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OPERATION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS Volume II | sa + ENVIRONMENTAL P aE eanonacrn OFFICE OF wate roe : Environmental Protection Agency Review Notice This training manual has been reviewed by the Office of Water Program Operations, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and approved for publi- cation. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recom- mendation for use by the Environmental Protection Agency, California State University, Sacramento, Callfomia Water Pollution Controt Association, au- thors of the chapters or project reviewers and directors. OPERATION OF WASTEWATER ‘TREATMENT PLANTS Second Edition Volume tt ‘A Field Study Training Program prepared by California State University, Sacramento (formerly Sacramento State College) Department of Civil Engineering in cooperation with the California Water Pollution Control Association Indi idee dd Kenneth D. Kerri, Project Ditector Bill B. Dendy, Co-Director John Brady, Consultant and Co-Director William Crooks, Consultant ISI ESHEETS III IIIA II for the Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water Program Operations Municipal Permits and Operations Division First Edition, Technical Training Grant No. STT1-WP-16-03 (1970) ‘Second Edition, Grant No. T800690010 1980 This manual is revised and updated before each printing based on com- ments from persons using the manual. First printing, 1071 500 Second printing, 1972 7,000 Third printing, 1973 Fourth printing, 1874 6 Filth printing, 1975 4 ‘Sixth printing, 1977 11,000 Seventh printing, 1979 4,900 SECOND EDITION, Volume H First printing, 1980 7,000 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION VOLUME II Volume Il is a continuation of Volume I. In Volume |, the emphasis was on the knowledge and skills needed by new operators and the operators of smaller treatment facilities. Volume I! stresses information needed by these operators, but shifts emphasis towards larger conventional treatment plants. This volume also will be helpful to operators in supervisory and management positions. All operators need to know how to perform basic arithmetic calculations and laboratory procedures to measure wastewater characteristics. Chapter 16 outlines in detail the step-by-step procedures to measure wastewater characteristics. Chapter 17 contains example problems showing how to solve most arithmetic problems that operators may have to work while operating their plant. You can solve all of these problems by the use of addition, subtraction, muttipication and division. All of these problems can be easily worked by the use of pocket electronic calculators. Many operators have looked at and actually started these two chapters while they were working on Volume Regardless of the size or type of treatment plant that you operate, all of the chapters in Volume I! contain information you need to know to do your job. Every treatment plant requires the operator to know how to treat and handle solids, dispose of the plant effluent, conduct your duties following safe procedures, maintain the equipment, keep records, analyze data and write reports. if your plant has advanced waste treatment processes, unusual solids handling or disposal facilities, or treats industrial wastes, you will want to continue to Volume I after you have completed Volume Il For information on: 1. Uses of this manual, 2. Instructions to participants in home-study course, and 3, Summary of procedure, please refer to Volume |. Kenneth D. Kerri John Brady 1980 OPERATION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS VOLUME |, SECOND EDITION Tople Activated Sludge (Conventional Activated Sludge Plants) ‘Sludge Digestion and Solids Handling Effluent Disposal Plant Safety and Good Housekeeping Maintenance Laboratory Procedures and Chemistry Basic Arithmetic and Treatment Plant Problems Analysis and Presentation of Data Records and Report Writing Final Examination Glossary Index TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, FIRST EDITION William Garber Frank Philips George Gardner Warren Prentice Carl Nagel Ralph Stowell Joe Nagano Larry Trumbull ‘TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, SECOND EDITION George Gardner Cart Nagel Lamy Hannah Al Petrasek Mike Mulbarger Page a 205 239 327 515 847 877 607 Chapter exneonren + 10 BRERBRRBR ‘COURSE OUTLINE VOLUME |, SECOND EDITION Tople The Treatment Plant Operator Why Treat Wastes? Wastewater Treatment Facilitios Racks, Screens, Comminutors and Grit Removal ‘Sedimentation and Flotation Tricking Fitters Rotating Biological Contactors Activated Sludge (Package Plants and Oxidation Ditches) Waste Treatment Ponds Disinfection and Chiorination Final Examination Index VOLUME III, SECOND EDITION ‘Odor Control Activated Sludge (Pure Oxygen and Operational Control Altematives) Solids Handling and Disposal Solids Removal from Secondary Effiuents Phosphorus Removal Wastewater Reclamation Instrumentation Industrial Waste Monitoring Industrial Waste Treatment ‘Support Systems Final Examination Glossary Index 2 Treatment Plants OBJECTIVES. GLOSSARY LESSON 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 11. Activated Sludge Volume tl. Operation of Activated Siudge Plants 14.0 Basic Variables and Record Keeping 11.00 1104 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 LESSON 2 11.1 Aeration Systems 11.10 wa ae Need for Record Keeping Variables in Collection System .... 11.010 Combined Sewer Systems 11.011 Waste Dischargers to the System 11.012 Maintenance of the Collection System Operational Variables Plant Records ‘Typical Lab Resuts for an Activated ‘Siudge Plant Design Variables 11.050 Aeration Methods 11.051 Variation of Activated Studge Process... Purpose of Aeration Mechanical Aeration Systems Diffused Aeration Systems 11.120. Air Filters 11.121 Blowers (Process Air Compressors) - 11,122 Air Distribution System 41.123. Air Headers 11.124. Diffusers Page 3 8 3 3 13 8 5 16 16 6 - 16 Safety .. 11.20 121 11.22 11.23 1124 11.25 LESSON 3. 13 Aeration Tanks and Clarifiers Surface Aerators A Fitors Blowers ‘Air Distribution System ‘ir Headers and Dittusers .. Checking Out a New Plant. 11.30 1131 11.32 11.38 LESSON 4 Process Start-Up Procedures 14 11.40 141 11.42 1143 1148 LESSON 5 Routine Operational Control 18 11.50 1151 ‘A New Activated Sludge Plant: Description Aerator 11.810 Control Gates 11.311 Storm Flow Gates and Pedestal Lit Gates 11.312 Weirs 11.313 Movable Gates 11.814 Water Sprays for Froth Control 14.818. Alt System. . Air Fiters Blowers (Compressors) Air Headers Ditfusers pope E. Blower Testing ‘Secondary Clariiers Return Sludge and Waste Sludge Pumps General First Day ‘Second Day ‘Third through Fifth Days Sixth Day. How to Control the Process. Determination of Sludge Age Activated Sludge 3 28 8 35 35 - 95 8888 8e8ee88 8s & at BEG 6SS 68 4 Treatment Piante 11.52 Wasting Activated Sludge 11.53 Determination of Waste Sludge Pumping Rate 11.54 Operational Strategy 11.540 Influent Characteristics 11.541 Aeration Tank Environment . 11.542 Secondary Clarifier 2.2... seseseee 11.543 Plant Effient ..... ee 11.55 Actual Operation Under Normal Conditions, 11.550 Initial Inspection 11.551 Process Adjustment 11.56 Actual Operation Under Abnormal Conditions .. 