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Hopes and ambitions

My hole life i was expecting my parents will be there all my life, giving me the
confort every family wants and needs, as a child i was growing up in a very
particular climate, strict mother and flexible father, my mother was the type of
women that doesnt like the easy life, she prefers to working hard and have better
results, this apply for all, therefore, my father was the men that lived a
complicated adolecense, with all the problems of the 70-80s, and a very huge
family, his parents were complicated and didnt gave him the perfect lifestyle every
son wants, thats why he growth up with the idea "if i dont have this for me i will
give the best lifestyle for my childs" and he did.

Thats also a good effort and a good idea, and needs to be well administrated,
meaning dont exceed in this type of effort, due to the fact that if any parent
exceed in this, a lot of problematics will be shown when the child grow up, but my
case isnt that, my mother complemented that breeding by being an strict
mother,showing us the effort they did when they were young, and im not saying my
mother had it all, she also growth with perseverance and with difficulties like my
father, thats why shes the mother she is nowadays, and for that and some other
reasons im the person im now these days, for me, this facts are very important if
you want to achieve your goals and ambitions. firstly, the base of this is having a
good parent advice and breeding, if you have the soft to give your childs whatever
they want, then you souldnt do that, offcourse you can but, its preferible to show
them how to achieve that softness, thats why i prefer being teach to have hunger to
reach my goals and ambitions.

my advice to that people who wants to achieve their goals and ambitions is that
they need to be the best version of themselves, stay hustle , you guys need to fail
to see how hard the goals you have are, and when you notice about that, you can
work harder and be the best version of yourselves, with this, achieving your goals
will be more grateful.

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