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Study Island - Spelling

GA Grade 7, ELA Standard

Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

a. Use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie but not He wore an old[,]
green shirt).
b. Spell correctly.

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Generation Date: 02/04/2014

Generated By: Shenica Bridges-Mathieu


I do not like the automated phone system at that company; it takes far too much work to
speak to a _______.

Choose a word to fill in the blank.

A. reprasentative
B. representative
C. reprusentutive
D. representutive

2. Which of the words below is spelled correctly?

A. contagoius
B. contagious
C. contagous
D. contagius

3. Which sentence below uses the correct bolded word?

A. Mark said that there going to take a rental car.

B. Mark and Kerry are excited because they're going on vacation.
C. Mark and Kerry are going to there sister's house.
D. Mark and Kerry are going to arrive after we get their.


Duran tried to experience local culture on his trip to Mexico and wound up tresspassing
on an old man's farm; luckily, the judge had sympathy for the lost American.

What correction should be made to this sentence?

A. Change "culture" to "cultuer."

B. Change "sympathy" to "simpathy."
C. Change "tresspassing" to "trespassing."
D. Change "experience" to "expereince."

5. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.

The bedroom door was ___ and I peeked inside.

A. a jar
B. ajar
C. achar
D. a har

6. Which sentence below uses the correct form of it?

A. The baby giraffe loves to peek its head over the top of the fence.
B. The zookeeper loved to give the baby giraffe it's food.
C. The baby giraffe didn't like to be separated from it's mother for too long.
D. Its so much fun to watch the baby giraffe!


The boys focused their attention on the clock's pendulem as it swung back and forth
with precision.

Which of the underlined words above is spelled incorrectly?

A. precision
B. focused
C. attention
D. pendulem

8. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence?

There were _______ many people in the park for us to have our picnic there.

A. two
B. though
C. to
D. too

9. Vinny and Jessica erned twenty dollars each for cleaning Mrs. Morales' yard.

What is the correct way to spell the underlined word?

A. urned
B. earned
C. earnned
D. earrned

10. Which sentence below uses the correct bolded word?

A. He said that if I start telling him the truth, than he will start telling me the truth.
B. If you two would tell each other the truth, than none of this would be a problem.
C. First he said he was not going, than he changed his mind and decided to go.
D. I've listened to you whine about him changing his mind more times than I can count.

11. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence?

I picked Colorado and Utah to do my report over because there/their/they're very

mountainous states.

A. there
B. theyre
C. they're
D. their

12. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence?

I could not believe that my brother ate the _______ pizza.

A. hol
B. whol
C. hole
D. whole

13. Which sentence below uses the correct bolded word?

A. I went to summer school too years ago.

B. My sister had to attend, two.
C. Billy was really hoping he wouldn't have to go to summer school.
D. We had to much homework in summer school.


The radiant sun gave everyone a break from the monotous clouds and made for a
picturesque day.
Which of the underlined words above is spelled incorrectly?

A. radiant
B. everyone
C. picturesque
D. monotous


Laura thought chivalry was a novely until she met the bachelor philanthropist.

Which of the underlined words above is spelled incorrectly?

A. philanthropist
B. bachelor
C. chivalry
D. novely

16. The new practice schedule was very tyring on all of the band members.

What is the correct way to spell the underlined word?

A. tiring
B. tireing
C. tyreing
D. teyering

17. Springtown held its anual pumpkin fair on November 15 this year.

Which word is spelled incorrectly?

A. held
B. this
C. pumpkin
D. anual
18. Which of the words below is spelled correctly?

A. changeble
B. changeable
C. changable
D. changaeble

19. Which sentence below uses the correct bolded word?

A. After he ate his waffles, pour Armando got sick!

B. Armando likes to pour syrup all over his waffles.
C. Armando did a pour job of convincing us he wasn't ill!
D. First, he likes to poor a tall glass of orange juice.

20. Which sentence below uses the correct bolded word?

A. Their flying into Mexico City.

B. They're culture is rich with wonderful traditions.
C. Mark and Kerry's sister went their.
D. I've heard so much about Mexico that I cannot wait to go there.

21. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.

She was more _______ than the people who started with her, so she got a promotion

A. ambitioius
B. amibitious
C. ambitius
D. ambitious

22. Which of the words below is spelled correctly?

A. corresspondence
B. corresspondance
C. correspondence
D. coresspondance

23. Which of the words below is spelled correctly?

A. embarrassment
B. embarrasment
C. embarassment
D. embarrusment

24. Which sentence below uses the correct bolded word?

A. When it comes to reading and understanding maps, he is better then I am.

B. At the most, we will be traveling a little more then 300 miles per day.
C. I don't know about him, but I would say that this trip was more fun then the last one.
D. I think we should go to Niagara Falls, and then go to New York City.

25. Which sentence below uses the correct bolded word?

A. Our dogs love to play with their chew toys.

B. One time, they're was a snake in the yard, and the dogs got scared.
C. If you throw the ball over they're, they'll run and get it!
D. There so much fun to play with!

26. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence?

People who have experienced war tend to really value _______.