11.87 Summary. geesgsessesse ese s LESSON 6 11.8 Operational Problems (Abnormal Operation)... 11.60. Typical Probloms . 11.61 Plant Changes... 11.62 Sludge Bulking . 11.63, Septic Siudge .. 11.64. Toxic Substances... 11.65. Rising Studige 11.88 Foaming Frothing LESSON7 11.7 Aerator Loading Guidelines 11.70 Use of Loading Guidelines ......... 11.71. FoodiMieroorganism Ratio 11.72. Calculation of FoodMicroorganism ‘Aerator Loading 411.73 Mean Coll Residence Time (MCRT) 11.74 Caloulaton of Mean Cell Residence Time ‘Activated Sludge Process Equipment 11.80 Need for Understanding Equipment . 114.81 Shutdown... 11.810 Surtace Aerators - 11.814. Positive Displacement Blowers 11.812 Centrtugal Blowers 11.813 Air Distribution System 11.814 Air Hoadors and Ditusors .. RR RRSEKLGERSBBR Activated Sludge 5 11.82 Abnormal Conditions 11.820. Surface Aerators 11.821. Air Fits 11.822, Blowers 11.823 Air Distbution System 11.828 Air Headers 11.825. Air Diftusors 11.83 Maintenance 11.830 Surtace Aerators 11.831 Air Filters SSSSSsSRsszReee 11.832 Blowers 11.833 Air Distibution System 11.834. Air Headers 11.895 Dittusers LESSON 8 11.9 Modifications of the Activated Siudge Process: 11.90 Reasons for Other Modes of Operation - 11.91 Contact Stabilization 11.92. Kraus Process 11.83. Step-Feed Aeration 11.94 Complete Mix 11,95 Moditied Aeration 11.10 Acknowledgment 11.11 Additional Reading. 11.12. Metric Calculations: 14.120 Conversion Factors «2... sess estes 11.121 Problem Solutions 6 Treatment Plants OBJECTIVES Chapter 11. “The activated sludge process is a very important wastewater treatment process. For this reason, the chapters on activated sludge have been divided into three parts and will be pre- ‘sented in three separate volumes. |. Package Plants and Oxidation Ditches |. Typical Activated Sludge Plants IL. Pure Oxygen Plants and Operational Control ltyou are the operator of a package plant or oxidation ditch, Volume I will provide you with the information you need to know to operate your plant. Volumes II and Il will help you better understand your plant and do a better job. i you operate ‘a conventional activated sludge plant or a modification, Vol lume | will help you understand the activated sludge process ‘and Volume I! wil tell you how to operate your plant. Volume Il vill explain to you alternative means of operational control that ‘may work very well for your plant. f you operate a pure oxygen plant, Volume Il wil tell you what you need to know to operate the pure oxygen system. All three parts contain information important tothe proper operation of your plant. Volume Ill also ‘contains information helpful to operators using the activated sludge process to treat special wastes such as industrial wastes. ‘The following list of objectives apply to the treatment plants ‘covered in each of the three parts. After completion of the ‘appropriate part on activated sludge you should be able to: 1 ACTIVATED SLUDGE, Explain the principles of the activated sludge process and the factors that influence and control the process, Inspect a new activated sludge fait for proper installa. tion, Place a new activated sludge process into service, ‘Schedule and conduct operation and maintenance duties, Collect samples, intorprot lab results, and make appropr- ate adjustments in treatment processes, Recognize factors that indicate an activated sludge pro- ‘cess is not performing propery, identify the source of the problem, and take corrective action, ‘Conduct your duties in a sate fashion, 1. Determine aerator loadings and understand the applica- tion of different loading guidelines, 1. Keep records for an activated sludge plant, Identity the common modifications of the activated sludge Process, and Review plans and specications for an activated sludge plant. Activated Sludge 7 GLOSSARY Chapter 11. ACTIVATED SLUDGE ABSORPTION (ab-SORP-shun) ‘ABSORPTION “Taking in or soaking up of one substance into the body of another by molecular or chemical action (as ree roots absorb dissolved nutrients in the soil. ACTIVATED SLUDGE (ACK-ta-VATE-ed siu)) ACTIVATED SLUDGE Sludge particles produced in raw or settled wastewater (primary effluent) by the growth of organisms (including zoogleal bacteria) in aeration tanks in the presence of dissolved oxygen. The term “activated” comes from the fact that the particles are teeming with bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. Activated sludge is different from primary sludge in that the sludge particles contain many living ‘organisms which can feed on the incoming wastewater. ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS (ACK-ta-VATE-ed sluj) ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS ‘A biological wastewater treatment process which speeds up the decomposition of wastes in the wastewater being treated. Activated sludge is added to wastewater and the mixture (mixed liquor) is aerated and agitated. Alter some time in the aeration tank, the Activated sludge is allowed to settle out by sedimentation and is disposed of (wasted) or reused (returned to the aeration tank) as Needed. The remaining wastewater then undergoes more trealrment. ADSORPTION (add-SORP-shun) ‘ADSORPTION ‘The gathering of a gas, liquid, or dissolved substance on the surface or interface zone of another substance. ‘AERATION LIQUOR (air-A-shun) AERATION LIQUOR, Mixed liquor. The contents of the aeration tank including living organisms and materia carried into the tank by either untreated wastewater or primary effuent. AERATION TANK (air-A-shun) AERATION TANK The tank whore raw or settled wastewater is mixed with ratum sludge and aerated. The same as aeration bay, aerator or reactor. ‘AEROBES. ‘AEROBES Bacteria that must have molecular (dissolved) oxygen (00) to survive. ‘AEROBIC DIGESTION (AIR-O-bick) AEROBIC DIGESTION “The breaking down of wastes by microorganisms in the presence of dissolved oxygen. Waste sludge is placed in a large aerated tank where aerobic microorganisms decompose the organic matter in the sludge. This is an extension of the activated sludge process, AGGLOMERATION (a-GLOM-er-A-shun) AGGLOMERATION The growing or coming together of small scattered particles into larger flocs or particles which settle rapidly. Also see FLOC. AIR LIFT ‘AIR LIFT ‘A special type of pump. This device consists of @ vertical riser pipe submerged in the wastewater or sludge to be pumped. Compressed air is injected into a tal piece at the bottom of the pipe. Fine air bubbles mix with the wastewater or sludge to form a mixture lighter than the surrounding water which causes the mixture to rise inthe discharge pipe tothe outlet. An ait pump works similar to the center stand in a percolator coffee pot. ALIQUOT (AL-i-Kwot) ALIQuOT Portion of a sample. ‘ANAEROBES ‘ANAEROBES, Bacteria that do not need molecular (dissolved) oxygen (DO) to survive. 