6.4 Cyborgs and Space

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Cyborgs and space

Altering man’s bodily functions to meet the requirements of extrater-

restrial environments would be more logical than providing an earthly
environment for him in space . . . Artifact-organism systems which would
extend man’s unconscious, self-regulatory controls are one possibility

By Manfred E . Clynes and Nathan S. Kline


travel challenges mankind not only technologically but
also spiritually, in that it invites man to take an active part in
his own biological evolution. Scientific advances of the future
may thus be utilized to permit man’s existence in environments
which differ radically from those provided by nature as we know
The task of adapting man’s body to any environment he may
choose will be made easier by increased knowledge of homeo-
Clynes Kline static functioning, the cybernetic aspects of which are just begin-
ning to be understood and investigated. In the past evolution
brought about the altering of bodily functions to suit different
Manfred E. Clynes has since 1956 been environments. Starting as of now, it will be possible to achieve
chief research scientist at Rockland State,
in charge of the Dynamic Simulation Lab. this to some degree without alteration of heredity by suitable bio-
A graduate of the Univ. of Melbourne, chemical, physiological, and electronic modifications of man’s
Australia, and holder of an M.S. from existing modus vivendi.
Juilliard School, he has for the past 10
years been engaged in the design and Homeostatic mechanisms found in organisms are designed to
development of physiological instrumen- provide stable operation in the particular environment of the or-
tation and apparatus, ultrasonic trans- ganism, Examples of three successful alternate solutions pro-
ducers, and electronic data-processing
systems. vided by biological mechanisms to the body-environment problem
with regard to operating temperature are man, hibernating ani-
Nathan S. Kline has been director of re- mals, and poikilothermic fish (organisms with blood that take on
search at Rockland State since 1952 and
an assistant professor of clinical psychia- the temperature of the environment).
try at the Columbia Univ. College of Various biological solutions have also been developed for an-
Physicians and Surgeons since 1957. Au- other problem-respiration. Mammals, fish, insects, and plants
thor of more than 100 papers, Dr. Kline
holds a New York Newspaper Guild Page each have a different solution with inherent limitations but emi-
One Award in science, the Adolf Meyer nently suitable for their field of operation. Should an organism
Award of the Assn. for Improvement of desire to live outside this field, an apparently “insurmountable”
Mental Health, and the Albert Lasker
Award of the American Public Health problem exists.
Assn. However, is the problem really insurmountable? If a fish
wished to live on land, it could not readily do so. If, however, a
particularly intelligent and resourceful fish could be found, who
This article is b a e d on a paper pre- had studied a good deal of biochemistry and physiology, was a
sented under the title of “Drugs, Space master engineer and cyberneticist, and’had excellent lab facilities
and Cybernetics” at the .Psychophysio-
logical Aspects o f Spme Flight Sym- available to him, this fish could conceivably have the ability to
posium sponsored by the AF School of design an instrument which would allow him to live on land and
Aviation Medicine in Sun Antonio, Tex., breathe air quite readily.
in May. The complete paper will appear
in the Symposium proceedings, to be In the same manner, it is becoming apparent that we will in the
published by Columbia Univ. Press. not too distant future have sufficient knowledge to design instru-

