Misconceptions About Depression

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Misconceptions about depression 1. Depression is in fact not a medical sickness. 1.1.

Doctors and psychiatrists around the world rank depression as a severe medical illness, which attacks the brain of a person leading to serious physical implications for him. It brings a visible negative change in mood; sufferers become dull and inactive, and do not show any kind of interest in job, family and friends. Therefore, it is evident that depression is a medical illness that needs to be addressed and patients of depression need to seek consultation from a psychiatrist. 2. It is normal for teens to be moody. 2.1. One needs to distinguish feeling sad from having a depressive disorder. Normal mood swings of adolescence does not cause problem to a persons daily functions and certainly not suicide. 3. Depressed people are mentally weak and need to pull themselves together. 3.1. Depression has nothing to do with being mentally weak although those who are more resilient to stress are able to handle pressure better, depression is an illness that needs proper treatment. Hence, youths suffering from the condition of depression need help because they cannot just pull themselves together and get well. 4. Talking about depression only makes it worse. 4.1. Talking about depression improves the condition by allowing children and adolescents with depression to talk through their problems, others can then help to solve various issues such as problems in their thinking process or in their interpersonal relationships. 5. People who talk about suicide dont commit suicide. 5.1. A local study of teens in 2003 shows that about half of those who committed suicide had written suicide notes. A much larger study by Dr. Chia Boon Hock, a local psychiatrist, many depressed teens also inform people close to them of their sadness and intention to kill themselves. Hence, there is a rather large potential for those who talk about suicide to really carry out the action. 6. Telling on a friend is betraying their trust. 6.1. Helping someone with depression is not betraying their trust. When a teen suffers from this illness, they see the world and their life In a different light and they have very little chance of getting out of it if without help. 7. If I take my child to a psychiatrist, the doctor will think Im a terrible parent. 7.1. If suspecting your child is suffering from depression, ignoring the symptoms and doing nothing can be the worst mistake a parent can make. Even mild depression is a difficult experience, and many children suffer needlessly. There is no shame in asking for help. 8. Depression is a patent to the western industrialized world but not developing countries. 8.1. Depression affects all people in all cultures across the world. However, in some countries sadness, in particularly in old age, is considered normal and not a disease to be treated by a doctor. 9. Even if depression is an illness, we cannot treat it like other illnesses. 9.1. Depression is a disorder that can be treated. Many drugs and therapies are available to effectively treat the condition. 10. Depression is purely created out of ones own doings.

10.1. There are many external factors that trigger and cause the illness to happen. The patient himself should not be blamed for the illness. 11. Once someone becomes depressed, he or she will remain depressed for the lifetime. 11.1. Depression usually only lasts for a limited period of time. If given proper treatment, the patient can recover fully from the illness and return to normal life. 12. A patient of depression can alter and cure the illness solely by his or her will power, a holiday or consuming some alcohol to life the spirit. Hence, theres no real need to visit a medical doctor. 12.1. Depression cannot be cured with will power. Depression also makes one loses pleasure and interest in his surroundings, hence unable to enjoy a holiday. Alcohol may worsen the depression. Therefore, depression should and needs to be treated with proper treatment such as various kinds of medicines and psychotherapies, as well as help from professionals and family members.

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