1997 AL Chemistry Paper 2 Marking Scheme

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ARIS! Section A 1 @® @ cry ai) FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY Marks Dipole : Br is slecuronegative than H / exerts a stronger attraction on the bonding = ¢cloug .. resulting in a separation of charges % (Gu) NL pile mene : ‘= charge (on Hor Br) x internuctear distance between H&Br smn consave an 1 ‘The effect of increase in electronegativity outweighs the effect of increase in internuclear distance (size) 1 ee om ‘The electric field exerts a stronger attraction on o-dichlorobenzene than on researc : ‘In o-dichlorobenzent cr at we ‘The dipoie moments on the C-Cl bonds add to give a net. resultant dipole moment % +. Wis ataracted by the electric field In p-dichlorobenzene ee ar c ro ‘The dipole momems on the C-Cl bonds cancel each other. .” Itisnotweakly attracted 44 ‘by the clectnc field — a = 228s gsns60 . LOL x 10" x 85x10 = 78.8 g mol 2 (Accept answers from 78.7 10 79.0 g mot") (1 matk for numerical answer; | mark for unit) o © FABRAQAHSSB9 © FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY (irepresents the bp. against mole fraction curve for an ideal solution / a solution showang litle deviation from Ragul’s Law. The strength of attraction between ‘molecules of A &B is about the same as that of the average between AKA and B&B. The chance of escape of molecules from the solution is almost the ‘same as that from the pure liquids. (1) and (1D respectively represent the b p. against mole fraction curves for solutions showing pasilive and negatively deviation from Raoult’s Law. For (Il), the interaction between A & B is weaker than that betwoen the average of A & A and B&B. Upon mixing, breaking of the attraction between A & A and B &.B occurs, and in the risture the average attractive force between molecules és weakened. In the munture, molecules has a,greater chance of escape from the mixture than from the pare liquids. ‘The minirnum point of the curve represents the composition at which the average attraction between molecules is weakest. ‘Account for the characteristics of (IN) (2 marks for the characteristics of (I); a total of 5 marks for the characteristics of (11) & (TIN) ‘either 4 marks for (M) and 1 for (II) or 1 mark for (1) and 4 for (II) oO @ (b) © ARS ol FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY Marks [Description of the emission spectrum of H (Award full marks for diagrams) — consists of series of lines th or, Spectral Series of the H spectrum (WO of the following) cay ‘Lyman Series (UV region); Balmer series (visible) Paschen Series, Brackett Series, Pfund Series (IR region) = Ineach serie, interval between the frequencies of lines becomes srmaller towards the higher = 2 frequency (low wavelength) end. ~ Rydberg's equation 1 Liat ) where 1; and 1, are positive imtegers; ms > m a me ~ in each series, the lines converge to form a gontinuum of light / convergence Hist 1 ‘Account for the characteristics of the emission spectram energy of electron is quantized / ¢" can move in orbits with fixed amount of energy 1 = upon absorption of energy, © will be promoted from a lower energy level toa higher energy 1 evel, When an electron falls from a higher energy Iovel to a lower energy level. a photon is ‘emined (@ spectral Linc) — energy difference between orbits decreases when principal quantum number is increased = _]_ om () All the energy states/orbitals having the same principal quantuzn no. 1 wast As 1 nm? 2s 2p 1 n-3 3s 3p 34 1 (ai) subshelt no. of orbitals % s 1 P 3 a 5 ‘or. an orbital can contain two electrons with opposite spins 4) for, max. no, of in § orbital = 2 (a) max. no. of ¢ inp orbital = 6 max, no. of € ind orbital = 10 Fore” shell with n= 1, max.no. of =2 % Fore” shell with n =2, max.no of =2+6=8 % For & shell with n= 3, max no. of "=2+6+10= 18 4 (1% marks for answers; % marks for deduction) 1 Aig [CHsCH,OH (01 = 24H [COx@)] + 34H [HOA ] - AHe [CHsCH:OH (4)] 2 = 2{-393.$) + 3(-285.8) 4-1336.9) = 307.5 I mol” 2 (1 mark for sumerical answer and sign; 1 mark for unit) — @

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