A. piece
B. peice
C. peace
D. peece
27. Regina wanted to rent another classick movie, like Singing in the Rain.

Which word is spelled incorrectly?

A. rain
B. rent
C. classick
D. singing

28. Which of the words below is spelled correctly?

A. phathom
B. fathum
C. fathom
D. fahtom

29. Which sentence below uses the correct bolded word?

A. Do you no where the lost and found is?

B. I do not know where my backpack is.
C. I don't no if I left it on the bus.
D. Know, I didn't leave it at home!


After the promienent court case, the city council took steps to prohibit further violence.

Which of the underlined words above is spelled incorrectly?

A. council
B. prohibit
C. violence
D. promienent

The football team was victorious in its championship game and celebrated jubiliantly.

What correction should be made to this sentence?

A. Change "victorious" to "victorius"

B. Change "jubiliantly" to "jubilantly."
C. Change "championship" to "champiunship."
D. Change "celebrated" to "celibrated."

32. The crowd booed when the oficial called a foul on the home team.

What is the correct way to spell the underlined word?

A. officil
B. official
C. officail
D. offical

33. Naomi did not want to leaf her dog home alone, but she needed to go to the grocery store.

Which word is spelled incorrectly?

A. needed
B. alone
C. leaf
D. grocery

34. Freddy planned to make at least two duzen cupcakes for the class party.

What is the correct way to spell the underlined word?

A. duzzen
B. dozin
C. dosen
D. dozen

Get the ________ spray and clean up this mess.

Choose a word to fill in the blank.

A. disenfectant
B. disinfectent
C. disenfectent
D. disinfectant

36. Which of the words below is spelled correctly?

A. treachurus
B. traecherous
C. treacherus
D. treacherous

37. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence?

I lived with _______ Phyllis until I was 6 years old.

A. Aunt
B. Aughnt
C. Ant
D. Aunte

38. Which sentence below uses the correct bolded word?

A. The board was cracked in two different places.

B. The class was board by the same exam.
C. I've never felt so board from doing so little.
D. To keep from being board, the team played a game.
39. Type the word that belongs in the blank.

____ Jerome,

Thank you for my birthday present. I've needed a bicycle helmet for some time now. I
appreciate your concern for my safety!



In her efforts to belitle her friends, Devan had a habit of exaggerating their faults.

Which of the underlined words above is spelled incorrectly?

A. belitle
B. exaggerating
C. habit
D. faults

41. Which sentence below uses the correct bolded word?

A. The absences show the affects of the dress code policy.

B. The special affects in the movie were unbelievable.
C. You don't know how her approval affects me.
D. The affects of snow result in bad driving.

42. Which sentence below uses the correct bolded word?

A. My best friend gave me two gifts for my birthday.

B. I wasn't expecting too receive so many gifts.
C. Her brother gave me a gift, to.
D. I have to friends who have birthdays in December.
43. Which sentence below uses the correct bolded word?

A. My youngest sister asked if she could come along, too.

B. Today, I'm going too the art museum.
C. My neighbor wanted two see the exhibit, as well.
D. I have to younger sisters, April and Paris.

44. Albert told his friends the perpose of the school race car club was to make model race cars
and soapbox derby cars.

Which word is spelled incorrectly?

A. perpose
B. school
C. friends
D. model

45. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence?

A hurricane is classified by the speed of _______ winds.

A. it's
B. its'
C. its
D. its's

46. Which of the words below is spelled correctly?

A. aknowledgement
B. acknowldgement
C. acknowledgement
D. acknowlegement

47. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence?

For our class project we _______ T-shirts with colorful designs.

A. dyed
B. died
C. dyied
D. dyhed

48. Which sentence below uses the correct bolded word?

A. All of a sudden, the door blue open!

B. We knew the storm was about to blow in when we saw the dark, blew clouds.
C. Now that the storm has passed, there is nothing but clear, blue sky.
D. When the storm blue in, my family and I took cover.

1. B
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. D
9. B
10. D
11. C
12. D
13. C
14. D
15. D
16. A
17. D
18. B
19. B
20. D
21. D
22. C
23. A
24. D
25. A
26. C
27. C
28. C
29. B
30. D
31. B
32. B
33. C
34. D
35. D
36. D
37. A
38. A
39. Dear
40. A
41. C
42. A
43. A
44. A
45. C
46. C
47. A
48. C

1. To remember how to spell this word, sound it out, re-pre-sent-a-tive.

2. Think of creative ways to remember how to spell "contagious." You can think of a game of
"tag" where one person is it and "spreads it" to other people.

3. Their is a possessive pronoun meaning "belonging to them."

Example: That is their car.

There is an adverb that indicates place.

Example: I would like to sit over there.

They're is a contraction for they are.

Example: They're sitting over there.

4. Remember that in "trespassing" there is only one double "S," and it comes near the end of the
word. The other words are spelled correctly in the sentence.

5. "Ajar" is one word, meaning " slightly open."

6. It's is a contraction for it is.

Its is the possessive form of it.

