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1972 Convention on the Prohibition

of Bacteriological Weapons and their Destruction

The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin
Weapons and on their Destruction is one of the instruments of international law aimed at reducing the suffering caused by war.
The use of chemical and bacteriological weapons in war had been widely condemned since the end of the First World War, and
was prohibited by the 1925 Geneva Protocol, the forerunner to the Convention. The Regulations annexed to Hague Convention
No. IV of 1907 already banned the use of poison or poisoned weapons as a means of conducting warfare. All these prohibitions
are based on the fundamental principle of the law relating to the conduct of hostilities, that is, that the right of parties to an
armed conflict to choose methods and means of warfare is not unlimited. The Convention was drafted during the Conference of
the Committee on Disarmament and subsequently adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. It was opened for
signature on 10 April 1972 in London, Moscow and Washington. The Convention entered into force on 26 March 1975, and is
now binding on the vast majority of States.

Objectives of the Convention bacteriological weapons, the Each State Party also undertakes not
Conference of Parties convened to to t r a n s f e r to any recipient
The Convention was adopted with a review the operation of the whatsoever, directly or indirectly, and
view to achieving effective progress Convention (the Review Conference) not to assist, encourage, or induce
towards disarmament and constituted has stated that use would not only any State, group of States or
a decisive step towards the prohibition contravene the objectives of the international organization to
and elimination of weapons of mass Convention but would also violate the manufacture or otherwise acquire,
destruction. Its ultimate objective, as total ban on the production and any of the agents, toxins, weapons,
set out in the Preamble, is to exclude stockp i l i n g of bacteriological equipment or means of delivery
completely the possibility of weapons, as use presupposes (Art. III).
bacteriological (biological) agents and possession.
toxins being used as weapons.
The use of bacteriological weapons Prohibitions
was already prohibited under the Finally, each State Party undertakes
Geneva Protocol of 1925 for the The fundamental obligation of each to destroy, or to divert to peaceful
Prohibition of the Use of Asphyxiating, State Party to the Convention lies in purposes, all agents, toxins, weapons,
Poisonous or Other Gases, and of its commitment never in any equipment and means of delivery
Bacteriological Methods of Warfare. circumstances to develop, produce, which are in its possession or under
The ICRC was closely involved in the stockpile or otherwise acquire or its jurisdiction or control (Art. II).
process leading to its adoption. retain (Art. I):
While the Convention stipulates that
The Convention is complementary to • microbial or other biological the destruction or conversion must be
the Protocol, prohibiting the agents, or toxins, whatever their carried out not later than nine months
development, production, origin or method of production, of after the entry into force of the
stockpiling, acquisition, retention types and in quantities that have Convention, the Review Conference
and transfer of bacteriological no justification for prophylactic, has declared that any State adhering
weapons, and requiring their protective or other peaceful to the Convention after that date
destruction. The complementary purposes; should have fulfilled this obligation at
nature of the two instruments is the time of adherence.
affirmed both in the Preamble and in
Article VIII of the Convention. • weapons, equipment or means
of delivery designed to use such
While the Convention does not agents or toxins for hostile
expressly forbid the use of purposes or in armed conflict.

International Committee of the Red Cross

Breaches of the Convention the form of Final Declarations)
While this provision only refers aimed at promoting the application
Any State Party to the Convention explicitly to the implementation of and the effectiveness of the
which finds that any other State Article I, the Review Conference has Convention.
Party is acting in breach of requested the States Parties to take
obligations deriving from the the measures necessary to prohibit The Declarations indicate the way in
provisions of the Convention may and prevent all acts that could which the States Parties interpret
lodge a complaint with the Security constitute contravention of any the provisions of the Convention.
Council of the United Nations (Art. provision of the Convention, The States are also requested to
VI). The Security Council has asked including those pertaining to the supply information pertaining to
the Secretary-General to inquire into prohibition on transferring compliance with Articles I to III, and
the validity of allegations concerning bacteriological weapons and the to participate in the mechanisms for
the use of, or threats to use, obligation to destroy them. implementation of certain provisions
bacteriological weapons. of the Convention, especially
Articles V and X.
Each State undertakes to provide In order to fulfil all its obligations
assistance to any Party which so under the Convention, a State These confidence-building
requests, if the Security Council should therefore: measures require the States Parties
decides that such Party has been to:
exposed to danger as a result of • take legislative, administrative
violation of the Convention (Art. VII). and other measures to • exchange data on research
guarantee compliance with the centres and laboratories,
provisions of the Convention; national biological defence
Consultation, cooperation and research and development
scientific exchange • enact legislation providing for programmes, and outbreaks of
physical protection of infectious diseases and similar
The States Parties undertake to laboratories and other facilities occurrences caused by toxins;
consult one another and to to prevent unauthorized access
cooperate in solving any problems to and removal of pathogenic or • encourage publication and use
which may arise in relation to the toxic material; of results of biological research
objective or the application of the related to the Convention and
Convention (Art. V). Any State Party • ensure that textbooks and promote contacts between
hence has the right to convene a medical, scientific and military scientists working in this field;
consultative meeting open to all educational p r ogrammes
Parties. include the prohibitions • declare legislation, regulations
contained in the Convention and other measures adopted to
The States Parties also undertake to and the 1925 Protocol. implement the Convention;
facilitate the fullest possible
exchange of equipment, materials In particular, each State should • declare past activities in
and information relating to the use of enact penal legislation to prohibit offensive and/or defensive
agents and toxins for peaceful and prevent any activity in breach of biological research and
purposes (Art. X). the Convention conducted within its development programmes;
territory, under its jurisdiction or
under its control anywhere. In • declare vaccine production
National implementation addition, each State should apply facilities.
measures such measures to acts committed by
its nationals outside its territory. The information is to be sent to the
Each State Party must, in United Nations Department for
accordance with its constitutional Disarmament Affairs, in accordance
processes, take any necessary Confidence-building measures with a standard procedure, no later
measures to prohibit and prevent than 15 April each year, and should
the development, production, The Convention provides for a cover the previous calendar year.
stockpiling, acquisition or retention conference of States Parties to be
of agents, toxins, weapons, held to review the operation of the
equipment and means of delivery Convention (Art. XII). This Review
within its territory, under its Conference has in fact met at
jurisdiction or under its control regular intervals since 1980, and 01/2003
anywhere (Art. IV). has adopted recommendations (in

International Committee of the Red Cross

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