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Knowledge Questionnaire

Question 1 (SO1, AC2 and EEK 3)

Define RPL in your own words.

Recognition of prior learning can be defined as giving credit to what learners already know and can do regardless
of whether this learning was achieved formally, informally or non-formal.
Question 2 (SO1, AC3 and EEK 4)
List the THREE assessment methods and describe each one of them.

Category Observation
One of the best ways to assess competence in the work environment is to observe the
Description learner’s behavior under real working conditions continually until all assessment criteria have
been covered.

Category Questioning
Asking questions orally or in writing which are answered orally or in writing. The questions
Description could relate to the observation or to the product.

Category Evaluation of a product

Evaluating something the learner has produced after the task has been completed.

Question 3 (SO1, AC4 and EEK 2)
List and describe the FOUR key principles of assessment.

Principle Fairness
Inequality of opportunities, resources and appropriate teaching and learning approaches in
Description terms of acquisition of knowledge, understanding and skills.
Bias in respect of ethnicity, gender, age, disability, social class and race in so far as that the
Principle Validity
Validity in assessment constitutes assessment procedures, methods, instruments and materials
Description have to match what is being assessed.
Assessment should stay within the parameters of what is required – not less than the unit
standard or qualification, nor more than the unit standard or qualification.
Principle Reliability
Assessment results should not be perceived to have been influenced by variables such as:
Description Assessor bias in terms of the learner’s gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion,
like/dislike, appearance and such like.

Principle Practicability
Practicability refers to ensuring that assessments take into account the available financial
Description resources, facilities, equipment and time. Assessments that require elaborate arrangements
for equipment and facilities, as well as being costly, will make the assessment system fail.

Question 4 (SO1, AC4 and EEK 2)
Assessment principles cover the assessment process, methods and evidence. Name and briefly explain the
principles of assessment that apply to each of the following.

Fairness: Clear, accurate, consistent and timely information on assessment task and procedures should be
available for all stakeholders.

Validity: Assessment task and associated criteria unit standard to be assessed on all different instrument
requires proposition with effective measures.

Reliability: Should be attained or available to intended learning outcomes of appropriate level.

Practicability: Assessment task should properly reflect the nature of the subject but should also ensure have
opportunity to develop range of generic skills and capabilities.
Methods: VACCS Assessment principles should allow free flow of assessment process.
Where assessment tasks are linked with criteria effective measures candidate attainment of the learning
Information about assessment should be explicit, accessible and transparent training provided constructive
feedback (set of two way feedback and should be on integral part of assessment process).

Develop policy and strategy, include assessment must be complete to undertake their roles and responsibility.

It should reflect the outcomes and practices in the work place.
It should be dated and signed by both assessor and candidate.
Picture inserted as part of authentication.
Evidence should be linked per unit outcomes.

(11 x 2)(22)
Question 5 (SO1, AC5)
Why is it important to provide feedback in the correct format and manner?

 Correct format serves as reference and can be able to analyze findings for future reference. It serves as
guide and improve with needs of the organizational growth.
 Is important to employees ongoing learning and development, it verifies expectations.
 Helps learning from mistakes, building confidence and encouraging a culture to nurture and support each
 One will be able to find different methodology to achieve different concepts.
 It allows two way process to give and receive feedback building trust to work toward common goals and
listening skills.

Question 6 (SO2, AC1 and EEK 7)

List four aspects that you need to address when preparing for assessment.

 Prepare the learner before assessment following pimp and unit completed.
 Select the appropriate method and tools to be used whether your learner meets the specific outcomes
and criteria of the standard or qualification, including formative to be submitted.
 Organize all necessary resources required. These resources include all the material, assessment tools
and the role players that will have an impact on how well the assessment will be conducted.
 Conducive venue

 Discuss the VACS evidence requirement with the learner and agree on evidence the learner can
 Address cost effectiveness of method chosen and where possible agree that naturally.
 Draw up and agree on assessment schedule with the learner, which reflect assessment criteria types
of evidence to be collected, assessment methods, timing of assessment, and sequence of activities,
deadlines and arrangements for reviewing the assessment plan.
Question 7 (SO2, AC3 and EEK 7 & 8)
Who is involved in pre-assessment moderation and what is the purpose?

