Sea Project

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1.) Draw a plan showing the layout of the navigational bridge and equipment.
2. ) Draw the radar shadow/ blind sectors and describe the procedures for testing
the performance of the radar/ARPHA. Observe readings and compare them with
the original readings.


X- band Radar forward mast

Cranes/170 deg-190 deg relative bearing

S-band Radar top mast

S 1 – ship’s crane/ 358 deg- 003 deg
relative bearing
007 deg- 009 deg relative bearing

X- band Radar top mast

S-1 ship’s crane/ 357 deg – 002 deg relative
The following procedures can monitor the performance and age of the components
within the Radar Scanner; these procedures can be performed from the RDOP.

 Monitor the Magnetron Current Levels over Time.

 Monitor the Total Time and Transmit Time of the Radar.
 Take Periodic Snapshots of the Radar Image and Compare over Time.
 Install a Performance Monitor and Periodically Check the Radar’s Response.

The Performance Monitor Operators Manual

Recorded performance monitor readings compared to the original reading.


3. Describe the procedure for corrections of navigational charts and publications -

ALRS, ALL, Sailing Directions. Correct these publications on at least one occasion
under the supervision of the officer concerned.


 Select CATALOG
 Click e-NP other or e-NP Sailing Directions
 Click e-NP other publication or e-NP Sailing Directions you want to request
 Click CHECK OUT to generate your request
 Follow instruction appeared on the screen until finish
 Send to Captain the requested file to send to ADMIRALTY GATEWAY
 Wait for response
 Select WIZARD
 Load license by browsing the folder you saved the receive file from
 Click next
 System starts uploading wait until completed
 Click finish
 Insert ADP Latest CD
 Select WIZARD
 Select LOAD E-NPs
 Select MEDIA
 Select E-NPS TO LOAD (select all your e-NPs w/ newly received license)
 Click browse and select DVD drive (MAKE SURE YOU INSERTED THE ADP
Latest CD)
 Click NEXT; the system starts uploading the e-NPs from CD wait until finish
 Once completed do not forget to generate report certificate for your filling
 By generating report
 Click WIZARD
 Select REPORT
 Select E-NP REPORT then print the report
 Do the same way in back-up computers

Weekly updates will automatically receive by the captain and forwarded to bridge
computer normally every Thursday.
Uploading receive updates (Main and Back-up PC)
 Select WIZARD
 Load updates file by browsing the folder you saved the receive file
 Click NEXT
 System starts uploading wait until completed
 Click finish
 Once completed do not forget to generate report certificate for your filling
 Generating report same as above

4. Describe activities on the bridge for arrival and departure

1. Before arrival captain will go on bridge to change command. (End of Sea
2. Turn two steering gear pumps
3. Hand steering
4. 1 hour notice to the ECR to prepare the main engine
5. Prepare arrival documents for the pilot
- Arrival checklist
- Pilot card
- Master and pilot exchange
- Narrow water checklist (if needed)
6. Standby on radios/emails if there is a change on berthing prospects
7. When pilot aboard the ship, captain and pilot have an exchange of
information and after that the pilot takes the conn, plotting position every 5
mins on ECDIS, make entries on bell book if there is a passing buoy or
beacons and casting on and off of tugs
8. When first line ashore, turn off the radars, set the ECDIS and AIS on moored,
write the UTC date and time of first line on compass recorder, and call on
engine when the pilot said the all lines made fast and finish with engine.

1. 1 hour notice on the engine room
2. Test M/E ahead and astern and steering gear control if in good condition
3. Conduct bridge departure checklist
4. Prepare departure documents
- Pilot card
- Master pilot information exchange
- Narrow water checklist (if needed)
5. After all line on board, plotting position every 5 mins on ECDIS, make entries
on bell book if there is a passing buoy or beacons and casting on and off of
6. After the pilot off the master take the conn and call to the ECR so that the
engine mode is on sea mode.
7. Then beginning of sea passage

Ships Name: MTM SANTOS Port:

Checked Item Remarks
Information to engine department about ETA approx. EOSP and expected first
Port information available (Tides, currents, depths of water, channels, berth
information, restrictions, etc.)
Navigational messages and warnings / weather forecast available
Vessel draft forward and aft
Reporting to VTS / Pilot contacted
Crew (Deck / Engine) advised of stand-by time and ETA of Pilot
Equipment / Instruments
Steering gear / Engine Telegraph / Bow Thruster
Electronical navigational aids (GPS, AIS, Echo Sounder, etc.)
Radars set up and tuned
Gyro Compass and Repeaters / Magnetic Compass
Primary and emergency navigation lights and signals, sound signal equipment
Indicators for rudder, engine revolutions, etc.
Primary and emergency communication equipment (VHF, Walkie Talkies, Ship
Telephones, Public Address System, etc.)
Control Alarms
Manoeuvring Printer / VDR
Navigational flags and lights exhibited
Mooring and Anchoring Arrangements
Pilot ladder prepared according to pilot advice (incl. lighting during night)
Mooring ropes and necessary equipment on stations prepared
Anchoring equipment prepared, both anchors ready for let go

Filling out of this check list recorded and signed in log book
Completion of this checklist should be reported to the master.

Date: 1 Time:
Checked by: Rank:
Ships Name: MTM SANTOS

Checked Item Remarks

Passage Plan prepared and verified by the Master
Charts and publications available and corrected.

Navigational messages and warnings / weather forecast available

Vessel draft forward and aft

Restrictions on draught, trim, entry times, air draught assessed

Reporting to VTS / Pilot contacted

Information to engine department about ETD

Crew (Deck / Engine) advised of stand-by time and ETA of Pilot

Stowage Plan and ut-to-date vessel tank condition available

Equipment / Instruments

Steering gear / Engine Telegraph / Bow Thruster

Electronical navigational aids (GPS, AIS, Echo Sounder, NAVTEX, etc.)

Radars set up and tuned

Gyro Compass and Repeaters / Magnetic Compass

Primary and emergency navigation lights and signals, sound signal
Indicators for rudder, engine revolutions, etc.
Primary and emergency communication equipment (VHF, Walkie Talkies,
Ship Telephones, Public Address System, etc.)
Control Alarms

Manoeuvring Printer / VDR

Navigational flags and lights exhibited


Mooring and Anchoring Arrangements

Pilot ladder prepared according to pilot advice (incl. lighting during night)

Mooring ropes and necessary equipment on stations prepared

Anchoring equipment prepared, both anchors ready for let go

Filling out of this check list recorded and signed in log book
Completion of this checklist should be reported to the master.
Date; Time:

Checked by: Rank:


5. Plan a passage any two ports under the supervision of the officer concerned,
including selection of charts, plotting of course on the charts, and use of
publications. Explain in detail the Four stages of a voyage plan: appraisal, planning,
executions and monitoring.

- only up-to-date official nautical charts should be used for passage appraisal and
planning. Any other charts and publication needed for the passage should be
identified, ordered and received before departure. In the case of the electronic
charts, sufficient permits/licenses for the charts required for the intended route
should be available before departure, or else the process for receiving them during
the passage (dynamic licensing) should be clearly understood.

- factors that should be considered when appraising paper and electronic charts
during passage planning


- - paper chart and RNC source data diagrams allow the reliability of chart depth
information to be assessed. The category Zone of confidence (CATZOC) allows the
accuracy and reliability of ENC data to be assessed. Further details of CATZOC
symbols and their meanings can be found in relevant hydrographic office publication
e.g., UKHO NP 5012

- for coastal and pilotage planning point and for plotting each course alteration
point, large scale charts should be used. For ocean, the largest scale chart is
appropriate should be used

- Provide essential information on all aspect navigational including hazards,
buoyage ,weather patterns, pilotage, regulations, port facilities and guides on port

- provide essential and amendments to official nautical charts and publications


- provide information on established ocean routes and general prevailing wind
conditions and ocean currents

- provide port approach details and berth information that include information
based on the experience of seafarers.

- provide information on all lights of navigation significance
- provide information on maritime radio communications, particularly vessel
reporting and VTS, GMDSS and information on availability of MSI.


- provide information on zones and seasonal periods for consideration when
determining compliance with load line requirements.


- provide detailed information on tidal conditions in coastal areas, port approaches
and harbors.


- provide security advice and information about reporting schemes in designated

Electronic navigational charts (ENC), Raster navigational charts (RNC) and paper
charts are usually based on the same hydrographic survey data. This means that an
ENC is not more accurate than an PNV or paper chart covering the same area.
Because of ECDIS screen resolution, its precision of charted objects may not be much
different from that paper charts (which has precision up to 15 meters).

