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Once Upon a time, in a kingdom There was a wise king and a warmhearted queen.

Ruled the kingdom in peace and prosperity. unfortunately, the didn’t have a child for a
long time ehich made both of them really eager to have one. After Years of expectation
the queen finally gave birth to a beautiful princes. The king was really happy and he
decided to throw a big party, to which he invited the whole family and friends, and even
the Fairies, to give his daughter the best moment of caring and love.
Peri Biru: Our princes will be the most beautiful lady in our kingdom!
Peri orange: Furthermore, she will be a talented,gentle, and well behaved princess
However the king hadn’t invited all of them due to his busy duties,the third fairy wasn’t
invited accidentally,she appeared in the middle of things along with angry face!
Peri Jahat:How could you all look down on me, am i dead in your eyes?
Curse you all, curse your daughter! Under the fiften of fire, in the beauty and
youth, The curse once aries, with a shuttle in mood!
A shoch ran over everyone’s mind!
Peri orange: Your majesty, we have tried our best buth the curse is too powerful.How
ever our princess will not take the worst turn. The beauty will fall asleep, along with her
servants. Brave one uncover the deep,bring her the love of silence.

The king and queen were anxious, the tried everything to lift the curse from their
daughter.All the best wishes to our little princes come true. She grew up to become
talented lady. But, the fairy planned her vengeance! She put a loom in a secreat corner
in the castle
Ayah: The neighbor king invited us to his party, we need to attend tomorrow
Ibu: what about our daughter? I’m afraid the curse still works.
Ayah: This party is quite important,it should be fine, we will be back tomorow night

The queen seemed okay with it. However,she still worried about the princes. Since the
parents were gone for the party, the lady could finally feel her freedom for the first
time.she followed her curiosity to every corner of the palace her little feet had never
touched.and finally stopped by a little door the princess curiously opened it.
Aurora:hi there! What are you doing?
Peri jahat: oh my dear.. i’m weaving
Aurora: oh wow! Please allow me to know what is this quick thing?
At the same time, the whole palace also fell asleep
Peri Jahat: HAHAHHAAH, Now you see what happened, you traitors!
Years and years passed, the castle was covered by thickset trees
Pangeran: Mister, please allow me to know who is the owner of that castle?
Kakek: ohh bad thing belongs to the previous kingdom, our little princess got a curse to
fall asleep for a hundread years along with their servants
Pangeran: sleep? Why hundred of years? No one wake her up?
Kakek: i dont know for sure. I Just heard that they got into a powerfull curse
Pangeran: ohh thankyou sir
Interesting! I’m not afraid of those things i have to wake the beautiful princess
He continued his journey into deeper places with caution
Finally, he stepped into the main room where our little princess was sleeping
He openned the door and was shocked by the beauty of the lady
The suddently he put a kiss on her lips, and her eyes opened
Aurora:who are you? Could you get into my room?
Pangeran: I heard news about this palace, and I was determined to save you and the
Everyone in the castle had also woke up. Everyone was really grateful to the prince

After a long time dating, they gradually fell in love with each other
The wedding was held and was beautiful. they both lived happily forever after

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