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In the business world, job management is also known as job schedule management, and it is usually done by a human resources

worker. The responsibilities of a job manager can vary depending on the type of company and its number of employees. A job management worker is responsible for coordinating the labor schedule, and is generally charged with the task of making sure work is organized to successfully and safely complete a job. A job is usually defined as a contracted task requested by a client. In the office, job management can also refer to a function within a printer that allows the user to queue multiple jobs for print. Completing a job requires someone to schedule employees who can do the work required to get it done. A job manager must design a schedule with an accurately estimated number of work hours needed to complete the job. Coordinating the schedule also includes scheduling hours for employees who have the right skills to complete the job tasks. One example might be job scheduling for a construction site on which welding, forklift, and concrete skills are required. A job manager must ensure that workers with all of the necessary skills are on site when they are needed. At the job site, workers need things to complete their tasks on the job. In addition to managing the schedule, job managers must also coordinate equipment, tools, and transportation for the workers on the job. This can include ensuring that the workers have a source of power or available fuel to run any electronics or machines needed to complete the task. If the job site is remote or difficult to enter and leave, job managers may also be responsible for coordinating food, water, and restrooms. Most job managers who are in charge of delegating a significant number of jobs use software to help them with their scheduling tasks. Employee scheduling software is commonly used as a tool to improve and speed up job management. This type of scheduling software can also be called employee resource management software. Scheduling programs used to manage and delegate labor resources include TimeCurve, On Schedule and ShiftHound. These programs allow one to efficiently design, correct, and print an employee schedule. Less frequently, job management can be used to refer to a series of stress-reduction techniques that streamline the process of doing a job. Job management of this type includes effective time management, creation of reasonable work boundaries, and relaxation techniques. Some employers use a job management system to improve employee well-being.

Advantage Maps lines of decision-making authority Helps people understand their assignments and coworkers Reveals to managers and new personnel how they fit into the organization Contributes to sound organizational structure Shows formal lines of communication

Limitation Shows only formal relationships Does not indicate degree of authority May show things as they are supposed to be or used to be rather than as they are Possibility exists of confusing authority with status Organizational structure Bureaucratic/Line Structure Line and Staff Structure Functionalized Line and Staff Structure Service Line Organization Flat Organizational Design Adhocracy Organizational Models

This is the kind of structure that has a very specific line of command. The approvals and orders in this kind of structure come from top to bottom in a line. Suitable for smaller organizations like small accounting firms and law offices. Allows for easy decision making, and also very informal in nature. Have fewer departments, which makes it decentralized.

Line and Staff Structure Appropriate for small companies Helps to identify a set of guidelines for the people directly involved in completing the organization's work. This type of structure combines the flow of information from the line structure with the staff departments that service, advise, and support them

Functionalized Line and Staff Structure Classifies people according to the function they perform in their professional life or according to the functions performed by them in the organization The organization chart for a functional based organization consists of Vice President, Sales department, Customer Service Department, Engineering or production department, Accounting department and Administrative department

Service Line Organization Also called care-centered organizations Used in large institutions to address endemic shortcomings of traditional large bureaucratic organizations. The goals is set by the large organizations but the service decides on the process to be used to achieve goals

Flat Organizational Designs Is an effort to remove hierarchical layers by flattening chain of command and decentralizing the organization. Many managers resist Flattened Organizational Structure Chief Nursing Officer Nurse Manager






ADHOC DESIGN A modification of bureaucratic structure Used on a temporary basis to facilitate completion of a project within a formal line of organization. Uses a project team or task approach, usually disbanded after project is completed. Matrix Organizational Structure Designed to focus on both product and function Has a formal vertical and horizontal chain of command Less formal rules and fewer levels of hierarchy May CONFUSE and FRUSTRATE workers because of its dual hierarchical design