When planning a passage on ECDIS, the OOW should:

- Beware that the charted objects on an ECDIS are not more accurate or precisely
plotted than charted objects on the corresponding RNC or paper chart; and
- Make sure that there is enough of a safety margin between charted hazards and
the ship’s intended route to allow for the accuracy and precision of charts.

Four Stages of Voyage Planning

Appraisal – this stage involves gathering and considering all relevant information for
the voyage, including items such as nautical charts, provisions, port info, and
climatological and oceanographic data.
Planning – during the planning phase, the ship's navigation officer plots the intended
route of the voyage, notes any dangers and gets the plan approved by ship's master
prior to the commencement of the voyage.
Execution – this phase involves the actual execution of the passage plan, as well as
taking any rising factors into consideration when determining deviations from the
plan during the course of the voyage.
Monitoring – the final part of the voyage planning process is monitoring and seeing
the plan through to completion. It involves close and continuous monitoring by the
officers of the navigational watch.

6. Describe the operations and set-up (manual and automatic) of the Bridge
Navigational Watch Alarm System

Operational Modes of BNWAS:

BNWAS should incorporate the following 3 operational modes:

1. Automatic: The BNWAS is automatically activated when the vessel is
navigating by means of heading or track control system (autopilot /track
pilot) and inhibited when this system is deactivated.
2. Manual ON: The BNWAS is always in operation.
 Authorized person (Master) switches on system by single turning the
key-switch to position “ON/OFF”.
 Once dormant period (3 min, 9 min, 12 min) is set, the authorized
person pulls out the key.
 Dormant period starts from the moment the system has been
switched on.
3. Manual OFF: The BNWAS is turned off completely.

ALERT SEQUENCE: – If dormant period is over without the OOW resetting, the
system activates all reset units by flash light.
 ALERT STAGE 1: If dormant period and flash light period (15 sec) are over and
the OOW has not yet reset the button, the system activates electronic buzzer
on terminal board as well as additional buzzers located on the bridge and
wing area.
 ALERT STAGE 2: If dormant period, flash light period (15 sec) and alert stage 1
(15 sec) are over without OOW’s reset, system activates further alert via optic
/ acoustic alarm devices in officer’s area (cabins or staircase) as well as for
VDR link.
 ALERT STAGE 3: If dormant period, flash light period (15 sec), alert stage 1 (15
sec) and alert stage 2 (90 sec) are over without OOW’s reset, the system
activates the General Alarm as well as for VDR link.
 The OOW generates an emergency call by pushing any reset unit longer than
5 sec.
 That immediately activates alert stage 2 and subsequently alarm stage 3.
 After emergency call has been released, reset is possible by pushing a reset

7. ) Prepare AMVER messages “Arrival Port”, “Departure Port”, “At Sea Noon”.
Attach a copy of each type of AMVER message sent.

K/SOUTHPORT NC/3323N/07725W/112000Z JUL//


B/111600Z JUL//
I/SOUTHPORT NC/3356N/07759W/120600Z JUL//


B/271700Z JUN//
I/SOUTHPORT NC/3346N/07803W/100100Z JUL//


1.) Draw plan views of the decks showing all LSA and FFA with the proper IMO symbols and also the sounding pipes with their color coding.
2. ) Locate the sounding pipes and air pipes of all tanks on the ship, including ballast tanks, bunker tanks, cofferdams and peak tanks. Also locate the
sounding of hold bilges. Draw a color-coded plan indicating the location of all these items.
3. ) Draw the ventilation arrangement on board and state clearly the natural and
forced types of ventilators.

