Ôn Nư C Rút 2023

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Question 14: The other members in the group showed their dissatisfaction with Sarah’s not pulling
her _______ in the project.
A. muscle B. weight C. head D. teeth
1. Rowena ______ for joy when she heard that she’d won the first prize.
A. jumped B. cried C. screamed D. clapped
2. Little Johnnie’s parents were worried that he was very big, but the doctor told them not to
worry as it was only ______ fat.
A. kitten B. puppy C. piglet D. duckling
3. My neighbors’ loud music every night is driving me up the ______.
A. ground B. wall C. stair D. roof
4. Joe says what she thinks without worrying about whether she might be ruffling anyone’s
A. brain B. skin C. feathers D. hair
5. Janny was left to carry a ______ when the project ended in failure although she didn’t have to
take any responsibility for this project.
A. bucket B. bag C. tray D. can
6. Can I have a glass of water? I have got a ______ in my throat.
A. duck B. frog C. chick D. goat
7. He was never seen again. He just seemed to disappear into ______ air.
A. thin B. light C. thick D. warm
8. They are going to go round in ______ as they have made no progress in coming up with new
ideas for their marketing plan.
A. boundaries B. circles C. margins D. borders
9. I am not sure that David is telling the truth, but I am giving him the ______ of the doubt.
A. drawback B. advantage C. disadvantage D. benefit
10. We were surprised at a coincidence as we bumped into our old teacher in Japan. It was a
small __.
A. world B. earth C. house D. space
11. Lisa always makes a great effort in all projects she is responsible for. She never does anything by
A. chance B. hand C. halves D. mouth
12. Rub’s been trying to keep a ______ on his emotions, but every now and then his angers
A. lid B. cap C. top D. track
13. I prefer getting to the station early, but Lee always ______ things fine.
A. makes B. cuts C. takes D. breaks
14. Nick was a naughty little boy, but I couldn’t help having a soft ______ for him.
A. spot B. kick C. post D. kiss
15. Tooth decay can be kept at ______ by fluoride toothpaste and good dentistry.
A. gulf B. sea C. lake D. bay
16. The characters in Tony’s film are always larger than ______ as they are much more exciting
and interesting than any other actors.
A. life B. fine C. size D. great
17. We live simply during the year, but enjoy living in the ______ of luxury in a nice hotel for
our summer holiday.
A. time B. end C. rod D. lap
18. He paid too much for expensive items without thinking about it. He spent money like ______
and I wonder where he got it all from.
A. paper B. waste C. water D. air
19. Don’t put all your ______ in one basket or put all your efforts or money into one project as,
if it fails, you may lose everything.
A. stones B. coins C. eggs D. gold
20. The police are reconstructing the crime to try to ______ the memory of possible witnesses.
A. walk B. jog C. run D. jot
21. He not only _______ the book but also spoke ill of the author.
A. cut up B. cut down C. come into D. cut out
22. Nam’s mother is about to _______ a fuse because he won’t get off the telephone.
A. make B. put C. curse D. blow
23. If the police think that I was involved in the train robbery, they are _______.
A. acquitting themselves of their duty B. throwing a baby out with bathwater
C. bitting off more than they can chew D. barking up the wrong tree
24. I had my ups and downs, but I have always tried to ______ and have a good time.
A. pull my weight B. pull myself together C. pull out D. pull my leg
25. From now on, I won’t be able to help you. You will have to ______.
A. raise you up B. shift the responsibility C. shift for yourself D. show up
26. Jane really _______ when I told her the gossip about Tom.
A. sat up B. sat down C. got up D. got down
27. To live happily in England, one must learn how to ______ the land-lady.
A. stand up with B. stay away from C. stand well with D. stand up to
28. I refuse to believe a word of it, it's a cock-and-______ story.
A. bull B. hen C. duck D. goose
29. I knew my mother would ______ a face the minute she saw my new hair cut.
A. drag B. lift C. pull D. race
30. As his whole family were doctors, it was in his ______ to take up that profession.
A. blood B. spirit C. soul D. heart
31. I’m very lazy. I only go to the gym once in a ______ moon.
A. full B. black C. new D. blue
32. They are having serious problems. Their relationship is on the ______.
A. rocks B. cliffs C. stones D. grass
33. I always wanted to work for that company but it took me 10 years to get a foot in the
A. door B. house C. window D. villa
34. The police are warning the public to be on the ______ for suspicious packages.
A. guard B. care C. alert D. alarm
35. More and more people in many of the most vulnerable parts of the world will be on the
________ as the pandemic has spread worldwide.
A. breadline B. house C. ground D. list
1. Production has come to a ________ because of the Covid – 19 pandemic and the lockdown in
many parts of the world.
A. conclusion B. standstill C. total D. decision
2. Honey, you shouldn’t just snack – try to have at least one ________ every day.
A. light meal B. square meal C. simple meal D. quick meal
3. The waiter tried to be friendly to his customers but a ___ can't change its spots and he was still very
A. lion B. cheetah C. wolf D. leopard
4. Mary has been ___________ the midnight oil trying to finish this report, so she must be
A. hitting B. boiling C. burning D. heating
5. When Mrs. Thompson heard that her son and daughter – in – law were going to have a baby, it
was music to her ________.
A. eyes B. ears C. fingers D. hands
6. Mrs. Bingley’s quite fat even though she eats like a ________.
A. cat B. lamb C. bird D. horse
7. It is great to leave the ________ of the city at the weekend.
A. appealing B. state - of - the-art C. hustle and bustle D. high- rise
8. Katherine lived at home for a while, but ________ again and went off travelling for a year.
A. pulled her leg B. landed on her feet C. put her feet up D. got itchy feet
9. The company had some initial problems but now it is ________.
A. flying low B. flying high C. flying round D. flying open
10. That nice guy’s living ________ if he thinks he’ll become a famous pop star.
A. in a dream world B. on the air C. on the ground D. in the clouds
11. I’m sick and ________ of eating the same thing for lunch every day.
A. conscious B. aware C. tired D. afraid
12. I’d like to get my mom a special birthday present, but nothing ________.
A. slips my mind B. springs to mind C. bears in mind D. broadens my
13. Hardship and hard work are very much part and _______ of student life.
A. package B. parcel C. total D. section
14. I think it’s time you ________ and told him you think things should be changed.
A. killed two birds with one stone B. put the cat among the pigeons
C. took the bull by the horns D. got out of the rat race
15. When I first saw Pat, my husband, at college, my heart missed a ________. I knew he would
be important to me.
A. beat B. chance C. moment D. minute
16. He’s a great guide as he knows the town like the back of his ________.
A. finger B. hand C. leg D. arm
17. It must be true. I heard it straight from the ________ mouth.
A. dog’s B. horse’s C. camel’s D. cat’s
18. Mai seems nice, but she keeps herself to ________, so we don’t know much about her.
A. ourselves B. herself C. myself D. himself
19. The car chase at the end of the film was ________ and furious.
A. fast B. quick C. vivid D. rapid
20. You mustn’t be afraid to ________ your mind; it’s important that everyone hear your views
in our class discussion.
A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk
21. I can’t say if I like the job or not. It’s ________ days yet.
A. only B. several C. early D. final
22. The manager has given the project the ________ light.
A. red B. green C. blue D. spot
23. The characters in his films are always _______ than life.
A. greater B. bigger C. younger D. larger
24. If you don’t pull your ________ out, you’ll get the sack.
A. finger B. hand C. leg D. arm
25. A lot of workers would lose their jobs or see their incomes decline _____ of the corona
A. in the wake B. at the beginning C. in the event D. at the height
26. The spelling bee is a level playing ______ because all of the kids are in grade nine.
A. meadow B. field C. ground D. garden
27. You can talk to him until you are ______ in the face, but he still won’t understand.
A. white B. green C. yellow D. blue
28. In his ________ days, he was adventurous and did not care about his safety.
A. salad B. green C. fruit D. vegetable
29. What’s wrong with you today? Did you get out of bed on the wrong ______?
A. edge B. foot C. side D. end
30. Having three sons under the age of five keeps Jana on her ________.
A. knees B. feet C. toes D. legs
31. It’s a good idea to make a ________ of switching off the lights when you leave a room.
A. routine B. habit C. custom D. rule
32. When it comes to the ______, Alice always support her friends.
A. point B. crunch C. mark D. crisis
33. Timmy dropped the ________ on doing this task again because of his carelessness. I can’t
stand him anymore.
A. pin B. needle C. bottom D. ball
34. The job wasn’t giving the ______ of the experience he wanted.
A. width B. depth C. length D. breadth
35. We’ll need all ________ on deck if we are going to be ready for the party on time.
A. fingers B. hands C. arms D. elbows
36. Our new IT manager had a baptism of ________ on her first day at work- all the computers
A. rain B. storm C. fire D. thunder
37. Winning the cup in 1998 was just a ________ in the pan- they haven’t won the match since
A. blaze B. flame C. light D. flash
38. After a momentary ______ of concentration, Simon managed to regain his focus and completed the
A. lapse B. fault C. failure D. error
39. I don’t feel like buying a ________ in a poke; we’d better check the content.
A. ox B. pig C. cow D. dog
40. After some sleep, Mary was as fresh as a ________ and continued to work.
A. daisy B. flower C. rose D. peach
41. Mary has set her ________ on becoming a ballet-dancer.
A. feet B. brain C. heart D. head
1. I ________ when my teacher told me I’d won the first prize in the English speaking contest.
A. got down in the dumps B. flew high
C. burst out laughing D. jumped for joy
2. The domestic gold price declined yesterday while global prices ________ in the open market
amid the ongoing novel coronavirus outbreak.
