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Response Paper of Vimeo video Haircut Adapted from Inua Ellams’s "Barber Shop Chronicles"

"Barber Shop Chronicles" by Inua Ellams and the Vimeo video Haircut have similarities

in examining the barbershop as a setting for personal accounts, discussions, and community.

Specifically, Ellams’s work occurred in barbershops across diverse cities such as Harare,

Johannesburg, Accra, Lagos, and London. This play explores the barbers' and their clients' lives,

depicting topics such as masculinity, politics, identity, and race. As a result, the author celebrated

the barbershop as a secure place where people can participate in honest and open discussions,

develop contacts, and challenge stereotypes. Similarly, the audience considers Haircut a short

video that explores people’s experiences when having a haircut at a barbershop. Further, the film

exhibited the associations between the barber and the customers coupled with the camaraderie

and discussions among them. Haircut outlines the same space as a social hub where clients from

different cultures can come together, establish connections, and share stories. People can

understand this information by describing the actors' performances in the film and their choices

when pursuing their objectives using their body and voice to establish if they are logical and


First, the barber who acted with Samuel had a fascinating performance. The actor’s

passion, accuracy, and skill for his craft dominated his exhibition. He depicted mastery and

proficiency in hair-cutting art with every movement of his hands. Further, Samuel's demeanor is

attentive and confident, as he keenly removes his tools and operates with much concentration.
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Consequently, his movements were cautious, revealing his focus on details and his significance

in providing an accurate haircut. In the entire film, Samuel engaged with his customer,

displaying outstanding communication skills. Specifically, he listened to the customer’s requests,

ensuring he understood their preferred interests and style. The actor’s specialized and

approachable conduct developed a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere in the barbershop.

Eventually, the audience could note that Samuel had excellent technical skills demonstrating his

creativity. He cautiously considered the outline of the customer's hair texture, face, and whole

aesthetics, integrating them into the haircut design. Generally, Samuel’s performance in Sheibani

(Haircut) indicated his artistic flair, professionalism, and expertise, helping him be among the

outstanding actors in the film.

Secondly, when watching the video, the audience can realize that Samuel's body language

is usually confident and composed. In most cases, he stood tall and retained a steady posture,

showing a sense of expertise and professionalism. Further, Samuel's body movements were

precise, indicating his mastery and control over his work. The planned and thoughtful gestures of

his hands signaled his focus on details and skills. On the other hand, the actor's voice helped to

promote his association with the consumer. Samuel spoke confidently and clearly, adopting a

warm and approachable tone to create a rapport. Also, his voice was responsive and attentive, as

he listened keenly to the customer's appeals and participated in an appropriate discussion.

Therefore, by making his voice equate to the atmosphere of the discussion in Sheibani (Haircut),

Samuel communicates and interacts with the client effectively.

Additionally, Samuel made choices in terms of the methods and tools he used. He picked

suitable instruments for each procedure of the haircut, depicting his experience and awareness.

Whether he selected a comb, scissors, or clippers, he applied the right tool to get the desired
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result. Consequently, Samuel's choice of methods, such as accurately blending hair and cutting

angles flawlessly, demonstrated his competency in making a well-designed haircut. Generally,

Samuel’s choices in terms of techniques, tools, voice, and body language led to his pursuit of

objectives (Sheibani Haircut). The actor’s skilled and confident character, combined with

desirable communication, permitted him to establish a fulfilling and positive experience for the

customer, revealing his dedication to providing exceptional haircuts.

A young boy called Wallace is another actor who expressed a captivating performance

that attracted the essence of his role and helped involve the audience. Similarly, a genuine

depiction of an anxious and hesitant person looking for a haircut characterized his presentation.

The viewers can realize that Wallace’s body language permitted him to depict a sense of

uncertainty and unease. He showed worried conduct when he fidgeted and evaded direct looks.

Such physical choices signified the actor's apprehension and vulnerability concerning the

impending haircut. Based on his voice, Wallace spoke softly, coupled with a clue of nervousness,

which indicated his lack of confidence (Sheibani Haircut). Further, his performance revealed his

capability to listen and answer in the setting of a barber-client association. Wallace involved in a

discussion actively, responding to the barber’s queries and offering input when needed.

Moreover, Wallace made clearer choices in his performance to pursue his objectives and

express his emotions. In this case, the actor's body language reflected his original distress and

tension. He often fidgeted his hands, either adjusting or clasping his clothing, suggesting his

nervousness. Such physical choices expressed his inner situation of fear effectively and led

toward the authenticity of his performance. Besides, Wallace started by speaking timidly and

softly, making his voice convey a sense of tension, which exhibited his physical demeanor.

Nevertheless, as the scene continued and the actor became more relaxed, his voice showed
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clarity and appeared appealing. This change in vocal tone represented his transformation from

vulnerability to self-assuredness. The body language of this young boy experienced

transformation as he changed from fear to trust. In most cases, Wallace relaxed his posture

steadily, levelling his back and permitting his movements to become more firm. This situation

mirrored his advancing comfort and confidence in the barber’s presence. For instance, during the

haircut, Wallace rested himself into the barber’s hands, showing his readiness to trust process.

Musa is an actor who revealed a distinct performance. In the initial phases of his act, he

showed a sense of eagerness and expectation. An energetic stride characterized Musa’s

performance with his determined movements and upright body. This physicality demonstrated an

inspiration for a specific result through the haircut, signifying his goal to have a certain style.

When Musa sat in the barber's chair, his body language changed to a more open and relaxed

position. He learned back with ease, exposing his readiness to believe his barber and submit

control over his look. In most cases, Musa relied on a direct and clear communication approach.

He persuasively expressed his interests and desires using an assertive and strong tone.

Eventually, this voice showed confidence in highlighting his preferences and guaranteed

effective interaction with the barber.

Finally, Musa made intentional choices to pursue his objectives using his body and voice,

displaying his intentions and desires. Based on body language, this actor appeared with a

confident gait, conveying a sense of self-assurance. Musa walked with a goal and upheld an

upright posture, revealing that he recognized what he needed and was determined to attain it

(Sheibani Haircut). Further, his facial expressions occupied a vital part in unfolding his intents.

He maintained an alert and attentive stare whenever the barber worked on him. Musa's facial

expression changed from expectation to fulfillment as the haircut continued, mirroring his quest
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to attain his desired result. Because of this body language, he was able to show his objective to

affirm control over his look and suggest his personal style throughout the scene. In terms of

Musa's voice, this actor articulated his desires assertively and clearly. He communicated his

anticipations and likings with an authoritative and confident tone. Therefore, Musa’s voice had a

sense of determination and persuasion, exhibiting that he was pursuing his objectives actively

and he was eager to feel their satisfaction.

In conclusion, Vimeo video Haircut is an adaption of Ellams’s book, "Barber Shop

Chronicles.” When people watch this film, they can validate that it offers a multi-perspective

examination of barbershop settings across diverse African countries and overseas. In most cases,

the audience comes across an immersive experience developed by the production, permitting

them to acquire an adequate awareness of several actors and narratives involved. The

performance of actors such as Samuel, Wallace, and Musa throughout the scene depicted a clear

sense of confidence, fear, vulnerability, and purpose. Similarly, their body language and voice

expressed effectively their objectives from the start to the end of the film. As a result, the

depiction of these actors exposed their experience of looking for a specific outcome and

engaging with the barbers in an assertive and cooperative way.

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Works Cited

Ellams, Inua. Barber Shop Chronicles. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021.

Sheibani, Bijan. Haircut. 2020.

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