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(Teaching PE and Health in the Elementary Grades)

Mrs. Haidee S. Calumpang, M. Ed.

Mangagoy, Bislig City


Module Number SPC-PEH

Module Title Teaching PE and Health in the Elementary Grades
Duration 2 hours per week
Week Number 1
Date December 12-16, 2022



In this unit, the student should be able to:

� Define and interpret the meaning of Physical education;

� Discuss the general objectives of PE as a part of the educational system;

� State the purposes of PE in a developing country;

� Identify the qualities that make a good teacher of physical education.



Physical education as a subject in the curriculum has been sadly neglected in the past and has suffered many
setbacks due to misconceptions from among the teachers and administrators who, perhaps, never had the
chance to know more about this special field. It is therefore, necessary that this subject area be properly
defined and interpreted so that it will receive its rightful emphasis in the educational system.


� Physical education has undergone many vicissitudes and several changes of direction in Philippine
schools. Time was when physical education was considered as education of the physical, hence, a
well-built physique was considered as a physically educated body.

� The activities then were such terms as “drill”, physical training and calisthenics. This old concept of
physical education would in all respects mean today as strengthening the muscles.

� The newer and modern concept of physical education is that it is education through physical activities.

� In modern physical education parlance it is education through “movement”.

� According to Wunderlich says of movement: It provides sensory data. It broadens the perceptive
horizon. It stimulates function and structure of all bodily organs. It is the means by which an individual
learns about himself in relation to his ambient environment.

� What education through movement more particularly entails in addition is the taking of that culture—
based family of activities and processes—games, dance, gymnastics, athletic sports, and outdoor
pursuits—as a means “through” which the teacher can help effect desirable outcomes, regardless of
whether or not those activities have intrinsic worth of their own.
Physical education performs three functions:

1. Biologic
2. Integrative
3. Social

� BIOLOGIC – function refers to the enhancement of the individual’s growth and development through
body movement.

� INTEGRATIVE – function refers to the personality integration achieved through participation in properly
selected physical education activities. The informal nature of the activities is such that they provide
relaxation and relief from strains and tensions, provide opportunities for socialization, as well as the
development of the mental capacities of the individual.

o SOCIAL – function consists of transmitting values and standards that are consistent with the needs and
ideals of society.

o All in all, physical education as education “through” movement is best conceived of as being that part
of the educational process which aims to enhance and harmonize the physical, intellectual, social and
emotional aspects of a growing individual chiefly through professionally selected and directed physical


Physical education is an integral part of the individual program designed to promote the optimum
development of the individual physically, socially, emotionally, and mentally through total body movement in
the performance of properly selected physical activities.

� Fitness is the ability to live a healthy, satisfying, and useful life. This kind of life is what the educational
philosophers and thinkers term as the “good life”—this is the ultimate goal of education.

� To live the “good life” means that an individual satisfies his basic needs as physical well-being, love,
affection, security and self-respect.

Physical education as a part of the educational system strives to help or facilitate the development of the
potentialities of the individual so that he can attain total fitness to enable him to enjoy the “good life”.
Therefore, the major goal of physical education is fitness.


The following objectives of PE are viewed and stated in terms of their contributions to the outcomes of
education and which justify the existence of PE in the curriculum.


Through carefully selected physical education activities, an individual who participates actively will develop
and maintain good health and a high level of physical fitness. The acquisition of physical skills can motivate an
individual to participate further in physical activities, hence, his growth and development will be enhanced.


Participation in physical education activities provides opportunities for the development of desirable social
traits needed for adjustment to the social life in general. Some worthwhile traits are:

Friendliness cooperation
respect for the rights of others
Good sportsmanship
good leadership and followership
Honesty in group competition


The informal nature of PE activities offers opportunities for self-expression and emotional mastery. Examples of
worthwhile emotional traits are:

Self-confidence self-control
Self-reliance courage


Through participation in PE activities the individual develops his mental capacities as he learns the mechanical
principles underlying movement, as he acquires knowledge and understanding of rules and strategies of
games and sports, and as he discovers ways of improving his movements in gymnastics and dance.


A PE teacher in a developing country like the Philippines should be able to identify the purposes in teaching PE
so that he will understand his important contribution in the education of the Filipino child as well as his service to
our country.

The following purposes of PE have been identified by PE specialists in our country:

1. To develop optimum physical fitness and health of the individual so that he is capable of living the “good
life” and of contributing to his maximum capacity to the attainment of the goals of the New society.

2. To produce individuals who can contribute to the economic well-being through:

A. the improvement of proper work habits and work attitudes, such as punctuality, cooperation,
reliability, precision and accuracy, and open-mindedness.

B. proper emphasis on problem-solving skills such that an individual can identify a problem correctly and
master the skills necessary or useful in school and in the business world;

3. To train good leaders with moral integrity of the highest order, and develop other desirable traits necessary
for effective group participation or group living essential to the New society:

A. through an adequate system of values by equipping the individual to be able to make moral
choices or decisions needed in daily living.

B. Though offering group participation in such experiences as intramurals, extramural, play days or sports

4. To develop creativity and innovativeness inspired by an abiding faith in God and love of country and

5. To instill a love and pride for our rich cultural heritage and strive for their preservation, and develop an
understanding of the culture of others for a feeling of international brotherhood and unity.


Physical education is a professional field which demands the necessary qualities and
competence of a strong leader.
Merely wanting to be PE teacher is not an index of one’s fitness for the profession. But who is
the good leader? He is a leader who can make people move and guide them in carrying
out effectively the desired goal or objectives.

Some of the leadership qualities a PE teacher should possess are the following:

Pleasing and Stimulating Type of personality

� A pleasing personality for the PE teacher has implications of a general physical

appearance. He is neat and clean at all times. He is the living example of excellent
health and good posture.

� A stimulating personality is one who exhibits inner qualities, such as enthusiasm,

sympathy, self-control, fair-mindedness, and resourcefulness.

� Enthusiasm begets enthusiasm. An enthusiastic teacher has a pep and vigor which
can easily be revealed in his facial expression, voice, and actions or movements.
Showing concern for others especially in times of disappointments or emotional
imbalance is what is termed as sympathy. He can treat his children with firmness but
tempered with sympathy and love.


� The varied activities in the PE program requires versatility for the teacher. He must
have the necessary expertise in most, if not all, of the activities in the PE program. He
must be able to keep attuned to modern trends of teaching and coaching
techniques. Versatility of the teacher is needed due to the rapid development of
extra-curricular activity programs which have assumed a major consideration and
importance in and out of school.

Professional Aptitude

The teacher of PE must possess special abilities in PE activities and must have a knack for
teaching them because activities form the medium through which the PE teacher educates
the child. The teacher who lacks the ability in the performance of the physical activities will
attain no more teaching success than the mathematics teacher who does not know how to
compute or solve a problem, and the teacher in English or Filipino who can not speak the
language correctly.

Good Moral Character

Only those who represent the highest ideals in morals and personal character should be
selected to teach PE. Considering the nature of PE activities, the teacher decidedly
influences the character-building of the boys and girls under his care. Teaching through
example is more powerful than teaching through precept. Hence, the character and
behavior at all times must be unquestionable and beyond reproach.

Value and Judgments and Aesthetic Sense

One of the greatest challenges in the teaching of PE is the teaching of values and
appreciation of the finer things in life called aesthetics. The PE teacher must be able to able
to play the role of maximizing his influence in making value judgments and in promoting or
enhancing aesthetic sense among the children. It is important for the teacher to be able to
play his role well because it is the development of these ingredients that contribute to the
refinement of the spirit.

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