A. soared high B. flew high C. shot sky- high D. increased quickly
3. My father refused to eat meat that had been fried. He had ____ in his bonnet about it causing
A. a bug B. a bee C. a bull D. an ant
4. Minh advised his friend to enjoy the picnic and stop being such ________.
A. a wet blanket B. a bear with a sore head
C. wet pancake D. a dead duck
5. I’m not sure if I know her, but the name ________ a bell.
A. hears B. sounds C. rings D. answers
6. Sony Corporation has brought in some _________ to revise its fortunes.
A. fresh blood B. cold blood C. warm blood D. royal blood
7. Most of the time, playing classical music for high school students is like casting _____ before
A. crystals B. jewels C. diamonds D. pearls
8. The improvement has been across the ______, with all divisions either increasing profits or
reducing losses.
A. Bulletin B. board C. company D. newspaper
9. Vietnam makes many key containment decisions in a ______ of days, which may take weeks
for governments in other countries to make.
A. matter B. trouble C. situation D. amount
10. The growth in employment and wages gives consumers some spending ______ to absorb the
higher cost of energy.
A. energy B. force C. ability D. power
11. It was obviously, however, a measure to be used only in the last __18.__ and with extreme
A. attempt B. act C. resort D. measure
12. Anyone who swims in this part of the river does it at their own ______.
A. chance B. risk C. danger D. trouble
13. The dolphins drive a ______ of fish towards the shore where humans await with their nets
A. class B. show C. school D. academy
14. He gave me his ______ that the job would be finished on time.
A. thought B. speech C. talk D. word
15. Those who was born in the purple are destined to live in the public ______.
A. eye B. light C. service D. interest
16. The pandemic circulated three times in 18 months in the ______ of commercial air travel.
A. absence B. name C. abundance D. eyes
17. Inspector Moro was determined to get to the ______of the mystery.
A. ground B. tune C. bottom D. end
18. His mother's illness cast a ______ over his wedding day.
A. rain B. doubt C. cloud D. alarm
19. The distinction between right and wrong lies at the ______ of all questions of morality.
A. expense B. heart C. hands D. helm
20. The administrators worked in close ______ with teachers on the new curriculum.
A. terms B. competition C. vicinity D. collaboration
21. The company made big profits and the employees want a slice of the______.
A. cake B. pie C. cream D. cheese
22. It's coming down to the ______ to get these done on time.
A. cable B. wire C. coil D. line
23. Many factories seem to reach the ______ of disaster before anybody has tried to get something
A. side B. precipice C. edge D. brink
24. For a short while, she managed to catch ______ of the Principle entering the place.
A. vision B. notice C. view D. sight
26. Nuclear testing was resumed in ______ of an international ban.
A. need B. presence C. regard D. defiance
27. Although the patient’s condition is serious, he seems to be out of ______.
A. work B. control C. danger D. order
28. The team is conducting a wide ______of surveys throughout the region.
A. phenomenon B. range C. selection D. group
29. Nobody took any ______ of the warning and they went hiking in the extreme weather.
A. sight B. attention C. information D. notice
30. New research shows that up to 57 per cent of all tree species in the Amazon Rainforest are
on the ______ of extinction.
A. verge B. risk C. order D. path
31. The thief took ______ of the chimney and got inside that way.
A. occasion B. chance C. opportunity D. advantage
32. She clearly joined the firm with a ______ to improving herself professionally.
A. view B. wish C. key D. dream
33. In fact, Mr. Jack is in ______ of 300 engineers and 180 workers.
A. pressure B. leadership C. impression D. charge
34. Tommy tried his best last year, but he couldn’t gain ______ to any university.
A. acceptance B. admission C. adoption D. entrance
35. He tries to break the ______ of this translation before the weekend.
A. back B. bone C. front D. core
36. The local press has been pouring ______ on the mayor for dissolving the council.
A. scorn B. swear C. blame D. hatred
37. In a formal interview, it is essential to maintain good eye ________with the interviewers.
A. link B. connection C. touch D. contact
38. Paul did his best to fix the faulty oven, but his ________ at repairing electrical devices
wasn’t good enough to succeed.
A. method B. technique C. skill D. craft
39. My ________ on life has changed since leaving university.
A. outlook B. attitude C. viewpoint D. opinion
40. Does anyone recognize the girl with a ________ of flowers in her hand?
A. range B. pack C. bunch D. heap

1. If you practice regularly, you can learn this language skill in short ________ of time.
A. phrase B. period C. span D. stage
2. It was the ______ that the fathers made the decision on whom their children were going to
A. custom B. superstition C. fate D. religion
3. With the help of modern devices, those who suffer from hearing or visual ________ find life
A. disadvantage B. impairment C. inconvenience D. deficiency
4. People usually look through travel ________ to decide on their holiday destinations.
A. catalogs B. lists C. handbooks D. brochures
5. They had a global ________ hit with their album concept about “The dark side of the Moon”.
A. top B. smash C. song D. popular
6. The Commission estimates that at least seven companies took ________ of the program.
A. advantage B. use C. benefit D. dominance
7. The newspaper article which includes a gruesome description of the murder has ________
a lot of attention from the public.
A. paid B. confined C. produced D. attracted
8. Many plant and animal species are now on the ________ of extinction.
A. danger B. border C. verge D. margin
9. She made a big ________ about not having a window seat on the plane.
A. fuss B. complaint C. attention D. excitement
10. I’d like to take this ________ to wish you all the best of luck with your exams.
A. chance B. opportunity C. occasion D. advantage
11. While you are planning, you must take into ________ how many people you are expecting.
A. mind B. attention C. consideration D. accountancy
12. Sea levels are expected to ________ considerably in the next few decades.
A. lift B. rise C. raise D. arise
13. The boy was punished for playing ________ from his physics lessons.
A. joyride B. runaway C. absent D. truant
14. This training is ________ at those who prefer a heavy body workout.
A. aimed B. offered C. focused D. intended
15. The loan that we had received from our parents ________ us to buy a flat in the city center.
A. granted B. assisted C. fulfilled D. enabled
16. I’d like to ________ this old car for a new model but I can’t afford it.
A. change B. exchange C. sell D. replace
17. The Business Advisory Council has been specially designed for those in ________ of
advice about setting up new business.
A. absence B. duty C. want D. need
18. Action movies may have a negative ________ on children.
A. influence B. opinion C. dependence D. decision
19. Thanks to the help of the teacher, she is ________ encouraging progress in math.
A. doing B. making C. checking D. stopping
20. The kind-hearted woman________ all her life to helping the disabled and the poor.
A. spent B. lived C. dedicated D. sacrificed
21. That student was __________ of understanding the theory even after the lecturer’s
profound explanation.
A. incompetent B. incapable C. unsuccessful D. helpless
22. The COVID-19 disease ________ has been declared a public health emergency of
international concern.
A. outbreak B. outburst C. outset D. outcome

23. He tends to forget things very quickly and behaves more and more like the typical
________ professor.
A. clear-minded B. absent-minded C. narrow- minded D. right-minded
24. Professor Taylor’s talk has indicated that science has a very strong ________ on the
everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists.
A. impact B. motivation C. impression D. perspective
25. Passengers are advised to take all their personal ________ with them when they leave the
A. estates B. items C. belongings D. baggage
26. One condition of this job is that you must be ________ to work at weekends.
A. available B. acceptable C. accessible D. capable
27. Not all the winners will receive great prizes, but nobody leaves ________.
A. blank-handed B. empty-handed C. clear-handed D. white-handed
28. Once people have given up their heritage, traditional beliefs, and other aspects of their native
culture, they are about to lose their sense of ________.
A. humor B. responsibility C. self D. honesty
29. The judge said that there was no doubt about the outcome of the trial. The man was a
________ criminal.
A. self-centered B. self-conscious C. self-contained D. self-confessed
30. We always unite and work together whenever serious problems ________.
A. devise B. encounter C. approach D. arise
31. The government has made a serious attempt to raise the ________ of living.
A. cost B. standard C. mode D. level
32. Be sure not to rely too________ on your mother tongue when you are learning a foreign
A. abundantly B. severely C. numerously D. heavily
33. They are always ________ about how smart their children are.
A. praising B. boasting C. complimenting D. congratulating
34. A new campaign has already been ________ by all high schools in the district to help
disadvantaged children go to school.
A. stimulated B. achieved C. determined D. launched
35. Because of the economic crisis, many workers are now in ________ of losing their jobs.
A. worry B. warning C. danger D. threat
36. Many married women in the survey said they lacked time to ________ an interest.
A. conduct B. pursue C. chase D. seek

Question 11: Our school _______ has had a record of 10,000 visits this week.
A. software B. email C. hardware D. website
Question 19: The band at that time was immensely popular and often played to a(n) _______ crowd
of about 5,000.
A. probability B. capability C. capacity D. ability
1. He had a(n) _______ - why not apply for some government money?
A. determination B. imagination C. inspiration D. ambition
2. The anti-smoking campaign has had quite a (n) _______ on young people.
A. power B. usage C. contribution D. impact
3. By the _______, I heard that Phyllis may be moving to Dallas.
A. road B. path C. route D. way
4. Healing is the natural _______ of one person to restore health in another.
A. ability B. capacity C. possibility D. likelihood
5. The very wealthy man had _______ beginnings, having been raised in poverty.
A. modest B. humble C. moderate D. medium
6. This crime spree has already _______ the lives of 10 innocent people-when will the
perpetrator be caught?
A. announced B. declared C. stated D. claimed
7. It was a scandal that _______ a lot of reputations.
A. destroyed B. demolished C. devastated D. damaged
8. The first thing you must do is make a (n) _______ of the situation.
A. measure B. estimation C. assessment D. appraisal
9. The actress has come under _______ for her comments about her co-stars.
A. criticism B. objection C. disapproval D. reprimand
10. I was disappointed whenever my boss found _______ with my work.
A. error B. fault C. mistake D. foul
11. "We're addressing the problem," he said, "and I think we're making _______."
A. progress B. breakthrough C. betterment D. promotion
12. She missed a _______ of promotion when she turned down the job of assistant manager.
A. opportunity B. chance C. luck D. fortune
13. The disadvantage of nuclear weapons is that they cause destruction on a massive _______.
A. extent B. area C. scale D. sphere
14. She worked as an assistant in the firm for several years before she finally left to seek her
_______ as an independent contractor.
A. opportunity B. chance C. luck D. fortune
15. Today police _______ a campaign to reduce road accidents.
A. launched B. raised C. held D. celebrated
16. The Chancellor proposed a crackdown on car and plane emissions, and the introduction of
tax incentives to _______ green.
