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Criminal Minds

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Criminal Minds

Based on the D.C. Sniper case, the major criminals were Lee Boyd Malvo and John Allen

Muhammad, who contributed to various events that affected the community in the Washington,

D.C., metropolitan area. In this case, the attacks of these snipers led to an atmosphere of

uncertainty, insecurity, and panic since innocent residents became the primary targets of this type

of violence (Liptak, 2019). The locals were scared to undertake their daily activities, as they

were frightened that they could be the potential victims of the snipers. Therefore, this situation

contributed to interruptions in the community, with educational institutions executing security

measures, public occasions having more security, and businesses closing early.

Disturbed thought processes, ineffective coping, and impaired social interaction are three

possible nursing diagnosis for the perpetrators of the crime in this case. Therefore, appropriate

interventions for these conditions would be antipsychotic medications, antidepressant

medications, and mood stabilizers, respectively. Consequently, there was information to indicate

that addiction, substance abuse, or violence issues had a direct relationship with the mental

health of Malvo and Muhammad. Liptak (2019) argued that the D.C. Sniper case encompassed a

sequence of arranged shootings and acts of violence by two people. During the trial, Malvo's

defense team noted that Muhammad manipulated and influenced him, indicating the likelihood

of a psychological issue such as Stockholm syndrome. In contrast, the description of Muhammad

revealed characteristics consistent with antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic

personality disorder. As a result, this event teaches the significance of enhancing early

intervention, tackling mental health issues, and offering support to people struggling with

substance abuse or in danger of participating in violent behavior (Mash, Fullerton, & Ursano,

2018). Generally, the major mental health issue on this occasion was the severe interference in

Malvo and Muhammad’s psychological well-being, who performed the shootings. Eventually,

the cognitive concerns connected to their capability for judgment, discerning right from wrong

and impulse control.

Additionally, tackling the matter from a multidimensional standpoint is necessary when

considering interventions for people engaged in severe acts of violence, such as those criminals

in the D.C. Sniper case. This approach will pay attention to both cognitive and mental elements.

Therefore, possible interventions can include emotion control and anger management. According

to Mash, Fullerton, and Ursano (2018), given the level of violence involved in these shootings,

interventions that concentrate on emotion and anger management skills can be vital. These

strategies may entail coping mechanisms, stress reduction methods, and cognitive restructuring

practices to assist such people in managing their impulses and emotions effectively.

Similarly, there can be appropriate nursing interventions for a community in the

Washington, D.C., metropolitan area that encountered the D.C. Sniper case. A suitable method

will be to educate and support families. Specifically, there should be the provision of education

and support to families influenced by the patients' actions (Park et al., 2018). This nursing

intervention should assist them in knowing the complexities of mental health concerns and the

responsibility of this approach in the recovery process. Offer counseling services and give

information on accessible community services.

Finally, to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected nursing intervention for the

community affected by this event, there is a need to adopt suitable measures. The assessment of

the support and education provided will be as shown in this evaluation tool. There will be an

assessment of families' awareness and knowledge of mental health matters and accessible

resources. Also, families will give feedback on the support offered and their capability to handle

the situation. In this case, the rating will still range from 1 (limited support) to 5 (comprehensive


To conclude, the D.C. sniper community can benefit from various mental health

resources to support families and people affected by traumatic events. An example is peer

support networks, where people with lived experience offer encouragement, understanding, and

guidance. Community-based organizations, online forums, and peer support groups can be

important in this strategy. Further, the Trauma-Informed Care Toolkit can be a suitable

educational tool that can help the community impacted by the D.C. Sniper. This toolkit can offer

methods, resources, and information to professionals, families, and people dealing with the

outcomes of traumatic events.



Liptak, A. (2019). Supreme Court will hear case of Lee Malvo, the D.C. Sniper. Sup. Ct.

Preview, 261.


Mash, H. B. H., Fullerton, C. S., & Ursano, R. J. (2018). Post-traumatic stress symptoms

following sniper attacks: Effects of television viewing and identification with

victims. American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 13(1), 29-36.

Park, M., Lee, M., Jeong, H., Jeong, M., & Go, Y. (2018). Patient-and family-centered care

interventions for improving the quality of health care: A review of systematic

reviews. International Journal of nursing studies, 87, 69-83.

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