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RIZAL LAW June 12, 1956

TIMELINE The bill was signed into law as RA

1425 by President Ramon Magsaysay
Mary Hyazinth Macatangay I BSA-3
GEC Rizal (M) - Assignment 2

April 3, 1956
May 17, 1956
Senate Bill No. 438, authored by Sen.
Claro M. Recto, was filed by the The bill was passed to the President
Senate Committee on Education.

April 17, 1956

Senate Committee on Education
May 14, 1956
Chair Jose P. Laurel sponsored the bill Similar amendments were adopted to
and began delivering speeches for the House version.
the proposed legislation.

April 19, 1956 May 12, 1956

House Bill No. 5561, an identical The substitute bill was ammended
version of SB 438, was filed by and unanimously approved in the
Representative Jacobo Z. Gonzales second reading

May 9, 1956
April 23, 1956 Debates commenced. A major point of
The debate on Rizal Bill started the debates was whether the
compulsory reading of the texts (Noli
Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo)
appriatef in the bill constitutional.
Senator Laurel proposed
amendments to the bill, in particular,
May 2, 1956
removal of the compulsory readings
The House Committee on Education of Rizal's novels and adding the
approved the bill without inclusion of Rizal's other work in the
amendments subject.

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