Role Players
To ensure that assessment align with established criteria and standards and are equitable, fair, and valid and that
judgements are consistent, reliable and based on evidence within the task response or assessed.

Question 8 (SO2, AC4 and EEK 4, 6 & 7)
What information needs to be communicated to learners prior to an assessment to ensure that the
assessment is clear and transparent?

 Venue
 Date of the assessment
 Time
 Unit standard the learner will be assessed on
 Method of assessment.

Question 9 (SO2, AC4)
What must be in place at an assessment site to ensure the safety of learners specifically when assessing
technical aspects?

 Wearing of PPE Clothing.

 Place a warning sign and clear map.
 Technique in different methods and applications.
 Know candidate strength and weakness and balance all the resources to form strong supportive team.

Question 10 (SO2, AC5
Why should the learner’s inputs be obtained during the assessment preparation process?

Diagnostic assessment provides instructor with information about student’s prior knowledge and misconceptions
before beginning a learning activity and also diagnose student’s strength.

Ensure that the learner understand the procedure of assessment practice and iron out any questions.
Ensure that he or she foresee any problem or can identify special needs.
Ensure to communicate feedback.

Question 11 (SO3, AC1)
List SIX criteria that assessment practices need to adhere to.

1. Relevance.

2. Coherence.

3. Effectiveness.

4. Efficiency.
5. Impact
6. Sustainability.
Question 12 (SO3, AC3)
What is an assessor allowed to do and not do during oral questioning?
 Do – ensure assessment is free from potential assessment barrier, e.g. literacy or language
 Do – Agree a language use.
 Don’t ask ambiguous questions.
 Don’t make judgement with bias.


Question 13 (SO3, AC4 & AC5)

Before an assessor can make a final judgement of the learner’s competency, the evidence presented needs to
be measured against each of the principles of evidence listed below.
Briefly explain how the assessor can justify the assessment judgement decision based on compliance with the
principles. (Mention at least TWO aspects per principle)

 All assessment task and associated criteria effectively measure candidate attainment of intended
learning outcomes per requirements.
 Ensure requirements are clear and consistent in collective evidence.

 Work or evidence must be hand written with signature attached and includes ID.
 The constructive feedback and reviews are to be a two way process. ( be ready to offer and receive

 Policies and practice with correct documents.

 Assessment practice and procedures for an outcomes.

 Evidence must be dated.
 Pimp with clear plans on different instruments.

 Allow different pathway to the same learning ends.

 All instruments are used equally to collect evidence that is VACS.
 Formative and assessment instrument and logbook must be submitted and fully conducted
Question 14 (SO3, AC6 and EEK 7)
What criteria need to be met by assessment records?

Consistent with the learner input.

Question 15 (EEK 6 & 7)
When can learners appeal against assessment decisions?

 Bias
 Unfair judgement – if other students work was deemed competent yet they are deemed NYC.
 Inconsistency

Question 16 (EEK 7 & 8)
What is the purpose of the assessment review process?

 Recommendation for future improvements.

 Ensure that the process viewed in line with organizational requirement.
 Ensure it was free potential achievement barrier.

Question 17 (SO5, AC3 and EEK 7 & 8)
What needs to be done regarding the weaknesses that were identified in the assessment process and

 Take corrective measures and make or report to service provider to make changes for future use.

Question 18 (SO5, AC4 and EEK 6, 7 & 8)
What needs to be done in terms of poor-quality unit standards and qualifications?

 Recommend / report to ETQA to ensure they make necessary changes.


Total: 100
Percentage: %

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