A. come B. get C. go D. arrive
17. Drunken drivers pose a serious _______ to other road users.
A. danger B. risk C. threat D. hazard
18. People should _______ green lifestyle to help conserve the natural resources.
A. adopt B. adapt C. adjoin D. adjust
19. Waste _______ includes the activities and actions required to manage waste from its
inception to its final disposal.
A. rubbish B. litter C. trash D. disposal
20. Cuba _______ independence from Spain in 1898.
A. obtained B. got C. gained D. achieve
21. Is it too late to _______ the damage we have done to our planet?
A. repair B. amend C. mend D. fix
22. It's difficult to make accurate _______ about the effects on the environment.
A. anticipations B. predictions C. guesses D. estimation
23. She studied for a _______ in engineering in a famous university.
A. certificate B. diploma C. qualification D. degree
24. She makes a big _______ from selling waste material to textile companies.
A. profit B. interest C. bargain D. benefit
25. Don't go without _______ goodbye to me, will you?
A. talking B. saying C. telling D. speaking
26. We tried to make a _______ of our situation, but it wasn't really funny.
A. joke B. fun C. tease D. humor
27. He had to get _______ from his parents to audition for the show.
A. allowance B. agreement C. permission D. approval
28. “Anyone caught _______ in the exam will get zero marks”, said my teacher.
A. deceiving B. cheating C. tricking D. fooling
29. Simon finds it hard to make _______ with other children.
A. friends B. mates C. companion D. buddy
30. You have no right to judge other people by their _______.
A. shapes B. looks C. observations D. appearance
31. James had a cozy birthday party at home last Friday in the _______ of his close friends.
A. company B. business C. atmosphere D. residence
32. Most young people want to _______ an independent life without being influenced by anyone.
A. lay B. put C. lead D. bring
33. I'd like to make a small _______ to charity in my mother's name.
A. donation B. contribution C. volunteer D. devotion
34. Do you think I'll be able to _______ my goal of losing five kilos before the summer?
A. gain B. obtain C. achieve D. approach
35. In their senseless killing of innocent people, the terrorists have _______ their lack of respect
for human life.
A. indicated B. suggested C. demonstrated D. shown
36. The school needs to raise _______ for new playground equipment.
A. cash B. cheque C. money D. currency
37. Many countries are reluctant to cut _______ if it means sacrificing economic growth.
A. emissions B. releases C. discharges D. leaks
38. Some beautiful old buildings were torn down to make _______ for the new parking garage.
A. road B. path C. route D. way
39. Australians and New Zealanders often have a/an _______ year before going to college or
after finishing high school to travel overseas independently.
A. gap B. hole C. empty D. distance
40. They couldn't see the _______ of more training.
A. view B. opinion C. point D. viewpoint
41. If you are due to graduate soon, you’re probably wondering what happens at a graduation
A. ceremony B. celebration C. anniversary D. festivity
42. There's an Egyptian art collection on _______ at the museum at the moment.
A. exhibition B. display C. demonstration D. show
43. I have no _______ in recommending Ms Shapur for the job.
A. reluctance B. unwillingness C. hesitation D. obligation
44. They failed to take the necessary _______ to avoid infection.
A. precautions B. preventions C. deterrence D. avoidance
45. Have it delivered from your local store or order online so you can skip the heavy _______.
A. raising B. rising C. lifting D. evaluating
46. My weight _______ when I stop eating sugar.
A. reduces B. decreases C. diminishes D. lowers
47. The young star managed to conquer his _______ to ease past his opponent in the first round.
A. worries B. nerves C. anxieties D. fears
48. I've paid this bill twice by _______.
A. error B. fault C. mistake D. foul
49. Finding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest _______ faced by scientists today.
A. challenges B. difficulties C. troubles D. complexes
50. If you abuse your body now, you'll pay the _______ when you're older.
A. cost B. value C. charge D. price
51. Your table _______ are awful - don't you know how to use a knife and fork?
A. behaviors B. actions C. manners D. etiquettes
52. He had _______ all his ambitions by the age of 30.
A. realized B. recognized C. reckoned D. acknowledged
53. Travel _______ is a feeling of illness, especially of needing to vomit, which some people get
in a moving vehicle.
A. illness B. sickness C. disease D. unwellness
54. The governor's request set in _______ the process for receiving federal funds.
A. movement B. fluctuation C. motion D. mobility
55. I didn’t think Larry and Patricia had anything in _______, but they talked all evening.
A. common B. popular C. shared D. universe
56. We have no _______ to a slight postponement.
A. protest B. objection C. opposition D. disapproval
57. According to the FIFA Laws of the Game, there are 9 _______ fouls in soccer and several
minor fouls.
A. main B. large C. major D. chief
58. He will _______ his 1,500 metre title this weekend
A. preserve B. defend C. protect D. guard
59. The children behaved so badly that I lost my _______ and shouted at them.
A. mood B. temper C. disposition D. emotion
60. The _______ team is a team in a sport that is playing in the usual area that they play in.
A. home B. house C. shelter D. accommodation
1. The Internet bill was too far high due to a computer _______.
A. error B. mistake C. fault D. defect
2. We sell 32 different _______ of ice cream.
A. flavours B. savours C. odors D. scents
3. The smell of stale meat always makes me feel _______.
A. ill B. sick C. unwell D. pale
4. It's very rare that a book is so good you actually _______ out loud.
A. smile B. chuckle C. giggle D. laugh
5. If any of these symptoms _______ while you are taking the medication, consult your doctor
A. happen B. take place C. ensue D. occur
6. It was a long journey, _______ I’m really tired now.
A. so B. therefore C. thus D. hence
7. A block in the pipe was _______ the water from coming through.
A. hindering B. preventing C. avoiding D. deterring
8. The school plans to _______ more teachers.
A. rent B. hire C. lease D. employed
9. However hard I try to _______ my teacher’s accent. I’ll never speak like a native.
A. emulate B. copy C. imitate D. forge
10. The letter _______ a number of typing errors.
A. contains B. includes C. consist D. comprises
11. It is not a good idea to miss meals and _______ them with snacks.
A. substitute B. replace C. change D. exchange
12. You can't complain of being _______ when you don't make any effort to meet people.
A. lonely B. private C. sole D. individual
13. The disease that once claimed millions of lives has now been _______.
A. deleted B. erased C. eradicated D. abolished
14. We ought to _______ a public relations consultant to help improve our image.
A. rent B. lease C. purchase D. hire
15. She teaches the students to have respect for different races and appreciate the _______ of
other cultures.
A. diversity B. range C. mixture D. variety
16. Life _______ is the major factor influencing senior life insurance premiums.
A. expectation B. expectancy C. suspense D. anticipation
17. If you get bitten by a dog, you have to make sure the _______ is properly cleaned, or an
infection could set in.
A. scar B. pain C. wound D. strain
18. This coffee is about half the price of that one and yet you really can't _______ the difference.
A. tell B. speak C. talk D. say
19. We will have _______ with employee representatives about possible redundancies.
A. debates B. discussions C. quarrels D. arguments
20. Don't put anything wet on a polished surface, or it will leave a _______.
A. point B. trace C. hint D. mark
21. He described sport as a _______ of peace and a means of promoting fraternity between
A. signature B. motto C. symbol D. sign
22. Of course we don't want to alarm people unnecessarily, but they should be alerted to
_______ dangers.
A. potential B. capable C. expected D. able
23. The company is reducing its workforce by _______ 500 employees.
A. retiring B. firing C. rejecting D. withdrawing
24. If you want to learn to play a musical _______, it might be a good idea to begin on
something simple.
A. device B. equipment C. mechanism D. instrument
25. I know it's not my _______ to tell you how to run your life, but I do think you've made a
A. chore B. job C. work D. career
26. The accident was caused by people driving too fast in bad _______.
A. conditions B. features C. traits D. properties
27. She missed the _______ of promotion when she turned down the job of assistant manager.
A. occasion B. possibility C. chance D. prospect
28. My personal is that the students should do more work outside the classroom.
A. sight B. vision C. scene D. view
29. Smoking is a causative _______ in the development of several serious diseases, including
lung cancer.
A. factor B. aspect C. part D. side
30. The money I get from teaching evening classes provides a supplement to my main _______.
A. pension B. income C. salary D. wage
31. Buying a house often places a large financial _______ on young couples.
A. weight B. heaviness C. load D. burden
32. The country is now enjoying a period of relative _______ and prosperity.
A. certainty B. stability C. sureness D. guarantee
33. Unemployment in the first half of the year was 2.5 percent lower than in the same _______
the year before.
A. state B. decade C. period D. era
34. Police are investigating a possible _______ between the murder and a robbery that took place
last year.
A. relation B. association C. bond D. mixture
35. She's a young politician who manages to bridge the generation _______.
A. distance B. space C. gap D. hole
36. I tried to _______ in my speech how grateful we all were for his help.
A. convey B. carry C. deliver D. transfer
37. Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the _______ of the moon.
