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Aap TOM MBOYA UNIVERSITY 2022/2023 ACADEMIC YEAR FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (ARTS, SCIENCE AND SPECIAL NEEDS) WITH LT EMA 411: EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION DATE. 19/12/2022 TIME: 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS * ANSWER ANY FOUR QUESTIONS. + Cheating is NOT allowed and will be harshly punished. + Observe further instructions on the answer booklet. EXAMINATION CHEATING IS A CRIME XAT —a———erre DAT Ah TOM MBOYA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE EXAMINATIONS 2022/2023 ACADEMIC YEAR FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (ARTS, SCIENCE AND SPECIAL NEEDS, WITH IT) EMA 411: EDUCATIONAL. ADMINISTRATION TIME: INSTRUCTIONS: a) Answer any FOUR Questions b) Do not Write in this Question Paper Explain the eight (8) functions of a school administrator (that is, planning, organizing, co-ordinating, controlling, decision making, communication, influencing and Evaluation) citing their significance in management of schools. (20mks) Based on your knowledge and experience during your Teaching practice session, discuss the use and effectiveness of guidance and counseling as an alternative approach to use of physical punishment and mental harassment in enhancing student discipline in secondary schools. (20mks) Analyze critically the administrative challenges faced by school administrators in their undertaking to manage effective teaching/ instruction in schools. (20mks) Explain the functions of Boards of Management in .secondary schools in Kenya. (20mks) EXAMINATION CHEATING IS A CRIME #5. Discuss the role of the Cabinet Secretary in Management of educational (20mks) institutions in Kenya. in management of educational 6 Explain the following concepts as used i (20mks) institutions. a) Misappropriation of school finance. b) Mismanagement of school finance. c) Auditing of school finance.

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