpourri (Dry) .......................................... HC 8/9 2001
Garden Projects ................................. Herbal Insect Repellent........................................... HC 6/7 1994
Garden Projects ................................. Homemade Insect Spray ........................................ JTU 25-Mar 1995
Garden Projects ................................. Man's Potpourri (Dry).............................................. HC 8/9 2001
Garden Projects ................................. Millefleur Potpourri (Dry) ......................................... HC 8/9 2001
Garden Projects ................................. Plant Based Liquid Fertilizer ................................... HC 4/5 1998
Garden Projects ................................. Simple Rose Jar (Moist) ......................................... HC 8/9 2001
Garlic - Allium sativum ........................ Roasted Garlic....................................................... HH 1/2 1997
Gastro-Intestinal................................. A Bitters Tonic....................................................... HC 12/1 1996/1997
Gastro-Intestinal................................. Digestive Fire Formula............................................ HH 11/12 1998
Gastro-Intestinal................................. Free and Easy....................................................... HH 11/12 1998
Gastro-Intestinal................................. Super Nutrition Drink .............................................. HH 3/4 2000
Ginger - Zingiber officinalis................... Ginger Compress................................................... HH 11/12 1996
Greens .............................................. Herbal Healing Salve .............................................. HC 4/5 2000
Greens .............................................. Wild Things Soup................................................... HC 4/6 2001
Gynecology ....................................... Blood Moving Formula ............................................ HH 5/6 1999
Gynecology ....................................... Tonic Tea .............................................................. HH 5/6 1999
Hair................................................... Anti dandruff Rinse................................................. HH 7/8 1999
Hair................................................... Castile Shampoo ................................................... HC 8/9 1993
Hair................................................... Conditioning Rinse................................................. HC 8/9 1993
Hair................................................... Defunk Rinse......................................................... HC 8/9 1999
Hair................................................... Dry Shampoo ........................................................ HC 8/9 1993
Hair................................................... Gentle Herbal Shampoo.......................................... HH 7/8 1999
Hair................................................... Goddess of the Sun Shampoo................................. HC 4/5 2001
Hair................................................... Herbal Conditioning Rinse....................................... HH 7/8 1999
Hair................................................... Lunar Lather .......................................................... HC 4/5 2001
Hair................................................... Setting Gel............................................................ HC 8/9 1993
Hair................................................... Shampoo .............................................................. HC 8/9 1993
Hair................................................... Shampoo Base...................................................... HH 7/8 1999
Hair................................................... The Ultimate Hair Treatment.................................... HH 7/8 1999
Hands ............................................... Calendula Hand Cream........................................... HQ Spring 1999
Hands ............................................... Elm Leaf Nail Bath................................................. HQ Spring 1999
Hands ............................................... Gardeners Hand Cream .......................................... HQ Spring 1999
Hands ............................................... Horsetail Nail Strengthener ..................................... HQ Spring 1999
Holidays ............................................ An Herbal Holiday Kissing Ball................................ HC 12/1 1996/1997
Holidays ............................................ Butters.................................................................. HC 10/11 2001
Holidays ............................................ Christmas Applesauce Spice Balls.......................... HC 10/11 2001
Holidays ............................................ Cutter Friends Ornaments....................................... HC 12/1 2001/2002
Holidays ............................................ Making a Mold and Deckle...................................... HC 2/3 1998
Holidays ............................................ Oils ...................................................................... HC 10/11 2001
Holidays ............................................ Old Fashioned Ginger Bread ................................... HC 12/1 1998/1999
Holidays ............................................ Pomanders............................................................ HC 10/11 2001
Holidays ............................................ Snow Friends Ornaments ....................................... HC 12/1 2001/2002
Holidays ............................................ Teas ..................................................................... HC 10/11 2001
Holidays ............................................ Vinegars ............................................................... HC 10/11 2001
Home Care ........................................ All Purpose Liquid Cleaner...................................... HC 4/5 1991
Home Care ........................................ Bathroom Cleaner .................................................. HC 4/5 1991
Home Care ........................................ Carpet Deodorizer .................................................. HC 4/5 1991

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 31
Topic Recipe Publication Issue Year

Home Care ........................................ Degreaser ............................................................. HC 4/5 1991