Lesson 10: Records Management

Objective: 1. Define records management and explain its importance. 2. Define filling and records management filling system. 3. Identify retrieval, retention and destruction concepts in filling. 4. Identify storage equipment and supplies 5. Enumerate the phases of a record file cycle and explain each 6. Identify the four types of filling alphabetic, numeric, geographic, and subject. 7. Distinguish between centralized and decentralized systems. 8. Identify a system of filling records 9. Identify a requisition card, index card control file, and out-guide card. 10. Enumerate and give examples of filling rules. 82 What are records? - Records are the memory of any business organization. - A record maybe any material thing which serves to perpetuate or preserve knowledge of acts, events, facts, or ideas. - Records are any written or graphic material related to the business which reflects the activities of any office such as material in active use and in storage like reports, legal documents, and other administrative documents. - Published matter like books, magazines, and newspapers are not considered as records What is an important characteristic of records? An important characteristic of records is that they usually consist of material that can be classified and arranged in a methodical manner for preservation and ready reference. Why must records be managed? 1. To regulate the great volume and variety of documents and papers currently received and created in transacting business. 2. To accommodate and control natural increase in volume and variety due to growth of population, new function, and related activities. 3. To provide methods to ensure prompt attention, rapid movements, guide finding, safe storage, and proper disposal of documents and papers. 4. To control and reduce cost of paperwork. What is filing? - is the process of classifying and arranging of records in a systematic way so they will not only be safely stored but also quickly retrieved or located when needed. - Another definition is the placing of papers in acceptable containers according to some pre-determined arrangement so that any paper, when required, can be located fast and conveniently. - System of arranging and storing safely business papers in a neat, orderly, and efficient manner so that they may be located when they are wanted.

Importance of Managing Files 1. In filing, the emphasis is more upon the finding rather than the storing aspect. 2. Since the written information is being retained or filed for future possible use, the so-called finding aspect is essential in paper-work management. 3. The safekeeping of records is important, but being able to find them promptly, when needed, is more important. 4. Remember, needed paper when lost or misplaced can delay the work of a dozen employees or even the entire office. 5. Management is not only interested in the files as such, but more in the information which can be obtained from them. 6. Establishing and managing an effective system and arranging the records that an office must maintain, and placing them at their proper locations, will help promote operational efficiency in the office. Objectives in filing 1. efficiency 2. economy 3. simplicity Purposes of filing 1. To make records available when they are needed whether for reference or evidence. 2. To keep all related materials together so that the history of the dealings of one office with other offices or individuals will be available in one place. 3. To provide a permanent and safe place for records of business information and transactions during the time the records are not in use. How are records being filed? 1. by the name of individual or organization 2. by the subject matter they contain 3. by the location or geographical area a record may cover 4. by the number assigned to a record 5. by the date What are the different kinds of filing system? 1. Alphabetic Name File (by name of individual or organization) - records that are referred to by name of an individuals organization be arranged by name in strict alphabetic sequence or successive continuity. - Correspondence from individual representing an organization should be arranged under the name of the organization 2. Alphabetic Subject Title (by subject) - records which are referred to by the subject matter they contain should be arranged alphabetically by subject title or caption.

- All records on a particular subject should be kept together in as much as each fits somewhere to complete a story 3. Alphabetic Location File (by geographic location) - records which are referred to by geographic location should be alphabetically arranged by location name which may be by country, region, province, city/municipality, barrio, or barangay. 4. Numerical File (by the number assigned to record) - record which are identified by numbers assigned to them and are referred to by their respective number should be arranged in numerical sequence - a numerical file is often used for records pertaining to bank checks, invoices, insurance policies, presidential decrees, tax declaration and the like. 5. Chronological file ( by the date of records) - records to which primary reference is made by date of the record should be filed chronologically (in the order of time) by year, month, or day as reference indicates. - The chronological filing system simply arranges material according to its time sequence, that is month or week are its main division with days for its subdivisions - Some correspondence, bills, and pending accounts payable can be handled on a chronological plan - The advantage of this plan are: a. it is very simple. b. Filing is easy c. It is convenient reminder or unfinished work. Types of office records to be filed 1. Administrative files 2. Personnel files 3. Legal files 4. Supply Files 5. Fiscal files Tools in files Operation 1. Folders and fasteners 2. Charge-out cards 3. Requisition slip 4. Tickler file or follow-up file 5. Sorting table and rocks 6. Stapler 7. Filing cabinets and shelves 8. Tapes SELECTING THE APPROPRIATE FILING SYSTEM Characteristics of a good filing system - a filing system can only be good if it is tailor-made to fit the condition or situations prevailing in a particular organization.