8 Treatment Plants BACTERIAL CULTURE (back-TEAR--al) BACTERIAL CULTURE {nthe case of activated sludge, the bacterial cuture refers to the group of bacteria classed as AEROBES and facultative organisms, which covers a wide range of organisms. Most treatment processes in the United Siates grow facultative organisms which utiize the carbonaceous (carbon compounds) BOD. Facultative organisms can live when oxygen resources are low. When “nitrification” Is. Fequired, the nittying organisms are OBLIGATE AEROBES (require oxygen) and must have at least 0.5 mg/L of dissolved oxygen throughout the whole system to function properly BATCH PROCESS BATCH PROCESS ‘A treatment process in which a tank or reactor i filed, the water is treated, and the tank is emptied. The tank may then be filed and the process repeated. BIOMASS (BUY-o-MASS) BIOMASS, ‘Armas or clump or living organisms feeding on the wastes in wastewater, dead organisms and ether debris. This mass may be formed for, or function as, the protection against predators and storage of food supplies. Also see ZOOGLEAL MASS, ‘BULKING (BULK-ing) BULKING Clouds of billowing studge that occur throughout secondary clarifiers and sludge thickeners when the sludge becomes too light and will not settle properiy CATHODIC PROTECTION (ca-THOD-ick) CATHODIC PROTECTION ‘An electrical system for prevention of rust, corrosion, and pitting of stee! and iron surfaces in contact with water or wastewater, CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND or COD CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND or COD [A measure of the oxygen-consuming capacity of inorganic and organic matter present in wastewater. COD is expressed as the amount of oxygen consumed from a chemical oxidant in mg/L during a specific test. Results are not necessarily related to the biochemical oxygen demand because the chemical oxidant may react with substances that bacteria do not stabilize, COAGULATION (ko-AGG-u-LAY-shun) COAGULATION The use of chemicals that cause very fine particles to clump together into larger parricles. This makes it easier to separate the solds {rom the liquids by setting, skimming, and draining or fitering ‘COMPOSITE (PROPORTIONAL) SAMPLE. COMPOSITE (PROPORTIONAL) SAMPLE (com-POZ-i) ‘A composite sample is a collection of individual samples obtained at regular intervals, usually every one or two hours during a 24-hour time span. Each individual sample is combined with the others in proportion to the flow when the sample was collected, The resulting mixture (composite sample) forms a representative sample and is analyzed to determine the average conditions during the ‘sampling period. CONING (CONE-ing) CONING Development of a cone-shaped flow of liquid, ike a whirlpool, through sludge. This can occur in a sludge hopper during sludge withdrawal when the sludge becomes too thick. Part ofthe sludge remains in place while quid rather than sludge flows out of the hopper. Also called “coring CONTACT STABILIZATION CONTACT STABILIZATION Contact stabilization is a modification of the conventional activated sludge process. In contact stabilization, two aeration tanks are Used. One tank is for separate re-aeration of the return sludge for at least four hours belore it is permitted to flow into the other aeration tank to be mixed with the primary offluent requiring treatment. DECIBEL DECIBEL ‘Aunit for expressing the relative intensity of sounds on a scale from zero forthe average least perceptible sound to about 190 for the average pain level DENITRIFICATION DENITRIFICATION ‘A.condition that occurs when nitrite or nitrate ions are reduced to nitrogen gas and bubbles are formed as a result ofthis process. ‘The bubbies attach to the biological flacs and float the flocs to the surface of the secondary clarifiers. This condition is often the cause of rising sludge observed in secondary clarifiers DIFFUSED-AIR AERATION DIFFUSED-AIR AERATION ‘A diffused air activated sludge plant takes air, compresses it, and then discharges the air below the water surface of the aerator through some type of air difusion device. DIFFUSER, DIFFUSER ‘A device (porous plate, tbe, bag) used fo break the airstream irom the blower systom ino fine bubbles in an aeration tank or reactor. Activated Studge 9 DISSOLVED OXYGEN DISSOLVED OXYGEN Molecular oxygen dissolved in water or wastewater, usually abbreviated DO. ENDOGENOUS (en-DODGE-en-us) ENDOGENOUS ‘Arado vel ol rept (beathing) n which organi break down compound win he cwn colo produce te cxypen FIM RATIO FIM RATIO Food to microorganism ratio. A measure of food provided to bacteria in an aeration tank. Food = BOD, tosiday Microorganioms MLVSS, ibs Flow, MGD x BOD, mpl. x 8.34 Ibs/gal Volume, MG x MLVSS, mg/L x 8.34 toa/gal or = BOO, teidey MAL¥86, hg FACULTATIVE (FACK-uL-TAY tive) FACULTATIVE ‘Facultative bacteria can use either molecular (dissolved) oxygen or oxygen obtained from food materials such a6 eutate or nitrate tons. in other words, facultative bactoria can live under aerabic or anaerobic conditions. FILAMENTOUS BACTERIA (FiLL-@-MEN-tuss) FILAMENTOUS BACTERIA (Organisms that grow in a thread or fiamentous form. Common types are thiothrx and actinomyces. FLIGHTS FLIGHTS ‘Scraper boards, made from redwood or other rot-esistant woods or plasic, used to collect and move settled sludge or floating scum. FLoc Floc ‘Groups or clumps of bacteria thet have come together and formed a cluster. Found in aeration tanks and secondary clarifiers. FLOCCULATION (FLOCK-you-LAY-shun) FLOCCULATION ‘The gathering together of fine parties to form larger particles. FOOD/MICROORGANISM RATIO FOOD/MICROORGANISM RATIO Food to microorganism ratio. A measure of food provided to bacteria in an aeration tank. Food = BOD, tbalday Microorganisms MLVSS, bs = __Flow, MGD x BOD, mg/L x 8.34 Iba/gal Volume, MG x MLVSS, mg/L. x 8.34 Iba/gal or = BOD, kgiday MLVES, kg Commonly abbreviated F/M Ratio. HEADER HEADER, ‘A large pipe to which the ends of a series of smaller pipes are connected. Also called a “manifold.” MANIFOLD MANIFOLD ‘A large pipe to which the ends of a series of smaller pipes are connected. Also called a “header.” MEAN CELL RESIDENCE TIME (MCAT) MEAN CELL RESIDENCE TIME (MCAT) ‘An expression of the average time that a microorganism will spend in the activated sludge process. MCAT, days = __Sdlde in Activated Studge Process, be Solids Removed trom Process, beiday 10 Treatment Plants MECHANICAL AERATION MECHANICAL AERATION ‘The use of machinery to mix air and water so that oxygen can be absorbed into the water. Some examples are: paddle whoels, ‘mixers, of rotating brushes to agitate the surface of an aeration tank; pumps to create fountains; and pumps to discharge water down a series of steps forming falls or cascades. MICROORGANISMS (micro-ORGAN-is-ums) MICROORGANISMS Very small organisms that can be seen only through a microscope. Some microorganisms use the wastes in wastewater for food and thus remove or alter much of the undesirable matter. MIXED LIQUOR MIXED LIQUOR When the activated sludge in an aeration tank is mixed with primary effluent or the raw wastewater and return sludge, this mixture is then referred to as mixed liquor as long as itis in the aeration tank. When the mixed iquor flows fram the aeration tank it goes Into the eacondary clarifiers or final sedimentation tanks. Mixed iquor also may refer o the contents of mixed aerobic or anaerobic jigesters, MIXED LIQUOR SUSPENDED SOLIDS MIXED LIQUOR SUSPENDED SOLIDS (MLSS) (Miss) ‘Suspended solids in the mixed liquor of an aeration tank, MIXED LIQUOR VOLATILE SUSPENDED MIXED LIQUOR VOLATILE SUSPENDED ‘SOLIDS (MLVSS) ‘SOLIDS (MLVSS) ‘The organic or volatile suspended solids in the mixed liquor of an aeration tank NITRIFICATION (NYE-trfKAY-shun) NITRIFICATION ‘A process in which bacteria change the ammonia and organic