Home Care ........................................ Disinfectant Air Freshner ........................................ HC 2/3 1997
Home Care ........................................ Disinfectant and Deodorizer .................................... HC 4/5 1991
Home Care ........................................ Drain Cleaner......................................................... HC 4/5 1991
Home Care ........................................ Drawer Spray......................................................... HC 2/3 1997
Home Care ........................................ Dream Pillow ......................................................... HH 11/12 2001
Home Care ........................................ Easy Furniture Polish............................................. HQ Spring 1999
Home Care ........................................ Eucalyptus - Juniper Incense .................................. HQ Winter 1998
Home Care ........................................ Fragrant Wood Polish............................................. HC 2/3 1997
Home Care ........................................ Furnitire Polish ...................................................... HC 4/5 1991
Home Care ........................................ Gentle Rosemary Scrub Paste................................ HQ Spring 1999
Home Care ........................................ Germ Busting Rinse............................................... HQ Spring 1999
Home Care ........................................ Glass Cleaner........................................................ HC 4/5 1991
Home Care ........................................ Herb Soap Concentrate .......................................... HC 2/3 1997
Home Care ........................................ Herbal Rug Fragrance............................................. HC 2/3 1997
Home Care ........................................ Herbal Scouring Powder ......................................... HQ Spring 1999
Home Care ........................................ Herbal Scouring Powder ......................................... HQ Spring 1999
Home Care ........................................ Incense................................................................. HH 11/12 2001
Home Care ........................................ Kitchen Cleaner ..................................................... HC 4/5 1991
Home Care ........................................ Lavender Antibacterial Spray ................................... HH 3/4 2002
Home Care ........................................ Lavender Atomizer ................................................. HC 6/7 2002
Home Care ........................................ Lavender Carpet Deodorizer .................................... HH 3/4 2002
Home Care ........................................ Lavender Clothing Rinse ......................................... HC 6/7 2002
Home Care ........................................ Lavender Fragrance Bags ....................................... HC 6/7 2002
Home Care ........................................ Lavender Summer Incense...................................... HQ Winter 1998
Home Care ........................................ Lavender Tincture................................................... HC 6/7 2002
Home Care ........................................ Lemon Air Freshener.............................................. HQ Spring 1999
Home Care ........................................ Minty Fresh Sachet Blend ...................................... HC 2/3 1997
Home Care ........................................ Natural Moth Balls ................................................. HQ Spring 1999
Home Care ........................................ Non Toxic Oven Cleaner ......................................... HQ Spring 1999
Home Care ........................................ Peppermint All Purpose Soap ................................. HQ Spring 1999
Home Care ........................................ Rosemary Soft Scrubber......................................... HH 3/4 2002
Home Care ........................................ Scarborough Fair Incense....................................... HQ Winter 1998
Home Care ........................................ Smudge Incense.................................................... HQ Winter 1998
Home Care ........................................ Spice Sachet Blend ............................................... HC 2/3 1997
Home Care ........................................ Spicy Kitchen Incense............................................ HQ Winter 1998
Home Care ........................................ Stinky Sneaker Sachet Blend ................................. HC 2/3 1997
Home Care ........................................ Tea Tree Mold and Mildew Remover......................... HH 3/4 2002
Home Care ........................................ Thyme and Clove Moth Repellent............................. HH 3/4 2002
Home Care ........................................ White Man's Smudge Incense................................. HQ Winter 1998
Home Care ........................................ Yule Log ............................................................... HH 11/12 2001
Home Care ........................................ Yuletide Spirit Mist................................................. HH 11/12 2001
Horehound - Marrubium vulgare............ Horehound Drops ................................................... HC 2/3 1993
Hypothyroidism .................................. Butternut Squash Puree ......................................... HH 9/10 2001
Hypothyroidism .................................. Poached Salmon with Pumpkin Seed Parsley Sauce HH 9/10 2001
Insomnia/Sleep .................................. Flower Mint Sleep Mix (sleep pillow) ........................ HC 12/1 1993/1994
Insomnia/Sleep .................................. Linda's sleep pillow ................................................ HC 12/1 1993/1994
Insomnia/Sleep .................................. Refreshing Sleep Mix (sleep pillow).......................... HC 12/1 1993/1994
Insomnia/Sleep .................................. Sweet Hop Mix (sleep pillow) .................................. HC 12/1 1993/1994
Lavendar - Lavendula spp. ................... Lavender Wine Crunchies ....................................... HC 4/5 1999
Lovage - Smyrnium olusatrum.............. Lovage Ratafia ....................................................... HC 10/11 1992
Mallows - Hibiscus spp./Malva spp....... Mallow Pie ............................................................ HC 4/5 1996
Monarda - Monarda spp ...................... Monarda Sorbet ..................................................... HC 8/9 1996
Mustard - Brassica nigra .................... Mustard Recipes.................................................... HC 8/9 1993
Nutrition............................................. Bone-Building Parfait.............................................. HH 7/8 2002
Nutrition............................................. Sesame Greens..................................................... HH 7/8 2002

