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S: Hi Johnny, good afternoon.

J: Hi Stephany, good afternoon.

(jai Stephany, gud afternun)

S: Yesterday I saw that you posted some photos on your Facebook.

J. Yes, I was there for my brother's birthday.

(yes ayguas der for mai brodersbirsday)

S: Did you take photos on your brother's birthday?

J: Yes, I did. I take photos with my camera.

(Yes aidid, aiteih foros guit mai camera)

S: Well, the photos are nice.

J: do you think?


S: Sure, your brother seemed very happy.

J: It's true, he had a lot of fun.

(Itstru, ji jad a lotof fan)

S: I called you yesterday. What time did you come home?

J: I came back at 11 pm.

(ai combak at ilevenpiem)

S: Did you take your cell phone?

J: No, I didn't take it

(No, ai dident teikit)

S: why?

J: I had run out of battery.

(Ayjad ranaut of bateri)

S: I understand.

J: Did you want to tell me something?

(Didyu guant tutelmi somtin)

S: Yes, I wanted to tell you about my family trip.

J: Oh yeah? And how was it?

(Oh yea en jauguasit)

A: it was a lot of fun

J: Where did they go?

(Guere did deygo?)

S: Well, I traveled to Piura for 5 days with my family. We visit different beaches and practice
different sports. We stayed in a very nice hotel. It was amazing because I learned to swim.
We often walked to the beach.

J: When did you return home?

(guen didyu returnhom)

S: I arrived yesterday, we were very sad to return.

J: Well, you enjoyed it.

(guel yu enyoyit)

S: yeah! I bought you souvenirs... can I visit you?

J: Yes of course. bring food

Yes ofcors. Brin fud

S: Ok, I see you!

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