Contemporary Worl Module 1-Act.1 (EAC) Bea Adeline O. Manlangit

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Module 1-Activity 1

Directions: Complete the “graphic organizer” by filling in the correct concepts and ideas
inside the box, then answer the discussion question below.

Definition from your own understanding

Innovation, Unity and Culture

Seven Sectors

Institutiona Geographic
Social Cultural Political Sociological
l al

Effects of globalization in the Seven Sectors

Social Technological Institutional Cultural Political Geographical

It helps Reduces costs Changes the It helps to It helps the It is for the
It gives the
people to for mode know the national movements of
organizations to
be more cultural government people across
have a lower transportatio intercourse
united and values and to be aware nations for
labour costs among
exchange n and ideas of to the employment ,c
while increases nations and
ideas from every nation. changes of apital
the technical communicatio regions of
each other. world and investment ,kn
expertise and the world, Being aware
n across the on how to owledge ,cultu
experience of prompted of everyone’s
It helps lead their ral values and
the developed world. by traditions ,fo
every own world’s issues
countries. technologie
country to ods and
s that countries.
be known beliefs of
by everyone.
the volume

1. Which societal factor is most affected by globalization? Why?

Economic mostly affect by globalization because it defines and measures how trading
of products work and on what and how people do by living .For example, this
pandemic made most of the world to have a low economic range which affects the
way of living.

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