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STEP 1: DEFINITION Subject-verb agreement is a grammatical rule that states that the verb must agree in number with its subject. In English, present tense verbs change to show agreement in the third person singular form (subjects represented by the pronouns HE, SHE, IT) by adding an S or ES.

I live you live he liveS she liveS it liveS

we live you live they live

The irregular verb BE has three forms in the present tense and two forms in the past tense:

Present: I am you are he is, she is, it is we are they are

Past: I was you were he was, she was, it was we were you were

Subject-verb agreement often causes problems when a noun rather than a pronoun is the subject of the verb.

Incorrect: The class meet at 10. The boys in front of the store wants to buy magazines.

Correct: The class meets at 10. The boys in front of the store want to buy magazines.

What is subject verb agreement?

Subject verb agreement refers to the fact that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number. In other words, they both must be singular or they both must be plural. You cant have a singular subject with a plural verb or vice versa. The tricky part is in knowing the singular and plural forms of subjects and verbs. Singular and plural subjects, or nouns, are usually pretty easy. In most cases the plural form of a noun has an s at the end. Like this: Car singular Cars plural Verbs dont follow this pattern, though. Adding an s to a verb doesnt make a plural. Heres what I mean: Walk Walks Which one is the singular form and which is the plural form? Heres a tip for you. Ask yourself which would you use with the word they and which would you use with he or she. He walks. She walks. They walk. Since he and she are singular pronouns walks is a singular verb. The word they is plural so walk is the plural form. Here are some more guidelines for subject verb agreement. 1. When two singular subjects are joined by the words or or nor a singular verb is in order. My sister or my brother is meeting you at the airport. 2. Two singular subjects joined by either/or or neither/nor also need a singular verb. Neither Carla nor Jeff is available to meet you at the airport. Either Angie or Jeff is meeting at the airport. 3. When the word and connects two or more nouns or pronouns, use a plural verb. She and her family are at Disney World.

4. When a compound subject contains both a singular and a plural noun or pronoun joined by or or nor, the verb should agree with the part of the subject that is nearer the verb. The athlete or his teammates sprint every day. His teammates or the athlete sprints every day. 5. When a phrase comes between the subject and verb, the verb has to agree with the subject, not with the noun or pronoun in the phrase. Two of the puppies are whimpering. The birthday boy, along with his friends, is anxious for the party to stop. 6. Since doesnt is a contraction of does not it should be used with a singular subject. Mary doesnt care for pizza. Dont is a contraction of do not and requires a plural subject. They dont know the way home. 7. Each, either, each one, everyone, neither, everybody, anyone, anybody, somebody, nobody, someone, and no one are singular so they need a singular verb. Each of the girls is qualified for the prize. Neither knows how the competition will end. 8. Sentences that begin with there is or there are have the subject following the verb since there is not a subject. Therefore, the verb must agree with what follows it. There are many paths to success. There is one road out of town. Subject verb agreement doesnt have to riddle your writing with errors. Simply follow the above rules and youll cut through a lot of the confusion that comes with getting your subject and verb to agree. The subject and verb must agree in number: both must be singular, or both must be plural. Problems occur in the present tense because one must add an -s or -es at the end of the verb when the subjects or the entity performing the action is a singular third person: he, she, it, or words for which these pronouns could substitute. Notice the difference between singular and plural forms in the following examples:

Singular The student sings. (He or she sings) The bird does migrate. (It does)

Plural Your children sing. (They sing) Those birds do migrate. (They do)

In order to find out if your subject and verb agree, you need to be able to identify the subject of your sentence. Here are some helpful hints that will help you to decipher where your subject is and where it is not.

Where is my subject?

Most likely, your verb will agree with the first noun to the left of the verb: The Supreme Court judge decides the appropriate penalty. Subject: judge Verb: decides

The committee members were satisfied with the resolution. Subject: members

Verb: were

Occasionally, a sentence has the subject after the verb instead of before it. This strategy is often used for poetic effect. Over the ripples glides a small canoe. Subject: a small canoe Verb: glides

There was a well-known writer at the meeting. Subject: a well-known writer

Verb: was

You will not find the subject in a modifying phrase (MP), a phrase that starts with a preposition, a gerund, or a relative pronoun and that modifies the meaning of the noun or subject under discussion. The group of students is going on a field trip. Subject: the group MP: of students Verb: is The survey covering seven colleges reveals a growth in enrollment. Subject: the survey MP: covering seven colleges Verb: reveals