Onboard ventilators, whether natural or forced, are used to provide ventilation and
ensure a fresh air supply in various environments. Here are examples of natural and
forced types of ventilators that can be found onboard:

1. Natural Ventilators:
 Portholes: small windows that can be opened or closed to allow
natural ventilation and light into the interior spaces.
 Mushroom/Roof Vents: the natural flow of air to ventilate enclosed
areas. They allow hot air to rise and escape while drawing in fresh air
from outside.
2. Forced Ventilators:
 HVAC Systems: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
systems are commonly used on ships, trains. They use fans, blowers,
and ducts to force air circulation, regulate temperature, and maintain
air quality.
 Mechanical Ventilation Systems: These systems are designed to
forcibly introduce fresh air and exhaust stale air from enclosed spaces
such as bunkers, cargo holds, paint rooms, CO2 rooms.
 Portable Ventilators: Used in emergency situations or confined
spaces, portable ventilators are compact devices that use fans or
blowers to provide forced airflow. They are commonly used in rescue
operations, mining, or construction sites.
4. ) Draw the bilge and ballast piping plan showing the outline of pumps, eductor, ballast, tank, non-
return-valve, and cross-over valves in the system. What sort of bilge pumping arrangements is used?
Write down the procedure of how you would pressure test the bilge line and the non-return valve.

To pressure test the bilge line and the non-return valve, follow the procedure below:

1. Gather the necessary equipment:

 Pressure testing pump or a suitable source of compressed air
 Pressure gauge capable of measuring the desired pressure range
 Safety goggles and gloves
 Wrench or suitable tool for opening and closing valves
2. Ensure safety:
 Make sure the bilge area is well-ventilated to avoid the buildup of any hazardous gases.
 Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety goggles and gloves to
protect yourself from potential leaks or accidents.
3. Identify the bilge line:
 Locate the bilge line, which is the pipe or tubing that connects the bilge pump or system to
the discharge point or tank.
4. Close the necessary valves:
 Close any valves that control the flow of water in or out of the bilge line. This step ensures
that the test is isolated to the specific line and prevents water from entering or leaving the
system during the test.
5. Check the non-return valve:
 Locate the non-return valve along the bilge line. This valve allows water to flow in only one
direction and prevents backflow. Ensure that the valve is in good condition and functioning
properly. If it is damaged or not working, it may need to be repaired or replaced before
conducting the pressure test.
6. Connect the pressure testing equipment:
 If using a pressure testing pump, connect the pump outlet to the bilge line using a suitable
connector. If using compressed air, ensure you have a proper adapter to connect the air
supply to the bilge line.
7. Inspect the system:
 Visually inspect the bilge line and the non-return valve for any signs of damage, cracks,
leaks, or loose connections. Repair or tighten any fittings or connections as necessary.
8. Pressurize the system:
 Gradually apply pressure to the bilge line using the pressure testing pump or by supplying
compressed air. Monitor the pressure gauge to ensure you do not exceed the maximum
pressure rating of the system.
9. Monitor for leaks:
 While pressurizing the system, carefully inspect all connections, fittings, valves, and the non-
return valve for any signs of leakage. Look for bubbles, hissing sounds, or pressure gauge
fluctuations that may indicate a leak.
10. Maintain pressure:
 Once the desired pressure is reached, close the valve on the pressure testing pump or shut
off the compressed air supply. Monitor the pressure
5.) List all the safety precautions to be taken when working aloft and when
working over side.

Working Aloft:
1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Always wear appropriate PPE, including
a safety harness, hard hat, non-slip footwear, and protective clothing. Use
safety glasses or goggles when necessary.
2. Safety Harness and Lifelines: Use a properly fitted safety harness and connect
it to a secure lifeline. Ensure the lifeline is strong enough to support your
weight and is correctly rigged to a secure anchorage point.
3. Risk Assessment/Pre-Work Inspection: Before starting any work aloft, discuss
the risk and safety procedures, inspect the working area, equipment, and
rigging for any signs of damage or wear. Report any issues to the safety
officer and avoid working in unsafe conditions.
4. Secure Work Platforms: Use secure work platforms such as scaffolding, cherry
pickers, or elevated work platforms when available. Ensure they are stable,
properly maintained, and positioned correctly for the task.
5. Communication: Establish effective communication with other crew
members involved in the operation. Use hand signals, radios, or other
appropriate means to communicate clearly and quickly.
6. Weather Conditions: Consider weather conditions before working aloft. Avoid
working during high winds, storms, or other adverse weather conditions that
could compromise your safety.