26 Astronautics / September 1960

mental control systems which will make it possible
for our bodies to do things which are no less diffi-
The environment with which man is now con-
cerned is that of space. Biologically, what are the
changes necessary to allow man to live adequately
in the space environment? Artificial atmospheres
encapsulated in some sort of enclosure constitute
only temporizing, and dangerous temporizing at
that, since we place ourselves in the same position
as a fish taking a,small quantity of water along with
him to live on .lalid. The bubble all too easily
The biological ,problems which exist in space
travel are many and varied. Long-term space voy-
ages, involving flights not of days, months or years,
but possibly of several thousand years, will even-
tually be hard realities, and resultant physiological One of the first Cyborgs, this 220-gm rat has under its I
and psychological conditions must be considered.
skin the Rose osmotic pump (shown in close-up below 1, I
designed to permit continuous injections of chemicals at 1
These are reviewed below. In some cases, we a slow, controlled rate into an organism without any I
have proposed solutions which probably could be
devised with presently available knowledge and
attention on the part of the organism.
techniques. Other solutions are projections into
the future which by their very nature must resemble
science fiction. To illustrate, there may be‘ much
more efficient ways of carrying out the functions of
the respiratory system than by breathing, which be-
comes cumbersome in space. One proposed solu-
tion for the not too distant future is relatively sim-
ple: Don’t breathe!
If man attempts partial adaptation to space condi-
tions, instead of insisting on carrying his whole
environment along with him, a number of new pos-
sibilities appear. One is then led to think about the
incorporation of integral exogenous devices to bring
about the biological changes which might be neces-
sary in man’s homeostatic mechanisms to allow him
to live in space qua natura.
The autonomic nervous system and endocrine
glands cooperate in man to maintain the multiple
balances required for his existence. They do this borg deliberately incorporates exogenous compo-
without conscious control, although they are ame- nents extending the self-regulatory control function
nable to such influence. Necessary readjustments of of the organism in order to adapt it to new environ-
these automatic responses under extraterrestrial con- ments.
ditions require the aid of control theory, as well as If man in space, in addition to flying his vehicle,
extensive physiological knowledge. must continuously be checking on things and mak-
ing adjustments merely in order to keep himself
Cyborg-Frees Man +o Explore alive, he becomes a slave to the machine. The pur-
pose of the Cyborg, as well as his own homeostatic
What are some of the devices necessary for creat- systems, is to provide an organizational system in
ing self-regulating man-machine systems? This self- which such robot-like problems are taken care of
regulation must function without the benefit of automatically and unconsciously, leaving man free
consciousness in order to cooperate with the body’s to explore, to create, to think, and to feel.
own autonomous homeostatic controls. For the One device helpful to consideration of the con-
exogenously extended organizational complex func- struction of Cyborgs, which is already available, is
tioning as an integrated homeostatic system uncon- the ingenious osmotic pressure pump capsule de-
sciously, we propose the term “Cyborg.” The Cy- veloped by S. Rose for (CONTINUED O N PAGE 74)

Septenaber 1960 1 Astronautics 27

tions, and abdication of executive con-
We are now working on a new
preparation which may greatly en-
hance hypnotizability, so that pharma-
cological and hypnotic approaches
may be symbiotically combined.