A. appearance B. surface C. outside D. exterior
38. The council is considering banning vehicles from the town centre to _______ congestion.
A. abandon B. dispose C. relieve D. discard
39. People under a lot of stress may _______ headaches, minor pains, and sleeping difficulties.
A. undertake B. experience C. assume D. shoulder
40. One of the organization's aims is to _______ information about the disease.
A. cast B. scatter C. disseminate D. toss
41. As it was such a special _______, she permitted herself a small glass of champagne.
A. occasion B. prospect C. possibility D. chance
42. The report will examine unequal pay as well as other types of gender _______ in the
A. distinction B. discrimination C. judgment D. prejudice
43. There were so many different _______ of bread that I didn't know which to buy.
A. forms B. styles C. fonts D. types
44. The disease can be caused by a variety of viruses, bacteria, and other small organisms that
_______ food or water.
A. contaminate B. demolish C. eradicate D. eliminate
45. They reported a sudden _______ of the disease in the south of the country.
A. breakthrough B. outbreak C. breakdown D. breakage
46. They _______ that a major earthquake will strike the east coast before the end of the decade.
A. expect B. await C. predict D. wait
47. To _______ electricity, we are cutting down on our heating.
A. support B. protect C. safeguard D. conserve
48. I only go to see films that are _______ favorably.
A. reviewed B. examined C. inspected D. investigated
49. I'll give you this booklet to read, which gives advice about feeding _______ of under four
A. kids B. infants C. toddlers D. teenagers
50. He is determined to _______ the memory of a disappointing debut two years ago.
A. delete B. erase C. abandon D. eliminate
51. Scientists fear that a volcanic _______ on the Canary Island of La Palma will send a chunk
of island collapsing into the sea.
A. eruption B. outbreak C. explosion D. discharge
52. Environmental groups want a substantial reduction in the _______ of greenhouse gases.
A. disposal B. emission C. eruption D. radiation
53. Under the new _______ spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled.
A. regulations B. instructions C. guidelines D. directions
54. We are trying to get the baby into a _______ for feeding and sleeping.
A. grid B. network C. routine D. path
55. Rescuers used a special _______ for finding people trapped in collapsed buildings.
A. instrument B. software C. machine D. device
56. One of the minus points of working at home is not having social _______ with colleagues.
A. touch B. link C. approach D. contact
57. Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to _______ their
A. exchange B. modify C. maintain D. return
58. The successful applicant for the _______ will be a well-motivated self-starter who has
excellent communication skills.
A. location B. situation C. position D. place
59. We constantly seek to improve the _______ of service we give to our customers.
A. quantity B. capacity C. quality D. extent
60. I can't _______ you how grateful I am for your help.
A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell
61. Tiredness, loss of appetite and sleeping problems are all classic _______ of depression.
A. indicators B. displays C. symptoms D. diagnoses
62. He described sport as a _______ of peace and a means of promoting fraternity between
A. signature B. signal C. symbol D. sign
63. A change of course may be needed if the current _______ of violence continues.
A. rank B. position C. level D. limit
64. At what age are children able to _______ between right and wrong?
A. distinguish B. categorize C. clarify D. separate
65. The group is trying to raise public _______ about homelessness.
A. awareness B. experience C. capability D. knowledge
66. Dayton was _______ for Williams in the second half of the game.
A. replaced B. substituted C. changed D. exchanged
67. _______ is the process of having babies. Women should be taken care of carefully in this
A. childbearing B. childrearing C. childbirth D. childhood
68. His outspoken views would frequently bring him into _______ with the president.
A. agreement B. conclusion C. quarrel D. conflict
69. We've set ourselves a series of _______ to achieve by the end of the month.
A. ambitions B. goals C. purposes D. aspirations
70. I was given the wrong tablets when the chemist misread my _______.
A. direction B. instruction C. guidance D. prescription
71. She complained of an ache in her shoulder which kept her _______ at night.
A. conscious B. aware C. awake D. rousing
72. The successful _______ for the position will be a well-motivated self-starter who has
excellent communication skills.
A. competitor B. contestant C. participant D. applicant
73. Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging _______ on the environment.
A. power B. force C. faculty D. effect
74. Using a _______ of bananas, the zoo-keeper persuaded the monkey back into its cage.
A. pack B. flock C. bunch D. herd
75. Despite all the _______ in modern medicine, demand for alternative therapies and faith
healing keeps growing.
A. expansions B. advances C. escalations D. extensions
76. He'd been _______ her for months and then she finally agreed to go out with him.
A. pursuing B. hunting C. following D. tracking
77. We generally use the _______ "MP" instead of writing out "Member of Parliament" in full.
A. reduction B. cutback C. abbreviation D. diminution
78. Some studies have suggested a link between certain types of _______ sweetener and cancer.
A. false B. fake C. counterfeit D. artificial
79. People are becoming far more aware of environmental _______.
A. troubles B. matters C. issues D. disputes
80. I'm not _______ anything about your cooking, but could we eat out tonight?
A. implying B. inferring C. concluding D. deducing
81. From the window we could _______ the children playing in the yard.
A. look B. view C. see D. glare
82. "Can I _______ to Isobel, please?" "She's still in bed. I'll just go and see if she's conscious
A. tell B. say C. communicate D. speak
83. If we carry this argument to its logical conclusion, we _______ that further investment is not
a good idea.
A. identify B. realize C. distinguish D. recognize
84. My relationship with my father played a major part in shaping my _______ towards men.
A. view B. idea C. attitude D. sense
85. Children make up a large _______ of the world's population.
A. amount B. percent C. proportion D. component
86. The economy is regarded as the key _______ in the outcome of the election.
A. ingredient B. trait C. feature D. factor
87. He was _______ from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence.
A. released B. emitted C. fired D. expelled
88. The new president said she would _______ herself to protecting the rights of the sick and the
A. support B. dedicate C. assist D. aid
89. Studies suggest that regular _______ of the vitamin significantly improves brain function.
A. intake B. ingest C. swallow D. eating
90. He died in mysterious circumstances, and there is still a _______ that it was murder.
A. occasion B. opportunity C. prospect D. possibility
91. Choosing between cupcakes and ice-cream, I prefer the _______.
A. late B. later C. latter D. latest
92. Children _______ to listen and speak from their parents.
A. learn B. study C. know D. acquire
93. I was _______ about missing the bus.
A. insane B. mad C. crazy D. demented
94. Our rival firm was established _______ the city last month.
A. nearly B. nearby C. near D. almost
95. We've got five accounts of what happened and _______ of them agree.
A. none B. nope C. not D. no
96. Villagers voluntarily contribute money and other things to _______ the festival.
A. hold B. celebrate C. organize D. set
97. Quan _______ swimming yesterday.
A. went B. played C. did D. got
98. I haven’t yet found a tyre pressure gauge that is wholly _______.
A. exact B. precise C. correct D. accurate
99. Mary still has some _______ with her colleague.
A. matters B. problems C. issues D. troubles
100. In order to win this competition, you must _______ a code hidden in that room.
A. find B. look for C. search D. seek
101. The eclipse should only be _______ through a special lens.
A. viewed B. saw C. looked D. watched
102. Don’t take your mobile phone with you to the exam or else the examiners will _______ it if
they found it on you.
A. seize B. impound C. confiscate D. sequester
103. Dense _______ is affecting roads in the north and visibility is poor.
A. haze B. fog C. smog D. smoke
104. When my husband left me, I was advised to put the matter into the hands of a _______.
A. adviser B. solicitor C. attorney D. counsellor
105. Most teenagers go through a rebellious _______ for a few years but they soon grow out of
A. stint B. span C. duration D. phase
106. The programme attracted millions of _______.
A. viewers B. spectators C. audiences D. onlookers
107. I _______ my ankle while playing football.
A. sore B. hurt C. pain D. harm
108. One good thing about the Scottish climate is that it keeps your skin _______.
A. wet B. damp C. watery D. moist
109. The police asked him if he could _______ out the killer from a series of photos.
A. choose B. select C. pick D. decide
110. The meat was so _______ that I didn’t have to cut any fat off.
A. slim B. lean C. skinny D. slender

Question 20: Tom is in a restaurant.
- Waiter: “Would you like to order now?”
- Tom: “_______. A beefsteak and a Coke, please.”
A. Yes, I will go now B. Yes, sure
C. No, thanks D. Help yourself
Question 21: Jack and Linh are talking about technology.
- Jack: “I think robots will replace teachers in the near future.”
- Linh: “_______. We still need teachers to inspire students.”
A. I don’t think so B. It’s true
C. You’re right D. I couldn’t agree more


1. David is talking to Lucy about her painting.
- David: “What a beautiful painting!”
- Lucy: “____________”
A. No problem B. It’s on the wall
C. I’m glad you like it D. You’re welcome.
2. Peter and Dane are talking about environmental protection.
- Peter: “We should limit the use of plastic bags.”
- Dane: “____________. We can use paper bags instead.”
A. I completely agree. B. It’s not true.
C. I don’t quite agree D. You’re wrong.
3. David is apologising to his teacher for being late.
- David: “Sorry I’m late! The traffic is so heavy.”
- Teacher: “____________. Come in and sit down.”
A. You’re so kind B. It’s alright C. Me neither D. Thank you
4. Peter and Mary are talking about social networks.
- Peter: “Using social networks may have negative effects on students.”
- Mary: “____________. It distracts them from their studies.”
A. I’m not sure about that B. I don’t quite agree
C. You’re wrong D. That’s quite true
5. Linda and Peter are talking about safe driving.
- Linda: “I think drink-driving should be severely punished.”
- Peter: “____________. It may cause accidents or even deaths.”
A. You must be kidding B. I don’t think so
C. I don’t understand what you mean D. I absolutely agree with you
6. A porter is talking to Mary in the hotel lobby.
- Porter: “May I help you with your suitcase?”
- Mary: “____________”
A. What a shame B. Me too C. You’re welcome D. Yes, please
7. John is having dinner at Linda’s house.
- John: “This roast beef is so delicious.”
- Linda:”____________”
A. sure. I’d love to B. I’m glad you like it.
C. No, don’t worry. D. I don’t either.
8. Joana and David, two lectures, are talking about library skills.
- Joana: “I think we should teach our students how to use the library.”
- David:”____________
A. You’re absolutely wrong B. You must be kidding
C. I couldn’t agree with you more D. That’s not a good idea
9. A shop assistant is talking to a customer.
- Shop assistant: “Do you need anything else?”
- Customer:”____________”
A. That’s all. Thanks B. Good job! C. With pleasure D. You’re welcome
10. Ann and Peter are talking about housework.
- Ann: “ I think children should be paid for doing the housework.”
- Peter: “____________. It’s their duty in the family.”