Working Over side:

1. Life Jackets and Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs): Wear a properly fitted life
jacket or PFD at all times when working near or over water. Ensure they are
in good condition and have adequate buoyancy.
2. Fall Prevention: Use barriers, guardrails, or safety nets to prevent falls into
the water whenever possible. If working on a small vessel or in a situation
where falls cannot be prevented, use a safety harness and lifeline to secure
yourself to a strong anchorage point.
3. Buddy System: Avoid working overside alone. Always have a designated
person nearby who can assist you in case of an emergency or call for help.
4. Training and Familiarity: Ensure that you are adequately trained in water
survival techniques, man-overboard procedures, and rescue operations.
Familiarize yourself with the vessel's emergency response plan.
5. Hazard Identification: Be aware of potential hazards overside, such as moving
equipment, slippery surfaces, or floating debris. Stay vigilant and report any
hazardous conditions to your supervisor.
6. Emergency Equipment: Familiarize yourself with the location and proper use
of emergency equipment, such as life rings, throw lines, and emergency
Describe the precautions to be taken when entering a double bottom ballast tank
for inspection.
6.) Describe the precautions to be taken when entering a double bottom ballast
tank for inspection.

 Make sure that all the pipes fitting that are having suction or discharge to
these tanks are properly closed. In case of pump room or paint room we can skip this
 Make sure that the valve of these pipelines is properly closed and locked to
prevent any type of flow taking place into these tanks.
 Then the place needs to be cleaned thoroughly, and make sure that there
are not contaminants remaining in it. Generally, outside these spaces we put a
railing to prevent any accidental drop of a tool or a person into these spaces.
 Make sure that your CABA set of SCBA equipment’s are working properly if
you are using one of them.
 Next big thing in this whole process is to ventilate the spaces very well. We
have blowers on ship that are used to provide fresh air to these tanks.
 Before entering into following readings need to be taken
 Oxygen -21 %
 Hydrocarbon- less than 1 % of LFL
 Toxic gases – under regulated PPM
 According to IMO, prescribed limit is 50% of the TLV.
 There should be provision for checking the atmosphere continuously when
the work in going on in the tanks.
 Special attentions need to be taken for ventilation when the work is going
 Proper lighting arrangements need to be done as these spaces are always
dark. But the lighting arrangements should be secured type and no spark should take
place when this whole work is going on. Because the toxic gases inside may
inflammable also.
 Rescue equipment’s need to be maintained all time and should be readily
available in case any emergency occurs on board.
 A person should always be guarding the space and should keep an open eye
on the person who has gone inside this space. And it very necessary that the person
standing outside should be active enough to carry out all these observations. So, this
was all from this article.
7. ) State how many mooring ropes and wires are on board. Describe where are they kept, their sizes and lengths, characteristics, strengths,
advantages and disadvantages and whether and where any spares are carried. Describe the precautions you would take to prevent damage to a
coil of polypropylene rope.
Every time a mooring rope/wire is used for mooring operations, it should be
examined visually both before and after use, by the Officer in charge of mooring
operations, for wear/distortion, and any defects found are to be reported to the

If a defect is severe, consideration should be given to replacing the mooring

rope/wire. In order to avoid prolonged exposure to the elements and sunlight, loose
ropes must always be stowed below deck when the ship is at sea.

They should be coiled on wooden gratings to permit air circulation and drainage.
They must not be stowed in the vicinity of boilers or heaters or against bulkheads or
on decks which might reach high temperatures.

Furthermore, ropes on drums should be covered with canvas. Rope must never be
surged around a drum end or bitts as the friction may generate enough heat to melt
the fibers. “Turn End to End” rotation every 2.5 years to be recorded.

The mooring ropes are to be retired from services on the basis of the following

- The nature and number of broken strands

- Broken strands at the termination
- Localized grouping of strand breaks
- The rate of increase of strand breaks
- The fracture of strands
- Reduction of rope diameter, including that resulting from core deterioration
- Decreased elasticity
- External and internal wear
- External and internal corrosion
- Deformation
- Damage due to heat or electric arcing
- Rate of increase of permanent elongation.

8.) Draw a figure to show the mooring arrangements at your last port of call and
explain why such configuration was used. What does the mooring plan of the ship
indicate? Sketch the snap back zones on the forecastle mooring drawing.

