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Helix 10.

2 Release Notes

GA Date 12/03/2019
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Document Details

Product Name Helix 10.2

Document Type Release Notes

Document Version 1.3

Created By Gilad Harshoshanim

Creation Date 12/03/2019

Last Updated By Gilad Harshoshanim


Relevant Documents

Catalog Number

Revision History

Version Date Author Change Description

1.0 Gilad Harshoshanim Initial version

1.1 Shiri Sidi-Kushnir Review

1.2 Shachr Ebel Approval

1.3 Gilad Harshoshanim Release

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
About this Document ..................................................................................................... 1
General ............................................................................................................................ 2
Helix Products ............................................................................................................................ 2
Helix Performance Management Product Line ..................................................................... 2
Helix Fault Management Product Line .................................................................................. 2
Helix SecureAccess .............................................................................................................. 3
Helix Framework ................................................................................................................... 3
Helix Suite Packages ................................................................................................................. 3
Supported Platforms .................................................................................................................. 4
Server Platforms ................................................................................................................... 4
Auxiliary Server Platforms (for Alarm Notifier, Report Scheduler) ........................................ 4
Big Data Server Platforms..................................................................................................... 4
Client Platforms ..................................................................................................................... 4
Database ............................................................................................................................... 4
Web Browsers ....................................................................................................................... 4
Mobile Platforms ................................................................................................................... 5
Main Third-Party Software Applications ................................................................................ 5
New and Updated Features ............................................................................................ 7
Helix Configuration Director (CD) .......................................................................................... 7
Helix Performance Management Product Line .......................................................................... 8
Helix Sentinel – New and Advanced Features...................................................................... 8
SPC over Hadoop ...............................................................................................................10
Scheduled Forecast results availability ...............................................................................10
Additional Enhancements ...................................................................................................10
Helix Fault Management Product Line .....................................................................................12
Active Live Solution .............................................................................................................12
Helix Sentinel – New and Advanced Features....................................................................12
Trouble Ticket & Equipment Widgets ..................................................................................13
Helix Framework ......................................................................................................................14
Other Enhancements ..........................................................................................................14
TEOCO Mediation over Kafka.............................................................................................14
Kafka Consumer based Plug In ..........................................................................................14
NCI Diagnostic API .............................................................................................................14
GD HTTPs Plug In ..............................................................................................................14
Mediation Phyton component .............................................................................................14
Helix Infrastructure ..............................................................................................................15
Deprecated Features .................................................................................................... 16
Fixed Bugs .................................................................................................................... 17
Known Issues ............................................................................................................... 19
Special Installation/Upgrade Instructions ................................................................... 20

About this Document

About this Document

This document describes the new and updated features available in Helix 10.2 and each of its
products. It also provides a list of supported platforms as well as third-party software that is
utilized by Helix 10.2.
For additional information regarding the various Helix products, please refer to the respective
guides included in the Helix documentation package.

Helix 10.2 Release Notes

The Helix 10.2 Service Assurance suite introduces new modules, features and functionalities
that addresses the evolving needs of CSPs in network operations, network engineering and
service management.
Throughout many years of partnering with the world's largest operators, we’ve learned that a
truly consolidated assurance suite enables operators to run both their Network Operations
Centers (NOCs) and Service Operations Centers (SOCs), as well as their network and service
engineering teams in the most efficient manner. We help operators leverage data, knowledge
and deploy processes in order to reduce their total cost of ownership (TCO), and augment their
ability to ensure improved customer experiences.
The "Helix" brand accompanies evolution and reemphasizes TEOCO's long history and
commitment to provide a consolidated Service Assurance platform without compromising on
the quality and richness of features required from each of the suite's components.
Helix 10.2 is suitable for both CSPs that install a new system and CSPs that perform upgrades
from a previous version. Full documentation is available for Helix 10.2, including this Release
Notes document.
All comparative information described herein refers to the differences between this release and
the previous release (Helix 10.1) - including new features, deprecated features, fixed bugs and
known issues.