nitrogen in wastewater into oxidized nitrogen (usually nitrate). The ‘second-stage BOD is sometimes referred to as the “nitrification stage" (first-stage BOD is called the "carbonaceous stage") OXIDATION (ox:-DAY-shun) OXIDATION ‘Oxidation isthe addition of oxygen, removal of hydrogen, or the removal of electrons trom an element or compound. In wastewater ‘treatment, organic matter is oxidized to more stable substances. The opposite of REDUCTION. PLUG FLOW PLUG FLOW ‘A type of flow that occurs in tanks, basins or reactors wien a slug of wastewater moves through a tank without ever dispersing or ‘mixing with the rest of the wastewater flowing through the tank. DIRECTION OF FLOW —— Sn PLUG FLOW POLYELECTROLYTE (POLY-electro-ight) POLYELECTROLYTE ‘A high-molecular-weight substance that is formed by either a natural or synthetic process. Natural polyelectroiyies may be of biological origin or derived from starch products, cellulose derivatives, and alignates. Synthetic polyelectrolytes consist of simple substances that have been made into complex, high-molecular-weight substances. Often called a “polymer.” POLYMER (POLY-mer) POLYMER A high-molecular-weight substance that is formed by either a natural or synthatic process. Natural polymers may be of biological ‘origin or derived from starch products, cellulose derivatives, and alignates. Synthetic polymers consist of simple substances that ave been made into complex, high-molecular-weight subsiances. Otten called a “polyelectrolyte. PROTOZOA (pro-toe-Z0E-ah) PROTOZOA ‘A group of microscopic animals (usually single-celled) that sometimes cluster into colonies. REDUCTION (re-DUCK-shun) REDUCTION Feeduction is the addition of hydrogen, removal of oxygen. o the addition of electrons to an element or compound. Under anaerobic Conditions in wastewater, sulfate compounds or elemental sulfur are reduced to odor-producing hydrogen suitide (HS) or the sulfide lon (S"*). The oppesite of OXIDATION. RISING SLUDGE RISING SLUDGE Flising sludge occurs inthe secondary clarifiers of activated sludge plants when the sludge settles tothe botiom of the carl, is compacted, and then stars to rise to the surlace,usvally as a result of denitrification Activated Sludge 11 SECCHI DISC (SECK-key) SECCHI Disc A fiat, white disc lowered into the water by a rope unti i is just barely visible. At this point, the depth of the dise from the water surface is the recorded secchi disc reading SEIZING SEIZING Seizing occurs when an engine overheats and a component expands so the engine will not run, Also called “freezing.” SEPTIC (SEP-tick) SEPTIC ‘This condition is produced by anaerobic bacteria. If severe, the wastewater tums black, gives off foul odors, contains litle or no dissolved oxygen and creates a heavy oxygen demand. ‘SHOCK LOAD ‘SHOCK LOAD ‘The arrival at a plant of a waste which is toxic to organisms in sufficient quantity of strength to cause operating problems. Possible problems include odors and solids in the effluent. Organic or hydraulic overloads also can cause a shack load. SLUDGE AGE SLUDGE AGE ‘A measure of the length of time a particle of suspended solids has been undergoing aeration in the activated sludge process. Sludge Age, _ _ Suspended Solids Under Aeration, Ibs or kg says ‘Suspended Solids Added, Ibsiday or kg/day ‘SLUDGE DENSITY INDEX (SD!) SLUDGE DENSITY INDEX (SO) ‘This testis used in a way similar to the Sludge Volume Index (SV/) to indicate the settleabilty of a sludge in a secondary clarifier or effluent. SDI = 100/SVI. Also see SLUDGE VOLUME INDEX (SV)). SLUDGE VOLUME INDEX (SV1) ‘SLUDGE VOLUME INDEX (SV!) This is a test used to indicate the setting abiity of activated sludge (aerated solids) in the secondary clarifier. The test is a measure ‘of the volume of sludge compared to its weight. Allow the sludge sample from the aeration tank to settle for 30 minutes. Then ‘calculate SVI by dividing the volume (mi) of wet settied sludge by the weight (mg) ofthat sludge after it has been dried. Sludge with an SVI of one hundred or greater will not settle as readily as desirable because itis as light or lighter than water. svi = Wet Settled Sludge, mi _ 1090 Dried Sludge Solids, mg STABILIZED WASTE STABILIZED WASTE ‘A waste that has been treated or decomposed tothe extent that, i discharged or released, is rate and state of decomposition would bbe such that the waste would not cause a nuisance or odors. STEP-FEED AERATION STEP-FEED AERATION ‘Step-feed aeration is a modification of the conventional activated sludge process. In step aeration, primary effluent enters the aeration tank at several points along the length of the tank, rather than all of the primary effluent entering at the beginning or head of ‘the tank and flowing through the entice tank. ‘SUPERNATANT (sue-per-NAY-tent) ‘SUPERNATANT Liquid removed from settled sludge. Supernatant commonly refers tothe liquid between the sludge on the bottom and the scum on. the surface of an anaerobic digester. This liquid is usually returned to the influent wet well or to the primary clarifier. Toc Toc Total Organic Carton. TOC measures the amount of organic carbon in water. TURBIDITY METER. TURBIDITY METER [An instrument for measuring the amount of panicles suspended in water. Precise measurements are made by measuring how light is scattered by the suspended paricles. The normal measuring range is Oto 100 and is expressed as Nephelometic Turbity Units (NTUs) TURBIDITY UNITS TURBIDITY UNS Turbidity units, it measured by @ nephelomettic (reflected light) instrumental procedure, are expressed in Nephelometic Turbidity Units (NTU). Those turbidty units obtained by other instrumental methods of visual mathods are expressed in Jackson Turbidity Units (JTU} and sometimes as Formazin Turbidity Units (FTU). The FTU nomenclature comes from the Formazin polymer used to prepare the turbidity standards for instrument calbration. Turbidty units are a measure of the cloudiness of water. 12 Treatment Plants. VOLUTE (voHLOOT) VOLUTE ‘The spiral-shaped casing which surrounds a pump, blower, or turbine impeller and collects the iquor or gas discharged by the impelier. ZOOGLEAL MASS (ZOE-glee-al) ZOOGLEAL Jolly-like masses of bacteria found in both the trickling fiter and activated sludge processes. These masses may be formed for or function as the protection against predators and for storage of food supplies. Also see BIOMASS. (VER 2 PRIT-2e) Activated Sludge 13 CHAPTER 11. ACTIVATED SLUDGE VOLUME Il. OPERATION OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE PLANTS (Lesson 1 of 8 Lessons) NOTE: Review Volume |, Chapter 8, "Package Plants and Oxidation Ditches” before starting Volume I 11.0 BASIC VARIABLES AND RECORD KEEPING 11.00 Need for Record Keeping Wastewater flows and contents change daily. The activated sludge plant operator attempts to maintain the process at ‘some balanced stale that wll be capable of handling the minor Variations inflows or wastewater characteristics and produce the desired quality of effluent. To accomplish this goal you must establish the activated sludge process (Fig. 11.1) on known data and knowledge obtained at other plants and relate them to your plant. After your plant becomes operational, you then must relate the control procedures to actual plant exper cence. The vatiations that affect the operation are