A. That’s what I think B. You’re exactly right
C. There’s no doubt about it D. I don’t think so
11. Ken and Tom are high-school students. They are discussing where their study group will
- Ken: “Where is our study group going to meet next weekend?”
- Tom: “____________.”
A. Studying in a group is great fun. B. We are too busy on weekdays.
C. Why don’t you look at the atlas? D. The library would be best.
12. Mike and Lane are university students. They are talking about Lane’s upcoming high-school
- Mike: “So, you have your fifth high-school reunion coming up?”
- Lane: “
A. Oh, the school reunion was wonderful. B. No. You’re in no mood for the event.
C. The food at the reunion was excellent. D. Yeah. I’m really looking forward to it.
13. A waiter in a restaurant is talking to a customer who has just finished his meal there.
- Waiter: “Here’s your bill, sir.”
- Customer: “____________”
A. Don’t mention it. B. Can I pay by credit card?
C. What do you have? D. You’re welcome.
14. Two close friends Tom and Kyle are talking about Kyle’s upcoming birthday.
- Tom: “Can I bring a friend to your birthday party?”
- Kyle: “____________”
A. It’s my honour. B. Let’s do it then. C. The more the merrier. D. That’s
15. Two friends Diana and Anne are talking about Anne’s new blouse.
- Diana: “That blouse suits you perfectly, Anne.”
- Anne: “____________’’.
A. Never mind. B. Don’t mention it. C. Thank you. D. You’re welcome.
16. Mary is talking to a porter in the hotel lobby.
- Porter: “Shall I help you with your suitcase?”
- Mary: “____________”
A. Not a chance. B. That’s very kind of you.
C. I can’t agree more. D. What a pity!
17. Susan accidentally stepped on Denise’s foot.
- Susan: “Oops! I’m sorry, Denise.”
- Denise: “____________”
A. You shouldn’t do that. B. It’s alright.
C. You are welcome. D. It’s nonsense.
18. Hana and Jenifer are talking about a book they have just read.
- Hana: “The book is really interesting and educational.”
- Jenifer: “____________”
A. I’d love it. B. That’s nice of you to say so.
C. I couldn’t agree more. D. Don’t mention it.
19. Jolie and Tom are meeting at the supermarket.
- Jolie: “Hi, Tom. How are you doing?”
- Tom: “____________. How about you?”
A. I’m waiting for my sister B. I’m shopping for food
C. I’m doing nothing D. I’m doing well
20. Maria and Alex are talking about the environment.
- Maria: “Our environment is getting more and more polluted. Do you think so?”
- Alex: “____________. It’s really worrying.”
A. I’ll think about that B. I don’t agree
C. I don’t think so D. I can’t agree more
21. Liz is telling Andrew about her first novel.
- Liz: “Guess what? My first novel has just been published.”
- Andrew: “____________”
A. It’s my pleasure. B. Congratulations!
C. Better luck next time! D. It’s very kind of you.
22. Jenny and her teacher are meeting at the bus stop.
- Jenny: “Good afternoon, Miss. How are you?”
- Teacher: “____________. And you?”
A. I’m going home B. I’m leaving now C. I’m thirty years old D. Fine, thank you
23. Linda is thanking Daniel for his birthday present.
- Linda: “Thanks for the book. I’ve been looking for it for months.”
- Daniel: “____________”
A. You can say that again B. Thank you for looking for it
C. I like reading books D. I’m glad you like it
24. David and his teacher are meeting at the school gate.
- David: “Good morning, Mr Deakin. How are you?”
- Mr Deakin:”____________. And you?”
A. I’m busy now B. I’m fine. Thank you
C. I’m going home D. I’m having a class now
25. Mrs Smith and her students are visiting the zoo.
- Mike: “Can I feed the gorilla, Mrs Smith?”
- Mrs Smith: “____________. The sign says ‘No feeding the animals’.”
A. Of course you can B. I don’t think it works
C. I’m sure about that D. I’m afraid not
26. Andrew is talking to a waiter in a restaurant.
- Andrew: “Can I have the bill, please?”
- Waiter: “____________”
A. You are very kind B. Just a minute, please
C. My pleasure D. You’re exactly right
27. Silas is talking to his roommate, Salah, about the Olympic Games.
- Silas: “Do you think our country can host the Olympic Games some day in the future?
- Salah:”____________. We can’t afford such a big event.”
A. You can say that again B. I can’t agree with you more
C. Yes, you’re right D. No, I don’t think so
28. Laura is telling Bob about her exam results.
- Laura: “____________”
- Bob: “That’s great. Congratulations!”
A. I hope I’ll pass the exam tomorrow. B. I’ve passed the exam with an A.
C. I’ll get the exam results tomorrow. D. I didn’t do well in the exam.
29. Nancy and James are talking about their school days.
- Nancy: “I think school days are the best time of our lives.”
- James: “____________. We had sweet memories together then.”
A. I’m afraid so B. Absolutely. C. That’s nonsense D. I doubt it
30. John and Mike are talking about Mike’s new car.
- John: “____________”
- Mike: “Thanks. I’m glad to hear that.”
A. Where did you buy your car? B. What a nice car!
C. Your car is new, isn’t it? D. My car is very expensive.
31. Two students are talking about the school curriculum.
- Ted: “Swimming should be made part of the school curriculum.”
- Kate: “____________. It is an essential life skill.”
A. Oh, that’s a problem. B. I can’t agree with you more.
C. Not at all D. You can make it.
32. Jane is talking to Mike, who has just helped her with her luggage.
- Jane: “____________”
- Mike: “It’s my pleasure.
A. It’s too heavy. B. It’s not my duty.
C. Thanks a lot, indeed. D. Welcome back.
33. Adam and Janet are at the school canteen.
- Adam: “____________”
- Janet: “Yes, please.”
A. Do you mind if I sit here? B. Can you pass me the salt, please?
C. It’s a bit hot in here, isn’t it? D. Would you like a cup of coffee?
34. Jenny and Jimmy are talking about university education.
- Jenny: “I think having a university degree is the only way to succeed in life.”
- Jimmy: “____________. There are successful people without a degree.”
A. That’s life B. That’s all right
C. I don’t quite agree D. I can’t agree more
35. John was in Hanoi and wanted to send a parcel to his parents. He asked a local passer- by
the way to the post-office.
- John: “Can you show me the way to the nearest post office, please?”
- Passer-by: “____________”
A. Not way, sorry. B. Just round the corner over there.
C. Look it up in a dictionary! D. There’s no traffic near here.
36. Lora has just bought a new skirt that she likes very much.
- Jane: “You look great in that red skirt, Lora!”
- Lora: “____________”
A. No, I don’t think so. B. Oh, you don’t like it, do you?
C. Thanks, I bought it at Macy’s. D. Thanks, my mum bought it.
37. John and Mary are talking about what to do after class.
- John: “____________- Mary: “Yes, I’d love to.”
A. Do you often have time for a drink after class?
B. Would you like to have a drink after class?
C. Do you often go out for a drink after class?
D. Would you like tea or coffee after class?
38. Paul and Daisy are discussing life in the future.
- Paul: “I believe space travel will become more affordable for many people in the future.”
- Daisy: “____________ .”
A. It doesn’t matter at all. B. There’s no doubt about that.
C. It is very kind of you to say so. D. I am sorry to hear that.
39. Jack is inviting Mary to his party.
- Jack: “Would you like to come to my party this weekend?”
- Mary: “____________.”
A. Yes, I’d love to B. No, don’t worry
C. You’re welcome D. I’m afraid so Question
40. Laura and Mitchell are talking about their school curriculum.
- Laura: “I think Art should be a compulsory subject.”
- Mitchell: “____________. Art helps develop creativity.”
A. I quite agree B. You must be kidding
C. I’m of the opposite opinion D. I don’t think that’s a good idea


1. Mary is talking to John, who has just helped her with her homework.
- Mary: “Thanks a lot for your help.” - John: “________.”
A. My happiness B. My excitement
C. My delight D. My pleasure
2. Linda is thanking Peter for giving her a book that she’s been looking for.
- Linda: “Thank you for the book. I’ve been looking for it for months.” - Peter: “________.”
A. You can say that again B. Thank you for looking for it
C. I like reading books D. I’m glad you like it
3. Kate is thanking Peter for giving her a present.
- Kate: “Thank you for the lovely present.” - Peter: “________.”
A. I'm pleased you like it B. Oh, that’s right
C. Go ahead D. Come on
4. Trang is thanking Mai for visiting her.
- Trang: “Thank you very much for spending time with me.” - Mai: “________.”
A. It’s quite OK B. That’s right
C. I’d love to D. You’re welcome
5. John is talking to Tom about the result of the driving test.
- John: “I’ve passed my driving test.” - Tom: “________”
A. Congratulations! B. It’s nice of you to say so.

C. That’s a good idea. D. Good luck.

6. John is talking to Tom about the final exam tomorrow.
- John: “I’ll have the final exam tomorrow.” - Tom: “________”
A. Good luck! B. It’s wonderful.
C. That’s a good idea. D. You’re welcome.
7. Peter is talking to Mary about her skin.
- Peter: “You should eat more fruits and vegetables.” - Mary: “________”
A. No problem. B. I don’t agree.
C. Ok, thank you. D. It’s me.
8. Minh is very bored with his studying and he tells Tom about this.
- Tom: “You had better work harder.” - Minh: “________”
A. I have worked hard. B. I don’t agree.
C. Yes, I will. Thanks. D. You are wrong.
9. Peter and Marry are going across the road..
- Mary: “Peter, be careful! There's a car coming!” - Peter: “________”
A. Of course. B. Never mind.
C. Ok. I will. D. Thanks. You make my day.
10. Peter and Laura are walking in the park.
- Laura: "Hey, look out! The tree is falling down." - Peter: “________”
A. Thanks. B. Oh, how terrific.
C. Poor you. D. Really?
11. A manager is talking to his staff, Joe.
- Manager: “Joe, your sales are slow this month. You must get out there and hustle more!” - Joe:
A. Don’t mention it B. That is a good idea.
C. Thank you, Sir. I will do it. D. I can’t agree with you more.
12. A tourist is asking Minh for the way to the post office.
- Tourist: “Where is the nearest post office?” - Minh: “________”
A. Don’t worry. B. I’m afraid not. C. It’s over there. D. I don’t
think so.
