Ibraham Diaz - Student - Thursday, 10-21 Test Prep Practice Such

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We will be working on our Test Taking Skills on Thursdays. WHY? Several Reasons!

(1) Many of us get anxious, nervous or easily frustrated during tests. Practicing questions ahead of time will help you

‌ what kind of questions to expect. Knowing what you will be facing can help you be ready.
(2) Many
‌ of us want to rush though questions without making sure we have read the question CAREFULLY. Practicing
‌ will help you know what to focus on when you read test questions.

Question 1.

(3) Tests use fancy, official math vocabulary and

terms that can be confusing and difficult to read.
Practicing questions will help us understand what
the language of math is saying and asking.
(4) Many of us feel like giving up as soon as we
come to a question we don't understand. We just
guess to get it over with. And then don't feel like
trying after that... Practicing questions will help
us figure out ways we can try to solve questions,
even if we are not sure what to do. We can focus ‌
on WHAT WE DO KNOW and work from there.
We won't know everything! Almost nobody gets
perfect scores on these tests! They are difficult
and are supposed to be difficult!
We will practice focusing on what we know and
be proud of ourselves for our effort and hard
work! We will continue with confidence even if
we know we did not answer a question correctly.
~~There are many, many other reasons why
practicing test type questions will help us with the
real test. And we will talk about these as we

‌ Just remember, a basketball player only
‌ improves with practice! A trumpet player only

improves with practice! It's the same when we

‌ take tests! Test takers improve with practice -
‌ both with the subject matter AND with our test

taking skills!
‌ LET'S GO!!!

Question 2.

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