deri yo sbioos () is decharges ote cofecion susie an 2) in-plant Operafiona vamos — ao 11.01 Variables in Collection System 11.010 Combined Sewer Systems During storms the treatment plant wil receive an increase in flow which may cause the following problems: 1. Reduced wastewater time in treatment units (hydraulic overload), 2. Increased amounts of grit and silt which lower the volatile (ood) content of the solids; 3. Increased organic load during intial washout of accumu lated sewer deposits; and 4, Rapid changes in wastewater temperature and solids con- tent 11.011 Waste Dischargers to the System Various industries, businesses, and cesspool or soptic tank service fims can cause uneven flows and changes in the types. of wastewater entering a plant. You should become uainted with the managers of businesses and facities whose discharges could upset your treatment processes. Convince these people in a friendly manner how vital it is to your plant processes and the receiving waters for you to be notified of any potentialy harmful discharges. Try to obtain their cooperation ‘and request them to notify you whenever an accidental spl, a process change, or a cleaning operation occurs which could cause undesirable waste discharges. This requires diplomacy to obtain cooperation from dischargers to regulate their own discharges and to reduce the number of midnight dumps. 11.012 Maintenance of the Collection System ‘Advance notice of collection system maintenance crew ac- tives can be very helpful. Ifa lit station has been out of, service for a period of time, large volumes of septic wastewater, ‘could cause a shock load on your treatment processes. Similar problems could be created when a blockage in a lines cleared (r a new line is connected to the system. Analysis of inflow ‘quantities and characteristics when these flows reach a teat ‘ment plant can indicate whether or not they will cause a seri- ‘ous problem 11.02 Operational Variables Continual review of laboratory test results is essential in de: termining whether a treatment plant is discharging eluent of, the required quality in torms of such WATER QUALITY INDI- CATORS AS COD, SUSPENDED SOLIDS, AND NITROGEN. {tthe desired quality of the plant effluent is not achieved, the ‘operator must determine what factor or factors have changed to upset plant performance and thus reduce efficiency. Important factors that could have changed include: 1. Higher COD or BOD load applied to the aerator (influent, load); 2. More dificult to treat wastes have caused a change in in- fluent characteristics; 3. Unsuitable mixed liquor suspended solids concentration in, the aerator; 4. Lower or higher rate of wasting activated sludge: 5. Unsuitable rate of returning sludge to the aerator could ad versely influence mixed liquor suspended solids; 6. Higher solids concentrations in digester SUPERNATANT! Feturmed to the plant flow, or return too rapid; * Supamaiat ove per NAY on). qu removed ram sated sludge. Supernatant commonly refers tothe aul boween he shidge anh Botom endive acum ante suacactan anaerobic geste Ths kad caval eure toe en wt wat ore rinan ata 14 Treatment Plants. TREATMENT PROCESS PRETREATMENT INFLUENT SCREENING EUNCTION __ REMOVES, LO07%, LACS, CANE $ LALOE LEBELILS (MALL TOA LAN OELL, OLE POSSIBLE CluMO 8 LEIULN 72 PLANT F0W) [Geir REMOVAL REMOVES SAND EGLAVEL CALL 70 LAND FiLL) FRESHENS WASTE HATER POE-AERATION |g ELS LEMOVE O [FLOW METER | MEASULES % LECORDS row PRIMARY TLEATMENT GEDIMENTATION | LEMOVES SETILEABLE ANO FLOTATION] | $AZ0A7ABLE MATELALS SECONDARY || GOLIDS | 7EATS SOLIDS REMOVED TREATMENT ||WANOLING | Bi OTHER AOCESSES EMOVES SUSPENDED & DESOLVEP SOLIDS. EFFLUENT DIGINFECTION |K/LL5 LATHOGENIC BACTELIA ig. 11.1 Flow diagram of a typical plant 7. Dropping of oxygen concentration in the aerator below de- sirable levels; and 8, Increase or decrease in wastewater temperature. Examination of plant records should reveal the items which have changed that could have upset the treatment process. QUESTIONS Write your answers in a notebook and then compare your answers with those on page 82 11.08 What two major variables atfect the way an activated sludge plant is operated? ‘What problems can be caused in an activated sludge plant when excessive storm water flows through the process? Besides excessive storm water flows, what other vari- ables in the collection system can affect the operation of an activated sludge plant? 11.08, 14.03 Plant Records Accurate daily plant and laboratory records on the items listed below can help the operator determine the best oper- ating ranges for operational controls on the basis of plant per- formance. Records can also indicate when problems develop and help identify the source of the problem, RECORD THE FOLLOWING DATA ON A DAILY BASIS. (Also see Monthly Data Sheet in the Appendix.) 1. Suspended Solids and Volatile Content a. Primary effluent 1. Aerator mixed liquor &. Retu sludge d._ Final clarifier or secondary sedimentation tank effluent 2. BOD, COD, or TOC? ‘a. Plant influent b. Primary effluent Final carier or secondary sedimentation tank effluent te Foe aS ee ne influent wastewater because Te resulls are available in Tour hours and can be used fo contro the activa “Boag pressor many vers opara elena “Bas Fe BOD at ox operatonal coal but the ist Tas the following disadvantages: (1) Procedural errors can cause a large veriation in re- sults. (2) Five days of waiting are required before results are available. (3) Onyy @ portion of the load on the activated sludge process is measured by the tes. 10. 1" ‘Activated Sludge 15 Dissolved Oxygen a. Aerator . Final clanfer or secondary sedimentation tank (inside the effiuent weir) . Final eluent Settleable Solids a. Influent b. Mixed iquor settleabilty test Digester supernatant d. Final effluent >. Temperature a. Influent b. Aerator ©. Final efluent pH a. Infuent b. Primary etfvent ©. Aerator d. Final effluent Carty (SECCH! DISC) or Turbidity (TURBIDIMETERY* a. Final clartier Chlorine Demand a. Final clare effluent 1. Coliform Group Bacteriat a. Plant effluent Moter Readings and Calculations Dally flow Pounds of solids under aeration Pounds of COD or BOD to aerators Pounds of solids in effluent Footum sludge rate Waste sludge rat Ait to aeralors (diffused air system); hours operated at (meche ration} ludge age (0 ‘similar calculations include Food! Microorganism Ratio and Mean Cell Residence Time, (600 Sections 11.71 and 11.73) 1. Pounds of solids in sludge to digester |. Pounds of solids in digester supernatant k. Power cost Daily Observations a. Odors Influent. Color and level of inlow. b c. Primary claiier. Scum and cob. d.Agration tank. Turbulence, color and amount of sur- ‘ace foam and scum. e. Secondary clarifier. Effluent clear or turbid, type of solids on surface and influent. F700 or Total Organic Carbon. TOC measures the amount of organie carbon in water 3 Measure aerator pH inthe aerator or immediately ater sample is collected, because the pH can change very rapidly once the sample is out of the worator. Do not take sample fo tho lab. + Sacchi Disc (SECK-key). trom the wator surface Is the recorded secon asc reading. ‘Ala, whit disc lowered into the water by @ rope until tis ust barely visible. At this point, the depth ofthe disc * Turbidty Moter. An Instrument for measuring the amount of paroles suspended in water. Precise measurements are made by measuring ‘how ligtls scattered by the suspended particles. The normal measuring range is 00 100 and is expressed as Nephelometrc Turbidity Units «nTus), ‘Check with your regulatory agency for test and procedures. Tests approved by agencies include MPN by muliple fermentation tubes, ‘membrane fiter, and fecal coltorm. 