- Filing system is good if it can meet the three points success formula of efficiency, economy, and simplicity - Filing system is good if it can meet the three points - Filing system is good if it fills the needs of the operating personnel and serves them satisfactorily. Requisites of a good filing system are: 1. It serves the needs of the office. 2. It has the simplest identification of file contents 3. It use minimum safeguard against filing errors. 4. It has maximum safeguard against filing errors. 5. It is not dependent on the memory of the clerk. Guides in selecting appropriate filing system A certain amount of creativeness is necessary in adapting a filing system to the situation at hand. There are many different types of filing procedures ranging from manual to mechanical to electrical. The following guidelines are suggested in choosing a filing system: 1. Know the types of records and files created and maintained by the office. 2. Know how the records are requested from the files. 3. Know why, how, and where the materials to be filed originates. 4. Know the procedure steps from post of origin to files. STEPS IN FILING HOW TO PREPARE THE MATERIAL TO BE FILED Incoming correspondence once received should be time and date stamped and given to proper person for action. 1. Inspecting 2. Indexing 3. Cross-referencing 4. Coding For numeric coding follow these three steps: 1. selecting the name under which a paper is to be filed. 2. referring to the card index to determine the number to be assigned 3. Marking the number in the upper margin of the paper. Filing or Storing - this is the final step in manual filing which is placing the papers in appropriate containers, usually file folders. - The papers are placed in the proper folders in the filing cabinets SOME USEFUL REMINDERS WHEN FILING Removing attachments 1. Paper clips, rubber band, and other such attachments should be removed from papers before they are filed. Arranging drawer space

1. Provide enough space in each file drawer of active records to permit easy access and pulling out of folders. Marking for subject coding follow these steps: 1. Write the subject in the margin of each record. 2. re-sort in each category for more exact sequence 3. assemble all the materials in proper Follow these procedures: 1. Punch holes into the paper to be filed. 2. To insert material, lift the folder out of the file drawer in order to make sure you have the correct folder. 3. Insert the paper evenly. 4. See to it that the material you are inserting is in correct sequence in the folder. 5. Avoid overcrowding the folder. Overcrowding extend records beyond the top edge of the folder, causing torn edges; it also pulls the back of the folder down and hides the caption. 6. Use the creases across the bottom of the front flap of the folder to accommodate increasing bulk. By expanding the folder, you can stock papers as much as three-quarters of an inch high without bulging. When the maximum capacity is reached, it is time to use a second folder. 2. Guides and folders should not be pulled out of the files by their tabs. The tabs are not handles and will soon be worn out if used for pulling out folder. 3. Adjust the follow block when the file drawer begin to sag. Proper positioning of the drawer compressor helps to keep folder upright in a drawer. Filing Clippings 1. Indicate the names of the publication and the date of the issue from which they were taken. 2. Small clipping should be mounted on plain paper. 3. Clipping larger that the ordinary size of bond paper may be folded as needed to fit the folder. Filing Bulky Material 1. Bulky material should be filed separately in appropriate storage lockers or a suitable shelves, either numeric or alphabetic. 2. Items may need to be cross-referenced to related correspondence files. 3. They should be neatly arranged. Clearly marked, and kept clean and dusted. RETRIEVING OR FINDING MATERIAL FROM FILES Charge Out Procedures 1. A chargeout system tells you where a record can be located after it has been taken from the files. 2. There are two types of charge out records: a. One to account for complete folders removed from a file b. Another to account for papers taken from folders

