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I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM
Character: Jeon Jungkook, Kim Namjoon | RM
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Dom/sub, Sub Jeon Jungkook, Daddy Dom Kim
Namjoon | RM, Bottom Jeon Jungkook, Top Kim Namjoon | RM, Jeon
Jungkook is a Brat, Brat Tamer Kim Namjoon | RM, Dry Humping, Anal
Fingering, Dildos, Orgasm Control, Punishment, Leather Jackets, but
not what you may be thinking, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Gags, Muzzles,
Pegging, Anal Sex, Strap-Ons, Dirty Talk, Nipple Play, Vibrators, Forced
Orgasm, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Crying, Aftercare, Baby
Boy Jeon Jungkook, basically pure filth with a soft ending
Language: English
Collections: BTS Got Kinks? Fest
Stats: Published: 2023-02-16 Words: 6244

I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it

by faith2727


Sometimes being bad is more fun than following the rules. Until Daddy comes home.

Or: Namjoon knows just the punishment for his misbehaving baby boy, Jungkook.


Thank you to the mods for running this fun fest! <3

I tackled some kinks (and a pairing) I've never written before. Hope you like it! Kudos and
respectful comments are always appreciated. ^.^

The title is from "S&M" by Rihanna.

Content warning: use of the word "slut." This is an explicit kink fic, so if you need to click
away, please do!
haven’t heard from you today, baby boy. everything okay?

Jungkook pauses with Namjoon’s pillow bunched beneath his hips and re-reads the message from
his boyfriend.

His hot, world-traveling CEO, not-currently-in-the-country-and-therefore-not-currently-fucking-

Jungkook boyfriend.

Who goes by Sir in the bedroom (and the shower, and the living room, and the kitchen, and the
rooftop garden, and wherever else he happens to be railing Jungkook). Or Daddy, if Jungkook is
feeling soft and small or in need of a firm hand and a red, stinging ass.

Jungkook taps out a quick, sparse reply and sends it.

i’m fine. bored as fuck. missing you

He resumes his slow grinding and opens a game to pass the time. The characters hop around on the
screen, laughing and smiling. At least someone’s having fun.

Jungkook sighs and shifts the pillow to a better angle. He’s not breaking the rules, technically. He
isn’t touching himself, and he’s not wound up enough to come just from a bit of half-assed

It’s nice though. Feels good on his dick. These silk pillowcases were a top-notch purchase.

His cock deserves some attention, and right now, this inanimate object is treating him better than
his own lover.

Jungkook’s phone pings.

language, Namjoon reminds him. Jungkook rolls his eyes. miss you more, kook-ah. are you being
good for hyung?

Being good is overrated. It’s clearly not getting him what he wants.

what if i’m not?

you could start by sending me a pic. it’s not too late

Another rule they observe when Namjoon is out of town—one Jungkook usually doesn’t mind. He
can do a little aegyo, snap the shot, send it to Namjoon, and go about his business.

Easy peasy.

But that’s unappealing, too. And a cute picture isn’t going to make Namjoon magically appear in
their bed.

don’t wanna. i’d rather see you. in person. preferably naked

i’ll be home soon. be patient, my love

“Don’t wanna,” Jungkook repeats out loud, to no one. He’s been alone for ten days. No toys, no
jerking off, and absolutely no coming without Namjoon’s permission. It’s basically honor-system
chastity. Jungkook hasn’t been pounded into the mattress in ten fucking miserable days. His
sulking is justified, dammit.

His dick is going to shrivel up from a lack of orgasms.

Unless . . .

Jungkook’s gaze shifts to the closet door. There’s a box on the top shelf, full of his favorite things.
Long, thick, vibrating things. It’s off limits until Namjoon says so.

Or is it.

If Namjoon wants a picture, well, Jungkook will give him one.

He rolls off the bed and goes exploring. The box of goodies is sitting unguarded, no motion-
activated cameras or alarms to alert his Dom of his intrusion. Or his plans.

Jungkook pops the lid like a kid tearing into a present, eager to see what’s inside. The purple dildo
(fittingly dubbed The Big One, a rare example of truth in advertising) is there, nestled in with the
other treats: a vibrator with a top speed capable of rattling his teeth, a set of butt plugs that range
from beginner’s delight to holy fuck, a string of anal beads, a cock ring with a massaging
attachment for his balls (a beloved birthday gift), a suction pump (warning: may cause begging and
uncontrollable sobbing), a padded collar, two sets of soft leather cuffs, a satin blindfold, a cherry-
red ball gag, a riding crop, a long-tailed flogger, and a pair of nipple clamps that once triggered an
orgasm so strong Jungkook can barely recall the moments before he blacked out.