Helix Products

Helix Performance Management Product Line

 Helix Performance Management (PM)
 PM Reporter
 Performance Analytics (including Adaptive Thresholds , Forecasting and Outliers)
 TrafficGuard for PM
 PM Data Monitor

Helix Fault Management Product Line

 Helix Fault Management (FM) (including Correlator ES and FM FaultPro)
 FM Correlator TRS
 FM Reporter
 Fault Analytics (including FM Screener, Predictive Failure and ML-RCA)
 ServiceImpact
 NeTkT
 NeTkT Reporter

Note: Correlator ES, based on Ilog Rules or Red Hat JBOSS BRMS, can only be used in
existing installations. New installations must use Correlator ES based on Drools.


Helix SecureAccess
 SecureAccess
 SecureAccess Reporter

Helix Framework
 Sentinel
 Helix Schematic Views
 GEO Maps
 Real-time Monitor
 Base Configuration
 AutoDiscovery
 NetImport
 IT Monitoring
 TEOCO Mediation
 TEOCO Studio (including EasySNMP for FM, EasySNMP for PM, EasyPM)
 TEOCO Monitor
 Helix Configuration Director

Note: Using Sentinel multiple concurrent refreshed dashboards by multiple concurrent users
can cause heavy load on the Database that might result in performance degradations. Specific
HW and index tuning should be considered

Helix Suite Packages

 Oracle Database Server software installation
 Oracle Database Client software installation
 Helix Database Instance creation
 Helix Server
o Helix installer (ISM)
 Helix Client
o Oracle Database Client installation
o BOE Client Tools installation
 TEOCO Monitor Server installation
 Helix Report Studio Tools (BusinessObjects) installation
o Crystal Reports 2016 4.2 SP6 update 4
o Dashboard 4.2 SP6 update 4
o BusinessObjects Client Tools 4.2 SP6 update 4
o BusinessObjects Live Office 4.2 SP6 update 4
 Helix documentation package

Helix 10.2 Release Notes

Supported Platforms

Server Platforms
 RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) 6.10/7.6 x86_64
 RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) 6.10/7.6 x86_64 running on VMware ESXi 5.5/6.5
 RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) 6.10/7.6 x86_64 running on RHEL 6.10/7.6 KVM

Note: RHEL 6.10 is only for upgrading the existing Helix system.

Auxiliary Server Platforms (for Alarm Notifier, Report Scheduler)

 Windows 2012 R2 server 64-bit
 Windows 2012 R2 server 64-bit running on VMware ESXi 5.5/6.5

Big Data Server Platforms

 CentOS 7.6

Client Platforms
 Windows 7 SP1 32-bit/64-bit
 Windows 8.1 64-bit
 Windows 10 64-bit
 Citrix XenApp 7.6 on Windows 2012 R2 server 64-bit (Desktop Mode only)

 Oracle Server 11gR2 ( with the Partitioning option
 Oracle Server 18c ( with the Partitioning option
 Oracle Client 11gR2 ( for Red Hat server
 Oracle Client 18c ( for Red Hat server
 Oracle Client 11gR2 ( for Windows
 Oracle Instant Client 11gR2 ( for Windows

Note: RHEL’s Oracle Server/Client 11gR2 is only for upgrading the existing Helix system.

Web Browsers
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
o Windows 7.1 32-bit/64-bit
o Windows 8.1 64-bit
o Windows 10 64-bit
 Microsoft Edge 64-bit *
 Google Chrome 64-bit *



 The following products are supported on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge: Sentinel,
Web Reporter and SchematicViews, GEO Maps and Configuration Director.

 Sentinel GEO Maps are recommended to work over Google Chrome Browser in order to
leverage the browser capabilities for an enhanced performance.