7. Remember "pendulum" has one "E" and two "U's."

8. To is a preposition; first part of the infinitive form of a verb.

Example: They went to the lake to swim.

Too means very, also

Examples: I was too tired to continue. I was hungry, too.

Two is the number 2.

Example: Two students scored too low on the exam to pass the course.

9. "Erned" should read "earned." Try to think of a mneumonic (memory trick) to help you
remember the correct spelling.

10. Use than when comparing, making statements of preference, or suggesting quantities beyond
a suggested amount.

11. Their is a possessive pronoun meaning "belonging to them."

Example: That is their car.

There is an adverb that indicates place or a pronoun used to introduce a clause or sentence.
Example: I would like to sit over there.

They're is a contraction for they are.

Example: They're sitting over there.

12. A hole is what you dig in the ground.

Whole means all of.

13. To is a preposition; first part of the infinitive form of a verb.

Example: They went to the lake to swim.

Too means very, also

Examples: I was too tired to continue. I was hungry, too.

Two is the number 2.

Example: Two students scored too low on the exam to pass the course.

14. The correct term for something tedious or boring is "monotonous." Sounding out this word
can help you spell it correctly. Mo-not-o-nous.
15. The correct word for something new or rare is "novelty." The rest of the words are spelled
correctly in the sentence.

16. "Tyring" should be spelled "tiring." "Tire" is the root word. When adding "-ing" to the root
word, make sure to drop the "e."

17. "Anual" should read "annual." Divide the word into smaller parts: ann - u - al.

18. Something that is "changeable" is "able" to be "changed." "Change" plus "able" is


19. To pour is to flow freely.

Poor means having little money.

20. Their is a possessive pronoun meaning "belonging to them."

Example: That is their car.

There is an adverb that indicates place.

Example: I would like to sit over there.

They're is a contraction for they are.

Example: They're sitting over there.

21. Sound it out. Am-bi-tious. Come up with creative ways to remember how to spell

22. In "correspondence," there are two "R's" and three "E's."

23. Remember that "embarrassment" has three letters, "A," "R," and "S," that appear twice.

24. Use then when talking about a time other than now, suggesting a logical conclusion, or
talking about something that is next in time, space, or order.

25. Their is a possessive pronoun meaning "belonging to them."

Example: That is their car.

There is an adverb that indicates place.

Example: I would like to sit over there.

They're is a contraction for they are.

Example: They're sitting over there.

26. Peace is the absence of war.

Piece is a part of something.

27. "Classick" should read "classic." Just say "no way" to adding the "k" with words that end
with -ic.

28. Remember, although this word may have the "pha" sound, it begins with "fa." Sound it out,

29. No is the opposite of "yes."

To know is to possess knowledge.

30. Remember, "prominent" only has one "E."

31. There is only one "I" in "jubilantly." The other words are spelled correctly in the sentence.

32. "Oficial" should be spelled "official." Divide the word into smaller parts: o - ffic - i - al.

33. "Leaf" is a part of a plant or tree. "Leave" is the first person present tense of the word

34. "Duzen" should be spelled "dozen." Don't sleep or "doze" with the word "dozen." Remember
that it has a short "o" sound.

35. Remembering that the word "infect" is the root word for "disinfectant" can help you
remember how to spell it. After the root word, all you need to remember is the prefix "dis-" and
the suffix "-ant."

36. Sound it out. Trea-cher-ous. The "trea" is the same sound as in "tread." Think of other
creative ways to remember how to spell this word.

37. An aunt is the sister of your mother or father.

An ant is a small insect.

38. Bored = verb meaning something that makes something else boring.
Board = noun meaning a physical object such an ironing board or a surf board.

In this case, it is better to use the noun board in reference to a noun that is cracked.

39. A deer is an animal like Bambi.

Dear means "beloved."

40. "Belittle" has two "T's." Think of "be" plus "little" is "belittle."

41. Affect = verb meaning to influence: Will lack of sleep affect your game?
Effect = noun meaning result or consequence: Will lack of sleep have an effect on your game?
Effect = verb meaning to bring about, to accomplish: Our efforts have effected a major change in
university policy.

In this case, affect should be used as a verb meaning to influence since the person is influenced
by approval.

42. To is a preposition; first part of the infinitive form of a verb.

Example: They went to the lake to swim.

Too means very, also

Examples: I was too tired to continue. I was hungry, too.

Two is the number 2.

Example: Two students scored too low on the exam to pass the course.

43. To is a preposition; first part of the infinitive form of a verb.

Example: They went to the lake to swim.

Too means very, also

Examples: I was too tired to continue. I was hungry, too.

Two is the number 2.

Example: Two students scored too low on the exam to pass the course.

44. "Perpose" should read "purpose." Break it up: pur-pose. Try to think of a mneumonic
(memory trick) to help you remember the correct spelling.

45. It's is a contraction for it is.

Its is the possessive form of it.

46. This one is spelled how it sounds. Sound it out, ac-know-ledge-ment.

47. Died is the past tense of dead.

Dyed is the past tense of dye, which is to color with ink.

48. Blew is the past tense of "blow."

Blue is the color of the sky.

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