A chest of treasures, truly.

He chooses the dildo and returns to the bed, grabbing the lube from the nightstand as he passes.

This is all Namjoon’s fault. If he hadn’t abandoned Jungkook and left him high and dry, Jungkook
wouldn’t be forced to find a more pleasurable way to occupy himself. Besides, it’s not like the toy
box is hidden. Or sealed shut so Namjoon would know if it had been tampered with.

It’s practically an open invitation for playtime. That and the lack of a cage around Jungkook’s (now
very stiff) cock tells him Namjoon really doesn’t give a fuck what happens when he’s not here.

So, he won’t mind if Jungkook has some fun. Just enough to take the edge off.

One tiny orgasm never hurt anyone. Namjoon won’t even be able to tell.

“It’ll be our little secret,” Jungkook whispers to the dildo, cradling it to his chest as he flops on his
back on the king-size bed, his legs splayed wide. He tucks Namjoon’s damp pillow under his hips,
his pulse kicking as he drizzles lube on his fingers.

Being bad feels so . . . good.

His hand slips between his legs, easy as breathing. His cool fingers trace his rim, circling his hole,
slicking it up. He eases inside, and shit, he’s tight.

It reminds him of the first time they fucked. He wasn’t sure Namjoon would fit.

“Is all of that for me, Sir?” Jungkook asked, licking his lips and watching as Namjoon stroked his
dick to full hardness.

“All of it. Just for you, sugar.”

“Think I can take it?” Jungkook held his cheeks open, presenting his stretched hole, recently
stuffed with a thick plug.

“I’ll make sure you do,” Namjoon promised. “Gonna have you crying while you’re riding my big
cock. Now, beg me for it.”

Jungkook had begged and prettily, too. Begged as Namjoon filled him until his balls were snug
against Jungkook’s taint. Sobbed as Namjoon bounced him on his dick until Jungkook came.
Untouched. Twice.

His own cock twitches at the memory. That overwhelming fullness. The satisfaction of having
Namjoon inside him. Jungkook’s fingers press further, seeking out the slight swell of his prostate.
He groans, head lolling onto the pillow.

He’s not used to going slow, preparing himself. When Namjoon is home (and fucking him daily,
multiple times, like he should be), there’s no need.

But now, Jungkook has to put in the work before he settles in with his toy. He stops teasing his
prostate and focuses on relaxing, drawing in slow breaths. Adding another finger. And another.
Slipping his knuckles past his rim. Spreading himself open, bit by bit.

When his concentrated huffs turn into shaky gasps of raw desperation, he pulls out and takes a
moment to collect himself. There, he’s ready. He can do this. He’s earned it.

Jungkook picks up the dildo, admires it. It might be intimidating to some, but he never shies away
from a challenge. He likes the girth of the dildo. The heft of it in his hand. The ribbing that catches
on his rim. The impressive pair of fake balls near the base. It’s the only toy they have that actually
rivals Namjoon’s cock.

Jungkook has a weakness for large dicks—one in particular.

He holds the lube-slick tip of the purple cock to his hole, shuddering as it enters him. He works it
in a little at a time, pausing to adjust to the sheer size of it. The initial burn subsides, and Jungkook
rocks his hips to meet each lazy thrust. He moans at every ridge and bump as the dildo slides
deeper, stretching him, filling him.

It’s so goddamn nice. Fuck, he misses Namjoon. Tears sting his eyes, and he lets them fall, spilling
hot and wet on his cheeks.

Jungkook isn’t ashamed to cry over good dick. Or the absence of it.

He pumps the toy faster, harder, watching in a feverish daze as his cock smacks his belly, smearing
precum. His phone chirps beside him, and he almost shoves it away before he remembers what he
was supposed to be doing.

Right, a picture.

Just then, a terrible, wonderful idea strikes him. So much for keeping secrets. They’re overrated

He collects his phone in a trembling hand and turns on the camera. Shit, he looks fucked out
already. Absolutely wrecked.

Jungkook bats his damp lashes and adjusts the angle so there’ll be no doubt about what he’s up to.
He zooms in on the flushed head of his cock and pulls the dildo out far enough to be visible in all
its massive glory, then he snaps the shot. The camera clicks, and he purses his lips like he’s
blowing a kiss (or waiting to receive one) and takes a second picture.

“There, Daddy. Just for you,” he pants, opening his chat with Namjoon. His boyfriend has written
another message, but Jungkook can’t focus on the blurry jumble of words. Probably something
about the importance of behaving and how he’ll make it up to Jungkook later.

Jungkook sends both shots. No regrets.

He tosses the phone aside and moves the toy just right, stars dancing at the edges of his vision as
the ribbed surface rubs against his prostate. His fingers close on a nipple, pinching the stiff nub.