16 Treatment Plants {. Return activated sludge. Color and odor. Equipment and motors. Smooth operation, vibrations, ‘noises and temperature. Condition of receiving water upstream and downstream from point of discharge. Accurate records will show when you have established! ‘operating procedures that will produce the best possible effluent. This effluent will be low in COD (or BOD) and sus. ended solids, and the effluent clarity wil be good. Waste loadings and operational procedures will change frequently due to seasonal changes. This requires the operator to con- stantly review the plant records for changes and to make ap- propriate changes to maintain the best possible effluent qual- ity. Process control consists not only of maintaining the equip- ‘ment, but of making a constant daily review of process condi tions to determine when adjustments must be made to com- Pensate for the many variables that can influence effluent qual- ity. Remember that the sight, smell, and touch observations often are your first indications that problems are developing and frequently offer indications of appropriate correctve ac tion QUESTIONS write your answers in @ notebook and then compare your answers with those on page 62. 11,00 Why should the strength or waste load ot the influent to the activated sludge process be measured by the ‘COD test instead of the BOD test? 11.0 Why should the aerator pH be measured in the aerator Instead of the lab? 11.0F Sight and smell observations are often the operator's first indication that process probloms are developing. ‘True or False? 11.04 Typical Lab Results for an Activated Sludge Plant Typical resuits of lab tests (Table 11.1) for an activated sludge plant are provided to assist in the evaluation of lab results and plant performance. Remember that every plant is, ifferent and is influenced by different conditions. 11.05 Design Variables ‘Several diferent types of activated sludge plants have been built using various flow arrangements, tank configurations, or ‘oxygen application equipment. However, all of these variations. are essentially modifications of the basic concept of canven- tional activated sludge, 11.050 Aeration Methods ‘Two methods are commonly used to supply oxygen from the air to the bacteria — MECHANICAL AERATION and DIF- FUSED AERATION. Both methods are mechanical processes ‘with the dtference being whether the mechanisms are at or in ‘the aerator or at a remote location. ‘Mechanical aeration devices agitate the water surface in the ‘aerator to cause spray and waves by paddle wheels (Fig. 7 Siudge Age, days = (Suspended Sol. in Mixed Lia., mgi,) (Aerator Vol, MG) (8:34 Ios/gal) "ary Et, mail) (Flow, MGD) (8.34 bsigal) ‘Guepended Solin = Suspended Sol Under Aeration, bs ‘Suspended Solid Added, IbsId6y TABLE 11.1 TYPICAL LAB RESULTS Jest Location Common Range coo intuont 300-700, Peary EMtuont 200: 400, ral eftvort 30-70 (Gon Act Si) 800 intuon 150-400 mgit Peary tuont {oo-280 Mt Final Eftuent 30-20) male {Gonv-Act SI) SUSPENDED —tntuent SouDs Primary Etont Mod Luar orurn Sudge Final Eftuont ‘Gon Act SI) DISSOLVED Mixed Lievor 05-4 malt OxvEEN Pinal EH (Out) 2:8 male CHLORINE Final Ettuent <01-20 git RESIDUAL Goin) COUFORM Fal Ettuent 2- 700100 Group (Ghorntoa) BACTERIA, MPN cuaniry Foal ettvont sen (Secchi Disc) TURBIDITY Fal Ettuet 1-aNTu (Tarbaimeten oH Intuont os-20 Eihvert 89-88 * Regulatory agencies normally specity a chlorine rasidual remaining afte a certain tme period ‘<-Means less than. For example, ess than 0.1 mg/L. chlorine re sidual 11.2), mixers, rotating brushes, or some other method of splashing water into the air or air into the water where the ‘oxygen can be absorbed. Mechanical aerators in the tank tend to be lower in instalia- tion and maintenance costs. Usually they are more versatile in terms of mixing, production of surface area of bubbles, and ‘oxygen transfer per unit of applied power. Diffused air systems use a device called a diffuser (Fig 11.3) which is used to break up the air stream trom the blower system into fine bubbles in the mixed liquor. The smaller the bubble, the greater the oxygen transfer due to the greater sur- ace area of rising air bubbles surrounded by water. Unfortu- nately, fine bubbles will tend to regroup into larger bubbles while rising unless broken up by suitable mixing energy and turbulence. 11.051 Variation of Activated Sludge Process ‘The activated sludge plant may be operated in any one of three ranges or operational zones on the basis of "SLUDGE AGE"? which is. an expression of pounds of organic loading Fig. 11.2 Mechanical aeration device (eunoy FLCO NC) 18 Treatment Plants Fig. 11.3 Air diffuser (tine bubbles) (Covey Pat alta, Nao Tring Cat, Waar Cuty OmCA/EPA) ‘added per day per pound of organisms maintained in the par- ticular process. Sludge age is a control guide that is widely used and is an indicator ofthe length of time a pound of solids is kept under aeration in the system. If the amount of solids Under aeration remains fairly constant, then an increase in the influent solids load will decrease the sludge age. Use of this, measure of sludge age is recommended for the new activated, sludge plant operator because of the ease in understanding this approach. The experienced operator may not accept this ‘method of control because it ignores the soluble BOD that is related to the solids production but not measured by sus- pended solids tests on the influent The following values are typical sludge ages for different types of municipal activated sludge plants with very ite indus trial waste, Actual loadings must be related to the type of waste and local situation. 1. HIGH-RATE. A high-rate activated sludge plant operates at the highest ioading of food to microorganisms; the sludge {age ranges from 0.5 to 2.0 days. Due to this higher loading the system produces a lower quality of effluent than the ‘other types of activated sludge plants. This system is moro sly upset than others and requires tighter control and frequent testing. 2. CONVENTIONAL. Conventional activated sludge plants are the most common type in use today. The loading of food to ‘microorganisms is approximately 50 percent lower than in a TABLE 11.2 AERATION TANK CAPACITIES AND PERMISSIBLE LOADINGS* “AERATION TANK ORGANIC n Activated Sludge 19 high-rate plant, and the sludge age ranges from 3.5 to 7.0 ‘days. This method of operation produces a high quaity of effluent and is abie to absorb some shock loads without lowering efiuent quality 8. EXTENDED AERATION. Extended aeration is often used in ‘smaller package-type plants (Chapter 8) or so-called com- plete oxidation systems. These are the most stable of the ‘three processes due to the light loading of food to mi- croorganisms, and the sludge age is commonly greater than ten days, Effluent suspended solids commonly are higher than found under conventional loadings. For a summary of the loadings for different types of activated sludge processes, see Table 11.2. There are other variations of activated sludge processes such as contact stabilization, step-feed, Kraus and complete, mix which are discussed in Section 11.9. QUESTIONS Write your answers in a notebook and then compare your ‘answers with those on page 82. 