Psycho-Physiological Problems

Let us now turn our attention to

some of the special physiological and
psychological problems involved in
space travel, and see how Cyborg dy-
namics may help achieve better under-
standing and utilization of man’s
natural abilities.
Wakefulness. For flights of rela-
tively short or moderate duration-a
few weeks or even a few months-it
would appear desirable to keep the as-
tronaut continuously awake and fully
alert. The extension of normal func-
tioning through the use of that group
Reflectors for Solar Power of drugs known as psychic energizers,
with adjunctive medication, for this
Some 7000 of these small aluminum reflectors would be purpose is a present-day reality. In
banked to focus solar rays on a thermocoupIe in a 1500- flights lasting a month or two, no more
watt power generator under study by Hamilton Standard than a few hours a day of sleep would
Div. of United Aircraft for WADD. The company will be required in the normal environ-
have a 100-watt model using about 900 reflectors ready ment if such drugs were employed.
for evaluation this fall. The banks of reflectors will be Tests indicate efficiency tends to in-
designed to unfold in space from a compact plckage. crease, rather than decrease, under
such a regime, and extended usage ap-
__ pears entirely feasible.
Radiation Efects. One subsystem
of the Cyborg would involve a sensor
Cyborgs and Space tonornous controls. In this manner, to detect radiation levels and an adap-
these controls can be changed to the tation of the Rose osmotic pump
(CONTISUED FROM PAGE 27) desired performance characteristics which would automatically inject pro-
u d e r various environmental condi- tective pharmaceuticals in appropri-
continuous slow injections of biochem- tions. If these characteristics were ate doses. Experiments at the AF
ically active substances at a biological determined, such a system would be School of Aviation Medicine already
rate. The capsule is incorporated into possible today with the selection of indicate an increase in radiation re-
the organism and allows administra- appropriate drugs. sistance resulting from combined ad-
tion of a selected drug at a particular For example, systolic blood pres- ministration of aminoethylisothioron-
organ and at a continuous variable sure may be sensed, compared to a ref- ium and cysteine to monkeys.
rate, without any attention on the part erence value based on the space con- Metabolic Problenzs and Hypother-
of the organism. ditions encountered, and regulated by mic Controls. In the case of pro-
Capsules are already available letting the difference between sensed longed space flight, the estimated con-
which will deliver as little as 0.01 ml/ and reference pressures control ad- sumption of 10 Ib a day for human
day for 200 days, and there is no ministration of an adrenergic or vaso- fuel-2 lb of oxygen, 4 lb of fluid, and
reason why this time could not be ex- dilator drug. Of course, any such 4 lb of food-poses a major problem.
tended considerably. The apparatus system presupposes that we would be During a flight of a year or longer, as-
has already been used on rabbits and cognizant of what optimum blood suming that the vehicle was operating
rats, and for continuous heparin injec- pressure would be under various space satisfactorily, there would be little or
tion in man. No untoward general ef- conditions. no reason for the astronaut to be
fect on health was noted when the in- While it is quite difficult to set up awake for long periods unless some
jector was buried in animals. As long per limits to “natural” human physio- emergency arose. Hypothermia (re-
as five years ago, an injector 7 cm logical and psychological perform- duction of body temperature) would
long and 1.4 cm in diam, weighing 15 ance, we can take as minimal the ca- appear to be a desirable state in such
gm, was successfully bufied under the pabilities demonstrated under control long voyages in order to reduce me-
skin of rats weighing 150-250 gm. conditions such as yoga or hypnosis. tabolism, and thus human “fuel” con-
The photo on page 27 shows a rat The imagination is stretched by the sumption. The use of external cool-
weighing 220 gm with an injector in muscular control of which even the un- ing, reduction of the temperature of
situ, dergraduate at a Yoga College is the blood in an arterio-venous shunt,
The combination of an osmotic pres- capable, and hypnosis per se may and hibernation (through pituitary
sure pump capsule with sensing and prove to have a definite place in space control), alone or in combination with
controlling mechanisms can form a travel, although there is much to be pharmaceuticals, all seem to offer pos-
continuous control loop which will act learned about the phenomena of dis- sibilities in attempting to obtain and
as an adjunct to the body’s own au- sociation, generalization of instruc- maintain such a state. Control of the
temperature by influencing the heat Cyborg technique. Administration of appears necessary to develop adequate
regulating center would be more de- presently available drugs, such as pharmaceutical protection to help
sirable than changing the reference epinephrine, reserpine, digitalis, am- maintain muscle tone on prolonged
level. phetamine, etc., by means of Rose in- space voyages.
Oxygenization and Carbon Dioxide jectors, offers one possibility of chang- Perceptual Problems. Lack of at-
Removal. Breathing in space is a ing the cardiovascular functions so as mosphere will create markedly differ-