“Fuck,” he grunts. “S’good. I’m gonna—” Jungkook’s teeth sink into his lip, his blood rushing in
his ears. He twists the dildo and thrusts once more, as far as it can go. “Gonna come!”

He plants his feet on the bed and jerks his hips as his release hits, spilling cum on his belly and
chest. He tugs at his cock while the last few spurts dribble onto his fingers, wincing when the grip
of his fist becomes too much.

He sags against the sheets, sweaty, wrung out, not a bone left in his body. His thundering heartbeat
is all he can hear. That and his big, heaving breaths.

Until a door slams.

“Jungkook-ah! Where’s my good boy?”

Fuuuuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

“What’s this—oh.” Namjoon’s voice drops an octave, stalls out.

Jungkook whines, slipping the toy out of his oversensitive hole and wiping at the sticky smear on
his belly with the corner of the sheet. He doesn’t have the energy to hide the evidence. There’s no
point. The damage is done.

A fat tear rolls down his face as Namjoon appears in the doorway, phone in hand. His gaze—
heavy, assessing—pins Jungkook to the bed.

“Oh, this isn’t my good boy.” Namjoon sighs and strides into the room. He takes the dildo from
Jungkook, studying it. Heat floods Jungkook’s cheeks at how wet it is. How messy.

“But, I was—”

“No, no. You’re my naughty little slut,” he coos, thumbing away Jungkook’s tear. “I guess Daddy
came home just in time.”

Not Sir but Daddy.


Jungkook is in so much trouble.


“Hold your arms up.”

Jungkook pushes his bottom lip out even further. “Said I was sorry,” he mutters.
“Which I appreciate, but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook.” Namjoon taps Jungkook’s
puffed-up lip. “Arms.”

“Aren’t you going to spank me?” Jungkook asks, hopeful. He can handle that. No sweat.

“No. You’d enjoy it too much.”

“I won’t!” (He totally would.)

“Jungkook-ah. Don’t make me tell you again.”

Jungkook huffs but uncrosses his arms and raises them so Namjoon can start working his hands
into the leather sleeves of a jacket he doesn’t recognize.

“Is this new?” he asks as Namjoon pulls it up and over his shoulders, fastening the first buckle at
the nape of his neck. It’s snug, like a collar. Jungkook shivers.

“I’ve had it for a few months. Been waiting for the right time to test it out, and here we are.”

“Huh.” Jungkook flaps his arms, flexes his fingers inside the mitts at the end of each sleeve. Cool
air licks at his exposed chest, and Jungkook glances down at his nipples. Still hard. Maybe if he
behaves, Namjoon will warm them with his mouth. “In case you haven’t noticed, part of it is

Namjoon chuckles. “That’s the beauty of this design.”

He folds Jungkook’s arms around his waist until he’s hugging himself and secures them at the
front with a thick strap. More straps at the back keep them in place. Wiggle-proof.

“It means I can play with these as much as I like.”

Namjoon flicks the tip of Jungkook’s nipple then gives the other the same treatment. Jungkook
hisses at the sting even as his cock stirs, twitching with interest.

“Isn’t a straightjacket a little extreme?” Jungkook asks, twisting in the leather contraption as
Namjoon finishes with the last buckle, pulling it tight. He’s really not getting out of this thing
without help. A wave of heat licks at Jungkook’s belly at his predicament, and he wobbles on the
bed. Namjoon steadies him before he topples over.

“I’d say it’s fitting after you broke three rules. Shamelessly.”

“I was bored.” Jungkook pouts. “You left me.”

“We have a system in place for these occasions,” Namjoon reminds him. “Why didn’t you tell me
what you needed?”

“I didn’t want phone sex.” It’s okay in a pinch, but there are no cuddles afterward. No lazy kisses
or whispered words—sometimes sweet, sometimes filthy, sometimes both—Namjoon’s breath
tickling Jungkook’s ear. “That might be fine for Mr. Important CEO who’s too busy to give his
boyfriend the dick he deserves—”

Namjoon's fingers find Jungkook’s nipple again, tugging on the nub until he yelps. “That’s
enough, brat. You wanted my attention? You have it.” He tilts Jungkook’s chin up, making him
meet his gaze. Letting it burn into him, kindling fires beneath his skin. “Tell me why you’re being
Jungkook opens his mouth. Namjoon’s eyes narrow.

“Without any sass,” he warns.

Ugh, whatever. The sooner he gets this part over with, the sooner the real fun can begin.
Namjoon’s punishments are fairly predictable: spankings (before he figured out Jungkook not-so-
secretly loves them), writing lines, orgasm restrictions, toy maintenance and cleanup, observing but
not touching while Namjoon jacks himself off (frustrating, sure, but Jungkook likes to watch).

