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Creative Partnership Archive

Anatomy: Nat Urwin & Sammy Butler

T uesday 20th Sept 2011

Wednesday 21st Sept 2011

Hey lets get going on the creative partnership part.

My animal is Big- Eared Bat which sounds cool but its going to be hard to avoid the vampire look and create something new. Whats your animal? Any initial thoughts and anything you want to avoid for your nal design so I can help keep a watch for you?

Thursday 22nd Sept 2011

Im thinking realistic body horror, thats the direction id ideally like to head for. Mine is a common earwig this time round.
Thursday 22nd Sept 2011

Having an insect could really help with the body horror aspect because its body make-up is so different. No skellington, so no fusing that with the human structure is going to be interesting. For body horror do you mean the sort of unrecognisable creature we see at the end of The Fly (80s one) more sort of cancerous creature? Im nding my trouble at the minute is how similar the bat skellington is to human. Not allowing for much change. But some cool sketches coming through anyway.

Sunday 25th Sept 2011

Hey how are your creation ideas coming along? I read Phils comment suggesting to use the internal anatomy as your start point, have you looked at the muscle structures?
Sunday 25th Sept 2011

On about thumbnail 30. The muscle structures are the same. Same muscles that work the arms. But Im getting somewhere. Loving what you have so far. Get the sense of distress and the bits forming and falling off. The g.01 of the sketches in blue it seems like the skins hardening and taking the exoskeletal form. Really cool. Ill put up a ton of stuff later after a few more sketches are done.

Sunday 25th Sept 2011

Ok cool, Ill look forward to seeing what you have come up with, then see what feedback I can give you. Have you incorporated things such as behaviour into your thumbnails? For example an urge to hang upside down in your location? Last year when I had the frog, the skeleton was pretty similar too but I got the two skeletons and layered them on top of each other, then picked out between the two to make a new skeleton, have you tried that? Even with the small differences its still a good path to see what comes out :)

Monday 26th Sept 2011

Ok, some nice ideas here. In no particular order, I like where Fig. 10 is going with the non-symmetry. The idea in Fig. 14 to make the ear human creased but bat form is a nice one, an interesting mix. Fig. 15 is a good path to gruesome :) I'll look forward to seeing what thumbnails you get to with that. That said, I think Fig. 23 is in the direction of gruesome but it is also looking quite vampire-ish, perhaps that is the symmetry I'm not sure. Also, Figures 3 & 4 I think are quite cute. I know you don't want the vampire look, but any thoughts on which direction you would like to go with? Body Horror? Cute cartoony? Realistic but not scary? what kind of thing? Or are you still experimenting until you decide on that bit?
Monday 26th Sept 2011

I like the human bat ear concept. It follows through the rest of the thumbnails after it and works. Fig. 23 was inspired by one of my research pictures (of a vampire bat). Wanted to look at having the teeth involved but my bat only has little teeth. At the moment I wont limit myself to a genre/ style. My natural style is cartoony (as you can see) but Id fare in more graphic sketches.

Friday 30th Sept 2011

Hey Sammy, have you had a chance to look at my blog since last night?
Sunday 2nd Oct 2011

Love the thumbnails, very detailed so its easy to see what your intention was. Fig 8- great hat. More to the point... gure 6 still has a good sense of yourself in it; can see your face changing at the distress, same with 20. I can see this muscle texture in a few; are you looking at the muscle formation during the transformation or intend to involve bare muscle in your nal piece? Could be really interesting because all the gory bits us humans hide behind our eshy masks seem visible on insects. The gures I like the most are the unsymmetrical ones, where the legs and bits that are growing arent copies on the other side, like in thumbnails 30-36. Looks more like loss of control of the body rather than turning into the animal the animal is forcing its way through you. The thing that interests me the most on insects, and what im looking forward to seeing with yours and our fellow peeps with insects is how they handle the exoskeleton. Whether thats the hardening of the esh or a human bone structure forming on the outside or something else. The hardened esh could look really interesting textually and the bone one visually. But all in all, you said you wanted to go for body horror and I think youre on the right path for that. Denitely grotesque :)

Sunday 2nd Oct 2011

Cool thanks. Not sure if you saw but I managed to take some photos of earwigs myself, at last I found some! Anyway, with these I can see how they are transparent in some areas and how they look shiny in others and almost slimy but they arent. Im going to do some photoshop painting tests soon so your opinion on those would be appreciated, ill let you know though :)
Sunday 2nd Oct 2011

Yeah I saw the photos, the translucent thing could be really interesting to explore... Would expose the insides. Ill keep an eye out for photoshopness, Im working on my essay intro at the moment. But ill post my anatomy sketches and life drawings today.

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