The function is the same: to ensure that the records that were removed will be returned 3. Charge out record must contain the following information: a. name of borrower b. a description of the material borrowed c. date borrowed 4. A folder charge out may be either an out-folder or an out-guide 5. The OUT-FOLDER is a folder with a tab marked OUT and ruled spaces on the front for recording charge-out information. It replaces a removed folder. Incoming items are filed in it until the regular folder is returned. 6. The OUT-GUIDE has a pocket into which a copy of the requisition slip made out by the borrower may be inserted. When out guides are used, incoming items are accumulated in a FOR FILE FOLDER until the regular folder is returned. REQUISITION SLIP 1. To control requests for files, use a special form called the REQUISITION SLIP. 2. Prepare the slip in triplicate to save time and control safe return of files. 3. These slips become the charge-out record. 4. The Original is put into the pocket of the OUT GUIDE. 5. Copy 2 goes into a follow-up file box where it is filed by date. 6. Copy 3 goes clipped to the items that were taken from the files to identify them and to remind the user of the due date. HOW TO SEARCH FOR MISSING FILES The following clues help to uncover many misfiled papers. 1. On someones desk? 2. The folder before or the one behind the right folder? 3. Between or under folders? 4. Cross-references? 5. Similar names? 6. Transposition of names? 7. Paper clips 8. Ask your Boss . TRANSFER AND RETENTION METHODS Transferring files - is the process of removing old and inactive items from files. However, transferred materials are not automatically destroyed. You may do the transferring of files during free times when the boss is away. TWO GENERAL TRANSFER METHODS 1. Perpetual Transfer 2. Periodic Transfer Some Dos and Donts of Filing Dos

1. Do staple papers neatly together in upper left hand corners. If you must fasten you can use a fastener folder. 2. Do file papers in an orderly fashion in folders. 3. Do use individually tabbed folders with typed labels for ready reference. 4. Do type all labels on folders. They are so easily read. 5. Do lift the folder out to insert papers in proper place. You will be accurate and your file will be neat. Be a good housekeeper. 6. Do file them in date order, keeping the latest date in top. 7. Do split the papers up according to date, customer, or subject so that no folder contains more than the capacity it is designed for (generally to 1) 8. Do file material in one folder, placing a cross-reference sheet in folder for any other subject or customer include in the material. This will save many minutes in locating materials when the boss is in a hurry. 9. Do keep all files in proper alphabetical sequence. 10. Do file in back of guide. After all guide is what the name implies a guide indicating the proper place to locate a folder. 11. Do pre-arrange or sort your papers in exact order according to your file index. Then start to file. 12. Do keep your filing rough sorted from A to Z if you cant take care of it immediately. You will be able to locate papers so much faster. 13. Do charge out papers removed and place the OUT card in the file. Think of the arguments this will save. 14. Do type labels in capital letters so they may be easily read and keep one on every drawer. Even you might forget which is which if you are busy. 15. Do close each drawer as you finish with it. Open file drawer may cause a serious accident. Donts 1. Dont use pins, paper clips or rubber bands on file papers. 2. Dont file papers loose in a drawer. 3. Dont write captions on folders by hand. Perhaps you can read your writing but can the other person read your handwriting? You can write a caption if your hand writing is very readable. 4. Dont jam papers down into folders. You cant be sure they are in the correct place and anyway, think how messy they will look. 5. Dont allow papers to be all mixed as to dates within a folder. 6. Dont allow your folders to become cluttered and overcrowded. 7. Dont allow your folders to become so full that they bulge, or the back sags down out of sight. 8. Dont allow your files to become confusing when letters contain two or more subjects or customers. 9. Dont flounder around spending precious moments looking for a folder which had been filed under another name. 10. Dont pull a folder out of place alphabetically just because it may be large. 11. Dont file in front of guides. 12. Dont start to file with papers in haphazard arrangement. 13. Dont let your new filing pile up. Update your files.