Unless Namjoon’s been comparing notes with his friend Jimin—the most cunning Dom Jungkook
has ever met. That . . . could be a game-changer.

“I broke the rules,” Jungkook says, swallowing the impulse to tack on an obviously.

“Which ones?”

He sighs. “No touching, no playing with toys, no coming without permission.”

Namjoon’s grip tightens on his chin. “Whose permission?”


Namjoon hums in agreement, his thumb rubbing across Jungkook’s bottom lip. “That’s right. And
who do your orgasms belong to?”


“And your pretty, needy cock?”


His free hand drifts between Jungkook’s legs, squeezing his sac gently. “And these?”

“Y-you,” Jungkook says, squirming as Namjoon’s touch skims his taint, traveling lower.

Namjoon’s fingertip traces his hole, stroking his stretched rim, smearing the remnants of the lube,
briefly dipping inside. “And this?”

Jungkook nods, his breath caught in his throat.

“Tell me, baby.”

“My hole . . . belongs to you.”

“Mmm. To whom?”


“Now say it again.”

“Daddy owns my hole.”

“That’s better.” Namjoon releases his chin and steps away from the bed. “Stay here.”

He disappears into the closet, and Jungkook flops back on the bed, wriggling in the confines of the
jacket. He’s never worn one of these before. Part of him is tempted to see if he could get out of it,
but he’s already in deep enough, isn’t he.
Better not.

He rolls onto his side and thinks of the other box. The uh-oh one. It’s on the floor, behind the rows
of Namjoon’s immaculate loafers and boots. There are cock cages, a discipline hood, a spider gag
(that makes Jungkook drool all over himself), a paddle with the word slut etched into it (so it will
show up perfectly on Jungkook’s ass), and the itchy rope he hates.

And possibly other items Jungkook hasn’t been introduced to yet.

His cock plumps up more, glistening at the tip.

When Namjoon reemerges, it’s not in the full Dom gear Jungkook is expecting—shiny black
leather, silver chains, and fingerless gloves. No, he looks like he stepped out of a porno. Softcore.

The robe he’s wearing is pale blue silk, tied loosely at his waist. The top of it is open, giving
Jungkook a generous glimpse of Namjoon’s bare chest, his nipples poking at the fabric.

They’re not alone in tenting the material. Just below the sash, the curve of Namjoon’s cock is
pushing against the silk, bobbing as he approaches the bed.

Jungkook licks his lips and opens his mouth. If he’s meant to be nothing but a warmer for his
Dom’s dick, he can live with that.

Namjoon grins. “Getting ahead of yourself, aren’t you?”

Jungkook’s mouth snaps shut. “So, you don’t want me to blow you? Your loss,” he sniffs. He’s a
grade-A cocksucker, thankyouverymuch.

“I didn’t say that.” Namjoon taps Jungkook’s lips. “You were being so good just a moment ago.
Watch the attitude. This is your last warning.”

Jungkook stops himself mid-eyeroll, pretending he’s glancing at the ceiling instead.

“I believe the punishment should fit the crime,” Namjoon explains, not commenting on Jungkook’s
near fuck-up. “Or crimes, in this case. Since you like that dildo of yours so much, more than my
own cock, apparently—”

“Not true. I love your dick,” Jungkook interrupts.

“But you couldn’t wait for it, could you?”

Can’t argue with that. Jungkook bites his lip and stays silent.

“So, you chose the toy over me. But don’t worry. I’m still going to keep your mouth occupied.”

Namjoon unties the robe and shucks it off his shoulders, letting it fall in a silky pool at his feet.
Jungkook’s gaze immediately drops to Namjoon’s groin, eyes widening at what he finds there.

Namjoon’s cock is pink. Bubble-gum pink.

“What the—”

Jungkook’s brain finally catches up as he notices the harness circling Namjoon’s waist and thighs,
buckled over his white briefs. It’s a strap-on. No fucking way.

“Like what you see?” Namjoon asks, gripping the base and shaking the dildo until the tip wiggles.
“Open up,” he instructs, shifting closer to the edge of the mattress.

“I want to suck you off, not some fake cock,” Jungkook says. It’s not even that impressive. A far
cry from The Big One and nowhere near the size of Namjoon.

“What’s the matter, baby? You asked for the dick you deserve. Here it is.”

Jungkook snorts. “I deserve better than that.”

“No,” Namjoon corrects, “only good boys get Daddy’s cock. This is for naughty brats, like you.”
He prods Jungkook’s lips with the spongy head. “Now, open for me.”

