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(An Autonomous Institute under Kakatiya University, Warangal)
B.Tech. ( common to CSE,CSN, IT & ME) VI-Semester
Mid Semester Examination - II
U18MH601-Universal Human Values
Time: 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 30
Note: 1. Answer all the questions.

Mark CD
Q.No s LL CO
1 a) What are the goals of human being living, in society? 1
Human Goal
1. At the level of the individual=Right Understanding & Right Feeling
>>Leads to>> Happiness in every individuals. R CO3
2. At the level of family >>Leads >> Prosperity in every family
3. At the level of the society >>Leads to>>Fearlessness (Trust)
4. At the level of the entire nature and existence>>Leadsto>>Co-
(Mutual fulfilment)
b) Explain why it is essential to study about the nature. 1
Earth, our home is a truly a unique place providing us not only what
we all need to survive but also delivers the destructive forces with
great furry. History full of this events of creation of destruction, and
man has been at the forefront of understanding this life drama since
antiquity. The reason to study nature as then has always been the
same, survival.
Thus, environmental science(nature) is very important because it study
the connection and implication of seemingly disconnected phenomena,
enlightening to the consequence of our action such the effect of
technology on the destruction of the natural resources and the
ecosystem, and what we can do to reverse some of this destructive
forces and heal the environment, saving ourselves in the process.

c) This question covers Course patent-2 provided in the course web 1 U- CO3
Why perception and attitudes are significant in development of CP
ans alternative solutions? 2

Perception and attitudes vital to development necessitate a

willingness to delay gratification, explore alternative
avenues, and tolerate discomfort allowing the space and
time required for the creation of significant insights and

d) This question covers Course Research paper-2 provided in the 1

course web
ans List out Schwart's ten types of universal value.

Schwartz's ten types of universal value are:

i. Power R-
ii. Achievement CR
iii. Hedonism P2
iv. Stimulation
v. Self-direction
vi. Universalism
vii. Benevolence
viii. Tradition
ix. Conformity
x. Security
e) Explain the implication of value based living at the level of 1 U CO4
ans individual

At the level of the Individual:

At the level of the individual happiness, peace, contentment, and bliss
in the self, perseverance, bravery, and generosity in the living of the
individual. This value-based living of the individual would reduce the
feeling of financial insecurity which is caused by ill health.

f) List out four guidelines for holistic systems. 1 U CO4

The Holistic Criteria For Evaluation
There are three broad criteria to guide
1 the development of such technologies and
systems :-
° Satisfying appropriate needs and lifestyles,
° People- friendly, and
° Eco-friendly.

° These have to promote local self-sufficiency

and optimal utilization of local resources and
2 a) List the dimensions that comprises a human order. Explain how 4 U CO3
ans each dimension contributes to the fulfillment of human goal.
The five dimensions of human order
(Manaviya Vyavstha) are:
1. Education- Right living (Sikhsa- Sanskar)
2. Health – Self-regulation (Swasthya-
3. Justice – Preservation (Nyaya- Suraksha)
4. Production – Work ( Utpadan – Karya)
5 . Exchange – Storage ( Vinimya – Kosh)
1a. Education = To understand harmony at all four levels
= To understand the harmony right from self to
whole existence
1b.Sanskar = To live in harmony at all four levels
= To live in harmony right from self to the whole
2a. Justice = Human- Human relation- its recognition,
evaluation- leading to mutual happiness.
2b. Preservation = Human- Rest of nature – its recognition,
evaluation- leading to mutual prosperity
= enrichment, Protection, Right Utilization of
Ex: I cultivate wheat: this is enrichment, I protect it so that it fit
to eat: this is protection; & I eat it (do not waste it) this is
5a.Exchange = Exchange of produce for
mutual fulfillment ( not madness of profit)
5b. Storage = Storage of produce after
fulfillment of needs ( with a view of right
utilization in future)
b) Assume that you would like to see your hostel or workplace or 4 Ap CO3
educational institution as a model of human society, Write down
It's quals-relate it to the four human goals and elaborate on what
each goal mearn. Also develop some Joey indicators or measures
which will show that the goals and realized.