14. Dont leave your new filing in a disorganized pile. 15. Dont lend papers and then depend upon your memory to tell you who took them. Keep a record of borrowed file folder. 16. Dont allow the labels on your file drawers to be handwritten dirty or torn off. 17. Dont pull out more than one file drawer at a time. FOUR CATEGORIES OF RETENTION SCHEDULES Records kept permanently - Two broad classes of business records are generally retained permanently: those that provide evidence of corporate and individual rights and those with historical implications. Such records are generally irreplaceable and are considered essential to the existence of the business. Photocopy duplicates of them should be stored in several locations as a precaution against destruction. Old documents may require special restorative or preservative methods to protect them against deterioration. Some records that should be kept permanently are: 1. Capital stock and bond ledgers and registers. 2. Partnership papers 3. Stockholder and director minutes 4. Deeds and other title papers and mortgages 5. General ledgers, journals, and cashbooks. 6. Records of cost and inventory value of plant equipment and fixtures 7. Tax backup records 8. Audit reports 9. Records relating to bills and accounts payable 10. Paid drafts, checks, and cash receipts 11. Correspondence about stop-payment orders and duplicate checks. 12. Payrolls, paychecks, and other evidences or payments for services 13. Employee applications Records kept six or seven years. - records in this category facilitate routine business operations and are replaceable only at considerable cost and delay. They should be transferred when inactive to secure storage. They include the following: 1. Lists of security holders present at meetings 2. Records of interest coupons, paid and unpaid 3. Contracts, leases, and agreements (seven years after expiration) 4. Accounts receivable ledgers 5. Schedules of fire and other insurance and papers substantiating claims 6. Deposit books and record stubs 7. Inventories of materials with adjustment records 8. Sales records 9. Collection records 10. Record of uncollectible accounts Records kept for three or four years

- many business papers are temporarily useful and replaceable at slight cost. They may be safely destroyed after three or four years. The following illustrate this category: 1. Proxies of holder of voting securities 2. Employee fidelity bond records 3. Insurance records-changes and cancellation of policies 4. Records about employee salary adjustments and assignments 5. Purchase orders 6. Credit ratings of customers 7. Expired insurance policies against which unreported or pending claims might arise. 8. General correspondence Records kept one year or less - records in this classification are often destroyed after the have served their purpose. According to the National Records Management Council, about 35% of all records used in business offices can be destroyed in a year or less. Examples of this type of records include: 1. Copies of bank deposits 2. Statements of interest due on daily balances 3. Bank statement 4. Memorandums 5. Announcements 6. Form letters 7. Congratulations 8. Condolences can often be disposed of soon after they have been written. Rules in Alphabetic Indexing 1. Individual Names Think of names of individuals in the following order: first the surname or last name; second, the given name or the first name or initial; third, the middle name or initial. In alphabetizing, names are considered unit by unit. The first units, if different, are arranged in alphabetic order. The second unit, are not considered unless the first unit are identical. If both first and second units are identical, then consider the third unit Examples: Alfredo L. Blas - Blas, Alfredo L. 123 Manuel P. Cruz- Cruz, Manuel P. 123 95 Manuel S. Cruz - Cruz, Manuel S. 123 2. Surnames when used alone Like Javeliana, precedes the surname with given names or initials. An initial, when not a known abbreviation, precedes a name beginning with that initial. This rule is sometimes stated, NOTHING COMES BEFORE SOMETHING. Examples:

1st - Javellana 1 2nd - Javellana, H. G. 123 3rd - Javellana, Horacio G. 123 3. Surname Prefixes A surname prefix is considered as part of the surname and not as a separate indexing unit, surname prefixes includes San, Santa, De, Dela, Delos, etc. The prefixes St. is indexed and filed as though fully spelled as Saint. Examples: Del Cano, Alfredo T. NOTE: Del Cano is considered as 1 2 3 only one unit Del Rosario, Priscilla C. 123 San Pedro, Tomas F. 123 MacCarthy, Paul C. 123 St. Anthony Chapel (In your mind spell out Saint) 1 2 NOTE: The abbreviation St. is spelled out only in your mind. 4. Married Woman The legal name of married woman is one considered in indexing. Legally, the only part of a mans name that the woman assumes when she is married is his surname. Her legal name will include her first name, her maiden name, and her husbands surname. When preparing filing cards or folders, Mrs. Is enclosed in parenthesis at the end of the husbands first and middle names are placed in parenthesis below the womans name. Examples: Maiden name Chit A. de Leon Husbands name Amado G. Pimental Indexing: First original card: de Leon, Chit A. (Miss) 123 see: Pimentel, Chit D. (Mrs.) (Amado G.) Second card as the cross reference: Pimentel, Chit D. (Mrs.) 123 (Amado G.) NOTE: The name and initial of the husband under the name of the wife is optional; meaning it may or may not be included. 5. Firm Names The units in the name of firms and institutions are indexed in the same order as they are written if they do not include the complete name of an individual.

