1996 AL Chemistry Marking Scheme

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4 3 Lo hued ks Answer ALL questions in this Sestion. Write your answers in the 5 FRIAR Bal PUN TEA Uw ee ' SECTION A | b provided 1. @)—@_ Write dowa the number of neutrons, protons and electrons in one atom of carbon-12, "2C, and in one atom of carbon-13,-!? C a S 6p, 6e et cn, 6p, 60, ° ey Gi) The isotopic mass of '7C is 12,000 atomic mass unit (a.mu). Calculate the mass, in kg, of | mol of '*C atoms, (Lamu, = 1.6605 x 10°” kg; Avogadro constant, L = 6.0221x 10 mol“) Mass of 1 mole of C= 12,000 x 1.6605 x 10°" x 6.0221 x 10 1 = (0.011996) = 0.0120 kg 1 (Accept answers which could round off to 0.012) (ii) The following data were obtained from the mass spectrum of a carbon-containing compound ————— Ton | Mass/a.m.u. Relative intensity Ret 12,000 100.00 Ber | 13.003 12 Using the above data, calculate the relative atomic mass of carbon. 12.000 x 100+13003 x 112 relative atomic mass = 12000» 100+ 15008 117 5 1 (100+112) = 121456336 51 : ToLi2 (Accept answers which could round off o 12.01) (Deduct % marks if unit is given) (S marks) 96-AL-CHEM 1-2 DORR Seen Sees FOR TFACHFRS’ USE ONLY - ; ApRaeaS Ba FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 5 7 / 7 )/ Carbon-14, '*C, is radioactive, emitting B-particles. a @ ‘Write an equation for the decay of '*C. : Ho Be IN or He ap+ "IN on 1 | (i) A charcoal sample from the ruins of an ancient settlement was found to have a 4Cv!2C ratio 0.60 times that found in living organisms, (Explain why the '*C/!C ratio in the charcoal sample is smaller than that in living organisms. . In the piece of charcoal intake of C stops; decay of “ % “Ccontinues while "°C remainsconstant -. “C/"*C ratio drops % id 2) Given that the halflife for the decay of Cis 5730 years, calculate the age = of the charcoal sample, 4 (Note : The integrated form of the rate expression for radioactive decay can be represented by the following equation : No) 0301 on) « where No is the initial number of radioactive nuclei ; N, is the number of radioactive nuclei at time t tua is the half-life for the decay) i 3 a ret (Deduct % marks for wrong /no unit) ai kid (iii) All radioactive decay has zer0 activation energy. Comment on the effect of temperature upon the rate of decay. tooisid Gk According to Arrhenius Equation, rate of decay is independent of temperature € (S marks) t= A 96-AL-CHEM 1-3 Dre seer snea COR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 7 oJ LAD fund G22 tui EQ La Et Ams FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY (© Explain why (@ the fist ionization energy of oxygen is greater than that of sulphur’ : | Shas 1 more ¢” she!! IESNRAUMMMIBIIBA han O, the attraction experienced “~ by the outermost electron is smaller hence § has a smaller LE. % (DO NOT accept explanations in terms of effective nuclear charge; deduct 4 marks for any misconception) a (ii) the first ionization energy of oxygen is smaller than that of fluorine. F has | more proton in the nucleus, the effect of increase in nuclear charge has % outweighed the! of the additional electron hence F hasa greater LE. or, Effective nuclear charge experienced by outermost e” of atom increases across a period. ‘outermost e” of O is more easily removed than that of F. o (@ Sketch the pictorial representation of ap orbital and indicate the location of the nucleus in your diagram, wi nucleus > (or along any axis) Vo (1 mark) (©) At 298 K, $0 cm’ of a solution of In in CCl. were mixed and shaken with 200 cm’ of distilled water ina separating funnel until equilibrium was attained. The two layers were then separated, 20.0 cm? of the CCl layer required 12.15 cm? of 0.105 M $,03"(eq) for titration, ‘whereas 50.0 cm? of the aqueous layer required 8.25 cm? of 0.0050 M S:03"(aq), (Calculate the distribution coefficient of Iz between water and CCl, at 298 K. 82500050 ratio of concentration ofa: TO * TET OOF 1 20 = 0.012934 = 0.013 - 1 (Accept distribution coefficient expressed as {lx(CCL)V/(la(@q)], in which case the value calculated is 77.3 (77) (Award 14 marks for a correct expression of Ky ) Gi) the 200 em’ of distilled water contain some dissolved KI, will this affect the value of the distribution coefficient ? Briefly explain Nochange + % because distribution coefficient is a function of temperature only % (Also accept K will change because there is a change in ionic strength/activity (1/0)) G marks) 96-AL-CHEM I++ =e eer ee ee ran TrerucDe? Tee ANI V

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