Educational guidance is related to every aspect of education

school / colleges, the curriculum, the methods of instruction, other
curricular activities, disciplines etc.
Educational guidance is the assistance given to the individual
(i) to understand his/her potentialities
(ii) have a clear cut idea of the different educational opportunities
and their requirements
(iii) to make wise choices as regards to school, colleges, the
course : curricular and extra curricular.
Some of the aims and objectives of educational guidance are:
 To assist the pupil to understand him/herself i.e. to understand
his/her potentialities, strength and limitations.
 To help the child make educational plans consist with his/her
abilities, interests and goals.
 To enable the student to know detail about the subject and
courses offered.
 To assist the student in making satisfactory progress in various
school/ college subjects.
 To help the child to adjust with the schools, its rules,
regulations, social life connected with it.
 To help the child in developing good study habits.
 To help the child to participate in out of class educational
activities in which he can develop leadership and other
social qualities.

c) Why is education and sanskar the first human goal? 4 U CO3
ans Distinguish between education and sanskar.

Role of Education-Sanskar
(Enabling the Transformation to Human Consciousness)
The role of education is essentially to facilitate holistic development,
i.e. the individual transformation to human consciousness as well as
the societal transformation to a humane society.
For this, the education-sanskar has to ensure:
1. Right understanding in every child,
2. The capacity to live in relationship with other human beings, and
3. The capacity to identify the need for physical facility, the skills and
practice for sustainable
production of more than what is required, leading to the feeling of
Education is developing the right understanding (holistic perspective).
Sanskar is the commitment, preparation and practice of living with
right understanding. The preparation includes learning appropriate
skills and technology.
The prime need of value education is to understand human aspirations,
to discover what is truly valuable (human value) in life. Value of any
entity is its participation in the larger order of which it is a part.
The value of human being is its participation towards mutual
fulfillment (harmony) starting from within themselves, then extending
in their family, in the society and in nature.

The content of value education has to be universal, rational, natural,

verifiable and leading to harmony.

The process of value education has to be a process of self-exploration,

rather than being prescriptive.

The basic aspiration of a human being is continuity of happiness and

To fulfil this, three things are required in order of priority: right
understanding, relationship and physical facility, and one cannot be
substituted for the other.

Human consciousness is living with continuous happiness and

prosperity by ensuring right understanding, fulfilment in relationship
and physical facility in the correct priority.
Holistic development is the transformation from animal consciousness
to human consciousness. Education- sanskar has the most significant
role to play in this transformation.
d) Take any one vironmental issue in your neighborhood and try to 4 Ap CO3
find out the root cause of it[For instance, water scarcity, air
pollution, food adulteration, etc.). What exactly can you
ans contribute as an individual to the society?

Man’s activities through urbanization, industrialization, mining, and

exploration are at the forefront of global environmental pollution.
Both developed and developing nations share this burden together,
though awareness and stricter laws in developed countries have
contributed to a larger extent in protecting their environment.
Absolutely it has to be curbed by human only because humans have
degraded the environment.
Pollution can be reduced by us by strict observation of following
1. Reducing the use of personal vehicles and using mass
transportation facilities
2. Using battery operated vehicles and using sustainable energy
3. Harnessing solar energy and preventing use of coal and non
renewable resources
4. Following water efficient theories and water harvesting philosophy
5. Reduce reuse substitute technology implementation
6. Constructing Green Buildings and following green architectural
principles- passive building concepts
7. Application of energy conservation in all infrastructure projects
8.Using building automation and controls for reducing energy, water
and wastewater generation
9. Implementing drip and such other conservative but successful
irrigation techniques