Mobile Platforms
 iOS 11.4 and above
 iPhone 7 and above
 Screen size: 4.7” and above
 Screen resolution: 326 PPI

Main Third-Party Software Applications

Product Name Version Comments

Oracle Database Server PM Inspector client, OIT client uses

and Client the Oracle Instant Client

WebLogic 11g Server

Enterprise Edition

Apache HTTP Server 2.4.38

SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.2 SP6 update 4


Microsoft .Net 4.6.2

BMC Remedy 9.1 SP4 For NeTkT

Drools 6.4.0 For Correlator ES

Rogue Wave (formerly Ilog) 5.6

DB Link

GoJS 1.8.2 JavaScript Library for HTML


Nagios 3.4.1 For IT Monitoring and TEOCO


Helix 10.2 Release Notes

Product Name Version Comments

Oracle JDK 1.8.0_202 For WebLogic usage only

 WebLogic installer is not
delivered with a JDK
 BOE installer is delivered
with its own JDK
 Remedy is also using Oracle
 Cloudera is delivered with

Open JDK 1.8.0_202 For non-Weblogic usage

Cloudera Express 5.16.1 For PM

Python Python 2.7.10 For Fault Analytics, For

Anaconda Mediation Component

Kafka 2.1.0 For Internal Mediation – FM;


Zookeeper 3.4.13 For Internal Mediation – FM;


Microsoft Office 2007/2010/2013 For Performance Report

(32bit/64bit) Scheduler

Note: For the prerequisite patches, please refer to the Helix 10.2 Server Installation Guide.

New and Updated Features

New and Updated Features

Helix Configuration Director (CD)
Helix Configuration Director, a new module for managing CPEs’ configuration files, has been
added to Helix Service Assurance products suite.
Helix CD enables the CSP to manage, backup and restore the CPEs’ configuration files:
 Manages configuration files of different vendors and types of CPEs in a single
 Easily compares different versions of configuration files.
 Quickly resolves configuration mismatches by restoring the last configuration.
 Ensures ongoing backups by scheduling the backup processes.

 Automatically backups configurations upon receiving configuration change trap.

 Quickly identifies NEs which fail to backup.

The module key features are:

 Manage – a new HTML5 based UI for managing the configuration files for various
vendors and types of CPEs.
 Backup – manual and scheduled backup of configuration files, including managing
multiple file versions.
 Restore – the ability to restore configuration files to the CPEs.
 Compare – compare configuration files in order to identify differences.
 Audit – each action is being audited and can be viewed in the dedicated reports.

Some work flow examples:

 In the case of problems as a result of configuration changes – backup the current
version, compare it to the previous version and restore the backup file to the CPE.

 When receiving configuration change trap – automatically backup the required CPE
to verify that all configuration files’ changes are backed up.

 Scheduled daily backup – to verify ongoing backups.

Helix 10.2 Release Notes

Helix Performance Management Product Line

Helix Sentinel – New and Advanced Features

Sentinel user interface equips Engineering teams with advanced visual analytical tools to
investigate and drill-down into potential problems by efficiently processing and presenting all
the available data.
It uses performance, fault and configuration information across multiple domains, service
models, networks and topologies.
Sentinel presents the aggregated data, the underlying detailed data collected from the
network, as well as machine-learning driven insights produced automatically by various Helix
Sentinel has been enhanced to support the following new functionality:

Analytic Trends

The new Analytic Trends tool shortens the troubleshooting/investigation time by providing
more algorithms and analytics options.
The tool provides analytic trend calculations and presents the results in line charts to easily
visualize KPIs/Counters trends over time. It also enables quick access to common regression
formulas (Linear Regression, Exponential, and Polynomial) to visualize the trends over a
period of time.

Drills to other Workspaces

Sentinel now enables fast drilling from widgets to existing workspaces for further investigation
of problems, based on existing pre-defined workspaces that are linked to widgets in other

For example - while investigating an issue with a cell’s traffic and drops, you can access a
pre-defined workspaces for traffic reasons, by drilling from a widget with a selected criteria.