After glaring at the dildo for several seconds, Jungkook caves, letting Namjoon push the tip into
his mouth. He suckles it a little, running his tongue over the raised veins. The taste is all wrong.
No hint of minty soap or the creamy sweetness of precum or the tang of sweat.

Just . . . nothing.

Jungkook groans as Namjoon’s fingers sift through his hair, latching onto a hank of it—the
unspoken signal that it’s time to relax his throat. His lids droop as the rubbery length slides deeper.
Maybe if he’s not looking at it, he can pretend it’s a real dick.

Namjoon taps his cheek. “No hiding. Eyes up here. Show me how a proper cockslut behaves.”

He glances at Namjoon, fluttering his lashes, giving him the full use of his mouth. Jungkook is
meant to take it. So he does.

The obscene schlup of the dildo pumping past his lips pairs with Namjoon’s soft grunts. Jungkook
sucks harder, the way he does when he’s trying to make his boyfriend lose his mind. His tongue
joins in, massaging the underside.

But it’s not the same. There’s no reaction from the plastic imposter. No little kicks or jerks to tell
him he’s giving it to Namjoon just right.

He can’t please it. Can’t get any payoff. It won’t reward his efforts, won’t warm his belly with

Jungkook growls as his frustration boils over. It’s not fair. Namjoon is wasting his finely honed
skills on a fucking toy.

His muffled grumbles fade as Namjoon’s thrusts grow rougher, reaching the back of his throat.
Jungkook’s vision blurs with hot tears as he chokes, breathing sharply through his nose.

“Crying already? We’ve barely begun.”

Namjoon pulls out while Jungkook coughs and sputters, his cheeks burning, then he slides back
inside, gripping Jungkook’s hair to hold him still. Spit dribbles from Jungkook’s swollen lips.

“More. Get it wetter,” Namjoon tells him, fucking into Jungkook’s mouth faster now. “Wanna see
you drool on my cock.”

Jungkook does, saliva spilling down his chin as he gags again.

“That’s it. Keep going.”

When Namjoon withdraws for the last time, a thick string of spit lingers on the head of the dildo.
“Not bad,” Namjoon says, stroking Jungkook’s mussed hair as he struggles to catch his breath,
heartbeat pounding in his ears. “Looks like I can go light on the lube.”

Wait. He can’t be serious.

“What?” Jungkook rasps.

Namjoon uses his thumb to wipe the excess saliva from Jungkook’s lips and pops it into
Jungkook’s mouth. “One hole down, one to go.”

Jungkook pauses mid-suckle. “You’re gonna rail me with that thing?” he mumbles, stumbling over
his words as Namjoon presses on his tongue.

“Mmhmm. Until you’re wrecked and sobbing like a baby.”

Shit. Jungkook hitches his hips, his muscles clenching in anticipation. He’s still sensitive as hell.

“B-but I just came. It’s too soon,” he whines once Namjoon pulls his thumb free.

“Are you sure about that, Kook-ah?” Namjoon’s gaze drops to Jungkook’s stiff cock, lying heavy
and full in the cradle of his thighs. “I think you’re ready for more. Once you’re all sweet and
blissed-out from an orgasm, it’s easy to tumble you over the edge again and again.”

Getting off on a cheap beginner’s toy? He must be joking.

“Not if you plan on using that sorry excuse for a dick,” Jungkook snips, not quietly enough.

Namjoon tsks and opens a drawer in the nightstand, taking something out. Jungkook gets a glimpse
of black straps and an object with a long handle.

“And that was your third strike.” Namjoon tosses the second item on the bed and holds up the first.
Jungkook quivers at the sight of the muzzle gag with a mini cock jutting out of the wide, padded
panel. “Just can’t help yourself, can you?”

“I didn’t—”

Jungkook realizes his mistake too late. Namjoon swoops in, wedging the rubber knob between his
lips and fastening the straps behind his head, ensuring Jungkook can’t dislodge it.

“There,” Namjoon says as he secures the last buckle, leaving a kiss on the leather covering
Jungkook’s mouth. “That’ll keep you nice and quiet and out of trouble.”

For now, Jungkook thinks, running his tongue back and forth over the stubby cock. It’s weirdly
soothing, in a way.

He wriggles to the side to make room for Namjoon as he joins him on the bed. Might as well get
into position and present himself like the obedient sub he’s supposed to be.

An imitation dick is preferable to no dick at all, even if it’s not going to do much for him.

Head down, knees wide apart, ass up—

Namjoon stops him with a hand on his shoulder before he can finish rolling onto his belly. “No, I
want to see you,” he says, nudging Jungkook onto his back again, “and I want you to see yourself.
Watch as you get even wetter for me.”
He collects a drop of precum from Jungkook’s slit and holds out his finger, offering it to Jungkook.
Except . . .

