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New Churches Now Church Grant Application

This is only an application for a Grant. This application does not guarantee that
your Church will be approved. The final decision about approval is not made by
the local Network but by the funding organization. Please do not consider this as
a sign that you will be approved.

Please provide the following information:

1. General Information
a. Name of Pastor, email and background information
b. Name of City & Country where you will plant
c. Population of City and Region
d. Brief Geographical and Historical Information.
e. Demographic information – Religions (Percentages), How do people
live, How do they think? What are their greatest needs?

2. How did God call you to plant this Church? What is your Vision for starting
this Church? Why do you think your Church is needed?

3. What is your Start Date? Describe the process and steps you will take to
start this Church. What is your Strategy? Please give a timeline with
schedule; activity plans before and after start date.

4. Tell me about the Team you have or will develop to start your Church.

5. What are the core values of your Team and Church?

6. What are your basic beliefs about Christianity?

7. Please answer these Questions:

a. How many people do you expect to have when you start the Church
(Members + Attenders)?
b. Will you have Small Groups? How many from the start?
c. Can you grow your Church enough in the first year to be self-supporting
at the end of that year? If not then, what will you do to continue?

8. What is your Start-Up Budget (New Churches Now does not fund People)?

Nr What is needed How much it cost

1 Music equipment
2 Projector/laptop
3 Rent, one year
4 Chairs
5 Others

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