Drills to PM Reporter
Sentinel now provides easy access to reports using pre-defined links instead of manual
search. It enables drilling from widgets and from the main workspace list to PM Reporter’s
existing reports.
The feature enables the end-user to quickly access pre-defined reports relevant to the matter
in hand using links from individual widgets within Sentinel or from general links in the
workspaces list
For example - while investigating an issue with a cell’s traffic and drops you may need access
to a pre-defined detailed report of the neighboring cell’s interaction. By clicking on an icon or a
link, it opens the report directly, removing the need to search for it.

New and Updated Features

Override Widget Criteria

Sentinel now provides a mechanism to override the time criteria per widget within a
workspace. This feature can speed up troubleshooting by enabling comparisons of results
between time resolutions or time frames.
For example - compare the results of a KPI between today and yesterday or compare
between the results of 15 minutes of data and daily aggregated data.

PM Aggregate over Additional Keys

Sentinel now supports aggregation of data from additional keys to the entity level in PM
Widgets, making the data easier to read and absorb.
Although sometimes PM data is reported with many additional keys, the end-user is often
interested in viewing the total number for the entity in charts.
With this feature, the end-user can receive results aggregated ad-hoc to the entity level, even
if the results are reported at another key level.
For example - data for cellular KPIs is reported for each sub-slot of each sub-card of each
card in the cell. However, the user in most cases wants a line chart aggregated to the cell
level with an option to view the data as collected per sub-slot.

Sentinel PM Summary Table

This new Sentinel widget presents a summary table (without date & time values), enabling
“top/bottom n” presentation in a tabular format. The end-user can now receive results for
several KPIs, based on the list of top/bottom n instances based on a selected KPI.

PM Tables Coloring
The PM Tables widgets now enable the user to set coloring rules per column in the table to
easily identify outstanding values.

Additional Features in Sentinel for PM

Dynamic PM Instance Criteria – this feature enables saving the criteria used to search for
PM Instances, instead of selecting individual instances.
Tables with Configuration Details- this feature enables the end-user to quickly understand
the commonality of configuration values of many instances, and then filter or further
investigate potential network issues.
Top/Bottom widget by a different KPI- this feature enables the end-user to receive results
for one KPI, based on the list of top/bottom n instances, using another selected KPI.

Helix 10.2 Release Notes

SPC over Hadoop

Special period calculation (SPC) KPIs that are part of Helix Performance Management
solution can now be calculated over Hadoop Cluster.
The SPC capabilities include:
 Analysis of the network’s behavior when it experiences its greatest load.
 Based on run-time KPIs and ad-hoc calculations.
 Periodically processed over large amounts of data kept in Hadoop.
 Propagated to other counter sets and entities over the Hadoop saved data.

Scheduled Forecast results availability

The purpose of this feature is to increase the end-user capabilities to review forecasted data
and to reduce the need to define reports with direct SQL queries.
The feature enables the end-user to “see” the results from the Scheduled Forecast algorithm
using BOE Universes, therefore creating reports by drag-and-drop.
Results from the Scheduled Forecast algorithm are now metadata based and available for
usage in other apps, currently supported by BOE Universes.
When a user sets the Scheduled Forecast algorithm to run over night or at recurrent times,
the results are saved in the database and can be retrieved afterwards.

Additional Enhancements
The following enhancements have also been implemented as part of this release:


Combine Data for Late Counters over Aggregator –

EasyPM, the automatic tool for generating performance libraries now supports combining PM
data from multiple OM Groups into one counter set.
The feature enables the use of “merge” in Oracle and combines the view over Hadoop to
avoid “update by delete” in the DB when delayed counters arrive.

In cases where multiple files are combined into one counter set, these files can arrive at
different times, and late counters should be managed by updating the existing data with the
new values without affecting values that arrived from the first file.
In addition, for cases where two files include different information that needs to be loaded into
the same table in the DB, delayed files may cause the data to be rejected or old data to be
The feature enables the latest file to update the missing data without affecting existing data,
thus preventing the loss of information.