“Oops.” Namjoon’s smirk is wicked. “Too bad. Guess you’ll have to wait for a taste, hmm?”

A string of ripe, garbled curses spill from behind Jungkook’s gag.

“Uh-uh. No talking. Suck.” Namjoon’s palm covers his already sealed mouth, pushing the cocklet
in further. “The only sound I want to hear is those lips working.”

Jungkook scowls but does as he’s told, nursing the silicone nub, wishing it were the real thing.

“There we are. That’s good, baby.” Namjoon crawls into the vee of Jungkook’s legs, hands
gripping his thighs to keep them spread. “Your dick isn’t the only place where you’re wet, is it?”

Jungkook shakes his head, hair falling over his eyes, a flush staining his skin. He can feel the
slickness between his cheeks. He jumps as Namjoon kneads his ass, thumbs teasing his rim in soft

“So pretty.” Namjoon kisses his taint, his lips trailing lower. Jungkook groans at the flick of his
tongue against his hole. “Gaping open. Desperate to be fucked.”

Namjoon licks inside, alternating with gentle nips on Jungkook’s rim, making his toes curl.
Jungkook sucks harder on his gag, little huffs of air getting punched from his lungs with every pass
of Namjoon’s mouth, each swipe of his ticklish tongue.

“Mmm, Daddy could just eat you up,” Namjoon rumbles, biting a bruise into the thickest part of
Jungkook’s thigh. “Would you like that?”

Jungkook nods frantically. Yes, he most-fucking-definitely would.

Namjoon chuckles and pulls away after licking a stripe from Jungkook’s hole to his soft sac.
“Maybe once you’re more well-behaved.”

Jungkook whimpers, loud and long. Pitiful. Needy.


The cool drizzle of lube startles him into stillness, and he holds his breath as Namjoon squirts a
generous dollop of gel onto his hole. Another glob lands on the dildo, Namjoon coating the length
of the toy like he would his own cock.

“You did all the work already. Saved me some time, so let’s put that to good use.” Namjoon taps
Jungkook’s ass with the slippery pink dick, leaving damp spots on his round cheek. He lines
himself up with Jungkook’s entrance, the tip of the strap kissing his hole. “Look at you. Just
waiting to be filled up.”

It slides in easily, and Jungkook clamps down on instinct, trying to trap it there. Longing for that
fullness, the contentment of being a tool for his Dom’s pleasure—just a sheath for Daddy’s cock.

Namjoon rocks into him with slow, steady thrusts, bottoming out with a sigh.

“You were made for this, weren’t you? Made to take my cock.”

“Mmmph,” Jungkook moans in agreement.


Namjoon’s pace changes, becoming faster, much less gentle, quieting Jungkook as he adjusts to the
new rhythm, scrambling to lock his legs around Namjoon’s waist. He loves it when Namjoon lets
loose, fucking him like it’s his job (and he’s working overtime), not being particularly nice about

His big, fat cock—

Oh. Right. The dildo still feels sort of nice, even if it’s lacking Namjoon’s girth and that sweet
curve that presses into Jungkook’s prostate . . .

Namjoon must be a mind reader because the next stroke of his strap-on rubs against Jungkook’s
most tender spot. Namjoon pumps into him as Jungkook writhes beneath him, his own dick
slapping his belly with wet thumps.

“Gonna make you come on this cock,” Namjoon growls after a ruthless snap of his hips. “If you
ever want the privilege of riding Daddy’s again, you’d better show some appreciation, slut.”

Pleasure stirs in Jungkook’s core, heat slinking down his spine. His nipples are throbbing, his balls
drawn up tight. His release is taunting him, sneaking closer and then fading away when Jungkook
remembers that it’s only a toy stuffing his hole.

He whines, meeting Namjoon’s thrusts, grinding on the stupid pink dick until sweat breaks out on
his skin and his hair sticks to his forehead in messy tangles.

Jungkook is torn—he wants to come, can feel it creeping nearer, but part of him would rather deny
Namjoon (and himself) the satisfaction of caving. Admitting (without words) he’s turned on by this
cheap substitute.

His dilemma is interrupted by a familiar buzz. It grows louder as Namjoon holds up the second
item he’d taken from the drawer—a wand vibrator. Jungkook doesn’t have a chance to process
anything else before it’s skimming his chest. Namjoon presses it against his nipples until Jungkook

“Feels good, huh? Bet you’re going to love this.”

The vibrator travels along the length of Jungkook’s cock, nudging the flushed, shiny head.
Jungkook jolts, digging his heels into Namjoon’s back.


