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Present Simple

теперішній простий час

1) I __________________ (not work) in an office. I __________________ (work) from home.

2) Although our son ____________________ (live) not far away from us, he
____________________ (not visit) us a lot.
3) ____________________ your dog ____________________ (bite)?

4) Jack ____________________ (drink) coffee and ____________________ (read) a news-

paper before work every morning.
5) We always ____________________ (get) to work by bus.
6) What ____________________ you usually __________________ (have) for lunch?

7) What time _________________ the bus number 73 _________________ (leave)?

8) The film ____________________ (start) at 6 PM, don’t be late!
9) Our flight ____________________ (arrive) at 7 AM, will you meet us at the airport?

10) It rarely ____________________ (rain) in the desert.

11) Water ____________________ (not boil) at 60°C. It ____________________ (boil) only at
12) A river never ____________________ (change) the direction of its flow.

13) Lindsey ______________ (play) wonderfully in the new film by James White.
14) So, this guy ____________________ (approach) me and ____________________ (say):
“Have we met?”
15) Messi ____________________ (not pass) the ball to anyone, he ____________________
(decide) to score a goal by himself.

16) Here ____________________ (come) the bride in

a gorgeous white dress!
17) There ____________________ (go) Mr. and Mrs. Spenser!
18) Here ____________________ (come) our bus! Finally!

Present Continuous
теперішній продовжений час

1) Tom ____________________ (not work) this week, he ____________________ (relax) on

2) Today I ____________________ (drink) lots of coffee, I need energy to finish these
3) Liza ____________________ (not eat) sweets. She wants to lose some weight before
the wedding.

4) Mr. Smith is busy, he ____________________ (have) lunch with his colleagues now.
5) You can turn off the TV, I ____________________ (not watch) it.
6) What ____________________ you ____________________ (do) here?

7) What ____________________ you ____________________ (do) this weekend?

8) I ____________________ (go) to a workshop on Saturday. Do you want to come
9) ____________________ you ____________________ (see) the doctor tomorrow before
work? Do you need a ride?

10) It ____________________ (get) colder and colder every day. Winter

____________________ (come).
11) The population of the world ____________________ (increase) very fast.
12) Your English ____________________ (get) better!

13) Why ___________________ you always ____________________ (interrupt) me?!

14) My son ____________________ always ____________________ (leave) a terrible mess
in his room.
15) You ____________________ (bite) your nails again! Please stop it!


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