Ingles Lab 21-03

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LAB EVID # 2.4

Student’s name:
Group: 2IV12
Date: 21st March 2023 (whole day but before midnight)

“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating”

Kofi Annan. Former U.N. Secretary General
“Conocimiento es poder. La información es liberadora”
Kofi Annan. Ex-Secretario General de la ONU.

When you finish your evidence, send it to this email address:

ASUNTO: your surnames, 2IV12, LAB EVID 2.4, 21/03/23

Fill in all the gaps with these modal verbs: Can, Could, May and Might I the
sentences below.
1 They (can/might) __ might _____ be away for the weekend but I'm not sure.

2 You (may/might) may leave now if you wish.

3 (Could/May) Could ________ you open the window a bit, please?

4 He (can/could) could _______ be French, judging by his accent.

5 (May/Can) Can ________ you play the piano?

6 Listen, please. You (may not/might not) _ might not ____ speak during this

7 They (can't/may not) may not still be out!

8 You (couldn't/might not) might not _________ smoke on the bus.

9 With luck, tomorrow (can/could) could ____ be a sunny day.

10 You (can/might) Can ____ be right but I'm going back to check anyway.

Complete the sentences below with the modals in the box below this
Could (3) / can (3) / might (2) / may (2) /

1. _______Can ____ you please pass me that book over there?

2. When he was young he ___May __ dance all night long

3. _Can __ you speak Chinese?

4. You __Could _at least come with us and meet our new neighbour, don't you

5. She __Might __ drive but she takes the bus to go to work

6. In that country citizens _Could___ now make suggestions openly, it is a

new democracy.

7. Nowadays, people _Might____ travel very easily all over Europe

8. __Can_ you please let me know your answer by the end of the week?

9. I don't know yet, but I _May __ come with you after all!

10. Children __Could ___ bring their teddy bears to school

Exercise on how to use can, could, may and might to ask permission or offer
something. Choose one of the two between the brackets.
1) You want me to help you with your homework. You ask... (Can/May)
_______May ___________ with my homework, please?

2) You want me to buy you a beer. You ask... (May/Could)

______Could_______ a beer, please?

3) You offer me a cigar. You ask... (May- Might)

____Might__________ you a cigar?

4) You want to see my stamp collection. You ask... (Can-Could)

_____Could______ your stamp collection, please?

5) You want to ask me my age. You ask... (Might-Can)

______Can______ you your age, please?

6) You offer to introduce me to your family. You ask... (May-Might)

____Might_______ to my family?

7) You want to come on holiday with me. You ask... (Can-Could)

___Can__________ on holiday with you?

8) You want to ask me how much I earn. You ask... (Might-May)

_______May______ you how much you earn?
9) You offer to do the washing-up. You ask... (Can-Could)
____Could_____ the washing-up?

10) You want to open the window. You ask... (Could-Can)

____Can______ the window?

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