3 a) 4 U CO4
Some people feel that talking about holistic development is like
trying to run the wheel of time backwards. It will greatly hamper
ans our prognme What is your view in this regard? Justify your
The modern technologies and systems are all human inventions in
response to the needs visualized under the influence of the prevailing
worldview. Accordingly, they have been designed and optimized to
the objective functions best suited to this world view. In order to
facilitate the development of holistic technologies and systems, it will
be necessary to visualize alternative objective functions and to
formulate appropriate criteria for evaluation compatible with
comprehensive human goal. Generally speaking, there are three broad
criteria to guide the development of such technologies and systems,
a. Catering to appropriate needs and lifestyles,
b. People-friendly, and
c. Eco-friendly.
Criteria for Technologies
The above mentioned general criteria can be itemized into more
specific form as follows:
1. Catering to real human needs
2. Compatible with natural systems and cycles
3. Facilitating effective utilization of human body, animals, plants
and materials
4. Safe, user-friendly and conducive to health
5. Producible with local resources and expertise as far as possible
6. Promoting the use of renewable energy resources
7. Low cost and energy efficient
8. Enhancing human interaction and cooperation
b) 4 An CO4
ans Recollect any situation in your life when you had to face a strong
ethical dilemma. Explain with the help of proper sell exploration,
how the dilemma could be resolved.
In my opinion, we face such dilemmas every day. And if we are
responsible, and think about future generations as well, we should
think about our daily decision. Take a typical shopping in a
supermarket as an example. Will I drive there, or walk? Will I
prefer local and environmentally friendly food, or will I opt for
imported alternative, just because it costs less money? And how
much will I buy? A lot, so we have a great selection back home, but
eventually throw half of the food to rubbish, just like most US
households? Or just enough, so maybe we can’t satisfy each carving
of the stomach, but will end up eating and processing everything we
bought? I try to think about these things, because I realize that each
decision I make has an impact on the planet, and especially on the
future generations. We shouldn’t be so selfish…
The following approaches to solve an ethical dilemma were deduced:
Refute the paradox (dilemma): The situation must be carefully
analyzed. In some cases, the existence of the dilemma can be
logically refuted.
Value theory approach: Choose the alternative that offers the greater
good or the lesser evil.
Find alternative solutions: In some cases, the problem can be
reconsidered, and new alternative solutions may arise.
c) As per the prevailing world-view what are usually the expectations 4 U CO4
ans from a good professional career? Evaluate these in the contest of
right understanding.

The right understanding gained through self-exploration also enables

us to identify the definitiveness of human conduct which may also be
called the ethical human conduct. It is the same for all human beings.

So we are also able to understand the universality of ethical human

conduct which is in consonance with the universal human values. Each
one of us wants to have a definite conduct but presently we may not be
able to ensure that. This is because we are presently living on the basis
of our pre-conditionings or assumptions which are not in consonance
with the truth or the right understanding. But, this situation neither
gives satisfaction to us not to others. We do see the human beings
struggling to find out what the right conduct is and in the process,
exhibiting a wide variety of attributes. We also see people debating
endlessly about what they consider to be ethical.
One must evaluate his conduct based on the above three dimensions
and self exploration alone bridges
the gap between conduct and the ethical human conduct. A human
being can be called prosperous and
successful if he blends his professional skills with ethical human
But unless we have the right understanding, we are not able to identify
the definitiveness of ethical human conduct. It can be understood in
terms of the following:

1. Values (Mulya): Competence of living in accordance with

universal human values or the participation of a unit in the larger
order- its natural characteristics or svabhava is known as values.
Values are a part of our ethical conduct.

2. Policy (Niti): policy is the decision (plan, program,

implementation, results, evaluation) about the enrichment, protection
and right utilization of the resources (self, body and wealth – mana,
tana and dhana).

3. Character (Charitra): The definiteness of my desire, thought and

selection gives definiteness to my living. Definitiveness of character is
the outcome of the definiteness of my behavior and work.
d) Suppose you were taken up any of the following professions, what 4 An CO4
kind of ethical dilemmas and challenges you might have to face in
their execution and how would you attempt to resolve them:
ans 1. A contractor/ builder
2 Acivil servant/ bureaucrat
3. Acharted accountant

An ethical dilemma is a situation of conflict among various principles,

creating a difficulty in decision making. An ethical dilemma arises
when one has to choose between ethical values and rules in order to
determine the right-thing-to-do. Administrators too face ethical
dilemmas many times. This lead to difficulty in decision making and
require conscience to resolve such dilemmas.
Situations of ethical dilemmas faced by civil servants:

Dilemmas between professional ethics and own personal values.

