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Reading and Writing Intermediate

Summer A

________ Reading and Writing Intermediate Assessment

Unit 2

• Assess understanding of language skills
• Assess reading comprehension abilities
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Reading and Writing Intermediate
Summer A

_______ Episode 1: Language Skills [20 Marks]

Part 1:

1. Explain what a dynamic verb is. [1




2. Explain the difference between a dynamic verb and a stative verb [1







3. Correct the following sentences into good examples of stative verbs. [2


• I am knowing the truth. ___________________________________________

• I am liking pizza. ___________________________________________
• It is sounding like a great idea. ___________________________________________
• My cats hating being groomed ___________________________________________

4. Correct the following sentences into good examples of dynamic verbs. [2


• The dog is chase the squirrel. ___________________________________________

• I eating my birthday cake for breakfast. ___________________________________________
• I am walk to school. ___________________________________________
• She is run a marathon ___________________________________________

5. Read the passage below and underline the imagery in it. [5


It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin
nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors
of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along
with him. The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats.

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Reading and Writing Intermediate
Summer A

_______ 6. Refer to the passage in question 5.

a) What type of imagery has been used? [1 Mark]



b) Choose 1 image from the text and write the different connotations it has. [2






Part 2:

7. Define tone. [1 Mark]




8. Read the following extracts and identify the tone used in each one. [3

a) “And the trees all died. They were orange trees. I don’t know why they died, they just died.
Something wrong with the soil possibly or maybe the stuff we got from the nursery wasn’t the
best. We complained about it. So we’ve got thirty kids there, each kid had his or her own little tree
to plant and we’ve got these thirty dead trees. All these kids looking at these little brown sticks, it
was depressing.”


b) “This was the last fish we were ever to see Paul catch. My father and I talked about this
moment several times later, and whatever our other feelings, we always felt it fitting that, when
we saw him catch his last fish, we never saw the fish but only the artistry of the fisherman.”


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any form or by any means, electronic and mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of ARCH Academy Ltd.
Reading and Writing Intermediate
Summer A

_______ c) “I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged
in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”


9. Provide 2 examples of words or phrases that convey a specific tone and write what the
tone is. [2 Marks]


Total: ____ / 20

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Reading and Writing Intermediate
Summer A

_______ Episode 2: Reading and Structure [30 Marks]
Read the following newspaper article and answer the

Hockey team turns to Zamboni driver as emergency

goalie Posted on February 24, 2020 in Human Interest News

Hurricanes emergency goalie David Ayres, a Zamboni driver, looks to clear the puck.

(AP, NY Post, 2/22) TORONTO

David Ayres was sitting in the stands at Scotiabank Arena when Carolina Hurricanes goalie James
Reimer went down with an injury.
The on-call emergency netminder in Toronto, Ayers left his seat and got half-dressed into his gear
on the off chance something might happen to Carolina’s second option, Petr Mrazek.

Midway through the second period, Ayres noticed his cell phone started to blow up. What he didn’t
realize was Mrazek had been hurt in a scary collision with Maple Leafs forward Kyle Clifford and was
down on the ice.

Next thing the 42-year-old Zamboni driver knew, he was walking down the tunnel and into the

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any form or by any means, electronic and mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of ARCH Academy Ltd.
Reading and Writing Intermediate
Summer A

_______ And not long after, he had an improbable first NHL win. He is the oldest goalie in NHL
history to win his regular-season debut.

Ayres allowed goals on the first two shots he faced before settling down and stopping the next eight
in a suffocating defensive performance by his new teammates as Carolina picked up a stunning 6-3
victory over the Maple Leafs on Saturday night.

“I had a couple of text messages that told me to get in there,” Ayres said. “I hadn’t seen the footage
(of Mrazek’s injury). I was in the media room by myself and a guy came in and said, ‘Get going.
Get ready.’

“It was wild, it was fun,” said Ayres, who gets paid $500 and gets to keep his

Ayres, who had a kidney transplant 15 years ago and wasn’t sure if he would ever play hockey again,
has been a practice goalie with the Leafs and the club’s American Hockey League affiliate, the
Toronto Marlies, for the last eight years.

The native of nearby Whitby, Ontario, faces shots from professional players on an almost-daily
basis during the season, but never thought he’d be called into service in an NHL game.
“These guys were awesome,” Ayres said. “They said to me, ‘Have fun with it, don’t worry about
how many goals go in, this its your moment, have fun with it.’”

He did more than that, and was greeted with raucous cheers from the Hurricanes in their locker
room after finishing a post-game TV interview.

Not long after the final buzzer, the Hurricanes were hawking T-shirts on Twitter sporting the stand-
in goalie’s No. 90. ...

“These guys,” Ayres said of what he’ll remember most. “How great they were to me. The crowd in
Toronto was unreal. Even though I was on the other team they were so receptive. Every time I made
a save, I could hear them cheering for me.


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any form or by any means, electronic and mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of ARCH Academy Ltd.
Reading and Writing Intermediate
Summer A

_______ Part 1:

1. What was the team that needed a replacement goalie? [1


a) Toronto Maple Leafs b)

Calgary Cougars c)
Vancouver Flying Geese
d) Carolina Hurricanes

2. Why did they need a replacement goalie? [1


a) They didn’t like the original b) It was the rules c)

Their first and second replacements were injured
d) Their first and second replacements ran away

3. What does the phrase “phone started to blow up” mean? [1


a) He was getting many messages/calls b)

His phone exploded c) His phone started a
countdown to explode d) His phone died

4. What surgery did Ayers have? [1


a) Cataracts surgery b)
Hip replacement c)
Kidney transplant d)
Kid knee transplant

5. According to the article, what was the pattern of saves/goals that Ayers made? [1

a) Let in 0, blocked all

b) Let in 8, blocked 2
c) Let in 6, blocked 4
d) Let in 2, blocked 8

6. State Ayers’ job. [1 mark]



7. State what happened after Ayers joined the game. [1





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any form or by any means, electronic and mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of ARCH Academy Ltd.
Reading and Writing Intermediate
Summer A

_______ 8. Identify three quotes that summarise how Ayers felt after his match. [3 marks]

Effects caused by the


1. 2.


9. Using examples from the text to support your answer, explain what tone is created in this
text. [2 marks]





10. Explain, with evidence, how the Carolina Hurricanes behaved towards Ayers. [2






11. State what Ayers will remember the most. [2




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any form or by any means, electronic and mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of ARCH Academy Ltd.
Reading and Writing Intermediate
Summer A

_______ Part 2:

12. The writer uses an almost story-like way of writing to begin the article. Write what effect it
has on the story. [2 mark]




13. Explain what hockey experience Ayers had and how it gave him an advantage when faced
with such a situation. [4 marks]







14. Choose two examples of interesting diction in the text and analyse them. Say whether they
create a particular image in the reader’s mind, or whether they appeal to senses, or have special
connotation etc. [4 marks]









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any form or by any means, electronic and mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of ARCH Academy Ltd.
Reading and Writing Intermediate
Summer A
_______ 15. State what structure the newspaper article follows and whether each section fulfills the
requirements of a newspaper article (according to your own knowledge) [4 marks]














Total: ____ / 30

Language Skills: / 20

Reading and Structure: / 30

Written Project: / 50

Total: / 100

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