Custom Source Counter Sets in Custom SQL

EasyPM has been extended to allow the creation of libraries’ definitions with “diagonal”
aggregation (hierarchy and time simultaneously).
New and Updated Features

This feature enables the implementer to define customized counter set(s) as the source of a
custom SQL, thus defining “diagonal” aggregation (hierarchy and time simultaneously) or
defining multiple sources for the treatment of late counters and the triggering of aggregation
rules. This capability improves the identification of late counters from many sources and
improves the triggering of aggregation rules from many sources.

Instances Counter Set for CFG Procedures in hybrid environment

This feature enables easier management and population of CFG tables and re-homing history
Using the new component, one counter set is populated with the instances of ALL counter
sets by joining the data, thus enabling CFG population from Oracle in a hybrid environment.

Helix 10.2 Release Notes

Helix Fault Management Product Line

Active Live Solution

To minimize FM system failure time, Helix FM can be installed in a high-availability (“active-
live”) mode, where one system is fully active and handles alarms and the second system is
partially up (“Live”) waiting for a sign to complete its start-up.
When the active system fails, an external mechanism (such as Veritas cluster) will identify the
failure and send a command to the live system to complete the system’s start-up and start
process alarms.

Helix Sentinel – New and Advanced Features

Helix Sentinel is now the centralized user experience tool for accessing all Helix FM
modules, views and user actions. Sentinel enables NOC/SOC users to view all data sources
in one centralized place and helps them utilize this information for the investigation process.
The Sentinel application enables users to create customized workspaces including FM, PM
and Ticket widgets using simple and user-friendly selections, as well as presenting FM and
PM KPIs over a geographical map widget.
Distribution and top/bottom widgets are available and can be tailored for the comparison of
current data to historical data and thresholds, and for the presentation of multiple KPIs on the
same widget.
Performance, fault and ticket KPIs/KQIs are available for users when creating or modifying
widgets. Fault KPIs can be defined by using a dedicated screen and applicable for widgets
and map coloring rules.
For further investigation, users can drill internally within the Sentinel workspaces from chart
widgets to map widgets, and within network hierarchies, presenting data aggregated to
different time resolutions and for different periods. External drills to Helix Fault Management
(Helix FM Cruiser) are also available, as well as launching other Helix modules based on
permissions and licensing.
For example:
 Helix Schematic Views
 Helix Performance Reports – for BusinessObjects (BOE) reports
 Administration modules

New and Updated Features

Trouble Ticket & Equipment Widgets

Sentinel can now present additional data source type which is based on ticketing information.
The amount of opened tickets and the amount of affected sites are ticket-based KPIs that can
be calculated and presented to the user. Additional table widgets have been added to present
the tickets information list

Helix 10.2 Release Notes

Helix Framework

Other Enhancements
Telemetry offers an alternative to SNMP by providing a YANG based flexible means for
specifying required information down to a specific counter and the frequency to transmit it to a
telemetry collector.

Telemetry data can piggy-back raw-UDP, raw-TCP and gRPC, whereas the latter offers
enhanced security and flexible subscription workflow.

Telemetry data can be encoded in either JSON, Self-Encoding GPB or Compact GPB
allowing the network architect to balance between transport efficiency and collector

Helix 10.2 now supports the collection, aggregation and enrichment of streaming telemetry
data using UDP TCP or gRPC transport and GPB encoding. This enables
unsolicited, efficient and selective data collection for both performance and fault information.

TEOCO Mediation over Kafka

The TEOCO Mediation threshold component has been enhanced to support sending alarm
events to a Kafka topic. The normalized and enriched alarms can be consumed by the FM
engine for raising alarms in the Cruiser, and can also be consumed by external systems.

Kafka Consumer based Plug In

Helix GD supports subscribing to data from Kafka, by topics and group. This can be used to
retrieve data into mediation libraries.