11.06 List two methods of supplying oxygen from air to bac teria in the activated sludge process. 11.0H Write the formuta for calculating sludge age LOADING - Muss" mgiliter ‘Step Aeration 40 1000 - 3000 Complete Mix _ Contact Stabiization 02-06 ‘1000 - 3000 Extended Aeration Oxidation Ditch ees! 0.05 -0.1 3000 - 5000 ‘pon the surlace area provided for sedimentation and the rato of studge return as wall as the aeration process. sn eapacly, nckides both contact and roaeration capacties, Normally bon contact zane equals 30 to 35% of city. ‘+ RECOMMENDED STANDARDS FOR SEWAGE WORKS (10 STATE STANDARDS), Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State Sana Eniears, 1078 Eon, pubtenedy Heat Eason Sarce, PO, Box 728, Ary. NewYork 1224. Pre, 1.75 So shipping and handing » fp BoBiday per 1 © 1b BOD per dayiib MLSS ~ kg BOD per day 5 cut % 16.02 = gmvday per cum = Kg/day per 1000 cu m cr daylkg MLSS END OF LESGON 1 OF BLESSONS (Vo! (OLUME FomM ACTIVATED SLUDGE tas Please answer the discus Continuing with Lesson 2. lon and review questions before 20 Treatment Plants DISCUSSION AND REVIEW QUESTIONS Chapter 11. ACTIVATED SLUDGE (Lesson 1 of 8 Lessons) [At the end of each lesson in this chapter you will ind some discussion and review questions that you should work before ‘continuing. The purpose of these questionsis to indicate to you how well you understand the material in the lesson. Write the answors to these questions in your notebook be- fore continuing, Write the numbers for the correct answers to ‘question 1 on your answer sheet in your notebook. 1. During storms an activated sludge plant wil ceive an i creased inflow which may cause the folowing problems: 1. Dilution of wastes which makes them easy to treat, 2. Reduced wastewater time in treatment units, 3 Increased amounts of git and sil, 4. Increased organic loading, and ‘5. Fluctuating wastewater temperatures. Which possible answers are correct? CHAPTER 11. 2. How can the operator attompt to reduce problems caused by waste discharges into the collection system? 3. How can maintenance activities in a collection system ‘cause operational problems in an activated sludge treat- ‘ment plant? 4. What can the operator determine trom laboratory test re- sults on the plant effivent? 5. What are some of the disadvantages of using the BOD test for operational control? 6. The operator of an activated sludge plant must constantly review plant records and make appropriate changes to ac count for seasonal changes. True or False? 7. What is the difference between mechanical aeration and diffused aeration? ACTIVATED SLUDGE OPERATION OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE PLANTS (Lesson 2 of 8 Lessons) 11.1. AERATION SYSTEMS 11.10 Purpose of Aeration Aeration serves the dual purpose of providing dissolved ‘oxygen and mixing of the mixed liquor and wastewater in the aeration tank. Two methods are commonly used to disperse ‘oxygen from the air to the microorganisms — MECHANICAL ‘AERATION and DIFFUSED AERATION. Oxygen also may be provided to the microorganisms by PURE OXYGEN systems (Gee Chapter 21, Volume II) 14.11, Mechanical Aeration Systems ‘Surface aerators use a motor-driven rotating impeller (Fig 11.4) of a brush rotor (Volume 1, Chapter 8, Fig. 8.11). Both devices splash the mixed liquor into the atmosphere above the ‘eration tank, Oxygen transfer to the mixed liquor is achieved by this method of aeration as the mixed liquor passes through the atmosphere. Surface aerators either float (for use in aer- ‘ated ponds) or are mounted on supports in or above an aera- tion basin, In ponds they are equipped with draft tubes to im- prove their mxing characteristics. AA surface aerator’s oxygen transfer efficiency is stated in terms of oxygen transferred per motor horsepower per hour ‘Typical oxygen transier efficiencies are about two to three ‘pounds of oxygen per hour per motor horsepower (1.2 to 1.8 kgihrikW). The oxygen transfer efficiency increases as the ‘submergence of the aerator is increased. However, power Header A large pipe to ‘costs also increase because more power is required to move the aerator impeller or agitator through the mixed liquor due to, ‘greater submergence and increased load on the drive motor. ‘The turbine aerator (Volume II}, Chapter 21) Is another type ‘of motor-driven mechanical aerator. Turbine aerators are fe ‘quently used in the complete mix or pure oxygen activated sludge process. An outside source of air is supplied to the aerator, usualy from a blower or oxygen-generating system. ‘Turbine aorators aro more efficient and use less horsepower than standard surface aerators because the extra air supply ¢zeates turbulence inthe inmedate area of he rng a bub- 11.12. Diffused Aeration Systems Diffused aeration systems are the most common type of aeration system used in the activated sludge process. A di- {user breaks up the air stroam from the blowers into fine bub bles in the mixed liquor. The aeration tank distribution system ‘consists of numerous diffusers attached to the bottom of air HEADERS? and located near the bottom of the aeration tank. Ditfusers located in this position maximize the contact time of the air bubbles with the mixed liquor. Also, this location en- ‘courages mixing and discourages deposits on the tank bottom. ‘Athough diftused aeration is used in the aeration tanks of activated sludge plants, it may also be found in aerated grit ‘chambers, pre-aeration systems, aerated flow channels, and return sludge wet wall aeration, ch the ends ofa series of smaller pipes are connected. Also called @ “maniold.” Activated Sludge 21 Fig. 11.4 Bridge mounted surface aerators. Motor, gear reducer and impeller shown (Courant Chin Ban Maal Wat tt) 22. ‘Treatment Plants 11.120 Al Filters Filters (Fig, 11.5) remove dust, dirt, and grease from air before it is compressed and sent to the various plant pro- casses. Clean air is essential for the protection of: 1. Blowers: ‘a. Large objects entering the impellers or lobes may cause severe damage. b. Deposits on the impellers or lobes reduce clearances: land cause excessive wear and vibration problems. 2. Process systems a. Clean air is required by downstream equipment. . Clean air prevents fouling of air conduits, pipes, tubing ‘or dispersing devices on difusers. Tho fters may be constructed of a fiber mesh or metal mesh material that is sandwiched between a screen material and encased in a frame. The fiter frames are then installed in a ‘ier chamber. The process air is usually drawn directy trom the atmos- phere. Some treatment plants have pre-treatment and primary treatment process tanks covered for odor control. In plants of this type, odorous air is also drawn from under these covered tanks. 