“There we go. Don’t fight it. Just give in.”

Namjoon’s coaxing sends him spinning. Jungkook succumbs to a fussy orgasm, a spurt of cum
marking his chest, trickling onto his nipple. Namjoon runs the vibe over it, circling the painfully
stiff nub, smearing Jungkook’s release across his pec.

“You can do better than that,” Namjoon says with a click of his tongue. “I want you to come like
you mean it.” He pinches his thigh. Hard. “Understood?”

Jungkook nods weakly, his head lolling to the side before Namjoon jerks his chin up again.

“Look at me,” he says, his voice low and gravelly. Dangerous. “You’re not done until I say you
Namjoon lifts Jungkook’s hips higher, raising his ass off the bed, propping him up on Namjoon’s
thighs. Jungkook pushes on the lubed cock, gasping when it bumps his prostate.

He didn’t mean to do that. Maybe.

“Go on. Fuck yourself. Show me what a good cockslut you are.”

Jungkook’s legs tremble, muscles burning as he moves, working himself back and forth on the
dildo. The angle is awkward, but Namjoon slips a hand under his ass to guide him.

“Your hole is so pretty stretched around my dick. Are you squeezing me tight?” he asks,
massaging Jungkook’s rim with his thumb.

“Mmph.” Jungkook nods, gripping the toy as pleasure courses through him, lapping at his nerve
endings, consuming him inside and out.


Namjoon eventually has mercy on him and takes over completely, rocking against Jungkook with
quick, short pumps of his strap, tugging at his nipples. The start of an orgasm is blooming in his
belly, his cock plumping up once more.

He chases that feeling, tries to match Namjoon’s pace, meet his thrusts, but his release is just
beyond his reach.

Jungkook cries out, pleading with Namjoon with his wide eyes.


“Aww,” Namjoon coos at him, brushing his hair out of his face. “Need a little push to get you over
the edge, baby?”


“Remember—you asked for it.”

The click of a switch is the only warning Jungkook gets before the vibe returns, rubbing along his
cock again, up and down, matching the motion of Namjoon’s hips.

Jungkook used to enjoy playing with a vibrator, but this thing is pure evil.

“I could do this all night. Think I should?”

Jungkook shudders, his words lost to him as the vibe pulses against his balls then glides over his
perineum. He arches off the bed, coming with a muffled shout.

“Baby boy is so messy,” Namjoon murmurs. “Leaking all over yourself.”

He runs a finger through the puddle of cum on Jungkook’s chest and collects the splatter on his
cheek, bringing it to his own mouth for a taste.


Jungkook pants in the aftermath, slick with sweat, limp with exertion. His cock seems to have given
up too, lying soft on his stomach.
But Daddy isn’t done.

Namjoon lowers the speed of the vibrator and runs it over Jungkook’s thighs, the backs of his
knees, the curve of his ass, the tips of his toes. Then he trails it along his restrained arms and up to
his shoulders, the dip of his neck.

Next, it settles on his hard nipples. On high.

Jungkook mewls, kicking at the mattress, his head thrashing from side to side. Namjoon pulls the
vibe away and waits for Jungkook to still before continuing, switching it from one nub to the other.

“Do you think you could get off like this?”

At any other time, it would be easy. Jungkook loves to have his sensitive nipples teased. But now,
it’s both too much and not enough. He whines miserably.

“No? What’s wrong, baby? Missing something?”

“Mmph!” Jungkook bucks his hips, trying to get the tiniest smidgen of relief. His dick is stirring,
rejoining the party with every pass of the vibrator across his nipples.

“Ah, I see. This spoiled cock of yours needs a bit of extra attention, doesn’t it? Can’t come
anymore without Daddy’s help, is that it? You didn’t seem to have that problem a few hours ago.”

The prospect of yet another orgasm draws the beginning of a strangled sob from Jungkook’s chest.

Humming a bar of the “Happy Birthday” song will bring the scene to a stop, but Jungkook doesn’t
want it to end. It hurts so, so good. Even with the tidal wave of emotions and sensations crashing
down on him, he’ll ride it out.

He’s bound to surface sooner or later.

Namjoon turns the vibe on full speed and lays it on the base of Jungkook’s cock. Then he presses it
snugly against his taut sac.

“Let go. Give it to me.”

Jungkook sucks feverishly on the small rubber dick in his mouth, wailing as his release breaks over
him like a storm.

His eyes slip shut as he cries through it, tears escaping, tricking into his ears.

When he opens them again, Namjoon is watching him closely, one hand lazily stroking Jungkook’s
thigh. His chest is glossy with sweat, his pecs flexing as he adjusts his hold on Jungkook’s waist.
He’s breathing heavily, lips parted and red from the pinch of his teeth.