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 32
Topic Recipe Publication Issue Year

Oral Health ........................................ Mouthwash............................................................ HH 5/6 1998

Pain Relief ......................................... Ginger Compress................................................... HH 9/10 1998
Parsley - Petroselinum crispum ........... Purple Potatoes with Parsley .................................. HC 6/7 1996
Savory - Satureja hortensis.................. Green Beans with Summer Savory .......................... HC 10/11 1997
Seaweed ........................................... Japanese Style Nori and Bean Soup........................ HC 6/7 1997
Skin Care .......................................... Aegean Breeze Scrub ............................................ HH 10/11 2001
Skin Care .......................................... Aloe Vera Lip Gloss ............................................... HC 6/7 1997
Skin Care .......................................... Antifungal Dusting Powder ...................................... HH 7/8 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Antifungal Vinegar.................................................. HH 7/8 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Aromatic Bath Salts............................................... HH 7/8 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Baby-Your-Body Powder......................................... HH 7/8 2001
Skin Care .......................................... Basic Salve ........................................................... HH 11/12 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Bath Candies......................................................... HC 2/3 2001
Skin Care .......................................... Bath Salts............................................................. HH 7/8 2001
Skin Care .......................................... Blemish Remover................................................... HH 7/8 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Cleanser for Dry Skin ............................................. HH 3/4 1997
Skin Care .......................................... Cleanser for Normal Skin ........................................ HH 3/4 1997
Skin Care .......................................... Cleanser for Oily Complexion .................................. HH 7/8 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Cleanser for Oily Skin............................................. HH 3/4 1997
Skin Care .......................................... Cleansing Scrub .................................................... HH 10/11 2001
Skin Care .......................................... Cooling Peppermint Body Powder............................ HC 6/7 1997
Skin Care .......................................... Cucumber After Bath Splash................................... HC 4/5 2002
Skin Care .......................................... Cucumber After Bath Splash................................... HQ Winter 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Easy Loofah Soap Slices........................................ HQ Winter 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Facial Scrub and Body Exfoliator............................. HH 11/12 2001
Skin Care .......................................... Floating Bath Oil for Dry Skin.................................. HH 7/8 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Flower Massage il.................................................. HC 8/9 2000
Skin Care .......................................... Garden Salt Glow................................................... HC 4/5 2002
Skin Care .......................................... Garden Salt Glow................................................... HQ Winter 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Glyolic Treatment Serum ........................................ HH 11/12 2001
Skin Care .......................................... Growing Belly Oil ................................................... HC 8/9 2000
Skin Care .......................................... Hand Mask............................................................ HH 3/4 1997
Skin Care .......................................... Hemorrhoid Salve ................................................... HC 8/9 2000
Skin Care .......................................... Herb Tinctures ....................................................... HC 12/1 2000/2001
Skin Care .......................................... Herbal Bath........................................................... HH 7/8 2001
Skin Care .......................................... Herbal Garden Cologne........................................... HC 6/7 1997
Skin Care .......................................... Herbal Infused Oils................................................. HC 12/1 2000/2001
Skin Care .......................................... Herbal Salve .......................................................... HC 12/1 2000/2001
Skin Care .......................................... Herbal Tub Tea ...................................................... HQ Winter 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Honey Lip Balm ..................................................... HH 7/8 1998
Skin Care .......................................... How to do a Home Body Wrap ................................ HC 2/3 1999
Skin Care .......................................... Infused Herbal Oil................................................... HH 7/8 2001
Skin Care .......................................... Lavender Bath........................................................ HC 4/5 2002
Skin Care .......................................... Lavender Bath........................................................ HQ Winter 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Make Your Own Deodorant ..................................... HH 7/8 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Mint Rosemary Bath .............................................. HH 11/12 2001
Skin Care .......................................... Moon Glow Salt Scrub............................................ HH 10/11 2001
Skin Care .......................................... Muscle-Saver Bath Bag .......................................... HH 3/4 1997
Skin Care .......................................... Nail Soak Oil ......................................................... HH 7/8 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Natural Sunscreen ................................................. HH 7/8 1998
Skin Care .......................................... On-the Go Bath Bag............................................... HH 3/4 1997
Skin Care .......................................... Parsley Mint Toner................................................. HC 6/7 1997
Skin Care .......................................... Pineapple Sage Facial Mask................................... HC 4/5 2002
Skin Care .......................................... Pore Tightener ....................................................... HH 3/4 1997
Skin Care .......................................... Relaxing Bath Oil................................................... HH 1/2 1999
Skin Care .......................................... Rose Hip Mask...................................................... HC 6/7 1997