11.121 Blowers (Process Alr Compressors) (Figures 11.6 and 11.7) Blowers are of the positive displacement type or the cen- tritugal type that provide air to the various plant processes through a diffuser system. Usually postive displacement blow- ‘ers operate at low RPMs and produce less than 20,000 CFM (670 cu m/min) while centritugal blowers operate at high RPMs land produce from 20,000 to 150,000 CFM (570 to 4300 cu mvmin) POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT BLOWERS The positive displacement blower (Fig. 11.8) provides a constant volume (cubic feet or cubic meters) output of ar por revolution of the rotors or lobes. Blower output is varied by ‘changing rotor or lobe speed (Revolutions. Per Minute). The higher the RPM, the greater the alr output. Usually output from positive displacomert blowers ranges from 100 to 2,000 cubic feet per minute (cim) (3 to 57 cu mimin). They are installed to bo operated at a fixed volume output and directly driven by electric motors through direct coupings or sheaves and belts. Changes in air volume may be accomplished by changing sheaves to Increase or decrease blower rotor or lobe rotation (RPM), thus increasing or decreasing air output Large positive displacement blowers (2,000 to 20,000 CFM (57 to 570 cu m/min) also may be driven by internal combus- tion engines or variable speed electric motors in order to change blower volume outputs as required in activated sludge plants. By increasing or decreasing engine or motor RPM, the positive cisplacement blower output can be increased or de- creased. ‘The air ines are connected to the blower through a flexible coupling in order to keep vibration to a minimum and to allow {or heat expansion. When air is compressed, heat is gener- ated, thus increasing the discharge temperature as much as 100 degrees F (56°C), or more. A check valve follows next which prevents the blower from ‘operating in reverse should other blowers in the same system be operating while this blower is off ‘The discharge line from the blower is equipped with an air relief valve which protects the blower from excessive back- pressure and overload. Air relief valves are adjusted by "weights or springs to open when air pressure exceeds a point above normal operating range, around 6.0 to 10.0 psi (0.4 to 0.7 kg/sq cm) in most wastewater treatment plants ‘An aie discharge silencer is also installed to provide DEC- IBEL® noise reduction. Ear protective devices should be wom when working near noisy blowers. Tne impellers are machined on all exterior surfaces for operating at close tolerances; they are statically and dynami cally balanced. Impeller shafts are made of machined steel ‘and are securely fastened to the impellers. Timing gears aceu- rately position the impellers, Lubrication to the gears and bearings is maintained by a lube oll pump driven from one of the impeller shafts. An oil pressure gage monitors the system oil pressure. An oil fiter is, focated in the oll sump to insure that the ols free trom foreign, materials. An oll level is maintained in the gear housing so that ‘gears and bearings will receive splash lubrication in case of lube oil pump failure. Air vents are located between the seals, ‘and the impeller chamber to relieve excessive pressure on the seal. CENTRIFUGAL BLOWERS The centitugal blower (Fig. 11.9) is a motor to speed- increasing gear criven biower thal provides a variable air out- put. Minimum through maximum air output is controlled by ‘Guide vanes, which are located on the intake side ofthe blower {nnd are normally positioned manvally by operating personnel In many plants they also are controled by plant instumenta- tion by elther dissolved oxygen levels in the aeration tanks or by pant influent flows, ‘The blower consists of an impeller, VOLUTE'S casing, shatt ‘and bearings, speed-increasing gear box, and an electric ‘motor or internal combustion engine to drive the unit, Air enters the volute casing through an inlet nozzle and is picked up by the whiting vanes of the impelior where it is hurled by cen- trifugal force into the volute casing. Air enters the volute in its ‘smallest section and moves in a circular motion to the largest ‘section of the volute where itis discharged through the dis- ‘charge nozzle. Air lines are connected to the blower through flexible cou- plings in order to keep vibration to @ minimum and to allow for heat expansion. The air suction line is usually equipped with a manually operated butterfly valve. Air bypass and discharge Valves are usually electrically or pneumatically operated. The impeller is machined on all surtaces for operating at lose tolerances and is statically and dynamically balanced. ‘The impeller shaft is supported in a shaft bearing stand which contains a thrust bearing and journal bearings. Decibel A unt fr expressing the relative intensity of sounds on a scale from zero for the average leas! perceptible sound to about 190 for the average pain level. '® Volute(vol-LOOT). The spira-shaped casing which surrounds @ pump, blower, or turbine impeller and collects the liquid or gas dis ‘charged by te impeller. Activated Sludge 23 (ae, * oar Dust and dirt fiters in after chamber Grease fiters at a primary sedimentation inlet channel 4. Fitter elements 2, Filter chamber 3. Filtor chamber inlet presoure tube to manometer or wator ‘column gage Filter chamber outlet pressure tube to manometer or water ‘column gage ‘Manometer on a fiter chamber (not a U-tube manometer) reading inches of pressure difference Fig. 11.5 Air Fitors 24 Treatment Plants 2. As the rotors turn away from each other on the inlet side, air 3. The pockets of air along and around the rotor axes, then {is drawn into pockets formed between the rotors and the join and diminish in volume, thus compressing the air. The ceasing wal. airflow is smooth and continuous, without pumping or surg- ing. Fig. 11.6 How a rotary positive-displacement compressor, works (Parmasion of Creag Pane) Activated Sludge 25 Non rubbing labyrinth seals “Timing gears synchronize ing labyr the rotors and maintain at each end of both rotors, close tolerances, Control outleakage. Holical rotors. Oil is force-fed to all gears Slingers are used to keep and bearings by a builtin oil out of the compression gear pump. chamber. ‘Antirition bearings. fay view of rotary posttive-displacement compressor (aie ot Cg Pome) 26 Treatment Plants 4. motor 2" belts 3. sheaves '4© airline (suction) 5. airline (discharge) 6. flexible coupling 7. check valve 8. air rolief valve 9. air discharge silencer 10." impellers. 41. lube oll pump 12. ool prassure gage 43. oll fiter 14. il level indicator and reservoir 15. oll seal air vents, 16. inlet valve 17" discharge valve 18. oil temperature gage 19. belt guard * Not marked on photos Fig. 11.8 Positive displacement blower Activated Sludge 27 impolier casing motor speed increasing gears guide vanes. intake nozzle discharge nozzle flexible coupling ‘manual suction line valve bypass valve 10. discharge valve 11. bearing stand 12, main oll pump 13. auxiliary ol pump 14, oil reservoir 15. couplings Fig. 11.9 Centnfugal blower 28 Treatment Plants. Lubrication to the bearings and gears is maintained by a Positive displacement main oll pump that is driven by the Speed-inoreasing gear unit. An auxikary electrically operated Centrifugal oll pump also is used to provide all pressure in the event of failure ofthe main oll pump and to lubricate the blower shaft bearings before star-up and after shutdown. The oll e- senoir is located in the blower baseplate. Cartridge type oF

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