problem because the space environ- to fit them for a particular environ- ent conditions of visual perception
ment will not provide the necessary ment. Alteration of the specific than those with which we are familiar.
oxygen, and respiration eliminates homeostatic references within or out- Attention should be given to provid-
needed carbon ,dioxide and involves side the brain, and electric stimulation, ing a medium which would recreate
heat and water losses. An inverse fuel either as a means of regulating heart some of the distortions to which we
cell, capable of reducing C 0 2 to its rate or affecting selected brain centers are accustomed, and to which the as-
'components with removal of the car- in order to control cardiovascular func- tronaut could become acclimated be-
bon and recirculation of the oxygen, tioning, are other possibilities. fore takeoff. Part of the problem
would eliminate the necessity for lung Muscular Maintenance. Prolonged would come from searching for an
breathing. Such a system, operating sleep or limited activity has a deleteri- adequate frame of reference, and in
either on solar or nuclear energy, ous effect on muscle tone. While re- this regard the factors which influence
would replace the lung, making duction of body temperature and me- autokinesis (and illusory movement)
breathing, as we know it, unnecessary. tabolism may reduce the magnitude may have an influence on space per-
Conventional breathing would still' be of the problem, further investigation ception problems. Investigation of
possible, should the environment per- of the chemical reasons for atrophy whether pharmaceuticals would influ-
mit it, discontinuing the fuel-cell op- ence autokinesis is therefore desirable.
eration. Pressure. Under pressure lower
Fluid Intake and Output. Fluid than 60-mm Hg, man's blood begins
balance in the astronaut could be
largely maintained via a shunt from
End of the Line to boil at his normal body temperature,
Therefore, if he is to venture out of his
the ureters to the venous circulation space vehicle without a pressure suit,
after removal or conversion of noxious some means must be found of reduc-
substances. Sterilization of the gas- ing his normal operating temperature
trointestinal tract, plus intravenous or to a !point where the vapor pressure of
direct intragastric feeding, could re- his fluids is no greater than the inter-
duce fecal elimination to a minimum, nal tissue pressures. This is another
and even this might be reutilized. reason why lowering of body tempera-
Enzyme Systems. Under condi- ture is essential to avoid the use of
tions of lowered body temperature, constricting pressure suits.
certain enzyme systems would tend to Variations in External Temperature.
remain more active than others. The While man will require the protection
extent to which pharmaceutical or of a space ship or station at the real
chemical agents could iniluence this extremes of temperature, there are
enzyme activity has not been system- also likely to be intermediate condi-
atically investigated, but beyond ques- tions within or close to the limits of
tion they will play an important human tolerance. By controlling re-
role. Since metabolism is subject to flection a d absorption by means of
enzyme control, several intriguing pos- protective plastic sponge clothing plus
sibilities exist. For example, it may be chemicals already in existence which
possible through in vitro radiation to produce changes in pigmentation and
convert certain organisms from aero- provide effective protection against
bic to anaerobic states and, by study- actinic rays, it should be possible to
ing changes in the enzyme systems, to maintain desired body temperature.
adapt them for eventual human use. Needed is a light-sensitive, chemically
In the same manner, selected atmos- regulated system which would adjust
pheres of other types could be investi- to its own reflectance so as to main-
gated. tain the temperature desired.
Vestibular Function. Disorienta- Gravitation. A change in the ratio
tion or discomfort resulting from dis- of gravity and inertia forces to mo-
turbed vestibular function due to lecular forces will alter mobility pat-
weightlessness might be handled terns, among other things. Body tem-
through the use of drugs, by tempo- perature control and other uses of
rarily draining off the endolymphatic pharmaceuticals could possibly im-
fluid or, alternately, filling the cavities prove functioning under conditions of
completely, and other techniques in- greater or lesser gravitation than that
volving chemical control. Hypnosis on earth.
may also be useful for controlling ves- Magnetic Fields. Chemicals alld
tibular function. temperature alteration might also act
Cardiovascular Control. The appli- to retard or facilitate the specific ef-
cation of control-system theory to bi- Official AF photos show the 5000-mile fects of magnetic fields in space.
ology has already yielded sufficiently Northrop SM-62 Snark missile release Sensory Invariance and Action Dep-
fruitful results in studies of the multi- its nose, packing a dummy nuclear Tivation. Instead of sensory depriva-
ple homeostatic functions of the cardi- payload, in a practice run on a target. tion, it is sensory invariance, or lack
ovascular system to indicate the pos- The nose will proceed at supersonic of change in sensory stimuli, which
sibility of altering the system by the speed on a ballistic trajectory. may be the astronaut's bugaboo. In

