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What is the control system?

Control systems are an integral part of modern society



History of control system

Type of Control system
Liquid-Level Contol Liquid-Level Contol Steam Pressure Controls

Twentieth-Century Developments
300 B.C 300 B.C 1681 Automatic Control Feedback Control Automatic streering of ships Analysis of feedback amplifiers

Water clock Oil Lamp Safety valve in regulation of steam pressure Mechanical temperature control system for hatching eggs Windmill Flyball speed governer to control the speed of steam engines

Ktesibios Philon of Byzantium Denis Papin

Type of Control system

Automatic Control

Steering System

Sperry Gyroscope Company Nicholas Minorsky H.W.Bode H.Nyquist


1885 Late 1920s Early 1930s

Temperature Controls

Cornelis Drebbel

70 Century

Speed Control Speed Control

Edmund Lee James Watt

1745 80 Century



Contemporary Applications
a. Early elevators were controlled by hand ropes or an elevator operator. Here, a rope is cut to demonstrate the safety brake, an innovation in early elevators; b. Modern Duo-lift elevators make their way up the Grande Arche in Paris, driven by one motor, with each car counterbalancing the other. Today, elevators are fully automatic, using control systems to regulate position and velocity.

Example 1:Elevators

-control of missiles and spacecraft -process control industry -digital computer : industrial robots, spacecraft , process control industry (modern control) -space shuttle -vehicles function -home heating system - Home entertainment system: video disc or compact disc machine

Terms in Control System[1]

Example 2 Rover was built to work in contaminated areas at Three Mile Island in Middleton, PA, where a nuclear accident occurred in 1979. The remote controlled robots long arm can be seen at the front of the vehicle.
[1] Controlled Variable - the quantity or condition that is measured and controlled - output of system [2] Manipulated Variable - the quantity or condition that is varied by the controller so as to affect the values of the controlled variable. [3] Control - measuring the value of the controlled variable of the system and applying the manipulated variable to the system to correct or limit deviation of the measured value from a desired value.


Terms in Control System[2]

[4] Plants - any physical object to be controlled - ex: a set of machine parts functioning together, which is to perform a particular operation. [5] Processes - any operation to be controlled - ex: biological processes, chemical processes [6] Systems - a combination of components that act together and perform a certain objectives. [7] Disturbances - a signal that tends to adversely affect the value of output of a system - internal: generated within the system - external: generated outside system and is an input.

Basic concepts

Figure 3 : Simplified description of a control system


System Configurations

Open-loop Systems
Characteristic: sensitivity to disturbances and inability to correct for these disturbances.

Figure 4 Block diagrams of control systems: a. open-loop system; b. closed-loop system (feedback control)

Example 1 : Toaster The device is designed with the assumption that the toast will be darker the longer it is subjected to heat. The controlled variable (output): the color of the toast. The toaster does not measure the color of the toast # It does not correct for the fact that the toast is rye, white or sourdough, nor does it correct for the fact that toast comes in different thicknesses.

Closed-loop Systems (Feedback Control System)

Example 2: Mechanical Systems The system consisting of a mass, spring, and damper with a constant force positioning the mass. The greater the force, the greater the displacement. The system position will change with a disturbance, such as additional force. The system will not detect or correct for disturbance.

Definitions (1) Feedback path the return path from the output to the input summing junction. (2) Actuating signal the output signal subtracted from the input signal. (3)Error - the both input and output transducers have unity gain. The actuating signals value is equal to the actual difference between the input and the output

Example 1: Antenna azimuth position control system: The system compensates for disturbances by measuring the output response, feeding that measurement back through a feedback path and comparing that response to the input at the summing junction. (i) If there is any difference between the two responses, the system drives the plant, via the actuating signal, to make correction. (ii) If there is no difference, the system does not drive the plant, since the plants response is already the desired response. The systems are less sensitive to noise, disturbances and changes in environment. The systems are more complex and more expensive than openloop system.
#A position control system converts a position input command to a position output response. # Example applications: antennas, robot arms, computer disk drive

a. system concept; b. detailed layout; c. schematic; d. functional block diagram

Example 2: Speed Control System

Example 3: Temperature Control System (Electric Furnace)

(Watts speed governor for an engine)

Example 4: Temperature Control of Passenger Compartment of a Car

Example 5: Automobile steering control system

Desired Course of travel



Steering mechanism


Course of travel

Measurement, visual and tactile

Mathematical Relationship in Control System

Figure .The control system design process Step1: Transform requirements into a physical systems Step2: Draw a Functional block diagram Step3 Create a Schematic Step4: Develop Mathematical Model; KVL,KCL, Newtons Laws Step5: Reduce the block diagram Step6: Analyze and design

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