13. An is asking Hoa for the way to the history museum.
- An: “Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the history museum?” - Hoa: “________”
A. Sure. It’s just 2 blocks from here. B. No, of course not.
C. I don’t think you can do this. D. Not at all. I love it.
14. John is talking to Mary about keeping in touch with him.
- John: “Don’t forget to drop me a line when you settle down in London.” - Mary:
A. I drop you a line when I settle down. B. I don’t. I’ll keep you in touch.
C. I will. I’ll not keep you in touch. D. I won’t. I’ll keep you posted.
15. A customer is talking to a salesgirl at the clothes shop.
- Customer: "Can I try this skirt on?" - Salesgirl: “________”
A. No, the shop is closed in half an hour. B. Sorry, only cash is accepted here.
C. Yes, it costs one hundred and fifty dollars. D. Sure, the changing rooms are over
16. Paul and Miranda are in the screening room.
Paul: “Let me adjust the seat for you!” Miranda: “________”
A. That would be lovely. Thank you. B. Yes, I would do it for you.
C. You must be kidding. D. No worries. I can seat here.
17. George is in a coffee shop.
Waiter: “Would you like me to add some milk?” George: “________”
A. Actually, I’m fine. Thanks! B. Let me think.
C. Thanks but I’m up to my ears in work. D. I don’t like sweet.
18. Lauren and Thomas are studying in the library.
Lauren: “Do you need me to check your Math?” Thomas: “_______________”
A. Oh, that would be great. B. I’m trying to fix it.
C. What? Why? D. I can’t believe that.
19. Joe and Paul are in the office.
Joe: “Would you like me to fill up your water glass?” Paul: “____________”
A. Sure, no problem. B. I wish you said that earlier.
C. Thanks but I can handle it. D. I’m sorry but I can’t.
20. Mia meets Lana on her way home.
Mia: “I would be glad to give you a ride." Lana: “________”
A. Don’t worry. I’ll do it. B. Yes. I can help you.
C. I don’t think so. D. Thank you! That would be great.
21. Sarah and Nathan are at a party.
Nathan: “Can I get you another piece of cake?” Sarah: “________”
A. It’s time to dance, isn’t it? B. I can’t take it.
C. Thanks but I’m full. D. My parents must yell at me.
22. Carol and Jennifer are going to the cinema at weekends.
Carol: “Do you want me to pick you up?” Jennifer: “________”
A. You’re welcome. B. Sorry but I’m a bit busy.
C. If you don’t mind. D. I need to go now.
23. Kate is sick when Jonathan visits her.
Jonathan: “I’ll go to the pharmacy for you.” Kate: “________”
A. You’ll love it. B. I think it’s ok.
C. That’s a good idea. D. Thank you but I’m fine.
24. Mark and Barbara are in the office.
Mark: “I’ll do the photocopying if you like.” Barbara: “________”
A. Don’t worry. I’ll do it. B. Oh, let me think first.
C. The photocopier is broken. D. I’m fine.
2 5. James meets Laura at the train station.
James: “Can I help you?” Laura: “________”
A. I can make it. No worries.
B. Yes, please. I’d like to know what time the train leaves.
C. No way. I missed my train.
D. I can find where my train is, finally.
26. Both secretaries, Sarah and Michelle, are in the office.
Sarah: “Would you like me to answer the phone?” Michelle: “________”
A. Sure. If you don’t mind. B. Would you?
C. As your wish. D. I can’t answer the phone now.
27. Steven is at the clinic.
Receptionist: “Would you like a magazine to read while you’re waiting?” Steven:
A. I can’t wait for long. B. Please. I’m thirsty.
C. Yes please. I’d love one. D. I need an eye exam.
28. Helen is at a clothes shop.
Assistant: “Good afternoon. How can I help you?” Helen: “________”
A. They fit fine. I’ll take them.
B. I’m looking for the bigger size.
C. It looks ok, but I think I’ll leave it.
D. No thanks. I’m just looking.
29. William and Janet have just finished the meeting with their customers.
William: “Shall I bring your laptop back to the office?” Janet: “________”
A. Thank you. That would be great. B. Oh, I can help you.
C. No. I forgot my laptop. D. I can’t carry it.
30. Tony is trying to repair his computer.
Edward: “Would you like me to help you with this?” Tony: “________”
A. It’s OK. I can do it myself.
B. I’ll call you later.
C. I’m sorry for damaging your computer.
D. I’ve just fixed it.
Question 24: You should use your own judgment; don’t trust everything you read online.
A. explain CHUYÊN ĐỀC. believe
B. suggest D. decide
Question 25: Most foreign visitors are attracted by the spectacular scenery of Ha Long Bay.
A. healthy B. wealthy C. familiar D. wonderful


Mark the letter A, B, Cor D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 1: Each of us should give a hand to prevent the pandemic by staying at home and Just
going out for emergent situations.
A. help B. control C. manage D. try
Question 2: Hold on. I’ll be ready in some moments.
A. think B. say C. wait D. go
Question 3: If you find yourself at a loose end, you can always clean the bathroom. Don’t just
sit still!
A. have so many things to do B. have nothing to do
C. have a few things to do D. have intention of doing something
Question 4: Does television adequately reflect ethnic and cultural diversity of the country? Are
there any programs which introduce each region’s features, culture and people?
A. minority B. majority C. difference D. variety
Question 5: She is nice but I don’t feel I can confide in her. I won’t tell her my secrets.
A. tell the truth B. tell a lie
C. share my thoughts with D. believe
Question 6: Royal banquets are held in the castle once a month. These are the occasions for
participants to know each other and have more chances to enjoy delicious dishes.
A. parties B. meetings C. conferences D. workshops
Question 7: I was at the bus stop this morning when, for no apparent reasons, the man opposite
me suddenly screamed. No one knew what happened to him.
A. parties B. obvious C. spacious D. confusing
Question 8: I found the book so gripping that I couldn’t put it down. I like its ending and
A. effective B. sensitive C. boring D. interesting
Question 9: My grandfather is a good-natured person. He often does the charity and helps poor
A. wicked B. lazy C. kind-hearted D. mean
Question 10: She was very vulnerable because her boyfriend had left her without any words.
A. able to be well protected B. able to be easily hurt
C. able to be well known D. able to be equally treated
Question 11: Men are more expected to be a breadwinner in a family than women.
A. the family member who likes bread
B. the family member who is responsible for childcare
C. the family member who is willing to share the domestic chores
D. the family member who earns money that the family needs.
Question 12: We assembled in the meeting room after lunch. The manager had an important
announcement to all staffs.
A. studied B. gathered C. sat D. stood
Question 13: It will take us more or less 5 hours to travel from Ha Noi to Dien Bien province.
A. approximately B. considerably C. definitely D. probably
Question 14: The children can’t wait for the trip to the beach. They have kept talking about it
A. look at B. dream C. look forward to D. think about
Question 15: My mother always shows off her culinary talents whenever we have a family
reunion. She prepares a lot of dishes.
A. having to do with food and cooking
B. involving hygienic conditions and diseases
C. relating to medical knowledge
D. concerning nutrition and health
Question 16: A sudden thunderstorm had drenched me to the skin. I changed my clothes right
after I got home because I didn’t want to have a cold.
A. made me very dirty B. made me very wet
C. made me very sad D. made me very diy
Question 17: I would like to buy a new computer, so I started setting aside a small part of my
monthly earnings 3 months ago.
A. spending on B. using up C. putting out D. saving up
Question 18: Their project is likely to feasible because of its positive results.
A. costly B. troublesome C. practicable D. capable
Question 19: Chris deserves our special thanks for what he has done for us. Perhaps we should
send him a gift or some delicious food.
A. ought to be denied B. might be produced
C. should be given D. could be rejected
Question 20: Although it was a hazardous journey, many people wanted to experience this new
type of tourism.
A. risky B. unforgettable C. exciting D. relaxing
Question 21: Add a large handful of chopped herbs into the soup. That will make the soup
much more tasteful.
A. number B. peace C. part D. amount
Question 22: The ship was sinking fast so the captain gave the order to abandon it. Fortunately,
there were enough boats for all people.
A. sell B. leave C. fix D. buy
Question 23: Data from the submarine will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of sea
beds. Scientists may use it for their further studies.
A. lighten B. protect C. initiate D. end
Question 24: Only excellent students are entitled in a full scholarship of that prestigious
A. are given the right to B. are refused the right to
C. are exposed to D. have the obligation to
Question 25: Some people advocated using force to stop violence in the street.
A. openly praised B. publicly said
C. publicly supported D. strongly recommend
Question 26: After the tsunami, a lot of buildings had collapsed, which caused the deaths of
thousands of people.
A. taken off accidentally B. fell down unexpectedly
C. exploded suddenly D. erupted violently
Question 27: The irrigation in South Vietnam helps reduce the water shortage in the fields,
even the ones far from the rivers.
A. cleaning with water B. growing with water
C. supplying water D. pushing with water
Question 28: The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the dawn of a new era in European history.
A. outcome B. closure C. expansion D. beginning
Question 29: The movie made me a bit bewildered but I enjoyed it. The ending is open, so
different people may understand in different ways.
A. surprised B. confused C. excited D. depressed
Question 30: The government should play a more prominent role in promoting human rights,
not any organizations or individuals.
A. significant B. casual C. informal D. serious
Question 31: When you are on the street, you should be careful and be on the alert for the cars,
trucks or buses.
A. go through B. watch out C. look for D. look into
Question 32: She was proclaimed Queen at the age of 13 after the sudden death of her father.
All citizens knew her position and face well.
A. invited B. installed C. declared D. advised
Question 33: I think of making computer smarter as intelligence augmentation. More assigned
tasks can be operated by the computer.