The mooring operations consists of two mooring parties. These mooring parties are
the forward party and aft party. The entire mooring station is a snapback zone so due
diligence and presence of mind is emphasized to crew members when handling these
mooring lines. A Snap-Back Zone on a mooring deck is the space where it is
anticipated that the failed mooring line could recoil with a great velocity that might
cause harm to crew members.
The bridge is where the pilot meets the Master and this is when they engage in the
Pilot-Master Exchange. The Pilot-Master Exchange includes of safety-related
information such as: the number of tugs that will be used, the intended berth and side
alongside, the number of mooring ropes to be used and weather that can be expected.
The Master relays the information given to him by the pilot and in this instance in the
port of Hamburg we were Portside alongside with 4-0-2 which means 4 stern lines, no
breast lines and 2 spring lines.
9.) Draw a block diagram of the steering system and explain the operation of the emergency steering.

The steering system of a ship is responsible for controlling the direction of the vessel. It typically consists of
several components working together to ensure the ship's maneuverability. The primary components of a
ship's steering system are:
1. Rudder: The rudder is a movable surface located at the stern (back) of the ship. It is attached to the
ship's hull and can be turned to port (left) or starboard (right) to change the ship's course.

2. Steering Gear: The steering gear is a mechanical system that translates the movement of the
steering control into the actual movement of the rudder. It consists of hydraulic, electric, or electro-
hydraulic mechanisms, which may vary depending on the ship's design. The steering gear applies
the necessary force to move the rudder and maintain control over the ship's heading.

3. Steering Control System: The steering control system is the interface between the helmsman or
autopilot and the steering gear. It includes a steering wheel or lever on the ship's bridge, which the
helmsman uses to provide input. The control signals are transmitted to the steering gear, which
then moves the rudder accordingly.

Emergency Steering: In the event of a failure in the ship's primary steering system, an emergency steering
system is available as a backup to ensure the vessel's maneuverability. The operation of the emergency
steering system may vary depending on the ship's design, but here are the general steps involved:
1. Emergency Steering Gear: The emergency steering gear is a separate and independent system
designed to provide control over the ship's rudder when the main steering system fails. It often
operates manually or with alternative power sources.

2. Activation: When the main steering system fails, the crew or the ship's officer in charge will activate
the emergency steering system. The activation process might involve switching valves, activating
power sources, or engaging mechanical linkages to enable the emergency steering gear.

3. Manual Operation: In most cases, the emergency steering system requires manual operation by the
crew. This could involve physically turning a handwheel or using a tiller connected directly to the
rudder stock. The force required to move the rudder manually can be significant, and it may require
the efforts of multiple crew members.

4. Communication and Navigation: During emergency steering, clear communication between the
helmsman, lookout, and the officer in charge is essential. The helmsman follows the instructions
given by the officer in charge, who assesses the ship's position and provides directions based on
navigation requirements.

5. Limitations: It's important to note that emergency steering systems may have limitations compared
to the primary steering system. They might have reduced maneuverability or require additional
time and effort to change the ship's course. The crew should be trained to handle emergency
situations and be aware of the vessel's limitations during emergency steering.
10.) Draw the outline of the fixed fire-fighting system and explain its operation.
11.) Observe the loadline marks, make a detailed sketch of these marks and
explain the function of each mark.

1. Tropical Freshwater Load Line Mark: (TF) indicates the maximum allowable
draft or immersion level under tropical freshwater conditions. It represents the
highest level to which a ship can be safely submerged when operating in
freshwater areas with warmer temperatures. Ensures that the ship maintains
sufficient freeboard and stability while operating in such conditions.

2. Fresh Water Load Line Mark: (F) indicates the maximum allowable draft for a
ship operating in freshwater, such as rivers or lakes. Freshwater is less dense
than saltwater, so ships may have a higher draft in freshwater to compensate
for the reduced buoyancy.

3. Tropical Load Line Mark: (T) represents the maximum allowable draft for a
ship operating in tropical waters where the water temperature is higher. Warm
water has lower density, so the draft is reduced to maintain adequate buoyancy
and stability.

4. Summer Load Line Mark: (S) indicates the maximum allowable draft or
immersion level under summer conditions. It represents the highest level to
which a ship can be safely submerged during the season. It ensures that the
ship maintains sufficient freeboard and stability while operating in warmer
weather conditions.

5. Winter Load Line Mark: (W) represents the maximum allowable draft for the
ship during winter or colder operating conditions when the water density is
higher and ensures that the ship's draft is adjusted to account for the denser
water, maintaining proper buoyancy and stability.