If the firms name begin with a foreign word, it is combined with the word that follows it. Examples: Skillmaster Resources Corporation 123 Employment Apprenticeship Research Network, Inc. 12345 El Paso Coffee Shop 123 6. Firms names including complete individual names When the complete name of an individual is included in the name of the firm or institution, the surname of the individual is considered as the first unit; the given or initial; if any is considered as the 2nd and the 3rd units; then the rest of the firm is considered. 7. Hyphenated names In hyphenated firms name, the individual surnames are indexed as separate units, but the hyphenated surname of an individual is considered as a single unit. This is also applicable when a hyphenated surname of an individual is included in the firm name. Example: Marilyn T. Gut-Omeng Indexing: Gut-Omeng, Marilyn T. 123 Yupangco-Yamaha Corp. (same order) Yupangco Yamaha Corp 123 McGraw-Hill Book Co. (same order) McGraw Hill Book Co. 1234 8. Abbreviations 9. Articles, conjunctions, and prepositions Articles, conjunctions, and prepositions, such as: the, and, on, of, for, to by, the sign for and (&) and the phase of the, are not considered as units, and are, therefore, disregarded in indexing. On filing cards and folders, these words are written in their normal sequence, with this exception: When the word the is the firt word in a name, it is found in the middle of the name, it is not moved but enclosed in parenthesis. If it is found in the middle of the name, it is not moved but enclosed in parenthesis. Example: The Carlos Tablan Lumber Company Indexing: 13. Possessives When a word ends in apostrophe s (s) the s is disregarded in indexing. When a name ends with an s apostrophe (s) the s is a part of the name and is included in indexing. Think of the apostrophe as the STOP sign. Examples: Powers Oil Corporation (first unit is Power without s)

123 Powers (and) Holman Agency (first unit is Powers with s 1 2 3 is included) 14. Numbers A number in a name is regarded as though written in words and the entire number is indexed as one unit. Numbers over 1,000n such as 1, 809 should be indexed as Eighteen Hundred Nine and not as One Thousand Eight Hundred Nine. The numbers are written in figures on index card and folder but you have to spell them out in your mind to get the correct filing order. 100 Examples: 96th Street Warehouse Niney-sixth Street Warehouse 123 The 3 Arts Club - The Three Arts Club (The) 123 306 Management Co. Three Hundred Six Management Co. 123 1755 Disco House - Seventeen Hundred Fifty Five Disco 12 House 3 Remember: The numbers are written in FIGURES on cards and Folders, but you spell them out in your mind. 15. Addresses When identical names appear with different addresses, they should be alphabetized according to the name of the city or town. When writing cards or folders the name of the province, city or towns are included as the basis for arranging in order. Consider first the city or town. If it is similar, consider the province. If it is again similar, consider the street. If it is still the same, consider the street number by arranging from lowest to highest. Examples: Mercury Drug Company Mercury Drug Company 1315 Aurora Blvd. 1575 Aurora Blvd. Cubao, Quezon City Cubao Quezon City Indexing: (1) (2) Mercury Drug Company Mercury Drug Company 123123 Aurora Blvd., Cubao Aurora Blvd., Cubao 6565 Quezon City 1315 Quezon City 1575 4 (lower) (higher) 77 16. Bank Names

