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What pushes me to still engage in the said activity is that, knowing there are benefits I
can get and the experience of engaging in that said activity will be, I think, worth it.
Participating in recreational activities is socializing with others, which can result in
tremendous benefits for overall well-being. Through recreation, people discover who
they are as individuals and who they are as members of a group.

Wear clothing that allows you to move and maneuver comfortably. Choose well-fitting
shoes that provide ankle support, stability, and grip. If you're hiking on rocky trails, use
one or two walking poles to help maintain your balance while navigating uneven terrain.
The air is thinner at high altitudes. This can lead to extreme and rapid changes in
temperatures. Pack layers of clothing that you can add or remove as needed. Don't
forget rain- and windproof outerwear made of lightweight material. You should also
bring something to keep the sun out of your eyes, such as a brimmed hat and
sunglasses. Also, don't forget the sunscreen.
To protect and preserve the environment while on activity, you don’t want to crush
foliage or damage the roots of plants, and straying just a little bit from the trail can do
just that. Don’t leave any trash. We all know littering is bad. Don’t approach wildlife.
When you’re hiking, you’re on their turf. Only take photos and memories. Don’t pick
flowers, dig up plants, cut off limbs, or take rocks or shells. Take along water (and better
yet, bring it in a reusable water bottle!). Even if you’re not thirsty now, you may be late
and you won’t regret having water on hand. Be sure to make your own snacks, such as
granola or trail mix, to take along. You can use local ingredients. Always clean yourself
and your gear after every hike. You could easily transfer seeds, insects, or pathogens
from one location to another. When you purchase hiking gear and clothing, shop around
and try choosing environmentally friendly brands. Protect water supplies. Our water
sources need protection, so if you are washing dishes, your body, or your clothes
outdoors, always use biodegradable, camp-safe soap, and whenever possible, your
own water supply away from lakes and other waterbodies.

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