Dilemma due to duty towards the community and being responsive to

the government.

In his desire to hold onto a job versus the professional ethics.

Ethical dilemmas can arise, when two equally striking options are
justified as right in certain situations.

For a public servant attempting to function as a professional, the

demands of law, his duty, fairness, due process, provides a productive
ground in which ethical dilemmas arises.

Other types of ethical dilemmas in which public servants may find

themselves include conflict between:

 The values of public administration.

 Unclear or opposing answer-abilities.

 Personal morals and work ethics versus administrative


 Validations for the institutions.

 professional ethics and director or executive directive.

 Features of the code of conduct.

Process of resolving an ethical dilemma in administration:

Personal self-interest should be secondary to the common good in all

situations, especially when such circumstances give rise to conflict of

A dilemma should be dealt appropriately by considering and

reformulating all the options in a systematic and coherent manner.

To resolve such ethical dilemmas, an order or a sequence of logical

reasoning is must to integrate and rearrange the process of dealing with
ethical dilemmas.

The decisions should be guided by following principles:

The provisions of Indian Constitution.

Democratic accountability of administration.

The rule of law and the principle of legality.

Professional integrity.

Impartiality and neutrality.

Larger public good.

Responsiveness to civil society.

The bureaucracy should be loyal to the country and it’s people while
decision making considering consequences of such decisions.

It is fundamental ethical duty of civil servants to show a spirit of

neutrality and discretion and keep their own personal preferences out in
the performance of their duties and responsibilities.

Civil servants are responsible for providing justice to many lives. Their
impartiality and neutrality is must to uphold his/her duty towards a
society. Dilemmas arise many times in life of civil servants while
performing their duties. What required is the objective decision making
for larger public benefit.
4 a) Describe the role of human being in this existence. What would be 4 R CO3
ans the natural outcome of fulfilling this role?

The role of Human Being is to realize this co-existence, this harmony,

this order in existence – For this, all that human beings need to do is:
1. To understand the inherent harmony, the co-existence in existence
2. To live accordingly - to live with the feeling of harmony or co
existence (and there is every provision in existence for living in co-

Program for Human Being (Our Role in Existence) Human beings

have two important things to do:
1. To understand the co-existence
1.1. To understand co-existence - Knowledge
1.2. To ensure the feeling, thought of co-existence – Resolution
2. To live in co-existence
2.1. To live in co-existence with human-beings -family to world
family - Undivided Society
2.2. To live in co-existence in nature -family order to world family
order - Universal Human Order
By these two being ensured by human beings, the result will be
Undivided Society and Universal Human Order on Earth, in which
Harmony and peace are very natural outcomes 16 this every provision
in Existence for it)
b) Suppose you are employed in government organization where 4 U CO4
your superior offers are quite corrupt and they also insist on you
to join them. Explore how you would act in such a situation.
The unethical practices are rapidly increasing and their impact is also
becoming far-reaching. Corruption in multifarious manifestations is
afflicting all the professions like a virus. Similarly, other unethical
practices are also proliferating and getting out of control. It appears as
if human ingenuity is being increasingly harnessed to devise newer
and subtler ways to thwart the ethical conduct of profession, to twist
the laws and to beat the system.

Professional ethics means to develop professional competence with

ethical human conduct. Ethical human conduct means definitiveness
of human conduct. Ethical human conduct is the foundation of
professional ethics. The only effective way to ensure professional
ethics is through correct appraisal and systematic development of
ethical competence in the professional (the human being). Profession
is a significant domain of human activity targeted towards
participating in the larger order which includes the society and nature
around. Thus, it is a meaningful participation for each one in one or
more of the five domains of human endeavour needed for a
harmonious society.