6. Load Line Disk: The load line disk is a circular symbol indicating the
maximum permitted load draft of the ship under different conditions. It
consists of a horizontal line intersected by a vertical line with various
markings. The disk is divided into several sections, each representing different
load line zones based on the ship's type and the waters it operates in.

7. Ship's Registration Number or Letters : The national registration letters or

numbers uniquely identify the ship and indicate the country under whose
authority the ship is registered.

12.) Prepare a monthly report on the maintenance carried out on the LSA and

When preparing a monthly report on the maintenance carried out on Life-Saving

Appliances (LSA) and Fire-Fighting Appliances (FFA), there are several important
aspects to consider. Here are some key points to include in the report:

1. Maintenance Activities:
 Outline the specific maintenance activities conducted during the
month for both LSA and FFA.
 Include details such as inspections, tests, repairs, replacements, and
2. Compliance:
 Emphasize adherence to relevant regulations, standards, and
guidelines governing LSA and FFA maintenance.
 Indicate any instances of non-compliance or areas where
improvements are needed.
 Mention any corrective actions taken to ensure compliance.
3. Findings and Observations:
 Summarize the observations made during maintenance inspections.
 Include both positive findings (e.g., well-maintained equipment,
compliance with safety standards) and any deficiencies or issues
 Note any trends or recurring maintenance needs that may require
further attention.
4. Recommendations:
 Provide recommendations for addressing identified deficiencies or
 Suggest improvements to maintenance procedures or training
programs based on the observations made.
 Recommend any necessary corrective actions to ensure the continued
reliability and effectiveness of LSA and FFA.
5. Training and Awareness:
 Highlight any crew training conducted during the month related to
LSA and FFA.
 Mention any specific training needs identified during maintenance
 Emphasize the importance of ongoing training and awareness
programs to maintain safety standards.
6. Equipment Inventory:
 Report on the status of LSA and FFA inventory.
 Note any additions, disposals, or replacements made during the
 Highlight any discrepancies or shortages identified and the actions
taken to rectify them.
7. Future Plans:
 Provide an overview of planned maintenance activities for the
upcoming month(s).
 Highlight any anticipated challenges or resource requirements.

13. ) List the procedures and checks to be carried out before and after flooding in
dry-dock. Draw a plan view of all bottom plugs.

Before Flooding:

 Inspect and Assess: Prior to flooding the dry dock, conduct a thorough inspection
of the dock's condition, including its walls, gates, pumps, and drainage systems.
Ensure that all components are in proper working order and free from any
damages or obstructions.
 Clear Drainage System: Clean and clear the dry dock's drainage system to ensure
efficient water flow during flooding and subsequent drainage. Remove any
debris, sediment, or blockages that could hinder the proper functioning of the
drainage system.
 Secure Equipment and Materials: Secure all equipment, tools, and materials
within the dry dock to prevent damage or loss during flooding. Move any
valuable or sensitive equipment to a safe location to avoid water damage.
 Safeguard Utilities: Disconnect and protect electrical, hydraulic, and other
utilities to prevent water damage and potential hazards. Ensure that all utilities
are safely isolated before flooding the dry dock.
 Notify Personnel: Inform all relevant personnel, including workers, contractors,
and other stakeholders, about the upcoming flooding operation. Clearly
communicate the safety protocols and procedures to be followed during the

During Flooding:

 Monitor Water Level: Continuously monitor the water level during the flooding
process. Maintain a close watch on the water inflow rate, ensuring it is controlled
and within safe limits to prevent overflooding or structural damage.
 Monitor Pumps and Drainage: Regularly inspect the pumps and drainage system
to ensure they are functioning properly. Address any issues or malfunctions
immediately to maintain effective water management.
 Emergency Response Preparedness: Have emergency response measures in
place, including trained personnel, life-saving equipment, and evacuation plans.
Conduct drills and ensure everyone involved is aware of their roles and
responsibilities in case of an emergency.