A. necessity B. fall C. decrease D. increase
Question 34: The regulation must be applied irrespective of someone’s ethnic origin. All people
have to follow it.
A. regardless B. in spite C. considering D. despite
Question 35: That the 23 ranged player beat the champion was incredulous. Everyone was so

A. excellent B. unimaginable C. disbelieving D. despite
Question 36: The mountain terrains pose particular problems for civil engineers. It’s hard for
them to complete the project on schedule.
A. do B. cause C. play D. dismiss
Question 37: The patients find that the effects of the injection wear off after an hour. They are
more comfortable and not hurt anymore.
A. gradually disappearing B. quickly appear
C. fast affect D. quickly turn
Question 38: The shopkeeper said that all the defective parts would be replaced without charge
except for the fact that the users broke them.
A. good B. doubting C. uncertain D. imperfect
Question 39: I haven’t seen them since that memorable evening when we had the farewell
party. I’m sure everyone thinks about it a lot.
A. unforgettable B. remarkable C. incredible D. eventful
Question 40: When we did the voluntary work in the remote area, we asked for adjoining
rooms. I remember they were rooms 201 and 202.
A. friendly B. distant C. neighboring D. doubled
Question 41: The new reforms have not met with universal approval within the party. Not every
member think they are appropriate enough.
A. distinguished B. separated C. shared D. marked
Question 42: The teacher asked the students to make the answers concise. They don’t need to
make long writings.
A. long and detailed B. short and clear C. complicated D. depressing
Question 43: It was when they became husband and wife that they found they were not
compatible together. They argued regularly for simple reasons.
A. able to live harmoniously B. capable of sharing the same house
C. able to budget their money D. able to have children
Question 44: As she was on the point of giving up hope, a letter arrived.
A. starting to B. around to C. out of D. about to
Question 45: Moving to Ha Noi is certainly a possibility. I wouldn’t dismiss it out of hand.
A. without listening B. without further consideration
C. without hesitation D. without reluctance
Question 46: The government is subsidizing the public companies and the employed.
A. aiding B. hiring C. renting D. criticizing
Question 47: They felt they were treated with discourtesy. Some people ignored their greeting
or existence and some others said bad things about them.
A. politeness B. encouragement C. rudeness D. measurement
Question 48: She is miserable living on her own. No one talks to her and she never smiles.
A. disappointed B. frightened C. happy D. upset
Question 49: When a plane made its ascent to reach the right height, we saw thick smoke
coming from one engine.
A. rise B. movement down C. fall D. descent
Question 50: We clustered around the noticeboard to read the exam result. I couldn’t see
anything on the board because of the front crowd.
A. rose B. gathered C. separated D. queued
1. It wasn't a serious heart attack, but it gave him a terrible scare.
A. surprising B. sudden C. minor D. severe
2 . If tasks are too challenging, the end result is that learners are discouraged.
A. demanding B. fascinating C. stimulating D. encouraging
3. Flexible working hours could give working parents more time to spend with their children.
A. fixed B. unchangeable C. adjustable D. stable
4 . Few musicians are as versatile as he is: he plays, composes, arranges, and teaches.
A. skillful B. helpful C. flexible D. capable
5 . It's always difficult to come to a conclusion about portable computers because people buy
them for different reasons
A. available B. reliable C. transportable D. responsible
6. How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away is/remains a mystery.
A. heavy B. tiny C. hard D. minimal
7 . Ecotourism is making animals bolder and become less cautious about other animals.
A. foolish B. sensitive C. generous D. careful
8 . Hue is the ideal place to enjoy life; it's a beautiful and hospitable city with its famous cultural
A. noticeable B. friendly C. generous D. well-
9 . As the economy weakens, more and more jobs will be made redundant.
A. unnecessary B. unbalanced C. unfair D. unhealthy
10 . New books are displayed in a prominent position on tables at the front of the shop.
A. favourable B. noticeable C. spacious D. formal
11 . In Viet Nam, it is customary to choose a favourable day for occasions such as weddings,
funerals, or house-moving days.
A. favourite B. whole C. beautiful D. suitable
12 . As fossil fuel resources are running out, it is important for the government to find some
types of alternative energy.
A. practical B. possible C. irreplaceable D. substitute
13 . The balance and harmonious blending of various elements contribute to Taj Mahal's unique
A. fitting B. successful C. agreeable D. tasteful
14 . Taj Mahal is a giant mausoleum of white marble in Arga, India. It is considered to be an
outstanding work of art.
A. significant B. attractive C. impressive D. fascinating
15 . As visitors explore this magnificent place, there are always new surprises for them.
A. strange B. impressive C. unusual D.
16 . You can use earbuds to listen to music everywhere, even in public place, as nobody is
A. annoyed B. connected C. involved D. interacted
17 . Personal electronic devices which distract students from their classwork are banned in most
A. forbid B. prohibit C. disturb D. neglect
18 . The system is so sensitive that it can detect changes in temperature as small as 0.003
A. categorize B. connect C. recognize D. remind
19 . Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do
difficult things easily.
A. gain B. possess C. improve D. practise
20 . I like the general style of the building, but the chimneys are out of proportion—they're too
A. kind B. model C. structure D. way
22 . There is even more pollution caused by burning the fuels needed to generate the energy to
make new products.
A. bring B. produce C. benefit D.
23 . Such policies may hinder attempts to achieve economic growth and may increase the level
of unemployment.
A. enforce B. pass C. deter D. ban
24 . Within twenty years there was a thriving industry in photographic prints, which included
impressive landscapes, views and still lives.
A. healthy B. prosperous C. modern D. green
25 . He was a hardworking and thrifty man who was saving to buy a small cottage from his
A. sensible B. miserable C. poor D.
26 . I think hockey is a hazardous sport because you are constantly getting hit into the boards
which can lead to broken bones.
A. dangerous B. luxurious C. fascinating D.
27. Though he's not clever, he's a diligent worker and has often done well in the examinations.
A. clever B. studious C. practical D. helpful
28 . Nowadays, there have still been some decisions by sports referees which are likely to be
either unsatisfactory or problematic.
A. disapproved B. unacceptable C. dissatisfactory D.
29 . Tennis wear has become a very lucrative business for both manufacturers and tennis stars.
A. expensive B. profitable C. risky D. illegal
30 . His new million-dollar luxury car is certainly an ostentatious display of his wealth.
A. admirable B. showy C. large D. expensive
31 . The way the care-taker treated those little children was deplorable therefore she must be
punished for what she did.
A. respectable B. satisfactory C. unacceptable D.
32 . In the polluted environment, infectious diseases can be passed easily from one person to
A. contagious B. serious C. mental D. fatal
33. After five days on trial, the court found him innocent of the crime and he was released.
A. innovative B. naive C. guilty D. benevolent
34. Mr. John Dopkin is a very generous old man. He has given most of his wealth to a charity
A. hospitable B. honest C. kind D. mean
35. In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly.
A. leisurely B. quickly C. weakly D. shortly
36. My little daughter would spend an inordinate amount of time in the shop, deciding exactly
which comics she was going to buy.
A. excessive B. limited C. required D. abundant
37. The policies of the government were beneficial to the economy as a whole.
A. harmless B. crude C. detrimental D. innocent
38. Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even exported the
A. excess B. large quantity C. small quantity D. sufficiency
39. If I take the pessimistic viewpoint, Tokyo won't be a safe place to live in.
A. negative B. optimistic C. conservative D. neutral
40. To reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere, ways to limit the use of private cars must be
A. public B. personal C. common D. shared
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22: It is important that the government ĐỀ take action to preserve the historic building.
A. protect B. destroy C. save D. maintain
Question 23: I have to postpone my family holiday until next month because I am now up to my
ears in work.
A. having an ear infection B. having so much work to do
C. having nothing much to do D. having my ears checked
Mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 1: She persuaded her reluctant husband to take a trip to Florida with her. He said that
he was too busy and he would think about it.
A. interesting B. willing C. helpful D. generous
Question 2: She has been neglecting her study this semester. She spends most of time travelling
and playing games.
A. spending little time on B. wasting time on
C. paying enough attention to D. paying no attention to
Question 3: She was taken into hospital last week when her condition suddenly deteriorated.
She had been able to talk to others before she fell into a coma.
A. stayed healthy B. became strong C. became worse D. got better
Question 4: It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an introduction.
A. begin B. obey C. follow D. develop
Question 5: It was said that the police had concealed the vital evidence.
A. revealed B. informed C. announced D. warned
Question 6: Ruth runs a very tight ship here, and he expects all his employees to follow the
regulations as well as take good care of their own work.
A. controls an inflexible system B. has a good voyage
C. runs faster than others D. controls things inefficiently
Question 7: The influence of celebrities on the young is discernible. Many young people are
imitating their idols’ lifestyles and thoughts.
A. clear B. invisible C. obvious D. uncomfortable
Question 8: There was an abundance of food at the wedding. Eight people couldn’t serve all
dishes of sea food, soups and vegetables.
A. insufficiency B. adequacy C. efficiency D. capacity
Question 9: She lost contact with a lot of her old friends when she went abroad to study, so
now she can’t see them or have any information about them.
A. made room for B. lost control of
C. put in charge of D. kept in touch with
Question 10: “Don’t disturb me gain,” she said in an irritable voice.
A. upset B. crazy C. calm D. annoyed
Question 11: Appreciating low-cab eating method, Jane doesn’t eat fat or sweets.
A. supporting B. criticizing C. recommending D. denying
Question 12: Data in the report has been greatly exaggerated. The number of prizes they got
was only 3 but it was 6 in the report.
A. undertaken B. overestimated C. understated D. emphasized
Question 13: These findings are inconsistent with those of the previous studies. Scientists are
trying to discover why they are different.
A. compatible with B. contradicted C. opposite to D. enhanced
Question 14: The police said this was the most vicious attacks they’d ever seen. More than 100
victims had been killed and seriously injured.
