Social Engineering

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INTERVIEWER: The last point I'd love to touch on is in the subtitle "leave them better off for having met you ",seems a
little odd coming from a social .What do you mean about that and what ultimately was your goal with this

El último punto que me encantaría tocar está en el subtítulo "déjalos mejor por haberte conocido",
parece un poco extraño viniendo de una red social. ¿Qué quieres decir con eso y cuál fue finalmente tu
objetivo con este libro?

CHRISTOPHER: Because I realized that in my job, for the last 20 years, has been to manipulate people so that way I
can break into a bank or steal corporate documents or get you to give me passwords. But these skills
have real life use so, I can only tell you stories about me breaking into banks but how can you as a
citizen reading this book apply that so you don't have to do all the things I did.

Porque me di cuenta de que en mi trabajo, durante los últimos 20 años, ha sido manipular a la gente
para poder entrar en un banco o robar documentos corporativos o conseguir que me den contraseñas.
Pero estas habilidades tienen uso en la vida real, así que solo puedo contarles historias sobre cómo
irrumpí en bancos, pero ¿cómo puede usted, como ciudadano que lee este libro, aplicar eso para no
tener que hacer todas las cosas que yo hice?

You don't have to lie, you don't have to cheat, you don't have to be manipulative. That you can use
these very same comunication skills to win friends, influence people. But the focus always need to be
how do I do this and leave someone better for having met me. Because if I focus on that, if I think about
this, if again that same pretext, I come up and I see you and Johnny outside and I'm like hey! I want to
be their friends. They dress smart.. I want to be their friends. Right, I want to learn how to dress like that
but, I see you guys both smoking or vaping or whatever and I'm going to come up and use that's a lie so
if say to myself man, if I walk up to them and start my friendship up with them with a lie and then
eventually they find out that was just a lie to become their friends they may feel betrayed and that's
going to ruin the trust I worked hard on so. Instead of that, I may say you know what maybe I just walk
up and be honest and say hey guys!, look I've been struggling man. I don't know how to dress my wife's.
Always yelling at me telling me like dress better. You guys look amazing like you got any tips for a guy
my age like where can I shop. What do I do maybe that honest.

Straightforward question to you validates you compliments. Asking you for advice putting you on a
pedestal above me telling you why I want this will have th. Same results as the lie of hey! can I bum a

And now, I'm in and I didn't have to do anything malicious. That's going to ruin a potential relationship
later, right?. And that is what I mean by. That subtitle is that if you if I think about what my end goal is
but how can I accomplish it by using truth, by using empathy by using honesty, by leaving people feeling
better for having met you, you can be an amazing social engineer but, never once have to hurt someone
to get your goal

INTERVIEWER: I love that and it's a great mission for this book. We love asking every guest what their x factor. What do
you think makes you unique and extraordinary?
CHRISTOPHER: You know, I think for me if I had to focus on one thing. When you asked that I didn't know you were
going to ask that so I like the fact that you didn't tell me that question ahead of time. That made me
really think the first thing that popped in my head was that I have tried my hardest in my career to base
everything that I do on proven science and that's different than what I see a lot of people in my field di
it's almost like the Jedi like well this worked for me three times so, I'm gonna go teach someone else
this. But I try to say, hey! this worked for me three times. I want to know why and then i go and I read
and I read books and i read a stack of books here on my desk and I read things on physhology,
influence leadership than what I see a lot of people in my field di it's almost like the Jedi like well this
worked for me three times so, I'm gonna go teach someone else this. But I try to say, hey! this worked
for me three times. I want to know why and then i go and I read and I read books and i read a stack of
books here on my desk and I read things on physhology, influence leadership whatever and each one of
my books like I'm reading this book right now by Amy Herman called fix right. In my book I got a pen
and a highlighter and each book that I read and the reason I do that is I highlight things and I write
notes as I’m Reading the book and then when I’m done, I add that to my list of things like, Okay, she
talked about this certain principle here I think I do that here let me document and try i ton purpose next

Now, when it Works I can teach say hey, I know why this work. So I think what my x factor is that I don’t
just rely on my own experience which could be very different than yours, even if we communicate
similar. I want to be able to teach this to anybody and CEO who's an amazing social engineer is a
comple introvert the opposite of me. But he's amazing because what I as able to do is scientifically show
him how to do all these things. So now he applies it maybe very differently than me but, the science
means that he can still apply it in this own way so I think adding science to this very artful piece of work
is mayb my x factor.

INTERVIEWER: Thank you for coming back on we could go…

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