NCI Diagnostic API

A new external REST API has been developed to enable activating NCI Diagnostics from
external systems. The API is used for executing NCI scripts and commands from external
systems and includes supplying the responses of the commands and scripts to the external

GD HTTPs Plug In
A new REST API plug in has been added to the Helix GD connectivity layer. The plug in
enables sending REST/SOAP commands from NCI and includes basic commands such as

Mediation Phyton component

The Mediation Python component has been enhanced, and now supports receiving also
structured flat records as input. This enables to use it also after the Parser in the data flow.
(E.g. after the transform)

New and Updated Features

Helix Infrastructure

The following enhancements have been made to the helix infrastructure:

 Sentinel support for language selection per user.
 Support for backup LDAP using internal LDAP cluster.
 Additional GDPR enhancements: PI management API and export Audit report in
CSV format.
 Security enhancement - advanced higher protocols / ciphers.

Helix 10.2 Release Notes

Deprecated Features

Fixed Bugs

Fixed Bugs
The fixed bugs for Helix 10.2 and its products are:

Bug ID Product Line Product Description

Excel reports might crash if the KPI
SA-23349 Helix Performance Excel Reports
formula results in a division by zero
SA-21022 Helix Performance PM Inspector Inspector Shortcuts are missing (F2,
Management F5, F1)

SA-24638 Helix Framework Sentinel When saving a private workspace to

group level, the workspace might be
saved multiple times.

SA-25716 Helix Performance PM Reporter In case one of the universes for

Management rehoming entity does not contain all
the resolution that HCFG table has
you will get error in reports

SA-25485 Helix Performance PM Inspector Complex modules with many

Management element hierarchy levels failed to run
or run for more than 10 minutes

SA-24418 Helix Framework Schematic Views Drill to Cruiser from Service

Topology view is available only for
NE resources (not for other types of

SA-24738 Helix Framework NetImport Cleanup of customer causes the

deletion of associated NEs and
When no data returns from module,
SA-25486 Helix Performance Inspector
inspector supposed to show "No
data to display" message on grid.
In case one of the universe for
SA-25716 Helix Performance PM reporter
rehoming entity does not contain all
the resolution that HCFG table has
you will get error in report ( the from
clause will not contain the re-home
table and Oracle error will be
Table selection dialog Source List
SA-25976 Helix Performance Inspector
control should only show table or
synonym with resolution suffix
Hidden Counter Sets should be
SA-26213 Helix Performance PM Admin
visible in PM Admin for
administrative purposes
Building Universes needs to be
SA-26514 Helix Performance Inspector
enabled only for KPI Admin users

Helix 10.2 Release Notes

Bug ID Product Line Product Description

In FM History tool, while using
SA-24992 Helix Fault Management FM History
correlation mode, children alarms
are not colored based on coloring
Rule UI is closed when user
SA-22781 Helix Fault Management FM Admin
manually refresh rules

Known Issues

Known Issues
The known issues for Helix 10.2 and its products are:

Bug ID Product Line Product Description

At cases where the TG rule
SA-23600 Helix TrafficGuard
include a compare of a KPI with a
configuration column and the
entity view or CFG are changed
then, the rules over mediation will
work only after a lookup refresh.
In service resource tree, when
SA-24450 Helix Service Service Impact
selecting resource facing services
(RFSs), the Alarms tab displays
all the alarms
On IE, the node icons do not
SA-20668 Helix Framework Schematic Views
appear when printing the view and
saving the view as a picture. In
Chrome, the icons are printed and
saved correctly.
In rare cases, when working with
SA- 24051 Helix Framework Sentinel
virtual machine (VM) or RDP,
screen rendering problems can
occur in Sentinel (usually due to
network limitation).
When saving charts into CSV
SA-24269 Helix Framework Sentinel
files, the keys of the selected
entity are concatenated into one
Anonymous traps on agents do
SA-24662 Helix Framework Auto discovery
not trigger discovery jobs
Data loaded into Hadoop support
SA-24578 Helix Framework Infrastructure
only standard ASCII
Time zone is not supported for
SA-24679 Helix Framework Sentinel
drills from Sentinel to Cruiser

Helix 10.2 Release Notes

Special Installation/Upgrade Instructions



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