Bank names are indexed first by the name of the bank in the same order. When writing cards or folders the name of the province, city, or town is included as the basis for arranging in order. Consider first the city or town. If it is similar consider the province, if it is the same, consider the street. If it is 101 still the same, consider the street number by arranging from lowest to highest. Example: Indexing: Banco Filipino Banco Filipino 12 Punta, Mandaluyong Punta, Mandaluyong 34 17. Philippine Government Names Name pertaining to our government are indexed first under PHIL. (Rep. of) and subdivided first by ministry title, and then by bureau division, commission, or board. Phases such as Ministry of, Bureau of, Division of, Commission of, Office of, when used in titles of government bodies are disregarded in indexing. On folders and filing cards, these phrases are enclosed in parentheses and placed at the end of the word they modify. However, phrases are considered as indexing units when they are a part of a non-governmental name. Examples: Indexing: (1) Ministry of Health Phil. (Rep. of) Bureau of Diseases Control Health (Ministry of) Diseases Control (Bureau of) (2) Ministry of Justice Phil. (Rep. of) Justice (Ministry of) 18. Other Political Divisions Names pertaining to other political divisions, such as province, cities or town are indexed and filed under the name of political divisions and then in the following order: title of the ministry, bureau, division, commission or board. Example: Indexing: Lucena City Bureau of Phil. Rep. (of the) Investigation Investigation (Bureau (Lucena City) of) 19. Difficult Individual Names When the given name and the surname of an unusual individual name might be confusing, or when custom has established that a name is given more important in point of order than a surname, the given name should be considered as the first indexing unit. In Chinese name, for example, where you can not be sure which is the name and which is the surname, you should use a cross-reference. Example: Tiok Pa Tay (with cross-reference) Indexing: (1) Tiok Pa Tay (2) Pa Tay, Tiok

See: Pa Tay, Tiok Note: There will be two folders for this file. One filed under letter T and the second one filed under letter P, as the cross-reference. 20. Churches, Schools, and Organization In the names of churches, schools, clubs, and similar organizations, the general rule is to index the name in the order of the word that is most important or the most clearly identified organization. Conjunctions, articles, and preposition are disregarded. Example: Makati Lions Club -- Lions Club (of) Makati 123 Rotary Club of Quezon City Rotary Club (of) Quezon (City) 123

Alphabetic Indexing & Filing Exercises 1. Ramon G. Abella 2. Ramon A. Abellana 3. Abella 4. Doro T. delos Reyes 5. Employment Apprenticeship Research Network (with cross reference EARN) 6. Robert Borromeo & Associates 7. Zamboanga del Sur Sugar Mill 8. The House of Ramie 9. Dr. Raul Z. Lizondra, Jr. 10. Atty. Raul Z. Lizondra, Sr. 11. Employment Services of Metro Manila 12. Rio del Mundo 13. North West Bakery 14. North-West Beauty Parlor 15. Northwest Bake Shop 103 16. North Western School Supplies 17. Northwestern Beauty Shop 18. North-Western Bound Bus 19. Mat Ranillo I 20. Mat Ranillo II 21. Mat Ranillo III 22. Mat Ranillo IV 23. Lizondras 24. A. T. Lizondra 25. Miss Nora Villamayor husband Christopher de Leon (with cross reference) 26. Miss Imelda Romualdez Husband Ferdinand E. Marcos (with cross reference) 27. Engr. Adriano V. Cruz 28. Dr. Ramon S. Reyes 29. Atty. Jualberto D. Cabungcal 30. Mr. Roger T. Moore 31. Mrs. Magnolia M. Lirio 32. Miss Nimfa A. de Leon 33. Sister Josefa A. Rabeje 34. Brother Jose M. Angeles Jr. 35. Fr. Angelito L. San Miguel 36. Dean Wilfredo R. Wi 37. Sgt. Reynaldo M. Velasco 38. Power Sugar Mill 39. Powers Sugar Corporation 40. 13th Avenue Pawn Shop 41. The 5 Lions Club 42. Sacred Heart Store 689 Magsaysay Avenue Benguet, Baguio City 43. Sacred Heart Store 985 Magsaysay Avenue Benguet, Baguio City 44. Ministry of Public Highways 45. Bureau of Investigation 46. McGraw-Hill Book Company 47. Tan-gatue Appraisal Associates, Inc. 48. Balatbat & C., Inc. 49. Balatbat Corporation 50. Bacu-lug Philippines

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