September 1960 / Astronautics 75

it should be noted that there are ref-
erences in the Soviet technical litera-
ture to research in many of these same
areas. Thus we find the Russians pro-
posing prior oxygen saturation as a so-
Get the facts on COB Testina lution to the problem of respiration
during the first few minutes after space
vehicle launchings; reporting on altera-
tions of the vestibular function both
by drugs and surgery; studying per-
ception and carrying out research on
the laws of eye motion in vision; find-
P I O N E E R S O F C O 2 FOR E N V I R O N M E N T A L T E S T I N G ing that lowering of temperature can
aid in solving pressure problems; etc.
-100'F. IN SECONDS WITH ABSOLUTE CON- Solving the many technological
TROL-yours with a Cardox Bulk Liquid
COz Storage Unit installed, serviced and problems involved in manned space
maintained- on your premises. Exclusive, flight by adapting man to his environ-
patented CARDOX COSVAPOR RECY- ment, rather than vice versa, will not
CLE SYSTEM insures maximum cooling
effect of carbon dioxide at point of use-at only mark a significant step forward
all times. Cardox carbonic gas and dry ice in man's scientific progress, but may
also available in any quantity to suit your well provide a new and larger dimen-
specific testing needs.
MAIL THIS COUPON, attached to your signed letter-
sion for man's spirit as well. ++
head, to Cardox. You will receive your copy of a new, illus- A complote llst of references for this paper mag
trated booklet which fully describes the various methods of b e obtained bg writing to the Editor, Astro-
testing with COZ in use today, and shows how Cardox CO? nautics, 500 Fifth Aoe., N e w York 36, N . Y .
Vapor Recycle System can bring new economy, eMciency and
reliability to your operation. Send for your copy today.
CARDOX PRODUCTS: Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguish-
Carbon Dioxide. ..Carbonic Gas.. Dry Ice.
Ing Systems, Trucks, and Foam Fire Equlpmenl , Liquid
Army Missile Transfer
August 1 the Army transferred
O I V I S I O N O F C H E M E T R O N C O R P O R A T I O N /cNEMgTnw~
seven surface-to-surface missile sys-
Dept. 14351, 840 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago 11, 111.
Jersey City, N. 1. Detroit, Mich.
tems-Honest John, Little John, Cor-
Fort Worth, Texas
26 Journal Square 1723 W. Lafayette Blvd. 825 N. Calhoun St. poral, Sergeant, Light Antitank
RIlOnal offices: Memphis, Tenn. Chicago 9. Illinois Los Angeles Cal. Weapon (LAW), Missile A, and Mis-
784 Mississlppl St. 43rd & Marshfield 151 North Abenue 19
sile B-from ARGMA to ABMA, which
has had Redstone, Jupiter, and Per-
shing. ARGMA will continue respon-
sibility for Nike-Zeus, Nike-Hercules,
most of the sensory deprivation experi- processes, emotions, or behavior are Nike-Ajax, Hawk, Mauler, Redeye,
ments to date, it has been sensory in- abnormal, might keep him from vol- Lacrosse, and Shillelagh, and for field
variance which has produced discom- untarily accepting medication. For service activities related to manage-
fort and, in extreme circumstances, led this reason, if monitoring is adequate, ment of the transferred weapons.
to the occurrence of psychotic-like provision should be made for trigger-
states. Of even greater significance ing administration of the medication
may be action invariance, deprivation remotely from earth or by a companion Rotary Wings
or limitation, since in many such ex- if there is a crew on the vehicle.
periments subjects have mentioned a Limbo. The contingency of possi- For Re-entry
"desire for action." The structuring of ble extreme pain or suffering as a re-
situations so that action has a mean- sult of unforeseen accidents must also
ingful sensory feedback should reduce be considered. The astronaut should
these difficulties. Here again drugs therefore be able to elect a state of
could play a useful role in reducing unconsciousness if he feels it to be
resultant tensions. Action without necessary. Prolonged sleep induced
demonstration that such behavior is either pharmacologically or electroni-
purposeful or sensory stimuli without cally seems the best solution.
opportunity for appropriate response
are both highly disturbing. Other Problems
Psychoses. Despite all the care ex-
ercised, there remains a strong possi- There obviously exists an equally
bility that somewhere in the course of large number of medical problems The AF's Wright Air Development
a long space voyage a psychotic epi- amenable to pharmacological influence Div. recently awarded Kaman Aircraft
sode might occur, and this is one con- which have not been discussed here a contract for nearly a half-million
dition for which no servomechanism for lack of space. Among these are dollars to develop and test a guided
can be completely designed at the such conditions as nausea, vertigo, mo- recovery device based on Kaman's
present time. While an emergency tion sickness, erotic requirements, vi- Rotochute, shown above fixed to three
osmotic pump containing one of the bration tolerance, etc. payloads weighing from 100 to 200
high-potency phenothiazines together However, those selected for discus- lb and strung by a cable to the bot-
with reserpine could be a part of the sion offer an indication as to what the tom one. The development will aim
complete space man's kit, the frequent Cyborg can mean in terms of space at a re-entry aid for manned space
denial by an individual undergoing a travel. Although some of the pro- capsule?, nose cones, and rocket boost-
psychotic episode that his thought posed solutions may appear fanciful, ers.

76 Astronautics / September 1960

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