After Flooding:

 Assess Structural Integrity: After the flooding, assess the structural integrity of
the dry dock, including walls, gates, and floor. Inspect for any damages, cracks, or
leaks caused by the flooding process. Repair and reinforce any compromised
areas as necessary.
 Drainage and Drying: Initiate the drainage process once the necessary
inspections have been completed. Ensure that the dry dock is completely
drained, and the remaining water is effectively removed. Implement appropriate
drying measures to prevent moisture-related issues.
 Equipment Inspection and Maintenance: Inspect all equipment, tools, and
materials within the dry dock for any water damage or malfunctions. Conduct
necessary repairs or maintenance tasks before resuming operations.
 Test Utilities: Before restoring utilities, inspect and test all electrical, hydraulic,
and other utilities for water damage or potential hazards. Only restore utilities
once they have been deemed safe for use.
 Documentation and Reporting: Document all observations, repairs, and actions
taken before, during, and after the flooding process. Prepare a comprehensive
report detailing the flooding operation, any issues encountered, and the
measures implemented to mitigate risks.
By following these precautions before and after flooding in a dry dock, you can
ensure the safety of personnel, protect equipment, and maintain the structural
integrity of the facility
14. ) Make a table of the various areas of the vessel, with the type of paint coating
used (including primer, number of coats, type of surface preparation most suited)
as per the paint scheme provided by the paint manufacturer.
1.) Draw the pipeline layout for an inert gas system from engine room to deck showing all valves and safety trips / alarms including deck
seal and PV breaker. Explain with a diagram the working of a deck seal unit
2.) Draw a plan of the pump room and associated pipelines.
3.) Draw a cross-section of the pressure vacuum valve and describe the operating
4. Compile process sheets for de-ballasting and loading cargo.
5.) Compile process sheets for discharging cargo, ballasting, crude oil washing, cargo heating and stripping/ educting.
6. Describe the operation of Framo Pump system (if provided).
7. ) Compile process sheets for inerting, purging and aeration
8.) Compile process sheets for tank cleaning , including changeover of grades and gas freeing for man entry.
9.) Draw the lay out- of the emergency shut down (ESD) system( If provided) including activation locations
10.) Gas measuring equipment – describe the principles ,operation procedure and
calibration of:

A. Oxygen analyzer

a. Use span gas to calibrate / verify the oxygen meter.

b. Check the battery condition of the instrument as per manufacturer’s instruction.
(Adjust the volt if required.)
c. Check the room temperature and make a note and follow manufacturer’s
instructions for correcting readings.
d. Switch on the instrument in an open air area or in a room with good ventilation.
Read the indicator. It should be about 20.8%. If not, note the reading (together with
the room temperature is preferable for verification). Adjust the reading to 20.8% by
turning the adjustment screw gently. (Calibrate for max reading)
e. If the reading is unstable, battery may be low or outside interference disturbing
f. Connect the inlet of air sample with span gas can (nitrogen) and open the regulator
of the span gas can slowly. Do not pressurize the instrument. The reading should go
down to less than 1% of oxygen. Without switching off the instrument, stop the gas
and take off the connection. The reading of the meter should come back to 20.8%. If
either of the preceding readings were not achievable, the sensor has to be replaced.
g. In some cases, it is difficult to attach the sensor to the span gas via a regulator
valve / hose (or there may be cans without a regulator. Remember never pressurize
the meter), then a clean bottle or plastic bag can be used. Place both sensor and the
hose from the span gas can in the bottle / plastic bag and cover the opening with a
piece of clean plastic with small opening. Open the span gas, do as above procedure.

B. Explosimeter

- For hydrocarbon based cargoes, the flammable limits are in the region of 1-11%
volume of gas. Accordingly, the explosimeters are calibrated and the scale of % of
LEL is based on 1% volume. However, for chemical cargoes there may be several
cargoes which have a flammability range over a different range as compared to
hydrocarbons. These cargoes require an explosimeter (gas detector) giving the
reading in % volume. The meters giving reading in %LEL for hydrocarbons should not
be used. These meters are calibrated as per the company PMS and care should be
taken in following the manufacturer’s instructions for same.

C. Tank scope- toxic gas monitor- chemical reagent tubes

D. Fixed gas detector system

11.) Oil Discharge monitoring equipment - describe / draw:

A. Pipeline diagram from cargo tanks to overboard discharges

B. Oily water interface

- Oily mixture is pumped out of the sea through ODME and pump. A sampler
probe and a flow meter sensor is connected at the discharge pipe to sense
the oil content of the water being discharged . The data provided by the two
sensors are fed in a control unit where it is being analyzed. If the control unit
senses a rise in PPM. It will close the discharge valve and open the slop valve.

C. Operating procedures

D. Alarms, auto shut-off (activation limits), working of recording system

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