The speaker whom you saw at the lecture is one

of the state senators from Minnesota. Subject: the speaker

MP: whom you saw Verb: is at the lecture

If subjects are joined by and, they are considered plural. The quarterback and the coach are having a conference. Subject: the quarterback and the coach Verb: are having

If subjects are joined by or or nor, the verb should agree with the closer subject. Either the actors or the director is at fault. Subjects: actors, director Verb: is

Either the director or the actors are at fault. Subjects: director, actors

Verb: are

The relative pronouns (who, whom, which, and that) are either singular or plural, depending on the words they refer to. The sales manager is a good researcher who spends a great amount of time surfing the Web for information. Subject: the sales manager Verbs: is, spends

Sales managers are good researchers who spend a great amount of time surfing the Web for information. Subject: sales managers

Verbs: are, spend

Indefinite pronouns (someone, somebody, each, either one, everyone, or anyone) are considered singular and need singular verbs although they convey plural meaning. Anyone who wants to pursue higher education has to pass entrance exams. Subject: anyone Verbs: wants, has

Everyone on the committee is welcome to express his/her ideas. Subject: everyone

Verb: is

A few nouns can be either plural or singular, depending on whether they mean a group or separate individuals. These words are rarely used as plurals in modern writing. The jury is sequestered. Subject: jury Verb: is

The jury are having an argument. Subject: jury

Verb: are having

A few subjects look plural but are really singular or vice versa. The news of the discovery is spreading. Subject: news Verb: is

The mass media have publicized the facts. Subject: mass media Verb: have publicized

The data amaze everyone. Subject: data Verb: amaze


Pronoun A pronoun is a substitute for a noun. It refers to a person, place, thing, feeling, or quality but does not refer to it by its name. The pronoun in the following sample sentence is bolded. The critique of Plato's Republic was written from a contemporary point of view. It was an in-depth analysis of Plato's opinions about possible governmental forms. Antecedent An antecedent is the word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers, understood by the context. The antecedent in the following sample sentence is bolded. The critique of Plato's Republic was written from a contemporary point of view. It was an in-depth analysis of Plato's opinions about possible governmental forms. While the pronouns I and you can be replaced by nouns, the context of a sentence does not always require the nouns to make clear to which persons I

and you refer. However, the third person pronouns (he, she, it, they) almost always derive their meaning from their antecedents or the words for which they stand. Remember that pronouns in the third person communicate nothing unless the reader knows what they mean: It is the best source available. What source is that?

Agreement A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in three ways: Person refers to the quality of being. Number is the quality that distinguishes between singular (one entity) and plural (numerous entities). Gender is the quality that distinguishes the entities as masculine or feminine.

Grammar Conflicts
The following are some incorrect sentences. An explanation of the conflicts that some sentences may present in person, number, and gender and some possible solutions to the errors are given.

Incorrect Sentence If a person wants to succeed in corporate life, you have to know the rules of the game. Explanation Antecedent Pronoun Conclusion Solution a person (third person) you (second person) no person agreement

Although the antecedent and the pronoun agree in number, they do not agree in person. This problem can be remedied in two ways.

Solution Change the second person singular, you, to a third person singular pronoun. Change the third person singular antecedent, a person, to a second person singular antecedent.

Example If a person wants to succeed in corporate life, he or she has to know the rules of the game. If you want to succeed in corporate life, you have to know the rules of the game.

Number Incorrect Sentence If anybody wants to succeed in corporate life, they have to know the rules of the game. Explanation Antecedent Pronoun Conclusion Solution anybody (third person singular) they (third person plural) no number agreement

Although the antecedent and pronoun agree in person, they do not agree in number. This problem can be remedied in two ways.
Solution Make the antecedent plural. Make the pronoun singular. Example If people want to succeed in corporate life, they have to know the rules of the game. If anybody wants to succeed in corporate life, he or she has to know the rules of the game.

Gender Incorrect Sentence

If a person wants to succeed in corporate life, he has to know the rules of the game. Explanation Anteceden a person (third person neutral t singular) Pronoun he (third person masculine singular)

Conclusion no gender agreement Solution

Even though there is person and number agreement between the antecedent, a person, and the pronoun, he, there is no gender agreement; in other words, the language appears to favor one sex over the other. This problem can be remedied in two ways.
Solution Example

Replace the pronoun he If a person wants to succeed in corporate life, he or with he or she. she has to know the rules of the game. Make the entire sentence plural. If people want to succeed in corporate life, they have to know the rules of the game.

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