A. dangerous B. boring C. healthy D. gentle
Question 15: The indiscriminate use of fertilizers can cause long-term problems. Farmers need
to be trained how to use them appropriately.
A. obliged B. selective C. disciplined D. optional
Question 16: National Service was abolished in the UK in 1962. Since then people has served
in the army voluntarily.
A. closed B. held C. organized D. instituted
Question 17: Synthetic products are made from chemicals or artificial substances.
A. natural B. made by machine C. man-made D. unusual
Question 18: She has an extraordinary memory and can remember details and names that I’ve
long forgotten.
A. regular B. normal C. special D. strange
Question 19: The merger proved to be very lucrative for both companies. Both companies have
had more financial contracts since then.
A. helpful B. unlawful C. advantageous D. unprofitable
Question 20: The Board of Directors should take action against the employees who are
insubordinate, or who are discourteous to the company’ policies.
A. disobedient B. fresh C. obedient D. understanding
Question 21: Without conservation, all resources necessary for life would be damaged, wasted
or destroyed.
A. preservation B. exploitation C. protection D. change
Question 22: The match has been cancelled because of adverse weather condition. There has
been heavy rain for some days.
A. unfavorable B. bad C. advantageous D. changeable
Question 23: These chemicals have a detrimental impact on the environment They may cause
land and water pollution.
A. harmless B. harmful C. damaging D. injurious
Question 24: This task is too onerous for you to complete. You need some guidelines for it.
A. difficult B. demanding C. easy D. challenging
Question 25: I understood what she was feeling because we were in the same boat.
A. under the same circumstance B. in a similar case
C. in a different find D. in the different situations
Question 26: It’s a comedy which often succeeds in capturing the weirdness of real life. People
now tends to like the special situations.
A. strangeness B. ordinariness C. beauty D. charm
Question 27: A few men like hot women and they can’t resist looking at them on the street.
A. unattractive B. sexy C. lovely D. lively
Question 28: His malevolent gaze scared me. I think he was trying not to hurt me then.
A. crucial B. fierce C. gentle D. rude
Question 29: He always turns up in time to save her. She may have been in trouble without his
A. hides B. disappears C. appears D. runs away
Question 30: His punctuality has been his strong point. He is never late for any circumstances.
A. being courteous B. being cheerful C. being early D. being late
Question 31: Gradually they broke the ice and became friends.
A. knew each other well B. had the same things
C. differed each other D. didn’t like each other
Question 32: He tries to bring home to her how much he loves her.
A. make her sad B. make her ambivalent about
C. make her disappointed D. make her happy
Question 33: They have done away with the trams in most English towns.
A. destroyed B. eliminated C. preserved D. left out
Question 34: The new program has gone down with many viewers. More and more people like
watching it.
A. not been seen by B. not been followed by
C. not been watched by D. not been welcomed by
Question 35: The man kept his head when another man crashed him. He was silent while that
man kept talking.
A. went mad B. kept calm C. lost his temper D. went wrong
Question 36: The police have instructed everyone how to keep an eye out for pickpockets on
the bus. Bags and jewelries should be held in hands.
A. not to buy a lot B. not to pay attention to
C. not to look through D. not to look for
Question 37: She made up the whole story to get everyone’s sympathy. Then, everyone
knew it’s unlike what she had said.
A. told exactly B. told quickly C. told differently D. told slowly
Question 38: The team leader was rather hot under the collar when being told what to do. He
spoke a bit loudly.
A. annoyed B. embarrassed C. pleased D. interested
Question 39: August car sales fell short of the industry’s expectations. They just sold a half of
the number of cars given in the plan.
A. dissatisfied B. satisfied C. enhanced D. encouraged
Question 40: Persuading him is like flogging a dead horse. He never does as we expect.
A. killing a horse B. tying a horse
C. doing a useful thing D. seeing a horse die
Question 41: The solution to the problem has crossed my mind. I’ve just got that idea from this
A. been quickly decided B. been looked through
C. been thoroughly enjoyed D. been carefully considered
Question 42: John said that he would lend me some English books but he went back on his
word. When I called him, he said he had forgotten telling me that.
A. kept his promise B. forgot his promise
C. missed his word D. left his word behind
Question 43: When she was expelled from school, her parents went through the roof. They
immediately had a two-hour conversation with her.
A. were surprised B. got very angry
C. were pleased D. became higher
Question 44: Don’t throw these boxes away because they might come in handy. We can make
toys from them.
A. be useful B. be useless C. be advantageous D. be helpful
Question 45: You don’t need to answer me now. Sleep on it and tell me when you are ready.
A. Don’t think too much B. Have a deep sleep
C. Think carefully D. Be sure for that
Question 46: They are getting married soon but they haven’t named the day yet: perhaps,
some time in August.
A. have had a good day B. have forgotten the day
C. have decided the wedding day D. have made up their mind
Question 47: He is an intelligent boy but his laziness has set him back in his studies. He ranks
30th in his class.
A. prevented him B. reminded him C. provided him D. encouraged him
Question 48: A thing like that only happens once in a blue moon. Then, don’t miss it!
A. rarely B. seldom C. regularly D. hardly
Question 49: I am feeling off-color now. I need to have a short nap.
A. sick B. well C. tired D. cold
Question 50: She must break off the conversation to see who is knocking the door.
A. continue B. interrupt C. stop D. lengthen

1. Don’t mention soccer to Henry because he would go and play at the drop of a hat.
A. in no time B. unwillingly C. unquestionably D. immediately
2. She was a very busy manager. Such relaxed days were few and far between.
A. happening frequently B. highly appreciated
C. becoming irregular D. seldom occurring
3. Yes, I suppose she was but she’d changed so much. She used to be chubby, but now she was all
skin and bone.
A. quite poor B. hard up C. rather plump D. rather thin
4. My wife asked me to take our car to the mechanic because it’s acting up again.
A. operating in a strange way B. working awkwardly
C. running at an unruly speed D. functioning properly
5. I need to catch up on world events. I haven’t seen the news in ages.
A. go ahead with B. catch sight of C. watch the news D. become outdated
6. The misunderstanding will be cleared up as soon as he gets here.
A. resolved B. explained C. dealt with D. confused
7. The government kept back vital information concerning the oil spill.
A. revealed B. suppressed C. reserved D. maintained
8. The problems in this neighborhood need to be sorted out before things get worse.
A. solved completely B. left undone
C. give an explanation for D. classified clearly
9. - “Why do you suddenly have so much energy?”
- “I’m hyped up on life. Isn’t life great? Let’s go for a run?”
A. very excited about B. disappointed with
C. amused at D. really eager for
10. “If you had studied instead of goofing off all semester, then you wouldn’t be so worried about
tomorrow’s exam.”
A. behaving not very well B. passing time in a relaxed way
C. hardly trying to work D. passing time studying
11. You can’t bury your head in the sand – you need to face up to your own problems.”
A. stay indoors all the time B. ignore one’s duty
C. take notice of the situation D. get out of bed despite sickness
12. Laura was over the moon when she got her exam results – 8 grade As!”
A. delighted B. mostly hopeful C. really disappointed D. very happy
13. “I studied and studied for my driving test until I knew it by heart.”
A. learned as much as possible about it B. was ignorant of it
C. performed the best D. knew something very well
14. The wolves quickly melted into the dark forest, and were gone.
A. disappeared B. turned down C. came into sight D. froze
15. She’s laid up for nearly four months after the accident last year.
A. able to work despite illness B. unemployed for good
C. lying in bed because of illness D. dismissed for carelessness
16. Don’t put words into my mouth! I never said I hate roses
A. interrupt rudely B. mention wrongly C. quote exactly D. ask politely
17. I’m at a loss to how you are going to pass your subjects without studying. All you do is to
play video games all day.
A. lose the game B. completely understand
C. feel like a stranger D. try to understand
18. Wait until they’re out of earshot, then I tell you exactly what happened to them on their
A. likely to disappear B. impossible to be seen
C. able to hear D. necessary to be told
19. The President came under fire for his inconsiderate decision to close the government.
A. was praised B. was criticized C. received thanks D. felt ashamed
20. Even though Derek had made up with Joan, the tension between them was still evident.
A. become friends again B. stopped the argument
C. had a quarrel D. ended a quarrel
21. Libraries are an investment for the future and they should not be allowed to fall into decline.
A. get over increasing B. make an decrease
C. be on the increase D. promote an increase
22. “I am nuts about computers. I have about seven in my house: four laptops and three desktop
A. need to sell something B. am sick of something
C. like something a lot D. am part of a fan club
23. Her son, who was reported dead more than three years ago, came out of the blue.
A. apparently B. purposely C. suddenly D. expectedly
24. “Hey Rachel, I think I sort of forget to thank you all for your help in the past week. Thank
A. definitely B. by the way C. not really D. in some ways
25. He was in the very seventh heaven when the girl consented to be his wife.
A. utterly discontented B. amazingly dreamy
C. extremely depressed D. wonderfully imaginative
26. "I don't believe them. Their story doesn't add up.”
A. seem reasonable B. appear rational C. seem confused D. appear logical
27. The child went through a lot before recovering completely.
A. suffered B. experienced C. got over D. soothed
28. Despite his financial problems, he managed to hold on to his fortune.
A. keep all B. hold tightly C. donate all D. lose possession of
29. I am in favour of keeping the environment clean.
A. approve of B. oppose to C. agree with D. rely on
30. Despite the heavy traffic, Harry could get to the airport in the nick of time.
A. long after the planned time B. with the little time to spare
C. in good condition D. with no luggage to handle
31. You’re 25 years old now, but you still haven’t cut the apron strings.
A. relied on others B. started doing well
C. become independent D. bought a new house
32. The first time I met my friend’s parents, I was walking on eggshells because I knew their
political views were very different from mine.
A. was talking nervously B. was given many eggs
C. had to be very cautious D. had a lot of pleasure
33. Since it is a surprise, don’t let the cat out of the bag.
A. let the bag away from the cat B. reveal the true story
C. keep the cat inside the bag D. hide the secret

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