Year 8 Sci

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Adaptation is modification of an organism or its parts that makes it more fit for existence
under the conditions of its environment.

a) Explain three ways in which the organism shown in the picture below is adapted to live in
desert. ( 3 marks)

b) A cactus is an example of few plants that can survive the harsh conditions in a desert.
Explain how the following features help a cactus to survive. ( 3 marks)


Long roots

Spikes instead of leaves

Fleshy stem


(6 marks)
3. Force is a pull or push acting on a object
a) Name three things that force can do (3 marks)


5. Find the pressure exerted by a force of 600 Newtons on an area of 30 m2. Give your answer in
N/m2. (2)

6. An object is placed on a floor. The area of the object in contact with the floor is 3 m2. The
pressure exerted by the object is 15 N/m2. Find the force exerted by the object on the floor, in
Newtons. (2)

7. John is a runner. He runs the 100m sprint in 10x6s. What speed did he travel at? (in m/s) (2)
8. The diagram shows the human gas exchange system.
a) State the law of reflection of light? (1)

b) Complete the statements below (4)

i) Light travels in a ______________ line
ii) Red, blue and green are _______ colors of light.
iii) Red light + Green light = ____________ light.
iv) Angle of incidence is the angle between incident ray and the _____________________.

12. Breathing is a process of taking in and out air and. Use the words below to answer the
questions. ( 5 marks)

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