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The Legend Of BumiAyu Temple

A long time ago, when the Srivijaya Kingdom was still experiencing glory, there was a Patih who was
given a gift of a grove by the King of the jungle.

The area was opened to villages and agricultural land. Before Patih got there, next to the forest
there was a small village. For a while Patih built a house there. The people there call him Abang
which in ancient Malay means a man who is respected. And if the residents of that hamlet who want
to go to their house always say they want to go to Tanah Abang, which means they want to go to the
house of my brother or Patih, then by the Patih the area is named Tanah Abang. Days after Days,
Sundays turn to Sundays, months knit years, finally the forest has been transformed into agricultural
land and villages. The Patih also built a house there. Seeing the fertile land, many residents asked
for permission to live there.

Then Patih went to Sriwijaya together with some soldiers to pick up his wife. After taking Patih
months back to Tanah Abang, Patih was appointed Duke there. The Patih ruled justly and wisely, the
people loved him and loved his wife very much. Happiness is complete when Patih’s wife gives birth
to a beautiful baby girl, to celebrate her patih holding a people’s party and giving the name, the child
is named Putri Ayu. Putri Ayu grew into a beautiful girl. The Duke and his wife really spoiled their
only child, whatever should always be obeyed, this makes Putri Ayu become arrogant.

One day the bachelor and the girl convened to discussing to celebrate this year’s harvest party, the
bachelor girls were about to contribute a dance in pairs and when Putri Ayu found out that she had
to pair up with a farmer’s son, Putri Ayu was angry.

“Cuiih, I don’t want to partner with him!, it’s not proper for a duke’s son to dance with a poor
bachelor like you!”

Putri Ayu spat in front of the bachelor’s face, the bachelor’s face was red, really he was very, very
humiliated to be treated like this.

“But ... Putri Ayu is the only one who is capable of dancing and matches the Princess,” said a girl lit

“Huu… who wants it! I don’t want to dance with you, it’s so embarrassing for the only daughter of
the Duke to dance with the Dusun’s footman!”

“I will dance alone and don’t dream of being able to dance with Putri Ayu,” said Putri Ayu

That’s how when the Harvest Party arrived, Putri Ayu actually pulled her own graceful movements,
really beautiful to look at. At the harvest party this time the handsome prince came as the guest of
honor. Putri Ayu tries to look her best, to attract the attention of the prince. But the two bachelors
had hidden behind the door and had stretched out the rope.

The curtain on the door opened, walking around with a tray filled with plates of food, she smiled.
Only a few seconds suddenly, Break....!!, Putri Ayu fell. “Praaang” the plate in her hand fell, broke
into pieces

“haa..ha..ha” the sound of laughter boomed. Everyone laughed at Putri Ayu. His face reddened with
embarrassment, he shouted “insolent! Who harmed me?”

“I really don’t know customs. I know the bachelor girls who reproach me, because they don’t like
me, because you are jealous!” Putri Ayu sobbed.
“I swear! All Srivijaya who are residents here will be swallowed up by the Earth and everything
related to us will turn to stone, if you don’t like us then we will leave but we will not leave this place
because we who have opened it we will become inhabitants of nature unseen” And when Putri Ayu
said her oath, she ran into the field until there she cried.

Lightning flashed, thunder shouted, suddenly the ground moved and they. Princess Ayu’s beautiful
body Swallowed the Earth.

Along with that, houses, temples, viaharas and objects related to the Srivijayan disappeared into the
Earth, and all the Srivijayan blooded people disappeared without a trace.

When the thunderstorm subsided, it looked like the flat ground had been hilly, as if it was
swallowing something. I don’t know what’s in it? But now it is known that it was temples and
houses that had turned to stone and were swallowed up by the earth. It’s the Bumi Ayu Temple

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