Ethical conduct of profession implies the right utilization of one’s

professional skills towards the fulfilment of comprehensive human
goal and thus, meaningfully participates in the larger order.
Professional ethics may be defined as a form of applied ethics that
examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise
in a business environment. Professional ethics concerns the moral
issues that arise because of the specialist knowledge that
professionals attain, and how the use of this knowledge should be
governed when providing a service to the public.
C) Give some examples of units that only have the activity of 4 R CO3
recognizing and fulfilling. Also give examples of units that have
the activity of assuming, recognizing and fulfilling. What is the
basic difference between those two sets of units?

The Basic activities in the Material as well as Plant order include

Recognising and fulfilment. The same activities occur in the body in
Animal and Human orders. Assuming, Recognising and Fulfillment
occur in the “I” of both Animal order and Plant order along with
Knowing in the Human order.
All the things in the Material order are lifeless and are composed of
smaller units(atoms) coming together to form bigger units. Such
combining is referred to as Composition and the splitting up of these
units is referred to as Decomposition. The Material order simply
Exists and has no Growth, Nurturing or Worsening. Its Conformance
(continuity in nature) takes place through physical and Chemical
processes. The Plant order is made up of units called cells which have
life. These cells are responsible for various Physico‐chemical activities
in the Body. Hence along with Composition/Decomposition, plants
also Grow, Nurture/Worsen depending on the availability of nutrients,
climatic conditions etc. However they don’t possess any
Consciousnees or “I” as in Animals or Humans.
Difference between I and Body of Animals & Humans:
The Body of Animals and Humans have the same activities. However
there is a great difference between the conscious activities of the Self
in both of them. ‘I’ of Animals Vs Humans:
The “I” in the Animals is confined only to the Selection/taste process,
Will to live and Characteristics such as cruelty/non‐cruelty. For
example, a cow is satisfied if it is given some fodder. It doesn’t think
ofwhere the fodder came from, who grew it etc. it needs food just to
keep itself alive unlike the humans who crave for different tastes as
they possess the will to live in happiness. Animals have the faculty of
Assuming, Recognising and Fulfilling, but they have no Reasoning
In Humans, the activities such as Desiring / Thinking / Selecting /
Tasting occur leading to Understanding and Realization. Like the
Animals, the Humans possess the Will to live but the will to live in
happiness. Instead of cruelty/non‐cruelty, the humans possess the
characteristics of Bravery, Perseverance and Generosity. They possess
the reasoning skills and hence have an additional activity of Knowing
which is absent in animals. A human beings’ Conformance is largely
based upon his Values and not his breed as in animals.
d) What is your opinion, has gone wrong so as to make many of 4 U CO4
the modern technology gadgets anti-ecological as well as
contrary to real human welfare? After all, all these
ans developments have been made for the good people and with the
great dexterity.

As technology use has increased over the past decade, so have the
number of concerns I receive from parents about how it impacts the
development of children. From cognitive and learning concerns to
social and emotional concerns, parents and professionals are right
to question the impact of something that consumes the time and
energy of so many children. While there are certainly social
benefits to digital device use and media consumption, concerns
arise when excessive time spent on devices detracts from time
spent engaging in and benefitting from in-person interactions and
developmentally necessary activities.
Technology can create social disconnection and development

The bad news is that the overuse of screen time displaces time
spent engaging in real life social interactions. We know that
children develop communication, cognitive, and social skills
through their relationships with caregivers and other adults and
peers. They require face-to-face engagement to understand and use
verbal and non-verbal communication, develop empathy, learn
turn-taking, and more. Increased technology use has the potential
to create social disconnection for young and older children alike,
which can negatively impact the development of social and
relational skills.

Recent research has shown that screen time is negatively associated

with social skills development in toddlers. Specifically, the more
time they spend with devices the more their social development
suffers in the areas of relating and interacting with others and
compliance with directions and ability to help others. Levels of
disruptive social behaviors, such as being bossy or bullying,
increased with more screen time activity.
****Question Paper Ends****
Paper set by: Faculty of UHV-

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