Jungkook wonders if he’s suffering, too. Is his cock throbbing, angry and untouched, tucked away
in the harness? Will he come just from fucking Jungkook with a dick that’s not his own?

“Do you need to use your safe signal, Kook-ah?” Namjoon asks softly, derailing Jungkook’s
jumbled thoughts.

Jungkook shakes his head in a silent no.

“Okay.” Namjoon cups his cheek and leans in, kissing the tip of Jungkook’s nose. “Getting tired,
my little slut? You’re beautiful when you cry for me.” He dabs at the wetness on Jungkook’s
lashes. “Your cock is so sensitive, isn’t it? Aching?”

Jungkook nods, clenching weakly around the dildo still gently moving inside him. Every thrust
sends sparks of pleasure/pain zipping through his body.

“You’ll give me one more,” Namjoon says, petting the underside of Jungkook’s exhausted dick,
“as a thank-you for teaching you such a valuable lesson.”

Jungkook sobs—fresh, hot tears rolling down his face. He’s not sure he can. He’s wrung out,
milked dry.

Don’t worry. Daddy will get you there.”

He rolls his hips, wedging the strap deep in Jungkook’s ass. It nudges his abused prostate, and
Jungkook jerks with a startled squeak. Namjoon smiles, picking up the vibrator.

“Ready, baby?”

He positions it so the top of the wand is flush with the surface of the smooth dildo, right near the
base where it’s buried inside Jungkook.

Then he flicks it on.

The rumbling, high-speed vibrations hit Jungkook everywhere at once: his cock, his balls, his
prostate, his clenching hole.

He screams into the gag as he comes, his dick barely twitching, refusing to release even a drop of
cum. Somewhere in the haze of agony and blessed relief, he hears Namjoon curse and call his

“Fuck, Jungkook-ah. That’s it, precious. Did so well for Daddy.”

Jungkook fades in and out of consciousness for what could be seconds, minutes, hours, or whole
days. He clings to Namjoon’s words of reassurance, his grounding touch, the comforting heat of
his body as he shifts Jungkook into his arms, cradling him close.

He finally comes back to himself as Namjoon is loosening the straps of the muzzle.

The soft leather pulls away from Jungkook’s mouth, taking the spit-coated cock with it. “What do
you say, love?”

Jungkook licks his swollen lips, swallows the saliva still pooling under his tongue. “T-thank you,
Daddy,” he manages, his voice hoarse.

Ruined, just like the rest of him.

“Good boy.”


Jungkook bobs his head, sucking harder, taking long pulls until creamy liquid fills his mouth. He
moans at the taste.

This is what he’s been waiting for. What he craves.

Namjoon plucks the straw from between his lips, and Jungkook chases it, a drop of banana milk
clinging to his pout. “Slowly, baby. Let your tummy settle.”

He wipes up the spill with his thumb, letting Jungkook have the little jug back once he promises
not to drink it all in one go.

Jungkook is warm and relaxed from his bath. Sore but sated. Content from Namjoon’s excellent
brand of post-punishment coddling.

Namjoon tucks a few damp strands of Jungkook’s hair behind his ear. “Have you learned the
importance of following the rules and being patient?”

“Yes, Daddy,” Jungkook says, burrowing deeper into the blankets.

“That’s my sweetheart.” Namjoon looks thoughtful for a moment. “I went easy on you, you know.”

“Easy?” Jungkook blinks. “That was easy?”

His boyfriend almost took him out. Death by orgasms.

What a way to go.

Namjoon chuckles. “Jimin’s been telling me about sounds. They put bad boys in their place quite
quickly, especially when paired with a nice, tight cock cage.”

Jungkook shivers, clutching his jug of milk. “Oh.” He’s not familiar with sounds, but if Jimin uses
them, they definitely mean trouble.

“Are you going to be a brat again?”

He can’t make any promises. It’s fun being naughty, sometimes. “Maybe.”

“Then I’ll purchase a set.” Namjoon tilts his chin up for a kiss, flicking his tongue over
Jungkook’s bottom lip. “Just in case.”


“Mmhmm. But for now, you’re my perfect angel, isn’t that right?”

“Yes,” Jungkook murmurs, nuzzling Namjoon’s chest, sleep threatening to tug him under.

“Good. Get some rest, love.” Namjoon takes the jug from his hands and sets it aside.

“You’ll still be here when I wake up?”

“I wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else.”

“And we’ll make breakfast together in the morning?” he asks.

“Of course. Anything you want.”

Jungkook smiles around a yawn. “’Night, Daddy.”

“Goodnight, baby boy.”

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