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Let acceleration = e anc time 1 +2 be t, Force = ma % Then, a = vit, s = 4 (0 + uyt = Yaut 4 ‘Work done = ma x $"= ‘Amy = K.E. % - which is the stored energy of body. % 4 tm? — ¥ ) + z ‘Body can be divided up into particles of mass m distance ry ~ from rotation axis O, my distance r et. % Total K.E. of body = Amir)? + pre? ‘ a yyw Mat 3 y= gle’, where the moment of inertia, [= > mr? % = analogies are I(t) and o(v)/analogy is “ilu? ( Amv), woh a © 4 & e.g. Roll cylinders down inclined plane from rest. % Total KE. = Sm + 14? (w = via) Mts Loss P.E. = mgh “ coo? = 2mghitm + Ta?) % Clearly the greater I (hollow cylinder) the slower the yelocity, and the longer the time to roll dovin. At on RESTRICTED PUABAtE CPTI OPER ara ee A ceded: *a mass M is attached to the end of string which has its other end threaded through 1 hole in the axle A of the flywheel W, the string being wound around the axle. ‘When the mass M dropped the string is unwound and when M reaches the ground the string just slips off axle, allowing it to continue to turn, ‘Let no, of revs. of W until M hits ground be 1 and the farther no. of revs. after this until W comes to rest be nn - and time t is taken by « stopwatch. ‘The no. of revs. can be obtained by observing a mark on rim of flywheel, R. SS - Loss in P-E, of M = gain in K.E. of Ms gain in KE. of flywheel + work done against friction 2 Mgh = bites? + Plat + nell) ‘The distance fallen, is measured by « meter rul The radius of axle, r, is measured by calipers. W is the work done against friction per rev. of axle. This can be obtained, since Ja? = n'W, Le. W = rw where if w is angular velocity of flywheel when M hits the ground, (w + o)/2 + 2an'lt, Le, w= 4xn'lt Hence (1) gives 2Mgh = [@ . {i . +] (e} T enabling I to be computed rm a pe BELA ca x Tes wa i) Tonic bond a~ ca ta e— tig pe . 2. LL a Me Formed between elements at opposite sides of periodic table e.g. Na (group 1) and Cl (group 7) Na atom has loosely held outer electron which is accepted by a Cl atom. {ons are formed (as in diagram) and are bonded by electrostatic attraction. Sharing of electrons takes place between two or :ore atoms. e.g. each C atom has four outer eléctrons ‘and these can be shared with four other atoms (overlapping electron clouds) Metallic bond In a metal outer electrons are loosely held by atoms and drift around randomly 1s free electrons. All atoms share these free electrons and the strong attraction between the +ve ions and the electrons forms a metallic bond. Marks BS

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