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 33
Topic Recipe Publication Issue Year

Skin Care .......................................... Rosemary Hair Conditioner ..................................... HC 4/5 2002

Skin Care .......................................... Salt Glow Body Scrub ............................................ HH 11/12 2001
Skin Care .......................................... Simple Oil Based Salve .......................................... HH 11/12 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Sitz Bath............................................................... HC 8/9 2000
Skin Care .......................................... Skin Soothing Bath Scrub....................................... HC 12/1 2000/2001
Skin Care .......................................... Sugar & Spice Scrub.............................................. HH 10/11 2001
Skin Care .......................................... Summer Braid Gel ................................................. HC 6/7 1997
Skin Care .......................................... Sunflower Body Lotion............................................ HQ Winter 1998
Skin Care .......................................... Tea for Two............................................................ HC 8/9 2000
Skin Care .......................................... Therapeutic Mustard Bath....................................... HH 11/12 2001
Skin Care .......................................... Vegetable Mask..................................................... HH 11/12 2001
St. John's Wort - Hpericum perforatum . St. Johns Wort Oil ................................................. HH 11/12 1997
Stress ............................................... Anti-stress Fruit Bowl............................................. HH 9/10 1999
Stress ............................................... Lavender Peppermint Tea........................................ HH 9/10 1999
Stress ............................................... Oatmeal Pumpkin Spoonbread................................ HH 9/10 1999
Stress ............................................... Orange Banana Smoothie....................................... HH 9/10 1999
Sun Care ........................................... Citrus and Chamomile Splash................................. HC 6/7 1998
Sun Care ........................................... Cooling Mint Foot Splash........................................ HC 6/7 1998
Sun Care ........................................... Natural Sunburn Spray ........................................... HH 7/8 2002
Sun Care ........................................... Old Fashioned Rose Water Splash.......................... HC 6/7 1998
Sun Care ........................................... Simple Herbal Suntan Oil........................................ HH 7/8 2002
Sun Care ........................................... Spearmint and Eucalyptus Splash........................... HC 6/7 1998
Sun Care ........................................... Spicy Cinnamon Cedar Splash................................ HC 6/7 1998
Sun Care ........................................... Sun Screening Lip Balm ......................................... HH 7/8 2002
Sun Care ........................................... Sunny Day Cream.................................................. HC 8/9 1996
Sun Care ........................................... Tangy Lime Splash ................................................ HC 6/7 1998
Thyme - Thymus vulgaris..................... Roasted Shallot, Garlic & New Potato Soup ............. HC 4/5 1997
Turmeric - Curcuma longa ................... Curcumin Healing Salve .......................................... HH 11/12 1996
Turmeric - Curcuma longa ................... Harira.................................................................... HC 10/11 1994
Turmeric - Curcuma longa ................... Honey Mustard Vinaigrette...................................... HH 7/8 2000
Vanilla - Vanilla planifolia..................... Vanilla Extract....................................................... HC 12/1 1995/1996
Vinegars, Oils & Honey....................... Four Thieves Vinegar.............................................. HC 6/7 1991
Vinegars, Oils & Honey....................... Lemony Chili Vinegar ............................................. HC 6/7 1991
Vinegars, Oils & Honey....................... Sweet Thyme Vinegar Pie....................................... HC 6/7 1991
Weight Loss ...................................... Bitters on the Go ................................................... HH 5/6 1998
Weight Loss ...................................... Digestive Vitali-tea ................................................. HH 5/6 1998
Weight Loss ...................................... Melanie’s Chai....................................................... HH 5/6 1998

BN (Better Nutrition) HC (Herb Companion) HG (Herbalgram) HH (Herbs for Health) HQ (Herb Quarterly) HRF (Herb Research Foundation Newsletter)
IHA (International Herb Association Newsletter) JTU (Jacksonville Times Union)
2002, Margaret M. Powell Page 34

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