Kunci Jawaban Kelas 4

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Bidang Studi : ….......................................... Nilai Paraf Guru

Kelas /No.Absen : ...... / ......
Nama : …..........................................

I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada jawaban yang benar!

I. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C atau D pada lembar jawaban, sesuai dengan
jawaban yang paling tepat.
1. What time is it ….
a. two o’clock
b. three o’clock
c. four o’clock
d. five o’clock

2. He play football at ….
a. quarter past three
b. three o’clock
c. half past three
d. quarter to four

3. My father goes to his office at quarter past seven ….

a. 07:15 b. 07:30 c. 07:45 d. 08:15

4. Thoriq wakes up at 02:00 a.m. What time does this show ….

a. evening b. night c. afternoon d. morning

5. A ship spends 3 days at a port. How many hours does the ship spend at the port ….
a. 180 hours b. 72 hours c. 24 hours d. 3 hours

6. A soccer match is 90 minute long. What is 90 minute in hours and minutes ….

a. 1 hours 15 minutes
b. 1 hours 20 minutes
c. 1 hours 30 minutes
d. 1 hours 60 minutes

7. Today is Zacky's math test. The test starts at 07.30 a.m. If the time provided is 01:30 hours,
what time will the exam finish ….
a. 09:00 p.m b. 09:00 a.m c. 08:00 p.m d. 08:00 a.m
II. Pilihlah lebih dari satu jawaban yang tepat.
8. What are some examples of digital watches ….
 smartwatch
 smartphone clock
 hourglass
 wall clock

9. What are the characteristics of an analog clock….

 has clockwork
 has a minute hand
 has a second hand
 does not have clock hands

10. The following statements are correct….

 there are 60 seconds in 1 minute
 there are 24 hours in 1 day
 there are 12 months in 1 year
 there are 7 days in week

11. Mention the types of units of time ….

 quintal
 kilogram
 weeks
 months

12. The names of the months consisting of 30 days are ….

 january
 april
 march
 june

III. Isilah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan memilih jawaban benar atau salah.
13. January only consists of 28 days salah/false
14. Two years consist of 24 months benar/true
15. 21 month = 2 years 1 months salah/false

IV. Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat.

16. How do you write the time from twenty past two 02:20
17. 2 years 3 months = 27 months
18. On common years, there are 28 days in February On leap years, there are 29 days in
February. A leap year happens once every 4 years. Is this year a leap year? Use a calendar to
find out.
V. Isilah jawaban dibawah ini dengan tepat.

The opening speech for the swimming competition is at 09:00 a.m. The other activity in the
morning is
Answer : swimming race

20. At 10.30 a.m. the break bell rang, 15 minutes later the entrance bell rang and lessons
continued, 2 hours later the home bell rang. What time is the bell to go home?
Answer : 10:30 + 00:15 + 02:00 = 12:45 p.m

Refleksi Kegiatan.
Berilah tanda centang pada kolom dibawah ini.

Apakah aku telah jujur dalam ujian YA TIDAK

hari ini?

Menurutku, ujian hari ini :

  
(Mudah) (Biasa saja) (Sukar)

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