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The Picture of Dorian Gray

The story begins with Basil Hallward, a successful artist.

One day his friend Henry Wotton saw one of his paintings, it was of a very handsome young
man. When he saw it, he wanted to meet this young man.

A few days later Henry and Dorian met at Basil´s house.

Henry points out his beauty and Dorian mentioned that he wanted to be young and handsome

A few weeks later, Dorian met an actress called Sybil Vane and fell in love with her beauty.

One night, Dorian took his friends to see Sybil act, but her performance was terrible, so Dorian
broke up with her.

When he returned home, he saw a cruel expression on the face of his portrait and decided to
ask for Sybil's forgiveness.

The next day, Lord Henry brings bad news. Sybil had committed suicide.

Dorian looked at his portrait again. He realised that he would remain young and handsome
forever, and that the face in the picture would become ugly.

On Dorian's thirty-eighth birthday. Basil came to see Dorian who told him that there were
rumors that he had destroyed the lives and reputations of many people.

Dorian decided to show Basil the portrait and tell him his secret.

Basil was horrified when he saw the face and told Dorian to change his life, and suddenly an
angry Dorian killed Basil.

The next night, Dorian goes to the bar, where James finds him, but due to the fact that Dorian
still looks quite young, he decides not to kill him.

However, another customer in the bar reveals Dorian's age.

A week later, Dorian was in the country staying with some friends, when he realized that the
sailor was following him. He became very afraid. The next day, he went out walking with some
of his friends who were shooting. His friend shot at an animal and there was the cry of a man.
He had killed the sailor who had been following Dorian.

Dorian decided to change his life, but when he looked at the portrait, he was even more
horrified than before.

He decided to destroy it and stabbed himself with a knife. His servants heard a scream and
went to his room.

On the floor lay an old man with a knife in his chest.

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